Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

There was a time in Anthony's life when he would adamantly reject any interference into his personal life, especially if it was his mother who was the one running the interference. But she had ran her offensive in a candy-coated web of deceit and gotten him to believe it was Benedict's idea when it was her and Agatha Danbury's plan all along.

The only thing was, he found out too late and it was too late to cancel this blasted blind-date. A temper tantrum thrown by his four-year-old because his papa was leaving, he thought was going to be his saving grace, but NO. His mother decided that she was going to take Edmund and Miles to the very same restaurant, that very same night instead of cooking them dinner at home. So Edmund could keep his eyes on his papa and eat at the very same time.

So here he was... His mother ten feet away with his four and two year old enjoying chicken strips and macaroni and cheese, as they usually did from the children's menu at restaurants such as this, and he was here, dressed to the nines, waiting for a woman he has only seen an Instagram profile picture of (as her profile was private), and allowing his mother to interfere in his life...once again.

Her name was Kate, and that was all he knew. His mother seemed to think the less he knew the better, which has never boded well for him before. She had introduced him to Sienna after all. A daughter of one of her society friends. And after two children and an iron clad prenup with a clause that contained infidelity, Sienna was high and dry and only got the boys every other weekend at her mother's house. Some people think him a heartless bastard for treating the mother of his children the way he had in their divorce, but few knew the exact reason of their divorce, and in that, he was merciful.

It would have ruined her life.

He was stewing over that and his mother when a tall woman in a long black dress with a slit that went straight to the delights that he decided in that moment he would definitely like to explore showed up at his table. She was gorgeous, and somewhat harried. Her hair was long and loose and wavy down her back. She didn't slam her clutch onto the table so much as she forced it down and out of her hand.

"Anthony Bridgerton," she asked, and he nodded. "I'm going to give it to you straight," she said as she sat down. "I am Kate Sharma. I'm 28. I am a doctor, a microbiologist. I am originally from Colorado, I moved to California a few years ago when I took a job in pharmaceuticals. And I have a daughter who is two months old, and because I am so anal as to her care and I am on maternity leave and have not selected a nanny she is currently sitting over there," she pointed to the bar where Agatha Danbury was currently sitting on a stool, sipping a martini, with a car seat on the stool next to her and a sleeping baby inside with a cover that said "Please do not touch me. Your germs are too large for me to handle."

"Because no man has the endurance to stay with me," Kate continued on in her monologue, "I decided to take my life into my own hands. And since the only reason a woman needs a man is because the parts fit, and well, there are ways to have a child without that, I went for it. And you seem like a reasonable guy, so if you want to leave now that you know my story, you can." She stopped and raised a glass of water to her lips, almost daring him to rise and leave.

But all he could do was try and stop the grin spreading across his face.

It did not work.

He cleared his throat and leaned forward, pointing in the direction of his sons and their grandmother who now was watching them closely but had the decency to blush. "I am Anthony Bridgerton. Thirty-six. I am a doctor, an anesthesiologist. And those two boys over there currently smearing macaroni onto the nice tablecloth are my little boys. They are four and two." He noticed her eyes widened as she slowly sat back in her chair and sat her glass down. "Our family moved here before I was a baby, my mother you will notice still has a British accent, and since you know Agatha Danbury, that is how they know each other. And since you seem a little out of sorts and that has me intrigued, I am going to order you a drink, -"

"I am breast-,"

"I am a doctor, Miss Sharma. I know that a little drink will not harm your milk."

She blushed and he laughed as he hailed down a waiter. His mom seemed to exhale and turned back to the children, where Edmund was currently painting the barbecue sauce onto the tablecloth now. She knocked over her water in her rush to stop him, causing him to cry out in alarm and then anger. He chuckled softly.

Good... His mother deserved it.

Once he ordered a red wine for the table, and an appetizer that they both agreed on, he was relieved to realize that Kate was not as uptight as she originally seemed. She had a wicked sense of humor, laughing at a waitress who was ogling him, and joking about their waiter trying to sneak a peek down her dress.

"So, tell me what made you decide to make such a decision as having a child all on your own. I admire your courage, but I do not think, going back if I were on my own, that I would do the same."

"I have always wanted to be a mother, since I was six and my stepmother came into my life. I wanted to be just like her. She showed me such grace and gave me such dignity. And when my father passed away, she still loved me all the same. I am as much her daughter as the daughter she bore. And now she is the perfect grandmother. And with my signing bonus, I bought her her dream home in Colorado."

"Well deserved, I am sure."

"Hmm," she nodded. The even proceeded not as planned for either of them, he was sure. He told her of his own family, of his eight siblings. Of how annoyed he could be by them but how he loved them anyway. His meddling mother, and his father who gave her everything, but how they were outstanding parents and grandparents as well. She spoke of her little sister, whom she adored and was putting through college. He spoke of his marriage and subsequent divorce and of why he had full custody of his children. They spoke of their shared love of a good hike, and their fear of the ocean. Kate spoke on how she was unsettled by rainstorms and how she feared that she would pass that on to her daughter. He spoke of his son's onery tendencies, but their love of sports and books and how he changed his career path from a level one trauma hospital to something less exciting work wise, but the outpatient surgery clinic gave him better hours and a better work/life balance so he could be with his sons.

The time flew by, and their dinners grew cold as they barely remembered they were there also to eat. And then the particularly sharp cry of an infant broke into their revery. Kate almost jumped. "Oh! I almost forgot," she jumped up and rushed over to Agatha Danbury who was half asleep by now. They would need to call her an Uber. He looked to his sons. He laughed as his own mother was also half asleep. Miles was asleep with his head on the table, and Edmund was playing with his mother's phone, probably watching Paw Patrol.

He caught Kate's attention and motioned to his own mother. "Shall we call them an Uber, and perhaps have a night cap."

"You should know I do not sleep with guys on the first date," she smirked, and he grinned. "But I am rather hungry," she motioned to their untouched meals. A decision made he quickly paid all three tabs, even though Kate protested as he knew she would, and quickly put both matrons into the Uber with directions to home and a paid fair in advance. By then Kate had calmed the baby down, and Edmund was cleaned of the macaroni and cheese and barbecue sauce mess that was his face. Miles was asleep on his shoulder, and he had Edmund by the hand as they walked out of the restaurant.

"Did you drive," he asked as they approached his car.

"Agatha did," she said with a grin.

"To get you here."


He laughed. "Well, worry not. I am a safe driver, and there is plenty of room in here for her seat."

"The base though," she bit her lip.

He buckled Edmund into his own car seat in the back of his SUV and lifted the seat up that they normally kept down for easier access. He then buckled in Miles, whom he had placed in his seat earlier but hadn't buckled yet, as it was easier to do Edmund first before he could escape. He reached for the baby carrier that Kate had in her hand. When she hesitated, he placed his hand over hers gently.

"I know what it is to be overprotective of your baby. But believe me... I have been here before. Trust me."

She hesitated a moment more and then slowly handed him her precious cargo. He snuck a peak in at the baby who was quiet but wide awake. "Hello there," he said softly as he sat her carrier in the seat and brought the safety belt around. "You are quite beautiful with all that hair," he chuckled. "You must get that from your mama." Kate chuckled. He brought a strap with a hook from the back of the carrier and connected it to the hook on the back of the seat after the seatbelt was in place. The carrier was going nowhere. Kate gasped.

"I didn't even know it had that!" Kate looked at the strap in awe.

"Who dat," Edmund pointed to the carrier.

"This is," he looked to Kate. She had never actually mentioned the baby's name.

"India," she said softly. "For my mother." He nodded and turned back to his son.

"This is India. And she is a baby. And she is going to come home with us tonight to visit, is that alright?"

"Baby like Ava," he asked. Ava was Sienna's daughter who was about a year old now.

"Well, I think she is a little smaller. And," he gently took Kate by the arm. "This is daddy's friend, Kate. Do you mind if she comes over?"

Edmund's eyes widened. "Ooh you pretty," he giggled and covered his face. Kate chuckled.

"Thank you, sir. And you are quite handsome!" She laid the baby's bag on the floor in front of the carrier.

"I do not have any clothes to change into," she said quietly as she climbed into the front seat.

"Do not worry," he winked at her. "You will not need any," he laughed, and she pushed his arm. "I am joking. You can borrow some of mine for the night."

"Thank you."

"Does the baby have all she needs," he asked, and she blushed. "Of course she does," he laughed. "Did you pack her entire nursery in that bag?"

"I do not know what she will or will not need when we are away," she said softly as she looked down at her hands that were in her lap. "I just want to be prepared."

"Kate," he said softly and reached over to grab one of her hands in his own. "I am teasing. I know what it is to be a single parent. To always think anything you do for your child will never be enough. Your baby is healthy. She is beautiful. She wants for nothing. Know thatthatis enough.Thatis what she needs from you."

"It is harder than I thought it would be," she admitted quietly as she looked out the window, they made their way to Anthony's home in Hidden Hills.

"Nothing worthwhile is easy. At least that is what my father always says. It is why I stayed in my marriage so long," he looked at her when she tightened her grip on his hand. "Where is your home?"

"I have a townhome in Calabasas," she said quietly. "It is not much but we get by."

"My brother and sister have a home there. It's not that far," he remarked as he pulled into the gated community at Hidden Hills. Her eyes widened and she shifted uncomfortably. "It is old family money inherited from my grandfather. And while I cannot say that it hasn't been to my advantage, I do work hard to afford living here. The Bridgertons are old money from England. We invest, we plan, we spend rarely. Do not let us intimidate you."

"I lived on Top Ramen and diet co*ke in college," she whispered.

"Me too," he grinned. "Only because I wanted a true college experience, and got a job, and refused my father's assistance until medical school. And then I barely ate, I was studying so much."

"Like me while working on my dissertation," she grinned, and he felt relieved.

"Exactly so," he laughed as he pulled up the long drive to his home. "What made you choose microbiology?"

"I find it fascinating that something as small as spore of yeast that given the right environment can rise up and kill us all," she said so matter-of-factly that he had to step on the brakes and stare at her in disbelief. She laughed at him. "I told you I had a dark sense of humor."

"Seems that way," he chuckled, and he reached blue toothed his garage door open.

"We are home," Edmund shouted. "Miles wake up!"

"Edmund," he said sternly as he parked the car. "Son. If you wake up your brother, you and I are going to go up to your room and have a talk." Edmund pouted and sat back in his seat. He was quite the naughty child when he wanted to be, and he had been subjected to many of his father's talks.

As it was, Miles' car seat was behind Kate's seat and India's carrier was behind his own. Kate on her own terms, opened his son's door, and gently unbuckled the boy, gently lifting him into her arms, his head found respite in the crook of her neck where it met her shoulder. He sighed a little. "Oh," she said softly. "I am in love."

"He will do that to you," he laughed gently as he unbuckled the carrier, lifting it out of the car. He sat it down on the garage floor, while he lowered the seat to get to his eldest child.

"Daddy," Edmund reached for him. "Is Kate staying here?"

"For tonight," he said, and he helped the boy from the car.

"Is that ok," she asked softly as she came around the car to meet them. Edmund reached for her hand.

"You are nicer than my mommy, I think. My mommy never asks me. She yells cause she is mad at daddy." Kate stopped and carefully because she still held Miles in her arms.

She looked into his son's eyes, on his level. "Look at me, angel boy," she said quietly. "Your mommy should not be doing that but listen to me. If she does yell at you, it is not because of you. It is not your fault," she took her hand and lifted his chin, so his gaze met hers. "Understand?"

He shuffled his feet back and forth before nodding. "Want to see my fort," Kate, he asked excitedly. "I made it big with Uncle Ben. He builds big buildings!"

"Does he," Kate followed him, amused while Anthony picked up the carrier and closed the garage door. It would not do for any critters to get into the garage. They had already had to call somebody to come rehome a rattlesnake earlier this month.

"Benedict is a contractor," Anthony explained.

"Ah," she laughed.

Luckily enough he still had a few of Miles' things stored away for when his youngest niece and nephew visited for the night when Daphne and Simon needed a night out and decided to dump their three kids on him because Nana and Papa spoiled them too much. He quickly found the portable play pen with the bassinet, and expertly assembled it. Kate came back down the stairs.

"Edmund showed me his room," she said softly, and I saw Miles' room next, so I found him a sleeper, and I changed him and laid him down. I hope that is alright."

"Of course."

"He is very sweet. And Edmund is playing in his room. He is watching Paw Patrol."

"There was a time before I was a father when I would scoff at anybody who would allow their children so much screen time. My children of course would never." He put a bassinet sheet around the portable mattress and then it was complete. "But then I became a single father, and sometimes it is all I can do." He knelt down in front of the carrier and then looked up. "May I," he grinned, and Kate nodded. He gently unbuckled the infant in her carrier and lifted her out gently, bringing her against his chest. She stretched in a way newborns do and curled up into his chest.

And he lost a little piece of his heart in that moment.

This whole night was as unexpected as it was special.

Kate was special. Her daughter was special.

He would send his mother and Agatha Danbury flowers in the morning, but he would not give them the benefit of telling them they were right this time.

He laid the infant down and she stretched out, her wide eyes, her mother's eyes, stared up at him. "I should get you a change of clothes, and some food," he turned to Kate. "I am going to go get Edmund ready for bed," he motioned to the baby. "She needs fed if her sucking on her hand is an indication," she laughed and he chuckled, and reached for her hand. He pulled her into him gently and like the waiter, but with more of a brazen touch, he snuck a peek down her dress. "Those are fabulous."

"Breastfeeding, -" she said a bit breathlessly.

"Fantastic nature," he whispered.

"I am only here because of Agatha," she said just as quietly.

"Lucky me," he said before pulling her mouth to his own and kissing her deeply. As first kisses went, this was probably the best of his life. Kate had said she hadn't dated around much, she hadn't had the time. But she was an expert kisser. She moaned into his mouth as she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Do not stop," she whispered.

"We must," he grinned. "I have a son who is quite vocal, and questions everything, and I have yet to feed you," he kissed her again gently. "And your little girl needs feeding as well." India cooed from her spot. She seemed a happy baby, the only negative noise he had heard from her so far was the sharp cry she let out, and chance are that was to let people know she was awake. Bringing the attention back to India cause Kate to shake out of her stupor from their kiss.

"Oh," she exclaimed and reached for her baby, but he stopped her. "Do not feel guilty for wanting time for yourself," he said quietly. "That does not make you a bad parent. That makes you human. We all need intimacy at some point or another. Ok," he said, and she nodded. "Feed her. I'll be right back down."

Edmund was just as talkative as ever when he was fighting sleep, but tonight it was something different. There was something different in his eyes that belayed a different kind of excitement. It was a look he had never seen on his son's face before. "Is Kate like Tom, daddy?"

Tom Dorset. His former best friend. Father to Sienna's child, Ava.

"Well, I would like her to be. What do you think," he helped the boy push his arms into the sleeves of his pajamas.

"I like her better than Mr. Tom. She is nicer to me, I think."


"Mmhmm. She talks to me."

"She does, doesn't she."

"Mmhmm. And not like a baby."

"Well, you aren't a baby anymore, buddy."

"Mommy says I am. So does Tom."

"Well, you listen to daddy. You are growing up to be a very brave and bright and handsome young man. And I am so proud of you."

"Can I give Kate a kiss goodnight, Daddy?"

"She is feeding the baby right now, but she will be here in the morning."

"Can we have waffles," he exclaimed.

"With fruit," Anthony chuckled as he helped the boy crawl into bed. "And bacon?"

"Does Kate like bacon," he bit his lip worriedly.

"If she doesn't, we can make her something else."

"Daddy, is baby India coming to live with us too?"

"Ok buddy," Anthony chuckled and tucked the blanket around him. "Let us not get ahead of ourselves ok. Let's enjoy this time, ok?" Edmund nodded and let out a yawn. Anthony leaned in and kissed his forehead gently. "I love you buddy."

"Even when I am naughty?"

"Even then."

"But I am not all the time naughty, am I daddy?"

"No, you are a very good boy."

"Kate says I am too."

"She does. She likes you very much."

"Hmm. She is really pretty, huh daddy."

"So pretty," Anthony agreed.

"I'm going to marry her one day, I think. Like nana and papa."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Edmund nodded, and Anthony chuckled as he flipped on the nightlight and turned off the lights.

"Goodnight, my heart," he said quietly. "I love you."

"Love you too, daddy," Edmund's voice carried across the room quietly. He was already half asleep.

He found a t-shirt and shorts in the guest bedroom that Simon and Daphne used when they stayed over and carried them downstairs. The infant was being burped and was drowsy against her shoulder as Kate patted her back gently. She was looking outside from the long wall of windows, overlooking his backyard and the rest of Hidden Hills. "I brought some clothes," he held up the outfit and she smiled at him gratefully.

The baby let out a soft burp, which seemed to startle her. He chuckled softly. "She does that. Every time she lets out a burp it startles her."

"Very cute."

Kate gently laid her daughter down. "Thank you for the clothes."

"They are my sisters."

"Ok," she laughed.

"I just wanted you to know. I never have women over here."

"Why did you bring me back, then?"

"Because I sense we are the same, and I want to learn more about you," he admitted as he walked into the kitchen. "I am really good at pasta," he grinned, and she nodded.


The early night after their children went to sleep turned into dinner in front of a television that they had on but were not watching. Kate's conversation was never boring, and she was damn smart. When she spoke of her work, he could barely follow, but when he spoke of his, she could follow easily. It turned out that her father was a doctor, a surgeon, who died too soon of a cancer.

"Everybody talks about how when somebody does, they lost their fight. But why is it like that? My dad foughtand he fought hard. Hewonhis battle," she sniffed.

"Sweetheart," he whispered. "Of course, he won. Cancer, any kind of sickness really. It is ruthless. The fact that he made it so long through chemo. Sometimes the body needs rest. And the only way it can get that is by giving up. He won his fight. He won his fight by fighting the illness and raising two very strong daughters. He had a happy marriage. He left you only happy memories. He won."

"Nobody has ever understood me when I have said that before," she cried.

"I understand," he said gently and took her into his arms. "I understand you completely."

"I am sorry," she cried and wiped her eyes. "I am a mess."

"No," he said gently and wiped a tear off of her cheek with his finger. "No. You are strong and brave and beautiful... Just like your daughter."

The night continued on, and she did end up in his bed, but nothing happened. And for the first time in a long time, when he woke up in the morning, she was in his arms, the baby awakes and moving around in the basinet beside them, and Miles was chattering in his room, he could hear him through the baby monitor.

For the first time in a long time... He could breathe with the first light of day.

And then he heard his mother downstairs.

"I brought breakfast!"

He groaned and his head fell back to the pillow. He really had to take her key.

Chapter 2


The morning after...

Chapter Text

Anthony got out of bed quickly when he heard his mother's footsteps walking up the stairs. She would surely stop in Edmund's room first. Her grandchildren were usually her first priority. He went around to Kate's side of the bed where the portable bassinet was and lifted the infant from her bed. She really was a beautiful little girl. "Goodness," he whispered to the baby as he brought her to his chest. He reached into the bassinet and lifted her pacifier out, hoping the pacifier would soothe her for at least another hour, so Kate could rest. He had a feeling that she had not had somebody close to talk to for a long time. Last night had been an emotional release for her, much in the same way it was for him. He had missed that aspect of marriage. While he could not claim to love Sienna for the entirety of it, the respect he had for her, solely because she was the mother of his children, was something of import. He missed being there for her.

Sienna had a lot of demons. An overbearing mother and an absentee father. And he had tried to be there for her through it all. But there came a time when Sienna's priorities were not him, or their boys, and he had to let it go for the sake of their family. Staying in a marriage could be just as damaging to a child as divorcing. His sister Daphne, the family therapist, was constantly harping on that to Penelope and Colin. Colin had a wandering eye, though he never went as far as being physical with women outside their marriage.

Anthony had stayed in as long as he could, but then when he finally decided to let it go on Edmund's third birthday, he felt a giant weight lift off his shoulder. Their prenup would make the divorce easy. And while he had to literally have the police physically remove Sienna from his home, he made sure his children were not home to see that. There was no need for them to see their mother at rock bottom.

"You are much smaller than both of my boys have ever been," he put her pacifier in her mouth, and she accepted it. Her wide eyes were dark brown, so dark you could barely see her pupils. And her hair, a shiny dark brown, almost black, with waves that were beginning to need taming. But she was a peaceful baby. She had probably come into her mama's life at a time when Kate desperately needed her.

And that is why Kate was so intense about protecting her.

He quietly made sure Kate was not cold, and the two of them made their way out of his bedroom door in time to catch his mother, holding Edmund's hand with one hand and the other was raised to knock on his door. She gave him a look of disapproval.

"Anthony," she said. Her tone said it all. It was like when she caught him at sixteen with his girlfriend after prom.

"Do not start mother. Nothing happened. We talked and we slept." He closed the door behind him.

"Daddy, are we making waffles for Kate," Edmund dropped his nana's hand and reached for his own.

"I brought breakfast," his mother said as she hurried behind him into Miles' room.

"Hello little man," Anthony said softly as he lifted Miles from his crib onto his opposite hip. Miles looked at the baby curiously as he sucked on a finger. Miles would not want anybody but him for a while, so his mother did not even try to reach for him.

"No nana, I want to cook for Kate. I love her," Edmund shook his head seriously. "She is my friend."

Anthony gently laid the baby down in Miles' crib so he could change his son's diaper. He quickly got him out of his pajamas. He would run around in a diaper for a few hours. It was much easier to clean him up after breakfast if he did so. He picked the baby and then Miles up again, and with Edmund and his mother following he went downstairs. His mother peppered him with questions the entire way.

"So the date went well?"

"Is she nice?"

"Do you like her?"

"Anthoy, why aren't you answering my questions?!"

He sat Miles in his highchair and poured some Cheerios onto the tray. That would hold him over until breakfast was served. "Mother, you already know the answer to all of those questions, or else you would not be here this early on a Saturday that I have to take the kids to Sienna's mother's house."

"NOOOOOO," Edmund collapsed onto the ground. "I don't wanna go to mommy's house. I want to swim in the pool!"

"Your mommy gets to see you one day every other weekend, and that day is today." Anthony placed the infant securely in her carrier on the vast counter, and then bent down to pick up his son. He placed Edmund on the counter next to the carrier.

"I brought breakfast," Violet said.

"I am aware. Did you bring anything they will actually eat," he laughed as he started to pull breakfast containers out that contained what looked like a quiche and fruit salad.

"Dat look yucky," Edmund wrinkled his nose, and Anthony had to laugh. It did look pretty gross. His mother got most of her food from a health food restaurant in Calabasas. Anything organic to keep her family healthy and together, never mind that the science supporting organic farming had already been disproven. But no matter how many times he or Simon, two of the three doctors in the family, tried to talk to her, she wouldn't hear of it.

"Edmund, it is good for you," Violet exclaimed.

"No thank you, nana," he shook his head. "Miles and I want waffles. And Kate does too. Daddy," Edmund looked at him. "Where is Kate?"

"She is sleeping, my love," he looked over at his son as he got a glass mixing bowl down from the cabinet. He didn't know if Kate would like a quiche or waffles, better give her the option for both. But judging by the way she took down the pasta he made last night, he knew she was a girl with an appetite. And helovedthat. Sienna would eat a carrot and then need to go to the gym.

He sat the bowl on the counter and Edmund was peeking his head in at the carrier. "Hi Indi. You are littler than Ava I think. I think you are prettier too. Ava doesn't have any hair," he exclaimed with a laugh.

"What is her name," Violet mouthed.

"India," he said back. "Edmund, before we touch little babies, what are we supposed to do," he reminded his son. Edmund had multiple infant cousins at the moment.

"Oh," his eyes widened, and he covered his mouth. "Wash my hands so they don't get sick buggies!" He crawled around the carrier and down the counter to the sink in the middle. He was quite good at washing his hands now, he wasa doctor's son. Anthony got the flour and everything he would need for waffles down from the cabinet as he listened to Edmund sing the Happy Birthday song twice. He was such a smart boy.

"I done," he exclaimed and held up his hands. "Can I touch her now?"

"Of course you can," a gentle voice said from the doorway, and they all looked in that direction. Kate looked good in the morning. She looked so good that he had to shift his lower body completely behind the counter so as to avoid any embarrassing moments with his mother. Kate rubbed the top of Miles' head on her way to see Edmund and India. She hadn't seemed to notice his mother's presence yet. Miles grinned up at her in response as he put another Cheerio in his mouth.

"KATE," Edmund exclaimed and almost threw himself off of the counter into her waiting arms. Lucky for him, Kate had lighting fast reflexes, so no harm was done. "Kate. We are making waffles!" He exclaimed and she looked over at him amused.

"I love waffles," she exclaimed and was taken aback when she noticed Violet beside him, staring at her. "Oh. Hello."

"Kate, this is my mother, Violet Bridgerton. Mother this is Dr. Kate Sharma. She is a microbiologist. And Kate... Mother was just leaving." He said, as he began to push his mother towards the garage doors.

"Kate it is so lovely to finally meet you, dear."

"Kate, you simply must come over for lunch."

"Anthony stop pushing me."

He shut the door after he pushed her gently through the door.

"ANTHONY BRIDGERTON," she shouted.

He opened the door and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Goodbye mother." He shut the door again.

"I touching her with soft hands so I don't hurt her," Edmund was telling Kate when he turned back around. "She has really little feets." He giggled and showed Kate and the baby his own foot. "See? My feets are bigger than hers."

"They are," Kate grinned and tickled the side of his foot causing him to laugh. Edmund was usually uneasy with strangers but with Kate he lit up. This was a side that normally only he, or Simon and Daphne and their family got to see. As much as he loved his nana and papa, their house was very formal. He could not mess stuff up there. Anthony poured batter into the waffle maker and close the lid before he walked over to the little group. He wrapped an arm around Kate's waist.

"I have to drop them off at their mother's home for the day," he said quietly.

"Oh," she said softly as she watched Edmund interact with her daughter.

"But I would like to spend the weekend with you."

"Oh," she looked up at him, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"Mmm," he leaned in. She smelled of lilies and baby lotion, an interesting combination that was doing things to his senses. "I was thinking, we can drop them off, and then I can run you by your place, -"

"I need to take a shower."

"What luck, I have seven showers here."

"Are we sure we want to do this," she asked softly.

"I do not think fate is going to give us a choice," he said just as softly as he tipped her chin up so her eyes met his and the leaned in to give her a soft and searching kiss. She sighed into it, and her hands found purchase at his own waist.

"DA," Miles slammed his sippy cup down and it startled them enough to break them apart. Edmund's nose was wrinkled in disgust.

"Dat gross, daddy," he said, and Kate let out a laugh.

"What do you mean," she leaned over and used both hands to tickle his tummy, causing him to squeal with laughter. She caught him off the counter and held him on her hip and leaned in and gave him a loud peck on the cheek. "Muah!" If possible, at that moment, Edmund fell even more in love with her. He wrapped his arms around her neck and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Kate. Daddy says I have to go to mommy's house today."

"You don't want to go see your mommy," she exclaimed. Anthony could tell she was trying to cheer the boy up. Kate was a natural with children.

"Well," he sniffed. "I love my daddy more."

"I see."

"He plays with me."

"And mommy doesn't play?"

"No. She only sit there and watch tv and tells me to play with my toys and be quiet."

Kate smiled sadly at him and kissed the top of his head. "I am sorry honey." She sat him down on the counter and stood in front of him. She got down at eye level with him. "But you know what is special?"


"When you get to come back home, and all of those things you couldn't do with your mommy, your daddy is willing to do with you. Isn't that great?!"

Edmund's smile lit up his face. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!"

"What is your favorite thing to do with your daddy?" He looked over at him as he removed the first waffle and poured the second. Edmund met his eye for only a moment, and then looked back at Kate.

"When we go to the mountains and go skiing."


"MMHMM. Cause daddy makes me hot chocolate. And daddy is the best hot chocolate maker, I think. And then we play games."

"What kind of games," she asked amused. Edmund's earlier sadness was gone. She had completely changed his outlook on the day.

"We play Hide Seek. I hide and he has to find me," Edmund smiled.

"Does he find you?"

"No. Daddy is a bad finder, I think," he said, and Kate laughed.

"I am getting better," Anthony half protested. His son was terrible at hiding. While he always found great hiding spots in their cabinet that never ceased to amaze him, Edmund's giggles while he was hiding because he was having so much fun were always a dead giveaway. Kate blew him a kiss and turned back to Miles who was staring at her with a finger in his mouth.

"I think he like you," Edmund said as he crawled across the counter to where Miles was sitting in his highchair. "Miles do you like Kate? I think she is pretty." Anthony tore up the first waffle he made into bite sized pieces for his son and placed it on his tray, with some fruit that his mother had brought.

"I think he likes Kate," Anthony winked in her direction. "He will not stop staring at her."

"Cause she pretty, huh daddy," Edmund lifted his arms to be lifted off the counter. Anthony complied and buckled him into his booster seat so he could be fed next.

"She is beautiful," Anthony said, and he got back to work, pretending not to notice the deep blush that spread across her cheeks.

Violet Bridgerton stormed into her house about five miles away after her eldest,ungrateful,son forced her from his home. "Your son just booted me from his home," she ranted to Edmund who was at the counter reading the news on a tablet while nibbling on some eggs and bacon with toast.

"Oh, so you went to Anthony's after I specifically told you to leave him alone," Edmund asked, amused.

"Leave him alone," Violet forcefully shut the refrigerator door after she grabbed a carbonated water from it. "What does that even mean?! I gave birth to him. I gave him the best years of my life, -"

"To be fair, darling. Anthony was far more independent than Eloise, so I do not think that is quite right."

"Well," she sputtered. "I set him up on that date!"

"Be grateful it went right!"

"Agatha was right, Kate was still there. I didn't know she had a child though."

"What is wrong with her having a child," Edmund sat the tablet down and looked at his wife. "Anthony has two. Daphne has three. Colin has two. Benedict has one."

"I am well aware of the number of grandchildren we have, thank you."

"Then what is the problem," he asked.

"Well," she began. "I just figured Anthony needed a person that could focus on him and the boys. You know she is also a doctor? A microbiologist. Agatha didn't mention that either."

"Violet," Edmund's tone held a warning. "Women work. Not everybody can be Sienna with a trust fund."

"I am not saying that!"

"Then please elaborate as to what you are saying."

"I just want Anthony taken care of. And if she has a child, -"

"Violet. Stop." Edmund sighed. "Anthony is a great father. He is much more hands on than we ever were."

"Edmund," she gasped.

"Well, it is true. The boys have a nanny who leaves when Anthony gets home. Anthony handles everything for them, he even takes them to their appointments. We had four nannies who carted our children everywhere because we were too busy with everything else. So stop trying to micromanage him or else you will continue to push him away."

"She has already met the kids though!"

"That is Anthony's right to decide, Violet. Not yours. You are grandma, not mom."

She sighed. "I only want what is best for him."

"Then allow him to live."

Anthony pulled his SUV in front of Sienna's mother's house and put it into park. Edmund immediately started to cry.

"I don't waaaaaaaaannnaaaaaaa! Daddy don't leave me!" Kate looked at him sadly. Anthony turned around and looked at his son in the very back.

"Unbuckle and come up here, buddy." Edmund managed the buckle in record time and made his way to the front and into his father's lap. "I am sorry, baby," Anthony pressed a kiss onto his head. Edmund pushed his face into his chest. He did that when he didn't want to see or hear anyone. Anthony looked up and he could see Sienna already glaring at the door.

She had probably seen Kate in the window.

"Your mommy is waiting."

"NO," he shouted.

"NO," Miles mimicked from his own car seat, and Kate tried not to chuckle.

"Kate will be here when we pick you up later," Anthony tried.


"We can have cake when you get back."

Still nothing.

Anthony sighed and shifted Edmund. "Go to Kate, buddy. Let me go talk to mommy."

Edmund didn't respond for a few moments, but then he nodded and hiccupped and nearly threw himself into Kate's arms.

"I am trying to do what's best for them," Anthony whispered and Kate nodded solemnly as she laid her cheek on the top of Edmund's curls.

"I know."

Anthonys sighed but then he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. He made his way up the walk.

"Who is that?"

"Sienna," Anthony sighed. "Now is not the time."

"Where are the kids?"

"Edmund does not want to come. Sienna, you told me you and your mom were taking them to Disneyland."

"Did you tell them that?"

"Of course, I didn't. You have a history of not following through on your promises."

"Well, I am sick today. So, I can't. It's hardly my fault."

"Sienna, you can't just place them in front of the television all day. They need experiences with you."

"I can't help it if I have been sick, Anthony," she hissed, and he sighed. "Well? Are you going to get them from the vehicle or not? I don't want to be out here all morning."

"It has been less than five minutes, and it looks like you need some sun anyway."

"f*ck you," she hissed. "You are no longer my husband. You have no right!"

"You are the mother of my children," he said angrily. "I have every right. Your well-being affects their own."

"Of course you are more concerned about them. It was always them, never me."

"If you are trying to make me feel bad that I am more concerned about my son's well-being more than your own, you can stop. I feel no guilt about that. Edmund and Miles' happiness and health is all I ever want."

She said nothing.

"Sienna, are you using again?"

"What is it to you?"

He sighed and turned away, walking slowly back down the walkway.

"If they aren't staying, and I don't get my day, then I don't have to pay child support, right," she called out and he turned around.

"Sienna, you literally pay $100 a month. I hardly think that is worth paying anyway. If you think you can look your sons in their eyes when they are grown adults and tell them that they weren't worth that to you because they didn't want to see you, then so be it. I don't need it."

"You screwed me out of spousal support. Maybe I could afford it if-"

"You would stop using," he finished for her. "You violated our prenup."

"You and your rules and that Goddamn prenup."

He decided not to engage and continued to walk down the sidewalk. "The boys will not be coming over until you can prove yourself clean for a month."

"You have no right," she ran down the walk to him, she pulled on his arm to turn him around. "They aremysons."

"Be glad I do not call social services on you for your daughter."

She immediately dropped his arm as if she had been burned. He shook his head. "Go back inside, Sienna."

He found his way to the driver's side of the car and took a deep breath before he got in. Edmund was still sniffing into Kate's neck.

"Edmund, go buckle up. We have to stop at Kate's so she can get some things for her and India." The boy immediately perked up.

"Yaaay!" He quickly moved back to his seat and Anthony shook his head. As they waited for Edmund to buckle himself in Anthony leaned toward Kate, not even caring that his ex was still watching them.

"Can I have a kiss," he asked quietly, and Kate complied immediately. The tension he felt since he pulled up to this house was gone.

"Are you ok," she asked quietly as she reached for his hand as he pulled away. "She is a user, isn't she? Drugs?"

"Yeah," he said quietly.

"Does she, in front of the children?"

He shook his head. "The reason we have visits set up with her mother is because of that very reason."

"So it has happened before."

"When we first separated. I came to pick them up. Nobody opened the door when I knocked. I heard Miles crying. I kicked the door in. She was unconscious with a needle sticking out of her arm, and Miles was sitting on the floor beside her. Edmund was upstairs, thank God, in his room watching television." Kate was silent. "I am trying to be the best father I can be to them."

"I understand."

"They need their mother."

"I agree," she nodded. "But, -"

"But what?"

She shifted in her seat to face him. Her eyes were scrutinizing and as beautiful as her daughter's. "I think that more than they need their mother, they need to feel safe. Andloved."She said and he swallowed hard. "And clearly Edmund does not feel so," she lowered her voice. "And that is not your fault, you are trying your best to be the mediator between them. And that is admirable. But Anthony, and I hope I am not overstepping... We talked about your reasons for divorce. How it wasn't necessarily her actions, but that it was no longer healthy foryouto stay in. Perhaps this could be viewed the same way. I saw that poor boy break down two times this morning at the mere thought of seeing his mother. And he clearly knew that he would have been back home with you tonight. But even still..."

He nodded as he turned onto the highway. She was young in years but wise in advice.

"I am still learning to be a mother," she continued quietly. "I suppose I would hope that is what I would do if the situations were reversed."

He reached for her hand and pulled it up to his mouth. He pressed a soft kiss to the top. "I have no doubt that you are an excellent mother to your baby girl," he said, and she smiled. "I mean, look how well you have mothered my two boys just this morning."

Chapter 3


The meddling continues...

WARNING: I am playing up Violet and Anthony's not so perfect relationship in this story. So it may get a little dark. It is more like, Anthony would do anything to make his mother happy, and he has, but he cannot risk his own happiness for her anymore.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Violet let Agatha in and then immediately started peppering her with commentary.

"You didn't tell me she had a child."

"Your son has two, Violet," Agatha explained calmly. "If she accepts his reality and he accepts hers I do not see the issue."

"The issue is that she will not have the time to put into everything that Anthony does."

"Sienna did not do that," she raised an eyebrow and Violet shrank back. "And he did not expect her to do that. I wonder at you telling me that he was pushing you away the other day when we sat this up. Did you think that you could control him through a woman again?"

"How dare -"

"You know he actively blames you for Sienna's downfall. You forced her out when she was not ready, and then it all imploded."

"Depression is not a reason to skip benefits. The Bridgertons have to keep up with appearances and they must always appear united as one. The money we raise are for people who do not have the privilege to wallow in their depression."

"Listen to yourself," Agatha snapped. "Is it any wonder that most of the time your children tiptoe around you."

"I assure you, they do not. I love my children. They all know I only want what is best for them."

"Colin and Penelope have been on the brink of divorce for months. Simon and Daphne are considering moving to San Diego. And you barely have access to Anthony's children as it is. You have to call to access Ben and Sophie's house, and Fran is going to a school so far away because you told Michael that he wasn't good enough to be a Bridgerton. You are an elitist. I almost feel sorry for even introducing Kate to your son. The only reason I did is because I know her strength of character and it's strong enough to stand up to you. And I know Anthony will not allow what happened to Sienna to happen again. So, she has a child. She has a job. Your daughteris a family therapist. Eloise has her podcasts. We are not living in the eighteen hundreds anymore. And the sooner you admit that everything isnotperfect, and that it is ok that it is not, the sooner everybody will be much happier."

"Agatha, I did not invite you over here for a you to tell me everything that I am doing for my family is wrong."

"No. I imagine you invited me over so you could get Kate's contact information so you could scare her off."

"He is my son!"

"He is a grown man! He is an adult. He is independent of the family finances. He does not rely on you because he made his own way. If he wants to get to know Kate. If Kate is who he wants, then you have to accept it." Agatha stopped when she saw Edmund in the shadows giving her a thumbs up.

It was nice having a baby in the house again, Anthony had to admit. India brought so much joy to the boys even as she laid on one of the play mats in the middle of the living room, with both boys on their stomach talking to and playing with her. And she was very alert, looking between both boys with those wide beautiful eyes of hers.

Edmund's earlier frustration was quite forgotten as soon as they drove away from Sienna's house. Anthony felt guilty for a few minutes until Kate reached over and grabbed his hand. She held it the rest of the way to her townhome. Her town home, while small, was well organized and very clean. The poor woman was so obsessed about being the perfect mother, that she apologized ten times that there were two plates and forks in the sink. At any given moment in his home there were forks and plates and children's utensils strung everywhere around the house. He had found one in Edmund's bed the other day.

They helped Kate load up a few things that she would need for a weekend stay, Edmund even brought India's baby toys to the car.

"I think she will need this one, daddy. So she can sleep with it." He put a stuffed elephant in the back of the SUV. "And this one too."

And when the baby cried when Kate was taking a shower, he himself got to feed her a bottle for the first time.

"She was hungry, huh daddy. She is eating a lot."

Truthfully, she ate very little, but she ate very well for her age. And after Kate felt so guilty for taking her shower that he had to calm her.

"Sweetheart. You took one shower, and one bottle will not hurt her. She ate very well. And she burped. And now she has a full belly and is asleep."

He wanted her. He wanted her here with him, every moment of the day. Every day of the year. He wanted her here. He wanted to take her on vacations. He wanted to take her and the kids as a family on vacation. He wanted it all. And it struck him that even though he had loved Sienna, he had never felt that way about her.

She made the boys lunch and actually got Edmund to eat a salad without complaint by frying some pieces of parmesan cheese and garlic and putting it on top, and he ate it up. And then after, it was nap time. Edmund still required an hour nap, or he was a monster for the rest of the day. Miles usually took a two hour one. Miles was very easy to put down. Edmund, not so much. Put when the promise of a swim after, he went right to bed.

He and Kate put on a movie while all the children were asleep, though they watched very little. His mother had texted him five times since that morning and called him eight times and every single time, he ignored her. He had allowed her too much freedom with Sienna. He would not do that again. Kate took a call from her mother who wanted an update on her daughter and granddaughter. Definitely she wasn't as meddlesome as his own mother. And then he laid her down on the wide sectional and kissed her like they were teenagers. Wandering hands and grinding hips belayed their desire for something more, but he wouldn't do that to her. Not yet. Not until they were ready. They both startled when his phone rang again.

"Your mother again," she asked amused. "What does she want?"

"To talk about you, I'm sure," he pushed the ignore button and sent her to voicemail.

"She seems very, - "

"Meddlesome is the word." He sighed and sat back. She moved closer and laid her legs across his lap and her head on his shoulder. "My mother wants a perfect family to show off because it allows her more clout in society. I truly do not understand why. She and my father had a loving marriage until her father, my grandfather passed away. And then I got the entirety of his estate and she did not."


"I do not know. My grandfather was eccentric. I of course split it between all the kids. But I don't know if she saw it as a sign that she wasn't enough?"


"And since then, she is everywhere. She even selected my tux for a benefit last month," he blew out a breath and stood up after gently dislodging her legs. "Benedict rarely sees her. Sophie has a rather messy origin story, and he has not forgiven her for standing up at their wedding."


He nodded. "She hasn't even met their baby. Dad has but..." He shrugged. It was all he could do.

"And what is your father doing?"

"Father is doing all that he can to soothe the edges without trying to offend anybody. But what can he do but that? We are all grown and we have our own individual relationships with her. We are all adults."

"I suppose. And because you are the eldest, you bear the brunt of her disapproval." She got him. She understood him.

"I am use to it. Even before, I was the eldest, and anything I did could be translated into being a bad example for the youngers."

"Oh, Anthony," she said softly, and he shook his head.

"Do not feel sorry for me," he smiled at her and sat back down. "I am happy. I have my boys and we have built an amazing life. I have money enough to travel, and give charity, and support my children in whatever they need."

"But it is ok to admit that it hurts," she said quietly. "I have been there. When my father passed away, my stepmother was a zombie. Every day she sat in her room staring at the wall, and I raised my younger sister. My youngest sister resents her to this day for that, and they are working on mending their relationship, and that is great. But it is always going to be there between them. Mary missed some pretty amazing moments. That's why she calls me every week. Because even though we are miles away, she doesn't want to miss a moment in her child and grandchild's life."

"Has she met India?"

"She was in the room when she was born," Kate smiled. "She was the first one to hold her. She even named her. She said she looked exactly like my mother, and how could she be anything but an India," she chuckled and looked to her daughter who was sleeping on her mat in the middle of the floor. Her arms up by her ears as she laid there, her mouth open as she dreamed.

"I remember when Edmund was born," he smiled. "It was as if everything was in that moment absolutely perfect. Obviously there are issues, but I do what I do and Iive for them and in that aspect because they are the air I breathe, I live for me."

"Children have a way to change perspective."

"A hundred percent, yes," he replied, and they both smiled. She was exquisite. She looked towards the bay of windows and bit her lip.

"I think I want you," she said quietly and looked down at her hands almost as if she were ashamed to admit that out loud.

"You have me, sweetheart."

"No," she shook her head and let out a puff of air. "I just, -" she shook her head. "It has been so long since anybody has aroused these,-" she stopped. "These feelings."


"Like... sexual," she said quietly and looked back down.

"Ah," he said and when her face crumbled, he rushed to take her hands in his own. "You would not be here with me and my children if I did not feel the same way. But I do not want to rush you. I understand you are still recovering."

"My body is not the same," she admitted and bit her lip again. "And my doctor says that I can start exercising again, but I am always so busy. I don't want to disturb her naps."

"You are quite literally the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life," he began and then there was a knock on the door, and he heard his mother's voice as it opened."

"Anthony we need to talk, -" she said as she walked from the front door and into the living room. She stopped when she saw that he was not alone.

"Mother," he stood. "When somebody does not return your calls or your text messages it means that they are busy or do not want to talk at the moment. That does not give you the right to barge over and use your key."

"I only want to, -"

"I do not care." He walked to her. "Now leave."

"You cannot just keep throwing me from your house."

"The locks will be changed on Monday," he said.

"Anthony," she exclaimed, and he scolded her.

"The baby is sleeping, mother. And so are the boys. I would appreciate it if you did not wake up the whole household. Now go."

"You know if I were your father, you would not hesitate to talk to me."

"Father would not barge over here and allow himself into my house and into my personal life."

"All you want to do is to go against my wishes. You always do."

"If I always did, I would not have gone on that date last night."

"That is what I am here to talk about!"

"And I want to talk to and get to know Kate."

"I know exactly what that means, Anthony Bridgerton. You cannot fool me."

"I don't think you do know what it means," he opened the door and for the second time that day pushed her through it. "And another thing. I like Kate. And if we do decide to try and make it work, that is what it will be...our decision.Not yours. Not Agatha's. Ours.And I might remind you that you set this date up with her. So why now do you decide to do this? I will have you know that you will not treat her the same way you do Sophia. I will cut you out of our lives before I allow you to do that to her."

"I only want what is best for the family," she said.

"What about what is best for me," he asked, and she remained quiet. "I spent my first marriage living for my family. I will not do that again. Not for you or for anyone." She only stared at him. "Goodbye mother," he shut the door and locked it and made a mental note to call the locksmith on Monday to come change the locks. He could not start creating something with Kate if his mother was constantly barging in and trying to interfere.

"That was kind of sexy," Kate said from behind him. He grinned.

"Should I call her back so I can throw her out again," he turned and took her into his arms, lifting her so she had to wrap her legs around his waist. She was lighter than he imagined for her being so tall. She took his face and pressed a kiss onto his lips.

"I get the feeling that your mother does not like me," she said with no little confusion. "I am confused. I thought she was Agatha's co-conspirator." She unwound her legs and he gently set her on the ground again. He would do anything to wipe the hurt that appeared on her face at that moment. "And then she met me. And she doesn't like me, does she?"

"Kate," he sighed. "My mother's standards are exacting," he shook his head.

"And I do not fit," she said quietly.

"I think you fit them perfectly. And I think that is why she is terrified. Because who else but a strong woman can stand against a strong woman."

"She doesn't even know me."

"But I do. Or I am beginning to. And I like you. In fact," he walked to her a slow grin spreading across his face. "I am doing everything in my power to resist picking you up and carrying you up to my room and having my way with you."

"The baby," she reminded him.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten her. It would only take a few more seconds to transfer her to bed upstairs," he brought one of her hands to his mouth and she giggled. A noise from the play mat in the living room brought them to attention. His mother probably woke the infant up.

"Does she ever cry," he asked amazed as they made their way to India.

"Very rarely."

He beat Kate to her daughter and lifted her carefully. "Did that mean lady wake you up," he asked, and Kate giggled. He probably should not talk like that about his own mother, but she clearly could see that the child had been sleeping, and she had not cared. "Well, it's ok now. Go back to sleep so I can start kissing your mommy again." The infant reacted by letting out a yawn as she stared up at him. "Am I boring you?"

"She is getting to know you," Kate said softly as she came over. She readjusted the baby's headband around her head and soothed some of her waves. "Just like her mother."

Miles actually woke before Edmund which was a shock. But Edmund had a very emotional morning, so over all they shouldn't have been so shocked. It was mid-afternoon when they were finally able to make it out to the pool. The baby was lathered in sunscreen and had ample shade as the four of them, Miles mainly on Kate's hip as they swam and played together.

"Kate," Edmund exclaimed from the top of the slide. "Watch this!" His little arm floats made it impossible for arms to lay straight down, but he looked absolutely adorable. He went into the tunnel slide and flew out the opposite end on his belly like Superman. Kate clapped and cheered for him when he resurfaced above the water.

"That was so good, sweetheart!"

Kate got out soon after because Miles was shivering as he was done playing. He didn't have his eldest brother's stamina for water sport yet. So, she wrapped him in a large towel, and the two of them sat on a lounge chair, enjoying some California sun as they warmed up.

"Daddy," Edmund said quietly as he swam up to him. "Is Kate going to be here forever?"

Anthony took him into his arms. "Do you want her to be here forever?"

"Yeah daddy," he nodded seriously. "She so nice."

"She is, isn't she?"

"Mmhmm," he nodded again.

They both gave into temptation later that night. They both broke at the exact same time. And as they both took each other to heights that neither of them had ever been to before. He had never had to hold someone's hand as he reached his peak before. But he was flying, and she recognized it. She reached for his hand and did not let go until he collapsed on top of her in an exhausted heap.

"Well," he said. "f*ck."

"I know. Me too."


"Yeah," she nodded. He rolled over and got rid of the condom before sweeping her into his arms once again.

"Are you happy?"

"So happy," she whispered. He kissed her on the mouth and pulled her closer.

"Me too." He looked at her as she rested her headed on his chest. "Edmund wants you to stay forever."

"Does he," she chuckled. "And what does his father want?"

"His father wants to do everything in his power to make him happy."

"Just his son?"

"No," he said quietly. "Not just his son."


The response has been so great! I read all of your comments and they are so much appreciated! Thank you all so much for reading and leaving a comment. It honestly encourages me to write!

Chapter 4


On a Tuesday, Anthony gets his wish.

WARNING: Mentions of a past suicide attempt but not by a main character.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Much to Edmund's consternation, and his own, Kate decided that she would go home Monday morning. After spending the weekend together that felt magical with the boys soaking up her attention, and India becoming close friends with India in a way that they never did with their baby cousins, Kate became terrified that this was all happening too fast. He understood that feeling all too well. The second time he took her body was just as intense as the first. As was the third, fourth, fifth, and well... there was no point in going over how many times they took each other over the weekend, but he definitely needed to go pick up another box of condoms from the drug store after work.

The nanny came in the morning to take care of Miles while Edmund would go to preschool. Before he took Edmund, he would drop Kate and the baby off at her townhome. She was still on maternity leave for another six months, the company she worked for paid her very well to keep her happy because she was thatbrilliant.

But Miles, who normally in the morning was attached to Anthony, would not let Kate go. She had the baby in the carrier and had bent down to ask him for a hug with open arms. He ran straight into them, and she lifted him up. "Oh, sweet boy. Thank you for being such a good friend to India and myself."

She tried to pass him off to the nanny, Olivia, who was a sweet girl taking online classes for child development in college, but Miles didn't want to let Kate go. Even when they were able to get him into Olivia's arms, he reached for Kate, crying the whole time. "Baby," Kate said softly. I will see you again soon, alright?"

"He not wanting you to go," Edmund wrapped his own arms around her legs. "He want you to stay." Edmund too had tears in his eyes. She knelt to wrap him in a hug.

"You be good in preschool, what are you learning to do today?"

"We are cutting with scissors," his eyes brightened as they always did when she was down on his level.

"And what else."

"I learning to write my name," he exclaimed.

"Learn how to write your name really good, and when I see you again, you can write it for me, and I can put it on my refrigerator!"

"I will color it too," he ran in place, excited.

"I would love that," she exclaimed and leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek. She stood and Anthony picked up the carrier and gave the baby a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek. She was sound asleep, but she still looked precious. Each interaction he had had with her over the weekend she stole a little piece of his heart just like her mother.

The ride to her home was quick, almost too quick. But he was able to get another kiss when he walked her and the baby to the door.

"Will I see you tonight," he asked.

"Are we moving too fast, Anthony," she asked as she turned the key in the lock.

"When has the opposite worked for us," he reminded her. He went back to the car and got a spare garage door opener to give to her. Kate had her own vehicle, and if she felt like she could come and go from his place whenever she needed, maybe it would not feel so suffocating. He brought it back to her. She could always enter the house from the garage without a key. "Here. You know the access code."

"Anthony," there were tears welling up in her eyes. "I am scared. I never -"

"I know. Me neither," Edmund let out a particularly sharp cry from the car. He didn't understand. "I will call you in-between surgeries, ok? We can talk."

"Ok," she said quietly.

"Take care of Little Miss here," he motioned to the baby. "Ok?"


He smiled and leaned into kiss her again. "We'll talk later," he said again and then turned to make his way back to the car.

"How come she not at our house, daddy? She not like us?"

"She likes us very much, buddy. But she has her own house."


"Because she lives there."

"And not with us?"

"Not yet, buddy."

"Not yet?"

He turned on some music to distract his son's questions. He really had no answers for him.

He had tried throughout the day to convince Kate to come to his house Monday. Video calling her to tell her that he missed her terribly. He even allowing the boys to video her that evening so they could see her.

"Ba," Miles exclaimed excitedly when he saw Kate on the screen.

"Kate," Edmund exclaimed. "I worked really hard on my name today! Just like you said!"

"Good job, baby," she smiled at them lovingly.

"Where is Indi," Edmund wondered and Kate turned the camera so they could see the baby, wide awake in her swing.

"She was a little colicky tonight," Kate was saying off video, "so she is in her swing."

"What dat mean," Edmund asked, confused.

"It means that she has an upset belly," Anthony said gently.

"Oh no," Edmund exclaimed, his eyes wide. "Did I give her sick buggies?" He looked so fearful and upset that his heart melted.

"No, sweet boy," Kate was back on screen. "She is not sick, my love. She just has a little tummy ache."

"She not sick?"

"No, angel boy," Kate smiled at him sweetly. "Did you eat your supper?"

"Mmhmm. I ate my veggie-tables just like you say. Cause I want to be strong like daddy!"

"Very good!"

"But Miles not a very good eater. He only eat his chicken and rice."

"Well, he is still little. He has time."

"I try to be a good big brother, like nana say."

"All you need to be isyou,angel boy. And that will be enough. Ok?" Anthony smiled at her in relief. He did not want Edmund falling into the same pattern that he had. Namely living for his family and setting an example as the eldest son. Edmund could simply be Edmund and that was enough.

His mother had tried to call him multiple times this evening, especially when she found out that he had made good on his threat and had the locks all changed this afternoon. He had told Olivia, do not under any circ*mstances, allow his mother into the house, and she had followed his orders to a T. He even gave her some bonus cash and paid her for a special date night for her and her girlfriend's anniversary.

Simon was a radiologist at the same surgical center as he was and had confirmed that his mother had bothered Daphne throughout the day as well. "You are really throwing her for a loop on this one, Bridgerton. You have never told your mother no and followed through like this before. This girl must be special if you do not want your mother to drive her off."

"She is special. Miles didn't want her to leave this morning."

Simon's eyes widened. "No way, really?" Edmund was all around a friendly little boy. Very outgoing. His loving Kate could mean that she was nice to him and listened to him, and so he reciprocated showing her friendship and affection. But Miles was very observant and discerning. He didn't give his affection sparingly. So much so, that even his mother would not pick him up unless he came to her. And Violet Bridgerton did not like that.

"You need to get him into therapy, Anthony. That isn't normal."

"He is two. He barely talks, mother."

Anthony grinned. "We had to peel him off of her and hand him to Olivia. It didn't go well."

"Wow," Simon grinned. "Andshe has her own child."

"She does. The most beautiful little girl."

"I have to meet this woman."

"I hope you will," Anthony said quietly.

"What is wrong?"

"I worry it is moving too fast. So does she."

"Bridgerton, I have never known you to movetoo fast. You are overly cautious if anything. But look where you are in your life. Maybe this is the universes way of telling you to let down your guard. I mean, if my aunt is telling you that this is a good woman, then she must see something in her that is good for you, because Aunt Agathalovesyou. I don't know why."

"Probably for putting up with your dumb ass in college and in our residencies."

"I have no idea what you mean," Simon went back to reading the scan on the computer. "This poor woman really screwed up her leg skiing. She is going to need multiple surgeries. She should have gone to the emergency room because she is going to need inpatient care and rehab. Let me go tell Fife to get her an admit to the hospital."

"Do you miss it? The craziness of working at a trauma center?"

"Sometimes, but then I think about what I have at home. Do you?"

"I am busy enough here," Anthony shrugged. "And I get to be home with my boys."

"And Kate," Simon smirked. "And Baby-"


"Oh. Beautiful name."

"It fits her."

"I am sure. I would expect nothing less," he yelled for Fife as he walked by. "She needs a direct admit to ortho. I will send my transcripts to Dr. Cho over there. She is in for a long recovery."

"Damn," Fife whistled as he looked up the scans on Simon's computer. "You would not know that from looking at her. How is she not screaming in pain."

"You see everything here," Anthony shrugged. "Remember first year at Cedars-Sinai?"

"The nail in the skull," Fife's eye widened. "How was he even talking?!"

"His wife is in jail for that," Simon commented as he typed out his diagnosis and sent over to Cho at Cedars. "I'll call for an ambulance to bus her over. The less jostling the better."

Anthony picked up his medical journal of anesthesia. You saw everything as a doctor these days, and it rarely bothered him anymore. "You know Daphne and I will support you in anything, right Bridgerton?"

"I do. Thank you."

Tuesday, he woke up hard, and without the most beautiful woman in the world lying in his arms to satisfy him. She had called him and the boys though to wish them a good day, but it was hardly enough. "Is Kate coming over tonight," Edmund said from his car seat as he drove him to preschool. "I miss her."

"I don't know. But how about after work we get her and India some flowers and drop them by?"

"Really?! That would be so cool, daddy!"

When he dropped his son off at school, he knew it was going to be the longest day of Edmund's life. The excitement to see Kate again was never far from his mind. Anthony had four surgeries scheduled for his day, two gall bladders, a hernia, and a hip fracture. In between patients he ordered some groceries and had them delivered to Sienna and her mother. Tom had called him and left him a message that he had taken Ava and left the house, out of concern that social services might start swarming. It wouldn't do for the baby to be put into the system. The system was broken, and Ava was a sweet baby, and Edmund and Miles' sister. Anthony's guilt was eating him alive. Perhaps if he had interfered more, she would not have been pushed to this. All weekend he had been examining Kate, looking for any sign of post-partum. And while she exhibited a tendency to overcompensate for what she felt like were her inadequacies, everything seemed completely normal.

He picked Edmund up first after his last surgery of the day. He was holding a drawing of his name, which was actually very well written, with stick figures of him and Kate holding hands, a sun, a flower, and a bird. "I am going to give this to Kate when we see her."

"She will love that, buddy."

They picked up two bouquets of flowers at the florist close to Kate's home and made their way to her townhome. When they got there they saw Kate in the doorway, embracing an unfamiliar man. Normally he would just drive off, but he wanted an explanation so he parked.

"Who dat, daddy?"

"I don't know. Should we go see," he got out of the car, and then helped Edmund. Flowers forgotten in the front seat, and his heart pounding as they walked hand in hand up the walk. Kate saw them first as she pulled away. A huge smile on her face.

"Hey," she exclaimed, and his heart rate slowed down a bit. "I wasn't expecting you." Edmund moved to hug her legs and stand in-between her and the man.

"You only supposed to hug my daddy like that," he said, and Kate laughed. So did the man.

"Oh," she said. "This is my friend Lucas. We work together. Lucas this is Edmund, and this is Anthony." Lucas was about Kate's height, and dressed in loafers, khakis, and a Marvel t-shirt. "Lucas was here to visit India. He hasn't met her before."

Anthony felt the tension melt off of his body. The fact that he had never met her baby before meant that he could not be what he thought him to be. After Lucas said his goodbyes and gave his promise to meet Kate for coffee later that week to catch up on office gossip, the three of them were standing alone. "He is gay, Anthony," she said quietly while reaching for his hand. "There is nothing going on."

"I know," he sighed. He had never felt jealous before.

"I wouldn't do that. I am not that type of person."

"I know that too. I am sorry. I just -"

"I know. I would have felt threatened had I walked up to the same situation. Chances are I wouldn't have given you a chance to explain though. I would have driven off and blocked your number. Where is Miles," she looked to the car. "Did you not bring him?"

"We stopped by on our way home. I am hoping to convince you to come over," he said as they followed her into the house. India was in her swing, and he walked right over to pick her up. He had missed the baby girl terribly.

"Hi Indi," Edmund exclaimed as they sat down on Kate's couch. "Oh, you have a bracelet! Daddy look!" India was sporting a new piece of jewelry, a gold bracelet with her name engraved on it.

"Very pretty," Anthony took her tiny hand and placed a gentle kiss to her fist as it wrapped around one of his fingers.

"Lucas got it for her. He is vying for favorite uncle," Kate smiled.

"God I was so jealous, Kate," he sighed and let his head fall back to the couch as he looked over at her. "I cannot do this. I need you with me. In my home. I know it's fast but who the hell cares if it makes us happy."

"Daddy," Edmund looked up. "Dat a naughty word." He shook his head seriously.

"I am sorry, buddy," he said, and Kate giggled. Anthony turned his attention back to her. "I needed you this morning. In more ways than one. I had the best sleep of my life this weekend and it was because of you! You bring me peace. My boys love you."

"Anthony," she said quietly.

"I just need you. Forget the world. Let's just be happy together. Don't I make you happy?"

"Very happy but -"

"Then isn't that enough?"

"Anthony, you are talking about forever after only a weekend. I don't think you know what that entails. I chose to become a mother because I was prepared to spend the rest of my life alone with my children. I went to a sperm bank for God's sake," she stood, and he stood to follow. He had Edmund hold out his arms and placed the baby securely in them.

"Do not move about, buddy. Just like Lina, ok?"

"Ok, daddy!"

"Kate," he followed her into the kitchen where she was standing by the island holding up a piece of mail.

"I had plans. I carefully selected who my baby's father was going to be, and if everything went to plan, I would have multiple children from the same father, and we would be happy. And I got lucky. Some women have to go through two or three cycles before they are successful. I didn't. And I am not religious, but I figured with how easy it was, I had done the right thing. I had a plan for my future. It was me and India, and maybe one or two more children. And we would live and travel and -"

"Is it absolutely important to you that India share the same father as any other child you might bare? Could I not be the father of your children?"

"Anthony," she sighed.

He took the letter from her hand. "Is there something wrong with me that might make me pale in comparison to whoever this man is?"

"You know there isn't."

"Then tell me why."

"I was perfectly content," Kate exploded but then burst into tears. "And then you came along and turned my world upside down. And I see how amazing you are with your boys. And how amazing you are with India. I spent a year picking the perfect man to be the father of my child. And then I meet you and discover that even he pales in comparison to you. I will never, ever regret my daughter. But how can I be sure that I am making the right decision now?"

"Sweetheart," he pulled her into his arms. "You don't. How do you think I feel? I love my children. But even Sienna pales in comparison toyou.But I see how you are with them. These boys thrived under your guidance this weekend. They have never been so happy. And if we do this, if we move forward. Don't you think that I will strive to do the same and be the same for India? A father is just a word unless accompanied by action. It takes more than biology to be a father. I see father's all the time who spend time with their kids on the weekends and then drop them off at their mothers for the rest of the week. I work with a couple of them. I promise that I will be there for India just as you are there for Edmund and Miles, how can I not be?"

"I don't want to be your burden," she sniffed into his chest.

"You are not a burden. You are smart, talented, beautiful, and capable. A light in darkness. We have lived in darkness for a very long time. And one weekend with you has me wanting to change my ways. I sent Sienna groceries today. Tom has left with Ava. I sent her groceries because I know she needs to eat. And you know the first time in a long time, besides guilt and anger, I felt sympathy for her. She has done so much to hurt me. But I felt sympathetic to her. Because, while she has a choice, addiction is a powerful thing that rarely gets discussed. And people who are addicts rarely get the respect or sympathy they deserve. And you know who I thought of when I did so?"

"Who," she whispered.

"You. And your stepmother. I thought about everything she put you through. The suicide attempt. Raising your sister. And you still bought her a home, because through it all, you understood her as a human being, and you understood her grief and how different people react to it differently. I thought of how strong you came out of all of that. How you are on the other side of it now. I realized that in the future, if I want to ever foster a relationship with Sienna and our boys, that I am going to have to put my feelings aside because they are going to see that. And when they are older, I know that if I don't do everything in my power to do so, they might resent me for it. Is this crazy? Yes. Is it fast? Yes. Am I all in? Absolutely f*cking yes!" He pulled back and stared into her eyes. "The best thing my mother has done for me in a very long time has been setting me up on a blind date with you. And while it didn't turn out the waysheexpected it. Anything less than a docile woman would not do for my mother anyway. Do I look like a man who wants or needs a docile woman?!"

Kate giggled and shook her head, and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her mouth.

"Good. Now pack a verylargesuitcase for you and the baby. Get in your car and come home. We miss you."

"I miss you too. All of you," she said quietly.

"Daddy," Edmund called from the other room. "She spitted up a little and I wiped her mouth gently like you tolded me!"

"Very good, buddy," he called back, and Kate fell into his arms again. "Now. I take it the baby really likes her swing."

"Mmhmm," she murmured.

"So, we need to pack that. What else do we need besides a sh*tload of diapers," he said, and she laughed.

"Her bath things," she said quietly.

"Of course."

"I need my breast pump as well," she said and motioned to the thing sitting on the counter. She had been pumping when he had talked to her this morning.

"Was I not an adequate breast pump this weekend," he asked, faking offense and then burst into laughter when her entire face went read.

Packing was easy. He helped her throw things from her closet into a couple of suitcases. She would not need much until her maternity leave ended in a few months, by then, if he had his way, everything would be moved into his house by then anyway.Their house.They also packed the baby's clothes, making sure there were adequate amounts of sleepers and dresses, just in case there were any accidents. This weekend he would come over and disassemble the crib and take it over to Hidden Hills.

They would move Miles into Edmund's room, while there were plenty of rooms, there were eight in total, having the children close was paramount to them. When Edmund was bigger, he could move into one of the spare rooms. But India was still an infant, and while she was a good sleeper, she still woke up for feedings in the middle of the night. She needed her own room, and the one Miles was in now would work perfectly. He was actually very excited to decorate for the little girl.

"Baby," he said, from the doorway to her room. Her room was simple and elegant and cleanly decorated. "There is formula in here. Do you need that?"

"No," she called from her bathroom. "I only used that when she was just born, and I had to supplement until my milk came in. Is Edmund ok?"

"She is asleep, and he is holding her as he watches Cocomelon."

"I was hearing Baby Shark in my nightmares last night," she said, and he laughed.

"Welcome to parenthood, sweetheart." She laughed as he walked away.

Kate followed him and Edmund and her things in her own vehicle with the baby. She barely got the baby inside and on the large island in the kitchen before they heard Miles' bare feet running across the living room and into the kitchen. Kate braced for impact as he squealed the whole way.

"Goodness," she chuckled as she lifted the boy into her arms. "I missed you, angel," she said into his dark curls. "Were you a good boy?"

"Oh Kate," Edmund said as he brought her his name drawing. "Look! I wroted my name, just like you said!"

She gasped. "That looks so good, angel boy!"

"And look! That is you. And that's me," he pointed to the stick people drawing. "And that is a birdy."

"You did such a good job!" She looked around, Miles on her hip and Edmund's drawing in her hand. He kept his refrigerator clean and blank. Though he did not know why. He was well aware that a lot of parents put their children's prized artwork or grades on their refrigerator as a sign of honor, but that had not been his childhood. She went to the little desk where the phone was in the kitchen and found some tape and taped it to the refrigerator. Edmund's eyes went wide and looked to him before looking back at Kate. "We will put it here so everybody can see what a great job you did," Kate exclaimed and Edmund raced back to her and hugged her legs.

It was increasingly obvious that the boys were not going to let Kate help bring things in, so it was up to him. After finding out from Olivia that his mother had called three times since he had been off work alone and left a message on the machine each time, she helped him carry Kate's things in, said bye to the baby, and was on her way.

"What do you want for supper."

"Spas-ghetti," Edmund exclaimed.

"Oh, I love spaghetti," she said. "Does daddy love spaghetti," she called after him as he took her suitcase up the back staircase to put it in their room.

"I love spaghetti," he called back. He set up India's portable bassinet by the side of the bed and threw some random scrubs from yesterday into the laundry hamper. He changed out of his scrubs and into something comfortable before coming back down. By the time he had gotten back downstairs, India was sat up in her swing, in the living room, how she was sleeping through this chaos, he would never know. Edmund was in the living room reading a picture book with the tvoff,which was a miracle. And Miles was on the island, playing with a few pieces of dried pasta and a pan while Kate was warming up water to boil the pasta. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his head on her shoulder. "Welcome home."

"I love it here," she said, quietly. "It's peaceful. And the view," she pointed to the wall of windows looking out over the city on the hill the home was on.

"Feel free to make it your own."

"I might add some flowers."

"I love flowers-" he stopped. "Oh!" He pulled away and she looked at him in confusion as he ran back into the garage. He pulled the two bouquets from the car and ran back in. "We actually stopped by earlier to give you and India these," he handed her the bouquet and watched as she took them slowly. Tears filled her eyes. "Are you ok," he asked softly. "Do you not like -"

She interrupted him by placing her mouth squarely on his. "I love them. I just... Nobody has ever given me flowers before. I never thought I would want them because it has never bothered me but now... They are lovely. Thank you."

"Of course," he made a mental note to bring her flowers once a week. "They are from all of us."

"Well, thank you Miles," she kissed his cheek and then thanked Edmund across the room. "Thank you for the flowers, angel boy!"

"You welcome," he called back, and she laughed. "Do you have a couple of vases?" He helped her get the flowers into vases while she finished up a salad. "Edmund what kind of dressing do you want?"

"Any kinds," he slid off of the couch. "Can I have ranch on spas-ghetti," he asked while climbing onto the counter stool.

Anthony got the Italian and Ranch dressing from the refrigerator. Olivia was responsible for ordering the groceries for the week and she was very effective, especially when it came to food for the boys. He put the garlic bread in the oven while Kate put the spaghetti in the boiling water and salted it. Kate at that time found some frozen meatballs and put them in the air fryer.

"You are a better cooker than daddy, I think." Edmund watched them from his seat.

"Hey now," Anthony exclaimed and Kate laughed.

"Am I?"

"Mmhmm. Daddy's food is ugly."

Kate snorted and turned her head into his shoulder trying not to burst into full on giggles. Anthony pinched her side in response.

Miles was stripped of his clothing once the food was prepared, and for the first time in a long time, at least since Simon and Daphne were here last, they sat around the family table. Kate cut up Miles' spaghetti into bite size pieces and made sure his salad had adequate enough dressing so he would actually eat it. She held his hand as they both listened to Edmund talk about his day.

"Auggie say that Sophie is my girlfriend, but I tell him no because Aunt Sophie is Sophie and she not my girlfriend either."

Kate giggled quietly behind a napkin.

"And then we run, and the monkey bars, we play pirate. And I that pirate, like from the movie, daddy, you know? But I don't walk funny like he does. OH! And I tell Auggie that I have a new friend name India, and he was jealous of me," Edmund giggled.

"Was he," Anthony could feel his eyes sparkling as he watched his son.


Edmund went to preschool Monday through Wednesday, while Auggie who was a year older went through Friday. But both him and Daphne were proud that they were as close as brothers were. Auggie would be on kindergarten next year, so they would have to be sure to make sure they saw each other plenty. Miles was closer in age to Daphne's little Bella, Bella had two months on Miles. And then Carolina came next, she was about seven months old now. Perhaps she would be close to little India, though time would tell. Lina was a complete hellion. Then there was Colin and Penelope's little ones who were Miles' age Abigail and Tommy, twins that were a little younger than Miles. They also had four-month-old Jana now. Ben and Sophie had five-month-old Charlie. And Francesca and Michael, against their mother's wishes, had a child, though they were not married, named Johnny who was almost a year old. They rarely saw Fran and Michael as she was in school at NYU for her master's in music.

Bath time was always necessary after Miles had spaghetti. So, they ran the bath for both boys, while Kate bathed Miles, Anthony bathed Edmund as he played with his submarine and ship water toys. India was in a bouncer, quietly supervising. It felt normal.

"How come Indi is not taking a bath time?"

"She will a little later, buddy," Anthony said and Kate nodded, as she poured some water over Miles' head to rinse out the shampoo, making sure his eyes were covered.

"Ok baby," she cooed to Miles. "Lift your hands!" He lifted them and clapped. "Good job, baby!"


Kate wrapped Miles in a towel. "I will go get him dressed for bed."

"Thank you, baby," he said as she walked by and then he turned his attention to Edmund once again.

"Daddy, Kate is not a baby. India is a baby. You silly," he giggled.

"Daddy is silly, isn't he," Anthony laughed.

Edmund went down with one book and the promise that Kate would be there in the morning to help him get ready for school. It was picture day and he wanted to look handsome.

"You always look handsome," she kissed his forehead as she tucked the blanket around him. "Sleep tight, angel boy."

"Miles went down after he had a bottle."

Then it was time to bathe India.

"I will warn you; this is the only time she actually really cries. She hates the bath."

"Edmund was the same way," Anthony said as he stripped off his pants and his shirt. Kate looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?"

"You will see. Get her ready."

He reached in and adjusted the water in the master shower and made sure it was warm but not too warm for a little human. And then he stepped in and held his arms out for her. Kate hesitated for a moment before trusting him to take the lead in her daughter's bath time. He brought the baby to his chest and turned to face the water. India startled at first before setting into his embrace as he used her soap to get her clean. Kate watched in amazement from the door, ready with a warm towel to wrap her in after she was done.

"She isn't crying," Kate said in wonder.

"I did this with Edmund and Miles when they were little like this. It made it easier." He washed her hair gently and made sure all of the soap was off of her body before handing her out to her mama. Only then did she let out a shriek before she was wrapped in a warmth again and she calmed down. Once he finished his own shower, Kate was already in the oversized chair in their room nursing peacefully.

"I love this chair," she said with a sigh. "It is so comfortable."

"Daphne bought it for me. She thought I would love it, and I do."

"Mmm," she said. A far-off look in her eyes. "Tonight almost felt normal."

"Didn't it?" He put his boxers on and knelt down in front of her and the baby.

"Those boys have such a firm hand on around my heart. As does their father," she looked him in the eyes. "I never would have thought to take a shower with her would help. The books never mention that."

"There are some things that can't be taught but can be learned from experience. I have the experience of going through this two times before. So, lean on me. Ok?"

"Ok," she nodded.

"And I feel the same way about you and this princess. I love my boys, but it is nice having a little girl in the house. We have needed a little feminine touch for too long, I think." She reached out and ran a hand over his cheek and he turned and placed a kiss into her palm.

"Does Olivia come tomorrow?"

"Well, that I do not know. I will have to pay her either way because I do not want to lose her."

"She seems very competent. She is really sweet."

"She will be good to the princess when that time comes," he informed her gently and Kate nodded.

"I don't even want to think about leaving her, but I am already itching to be back at work. I was working on a big project before I left. We will be launching it when I get back. I get all the credit without putting in all the groundwork for the launch," she giggled, and he laughed.

"Edmund only has half a day tomorrow. If you want to stay with Miles without Olivia being here, I can simply have her pick him up instead of taking off myself, and then give her the rest of the week off with pay."

"Miles might not listen to her if I am here."

"Valid point. He loves you."

"The feeling is mutual," she smiled and laid her head back before sitting up and gently pulling the baby from her breast.

"Do I get to burp her," he asked excitedly, and she laughed as she handed the baby to him.

"I am going to take a shower."

"Do not take too long. I have plans," he called as she walked into the adjoining bathroom, laughing the whole way.

Apparently, Kate had plans as well because it was almost midnight when they finally stopped.

"I think I blacked out for a minute," she said breathlessly as she held his hand as they laid side by side.

"Me too," he chuckled. "I've never been ridden so well before."

"I ride horses."

"Lucky me," he said, and she giggled and then rolled on top of him. He adjusted his legs, so she had something to lean against. She ran her hands up and down his chest before leaning down and giving him a kiss.

"I should let you sleep. You have surgeries tomorrow."

"I am used to a lack of sleep."

"I would feel terrible," she said softly so he flipped her on her back and took the decision from her.

"Now it is my choice," he grinned down at her, kissing her before reaching over and producing another condom. She laughed breathlessly.

"Well, if you insist."

"Good girl," he said as he pushed into her yet another time. Sleep was overrated anyway, and they weren't through yet.


Love you guys and ALL your comments. I just want to point out that this a reimagining this is not cannon. So, if Pen and Colin are having marital problems then they are having marital problems. If Violet is having issues with her children...well, she does have issues with her children in canon as well, so I don't see the issue in that. Also... I do not have Anthony and Sienna tagged because I don't want her fans to come here and expect something and then read something so dark.

Chapter 5


Anthony gives an ultimatum.

WARNING: Mentions of infidelity between E&V.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wednesday morning, they allowed Miles to sleep in. Kate got up to help her to boys get ready for the day. Anthony wrapped his arm around her as he prepared to take another shower, they had had a wild night. "You smell good enough to eat," he mumbled into her neck.

"I smell like sex," she laughed.

"Lilies and sex. One of my favorite combinations," he wiggled his eyebrows which caused her to giggle. She wrapped a robe around her.

"What do you want Edmund to wear for his pictures," she called out to him as he stepped into the shower.

"Usually, a polo and some khakis."

She could do that. She went to Edmund's room and woke him up gently. "We have to fix this hair," she exclaimed causing him to giggle. "It is a mess!"

In the end, she was able to get his hair tamed with a little bit of water, and her styling mousse. She put him in a blue polo shirt and khakis, the blue really set off his tan skin. "Do I look handsome," he asked as she fixed a few flyaway hairs.

"So handsome. Just like daddy."

"Ooh, that very handsome," his eyes wide. "Dat what all the mamas at the school say all the time."

"Oh," she said as she noticed Anthony walk in. "They say that do they."

"Mmhmm," he nodded seriously. "They say he handsome and Uncle Simon too."

"What do they do after," Kate laughed, enjoying this conversation far too much at the sight of Anthony's blushes.

"Sometimes they do this with their hands," he lifted both hands and lifted them to fan his face and Anthony nearly choked. Kate burst into laughter. A single dad at preschool drop-off on this side of town was rare. And honestly, she couldn't blame them. Anthony was extremely handsome. The ache between her legs wasn't for nothing.

She made them some eggs and bacon for breakfast, Edmund had chocolate milk and even ate an apple. Kate herself had plans to go back to bed after they left so she ate very little. "Do you need me to do anything today?"

"Do not answer the door to my mother," he reminded her. "And can you call the gate company? The information is in the desk with all the passcodes and security numbers. She cannot keep harassing Olivia all day."

"You think this will help," she stood by his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He looked so sexy in his navy scrubs and white doctor's coat.

"No. But at least it will establish a boundary. If she doesn't have access to the gate she cannot get to the house. I'm going to call my father later. She cannot keep harassing me like this either. She does not do this to Daphne and Simon."

"You told me that they only see her when they are out in public."

"Because she caused their poor housekeeper to quit. Nothing she did was good enough for my mother. They allowed her over after Daph had Lina, and then never again. But Simon is not her son, and he is not afraid to tell her no."

"I'm sorry," she ran a hand through his hair.

"You being here helps," he laid his head against her chest.

"You know... I am not afraid to tell her no," she said, a mischievous grin spread across her face, and he looked up at her in awe.

"That may be the sexiest thing I have ever heard," he rasped and laughing she leaned down and gave him a kiss.

"You guys kiss a lot," Edmund wrinkled his nose. "Like Uncle Simon and Auntie Daphne. That's yucky."

Anthony made a show of standing up and kissing her again, and Edmund squealed. Laughing they broke apart. "Ok, little man," she said as she helped him down from the chair. "Smile big for your pictures today, and I will see you after school. We're going to go on a hike today in the hills. Does that sound fun?!"

"Yeah," he exclaimed and jumped. "I can wear my boots!"

Anthony gave her keys to the other SUV he used for family trips because of the space. Kate's car was nice, but it was not big enough for three car seats in the backseat. He also put the double stroller that they had gotten for when Miles was an infant in the back. They could attach the carrier at the top, and Edmund would sit in the bottom. This time it would be Miles in the bottom. They would definitely get good use out of it again; Kate was very active.

Kate helped Edmund into his SUV, but not before he gave her a kiss. "I love you, Kate."

"I love you too, angel boy," she smiled and then helped him buckle in.

"Do you love me too," he teased as he pulled her in for a goodbye kiss.

"I am working on it, Dr. Bridgerton," she laughed and gave him another kiss. "Now go save some lives."

"Yes, Dr. Sharma," he said quietly and got into his vehicle. He opened the garage door and backed out; Edmund waved the whole way.

"You look refreshed," Simon teased as he walked into his office with a coffee for him.

"I am refreshed," Anthony took the coffee and smiled gratefully.

"How many times?"

"Too many to count."

"Too many what," Fife asked as he leaned against his office door.

"Nothing," Anthony responded.

"Bridgerton has a girlfriend."

"What," Fife's eyes widened comically. "No way! You're finally moving on from Sienna? Well, good for you, Bridgerton! I thought she had damaged you so bad you would never move on!"

"What do you want, Fife? You're not on my rotation today." Fife was an Orthopedic Surgeon. How in God's name he managed to accomplish such a fete, the world would never know. He was quite stupid when he wanted to be. They figured it was because he got to use hammers and saws in his line of work. He really was a child.

"And isn't that a shame. The best orthopedic surgeon needs the best anesthesiologist. We should become a team."

"I don't think so. How is Cassidy?" Cassidy Goring was Fife's longtime girlfriend slash f*ck buddy. She was a nurse in the Obgyn clinic upstairs.

"Very pregnant, and very mad at me. I don't know how you guys have multiple children. Women are nuts when they are pregnant."

"God forbid they become a little sensitive when they are carrying another human being that is invading their entire body and life," Simon said sarcastically.

"I know, right?!" Fife exclaimed. Simon met Anthony's eyes and rolled his own. Anthony shook his head.

Kate had finished feeding Miles and India breakfast, when she saw a car pull into the driveway. She put Miles safely in his play yard so he couldn't run off and made sure that India was secure in her swing before she went to the front door. She knew exactly who it was before she got out of the car. She shut the door behind her and stood with her arms crossed. She didn't know this woman, but she knew of women like her. And she would not let her into Anthony's safe space. She might not have much to give but she could give him that.

"Why are you at my son's house in the middle of the day," Violet Bridgerton demanded as she got out of her car. Her sunglasses, jewelry, and long nails all glittered in the sun. She was the quintessential socialite. "Where is he? I thought the nanny was here."

"Olivia is off for the day," she said, putting a name to the nanny that worked so hard for Anthony and his boys. "And I know very well why you are here. You are trying to push her around because you know you can't do so when he is here."

"How dare you -"

"You can't push me around either. I may not know you that well, but I know exactly what you want."

"You can't keep me from my grandchildren," she scoffed.

"If you were really here to see your grandchildren, I wouldn't have a problem. But you are not. You are here to gain access to the house while your son is not here, so you can ambush him when he gets home from work, since you no longer have a key."

"Step aside," Violet made a move to go around her for the door but Kate blocked her.

"No. Absolutely not."

"You think you can tell me what to do at my son's home? I am his mother."

Kate plastered a fake smile on her face. "And I am his girlfriend. Following his orders. You aren't welcome here. Feel free to call him and tell him how cruel I am. If he answers your phone that is," she laughed as she opened the door and shut it in her face. She locked it behind her. Violet stomped and stormed back to her vehicle, spinning her tires as she drove back down the drive. She looked over at Miles who was staring up at her. "Your nana is something else," she leaned down and tickled him, causing him to giggle. She sent a quick text to Anthony, detailing the situation, and then found the contact information for the gate company.

Once the new access code was set, she sent it to Anthony so he could text it to Olivia for when she dropped Edmund off.

Anthony was pissed. The first thing he did was kick Fife from his office and closed the door behind him. Simon looked at him in confusion as he hit his mother's phone number. "What the f*ck do you think you are doing?! No, you know what? I know exactly what you are trying to do. Stay out of my f*cking business."

"I only want what is best for you, Anthony," she exclaimed.

"Do what's best for me by staying out of my life! I am happy! Can't you just leave me be?!"

The next call went to his father.

"You need to control her, or I am going to lose it," he exclaimed.

"Anthony," he started.

"No dad. I know you have a blind spot because she stuck by you through your midlife crisis, but she is seriously set on ruining my life. I am yourson.You need to do something before you lose every single one of us."

"Son, I don't do well with threats, you know this."

"This is not a threat! This is my life."

"Look," Edmund said. "Let's all calm down. We can all just get along and regroup for Miles' birthday next week."

"You will not be invited to Miles' birthday if she continues to act like this and you do nothing."

"Are you threatening me with my own grandchild?"

"He is my child. I am his father. And at least I can be man enough to stand up when things get tough. I must have learned that from grandfather."

"Anthony," he gasped.

"Fix this, or you will see neither of my children for the foreseeable future." He hung up the phone and tossed it across the room onto the sofa he had there for when he needed a quick shut eye.

"Well done, Bridgerton," Simon exclaimed and slapped his back. "Wait until I tell Daph about this. Who would have thought that it would take this woman to make you grow a spine."

"I was not that bad."

"Bridgerton, that woman has been running your life for the last year and a half. The only good thing she has done was force you to go on this blind date. And even that was Aunt Agatha's doing."

Anthony sighed.

"What is even more impressive is that Kate held her own against Violet Bridgerton. You better marry that woman, or I guarantee somebody else will. Fife is still sniffing for some tail."

"Kate is far too smart for him," Anthony scoffed and Simon laughed.

Anthony stood and checked his phone when a new text came through. Apparently, Kate had set the new passcode and his mother had just found out. He showed Simon the text who burst into laughter. "I have to go," he said as he went for the door.

"Where are you going," Anthony asked.

"To call Daph. She will want to hear this."

Kate made lunch for the boys, sandwiches and chips, as Edmund told her about his day. "I smiled really big, like you said. My teacher say I look handsome."

"I can't wait to see them, angel," she ruffled his hair affectionately.

And then it was nap time, and she was able to get some things around the house done. She had some photos delivered that she had put into frames that she had went out and bought this morning. Anthony's sense of decoration around the house was non-existent. Except for a couple pictures on his nightstand of his boys there was nothing. White walls, hardwood flooring. Everything was clean, except for the toys that betrayed the children's existence. When the pictures were hung; one large print of each of the kids, including India, in the order of their birth. She made a mental note of some of the plants she wanted to order. Some greenery to liven up the place.

Once the children were awake, she gave them a quick snack, and then they were on their way. Edmund found a million little bugs on their hike as he walked beside her and the stroller. Each little bug he picked up he had to show to her and Miles. It felt good to get out in the open air. Before she was pregnant, she always went for a run when she was anxious, or a spin class. Anthony had a very nice gym on the other side of the garage, but with the children, finding time to work out was hard.

They pulled in just as Anthony was getting out of his car. "Daddy's home! Miles! Indi! Daddy's home," Edmund exclaimed. Anthony waited until she turned off the car and then went and helped her get the children out, but not before giving her a kiss.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too," she smiled. He went around the car to get Miles from his seat while she got Indi and Edmund out on her side."

"How did they do," Anthony asked as they made their way in.

"They did so good," she exclaimed as she sat the carrier down, and then scolded Edmund to take off his dusty shoes.

"Oh yeah," he laughed. "I forgotted," he exclaimed. "Can I read my book that I got from school, Kate," he asked, and Anthony's eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

"Go ahead, angel," she said, and he ran off to the living room, Miles toddled behind him as fast as he could.

"Where have you been all my life," he asked as he pressed her into the counter from behind, pressing a kiss into her neck. "He normally is asking for the tv at this time."

She giggled. "I told him one hour of tv a day. That it was important for our brains to read and play."

"And he bought that," he exclaimed.

"Soaked it up like syrup," she grinned as she reached to unbuckle India from her carrier.

"Ah," he said. "Let me go change out of my scrubs so I can hold the princess."

"Is Chinese tonight good," she called after him.

"I have a craving for Indian," he smirked back at her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Funny," she shook her head.

When he came back down, he took India and carried her into the living room. He noticed the prints of the children hanging up.

"Do you like them," she asked quietly.

"I love them. They belong there. We need one of us."

"Well, we have plenty from last week. I just didn't know if you would want -"

"Want one of us on the wall of our home? Yes, I absolutely do." He kissed her. He looked at the pictures again. Edmund's picture was from last weekend, he was all teeth as he smiled up at her for the picture. He looked absolutely adorable. Miles was a picture she took of him on Sunday where he was against the doorway, shyly peeking around. It was one of her favorites of him and so perfectly Miles. India's was taken Saturday after she had just woken up from one of her many naps. Her eyes were wide, and Anthony had her on his shoulder, and her waves were tousled as she looked over his shoulder. Kate was lucky she got that picture. India's pouty lips and wide eyes as she looked over Anthony's shoulder was something she could not get out of her head. "She looks so beautiful here," he whispered. He turned India in his arms and sat her against his chest, so she faced her picture. "Look at how beautiful you are, princess. Just like your mama."

They both sat down on the far side of the sectional, so they didn't disturb Edmund's reading. Miles quickly found his way onto her lap. "Did you talk to your mother?"

"I yelled at my mother. And my father. And Simon laughed," he shook his head. "I may have banned them from Miles' birthday next week. My father didn't take well to it. I brought up his affair."

"He had an affair," Kate's eyes widened.

"An affair and a child."

"Does he see the child?"

"Every other weekend. Mother leaves the house and stays with Colin and Penelope. They are the only ones that will allow her to stay with them. I used to but she became too controlling."

"Do you ever see the child?"

"Holidays. She is only seven. Her name is Isla."

"The name tradition continues," Kate said. She had laughed at how they were all named alphabetically.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "She is a cute kid. Daphne sometimes picks her up and takes her for fro-yo but I think it would be weird if I did that. Plus, her mother always is looking at me funnily during the holidays."

"Oh, she comes as well?"

"Yeah. She doesn't trust my mother, and I don't blame her."

"Well, what do you do for her? Does she know the boys?"



"Yeah, she does. She loves playing with Miles and Edmund."

"Is that why your mother is the way she is?"

"I never thought of it like that, but maybe. Mother used to be very loving if not from afar. We were raised by nannies."

"Why did your father have a mid-life crisis?"

"I have no idea. They always seemed happy. They seem happy now though, and I know that is an act. You have to understand. With marriages such of theirs, it's almost always about money."

"I understand perfectly well. It still doesn't give your mother to treat people like she has been treating them," she said sternly as she caught his eye. He sighed and laid his head back.

"I'm sorry. You're right. See... There I go again, making excuses for her."

"It's called eldest child syndrome," she teased.

"Now you sound like my sister," he laughed.

"She sounds smart."

"If you tell her I said that I will throw you into the pool."

She held her hands up. "Touché." He adjusted India so she was sitting against his knees facing him.

"How was your day, sweetheart? Were you good for mama?"

"She ate, she slept, she pooped, and then she ate again. A pretty typical day. She has her three-month checkup tomorrow at her pediatrician's office."

"Who is her pediatrician," he asked.

"Dr. Mondrich."

"Oh, she is the boys' pediatrician. She is good. Her husband is Edmund's soccer coach."

"I like her. She answers all my questions without making me feel stupid."

"You are not stupid, baby," he kissed her cheek.

"Daddy," Edmund said and they both looked up. "When do I have soccer practice?"

"Tomorrow, buddy."

"Are my clothes cleaned up?"

"They are. And your new cleats are ready to go."

"Ok," he nodded and then went back to his book. Kate chuckled.

"What have you done to my son," Anthony asked and Kate laughed out loud.

"He is calm because he is content," she stood up and shifted Miles to her hip and reached for Edmund's hand. "Come on sweet boy. Let's go to the computer and look up this Chinese food menu."

"Your mama is a witch, I just know it" she heard Anthony say as she and the boys left the room, and she burst into laughter.

Penelope sighed as she got off the phone. "What is it," Colin asked. Penelope turned to look at him.

"Your mother has been calling all day. She even woke up Jana this afternoon. Apparently, Anthony changed the locks to all his doors and the access code to his gate. Apparently, he has a girlfriend."

"Well, good for him."

"Colin, your mother is devastated."

"She is always devastated," he said. "She is a very good actress. but it seems that she has worn out her welcome with Anthony. You know that mother is the reason for Sienna's issues. She was the one that handed her the pills in the first place and that started a spiral. All because she had to keep up appearances."

"But she is still your mother," Penelope reasoned. "Isn't Anthony being a little harsh?"

"I don't think you know everything she has put Anthony through throughout his entire life. She was the hardest on him and Daphne. The first son, first daughter. It is why they are so close. It is why she expects so much from them. And it's why Simon has basically removed Daph from our lives. It was only a matter of time before Anthony broke too."

"Your mother has it in her head that it's this girlfriend controlling him. Apparently, she kicked her out of the house today."

"I guarantee the only woman seeking to control Anthony is our mother. Why do you think Anthony even married Sienna?"

Penelope thought for a moment and then her eyes widened. "NO!"

"Her eldest son married to herclosestsocialite friend's daughter. It was a match made in money heaven."

"I didn't realize."

"Look Pen," he sighed. "I realize that you think my family is perfect and we have no issues, but that is only on the outside. I only allow mother over here because I feel bad for her with what happened with father. But that is theonlyreason."

"She is asking us to get a new key from Anthony so she can get a copy."

Colin scoffed. "If we do that, Anthony might just go ahead and kick us out of his life as well, and I'm not willing to lose my brother over that."

"Yeah," she said quietly. "So, we just stay out of it, then?"

"If Anthony has finally found someone, someone who can help him fight his battles then I am happy for him."

Benedict Bridgerton hung up the phone and burst into laughter, his wife looked at him confused from the island as she was chopping vegetables for dinner. "Anthony finally did it. He locked her out."

"Who," Sophie asked.


"NO," Sophie exclaimed with a disbelieving laugh. "Really?!"

"Apparently she has been harassing him since he got a new girlfriend, so he changed the locks on the house and the access code to the gate. He will drop by the new keys tomorrow after Edmund's soccer practice. He wants us to meetKate."

"Hmm," she went back to chopping vegetables. "Good for him for finally standing up to her. And good for him for his new girlfriend. Especially if she is strong enough to stand with him against the dragon. Did he say anything about her?"



"Said she was beautiful and has a baby daughter."

"Funny. I know a Kate who is friends with my cousin who has a baby daughter. She is a doctor at the pharmaceutical company he works for."


"Did he say her last name?"

"I don't know. Sharmin, or something like that," Benedict asked.

"Kate Sharma?!"

"Yeah, I guess that sounds right. Why."

Sophie went to her phone and pulled up her cousin Lucas's Facebook. "This is her, Benedict. Wow. Small world."

Benedict looked at the phone and let out a slow whistle. "Go Anthony," he said and grinned when Sophie pushed him. "I only have eyes for you."

"No, you don't," she laughed. "But I love you anyway."

"Good for you, Anthony," Francesca Bridgerton said as she fed her son his supper. "It is about time." Michael shot her a questioning look and she shook her head. "We are planning on being there the night before Miles' birthday. Can you put us up?" She nodded. "Love you too. Give the boys a kiss for me."

She hung up.

"Anthony changed the locks to his home. Mother is mad," Fran smiled when Michael burst into laughter. Johnny banged the table with his hands and giggled along.

"I knew one day that man would finally crack."

"He has a girlfriend now."

"That definitely explains it... Good for him."

"I am happy for him. We will meet her when we are in town for Miles' birthday."

"I can't believe he is two. What are we getting him?"

"I got him a water coloring mat. Anthony says he likes to color and draw."

"Oh, then he will love that then."

"It's Miles. We wouldn't know if he didn't love it," she giggled and then turned back to feed her son.

Hyacinth was in-between takes on set in Georgia for a movie she was shooting when she received a text from Gregory.

-Anthony finally snapped!-

She smiled and reached for a bottle of water before texting her eldest brother about how proud she was of him.

Eloise Bridgerton walked out of the Ted talk she had been attending when she checked her messages. She had received one from almost every one of her siblings and they all said the same thing.

Anthony kicked mom out of his house.

She wasn't one for sentiments, but she couldn't help it. She started a Facetime to her eldest brother.

When she saw his face come on screen, she was a little caught off guard. He was holding a dark-haired infant. When had he had another baby?She really needed to start paying attention to her siblings and their lives.

"Hey El," her brother greeted.

There was something about her eldest brother and his ability to calm her in chaos. One word from Anthony when she was feeling upset or anxious and it all melted away.

"I hear congratulations are in order. I want to know all the juicy details starting with how you through mother from the house."

He laughed.

Edmund was in a foul mood. First, he had his call from Anthony. Then Daphne called and chewed him out. And then the mother of his youngest daughter, Isla berated him for not spending enough time with her. And when he had arrived home to a wife who was ranting about Anthony'smistake,it was the icing on the cake.

"So, I guess we won't be going to Miles' birthday next week."

"Of course, we are. He is our grandson."

"Anthony has uninvited us because you can't seem to stay in your lane."

"My lane is our children. He is our child. Our child is my business. Ergo. He is in my lane. This is all that girls' doing."

"First... She is a woman. Second... You will do better to show her some respect. Anthony seems like he is in it for the long haul."

Violet cursed Agatha Danbury's name and Edmund grimaced. Violet had gone to Agatha for help with Anthony's social life, and Agatha had made good on her promise. Perhaps a little too good for Violet Bridgerton's books. Edmund would be the first to admit that Violet treated Anthony and Daphne unfairly. Daphne rebelled hard when she married Simon, so Simon was definitely not a favorite in-law. And now Anthony... This poor girl had no idea what she was in for.

Except... perhaps she had an exact idea what she was in for. According to Violet, Kate stood her ground against her. He briefly wondered if she could give him some advice. If things continued the way they were, he would be lucky to even meet her.

"- And then she has the audacity to not even allow me into my son's own home. I know it was her that changed the gate code!"

"Violet, maybe it's time you started to listen to what your son is saying."

"Why should I listen to what he says when he never heeds my own advice."

"He listened to you and went on this date and the date was successful! What more could you ask for?!"

"She is not right for him!"

"And what makes her not right for him? The fact that he has a child. Should we hold it against Anthony that he does too."

"He is shirking his duties to this family."

"He has done everything you have ever asked of him within reason," Edmund said. "He is an adult. Let him live his life."

"You don't get it Edmund. What if something happens to you? What am I going to do? Edmund, Anthony will be the head of this family, then. The patriarch. He will be responsible for our attending society events. For our standing in society. It is paramount that he marries and that he marrieswell."

"You know who you sound like," he asked. "You sound likeyourmother."

"How dare you," she exclaimed. "My mother is mean and has a viper's tongue."

"Yeah. You soundexactlylike her."

They watched a movie on the Disney app after supper. He had had to turn his phone on silent. All of his siblings were texting him for the gossip. They even created a chain where Simon was giving everyone all the information he knew. Sophie had somehow found a picture of Kate, which caused Colin and Gregory to go a little insane. And then they were all requestingKate'snumber.

As if he was stupid enough to share her with the world just yet.

Kate fed India during the last half hour of the movie, as she laid in his arms. Michael fell asleep at her side, and Edmund sat on the floor in his large bean bag chair, enthralled to the very end. It felt good. It felt normal. "I'm going to text Sienna and tell her she can come watch Edmund's soccer practice if she would like."

"I think that is a good idea."

"I won't tell him, just in case. But I think inviting her is important."

"To keep the communication open. I agree. Letting her know that you aren't removing her from the picture that you are encouraging her to get better and be in their lives."

"Will you tell me about India's donor," he asked as he brought her to his shoulder.

"He is six foot tall, he is white, and he is a chemist. He works at Nasa."

"They don't give you pictures?"

"No. I suppose they don't want you running after them if you see them on the street," she said, and he laughed quietly.

"Well, you chose perfectly, and she is beautiful. I need to get a picture of her for my office."

"I am way ahead of you. I ordered a 5x6 of that picture and framed it for you to take."

"Good," he brought her back down. "Then I will be able to see all three of my babies when I'm done with surgery." She stared up at him with those wide eyes that had him hypnotized. "When do you want another?"

She laughed and snapped her fingers as if to pull him from a trance. "Slow down. She is only two-months old, almost three." He grinned at her sheepishly.

"Don't worry," he laughed. "I splurged on the deluxe box. We won't be running out anytime soon."

"Even after last night," she asked, and he laughed again.

The boys went down easily, Edmund was excited that he got to stay home with Kate tomorrow. And India was sound asleep when they transferred her to her bassinet, wrapped in her night swaddle.

"Shower with me," he said quietly.

"Alright," she breathed and allowed him to lead her to the shower, grabbing a condom along the way.

"Are you sore or can you take me," he asked as he undressed her. "I'm sorry I am so insatiable. It has been so long."

"I know. For me too." She bit her lip as she watched him undress. The water was warm but everywhere he touched was hot. She had never felt this way before.

And everything was blinding and wet and hot as they fell apart in each other's arms.


Thank you all so much for reading this mess! I appreciate you all!

And Miles is only two!! I realize that it might be confusing because he has a birthday party coming up, but sometimes the Bridgertons can get together when they get together since they are all scattered.

Chapter 6


Daphne Bridgerton Basset makes an appearance. And meet Isla Bridgerton!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When Anthony got home the next day, it was a quick change and turn around because they had to get Edmund to soccer practice, and since Kate wanted to come, they had to gather all the kids. The drive there was like they were a family. Edmund chattering in the back seat with Miles doing his best to respond, and India was asleep. Holding Kate's hand as he drove was becoming his favorite thing to do.

"How did her checkup go," he asked quietly. Olivia had come over to watch the boys, so Kate didn't have to hall them all to India's checkup. She bit her lip and looked out the window.

"The doctor said she was a little on the small side," she sighed. "Even though she is eating as much as she does. She wants me to supplement one feeding a day with some cereal."

"That is normal, baby," he said as he squeezed her hand to reassure her. "But other than that, she is perfectly healthy?"

"Yeah. Everything is normal. And I guess she did say it could be normal. Babies lose weight."

"They do," he nodded.

"Did you ever have to with the boys?"

"Edmund was a chunk," he laughed as she did. "He would try to gorge himself every time he ate. And Miles was fairly normal. Miles was formula fed because she couldn't produce, but he had a sensitive stomach, so we had to get some specialty brand."

"Hmm," she said as she looked out the window.

"Daphne will be here, Auggie is on the team. She has been calling me all day. She is excited to meet you," he felt Kate tense, but he would have none of that. "She loves you already. Believe me, she is not my mother." Kate was still worried they were moving too fast while he was all in. She was too, but she still worried what people would think.

He got the stroller out of the back and buckled Miles in before putting India's carrier in. Kate helped Edmund out of the car and helped him adjust his leg guards. Anthony looked around... There was no sign of Sienna. He hadn't expected her to show but each time he felt disappointment for their boys. But Kate had filled that role that Sienna was missing out on in just five short days. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad that the first-person Edmund talked about in the morning was Kate. He thrived in her attention and care. He looked over to her and she was moving to stand beside him, Edmund on her hip, his legs gently hitting her thighs as they moved.

"You look good with a child on your hip," he winked, and she laughed. They barely made it to the bleachers when they heard a squeal.

"Oh my God," a woman's voice rang through the air.

"Brace for impact," Anthony warned Kate a little too late as Daphne came running over and wrapping Kate and Edmund in a tight embrace. Kate looked startled and Edmund started giggling.

"Auntie Daphne. You squeezing my air," he exclaimed, and Daphne pulled away.

"I am sorry sweetheart," she kissed his cheek and then wiped off the lip gloss. "Auggie is already over there," she motioned to his little nephew already taking a few warmup kicks. Edmund kissed Kate's cheek and then wiggled down and ran off.

"I am Daphne, Anthony's sister. I am so happy to meet you," she grinned and immediately Kate relaxed.

"Kate," she shook her hand. "Anthony has told me a lot about you."

"Whatever he has told you, it's all lies. I am much worse," Daphne winked and Kate burst into laughter as Simon appeared beside Daphne. "This is my husband, Simon."

"Kate," his deep baritone rang out. "I look forward to getting to know you. It takes a special person to tame a Bridgerton."

"Hey," Daphne and Anthony both interjected and Kate giggled again.

"So, it can be done," Kate teased. "I was worried," she nudged Anthony at her side who grinned down at him.

"Oh! Come! Sit! We have spots saved. You will come to realize that even soccer practice is an event," she noticed the stroller and stopped. "Oh. Hi Miles! And who is this."

"This is India," Anthony announced proudly.

"Oh, she is beautiful," Daphne cooed at the baby and her nephew. "Come! I want to get to know you and I definitely want to hold that baby!"

Just then, a little girl came as a blur running up to Anthony throwing her arms around his waist. Anthony fake groaned at the impact, sending a little wink to Kate when he did. "Anthony," she exclaimed. "Are you coming to my recital, Friday?!"

"I am," he lifted her into his arms for what Kate has come to know as a pretty great hug. "I will be there with all the bells and whistles and embarrass you so profoundly that you will never ask me to come to another dance recital again," he teased her, and she giggled.

"Nu-uh," she shook her head and Kate caught a side of her profile. She looked a little like Daphne, and a lot like Anthony himself. And since they had gone over the sibling list endlessly over the last week, she knew that this little girl must be the youngest little Bridgerton, Isla.

"Fine," he grinned. "Say I am your favorite sibling, and I'll bring you flowers."

"Hey," Daphne exclaimed while removing India from her carrier. Simon had his own little baby girl in his arms now. "You can't bribe her!"

"Why not," Anthony asked with a grin.

"Because that is my thing!"

"That is why Hyacinth loves you more than the rest of us," Anthony exclaimed. "You spoiled her."

"Daphne can say that all she wants, but we all know Hyacinth is practicallyyourchild, Anthony," Simon deadpanned. "Gregory too."

Anthony looked to his youngest sibling who was still in his arms and gave her a squeeze. "Who is your favorite?"

"You are," she grinned and threw her arms around him again and Kate smiled at the scene presented. Anthony gave her one last peck on the cheek and sat her down. He turned her to face Kate.

"Isla," he gently began, "This is Kate. She is a microbiologist," he winked at Kate as Kate saw Isla's eyes light up.

"You like science?! That is so cool! I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up!" She ran forward and took Kate's hand, pulling her to a spot beside her. "Mom says I can do it too if I work really hard in school. And I also got into STEM this year! And I have all A's. My father says I am just like Anthony, except that he is too serious sometimes. But I try to be serious too because I want my grades to be good. What grades did you get? Oh! Are you Anthony's girlfriend?! I think you should be Anthony's girlfriend, because he is lonely and boring sometimes. And you are pretty. And smart! Oh! What does a microbiologist do?!" Kate had squeezed her hand to calm her down. "I'm sorry. My sister Eloise says that I ask too many questions."

"It's alright. You will find out, if you do enter the science field, that there are never too many questions being asked. We are always learning something about the world."

"Do you like what you do?"

"I do. I work in pharmaceuticals."

"What is that," she wrinkled her knows and it reminded Kate of Edmund.

"Well," Kate shifted and crossed her legs as Anthony sat down next to her. He removed Miles from his stroller, and Miles immediately wanted her, so she uncrossed her legs and allowed him to crawl on her lap. "We try to come up with medicines to help people."

"Like vaccines and stuff?"

"Yes, exactly so!"

"And you work in a lab with a microscope and everything," Isla's eyes widened and at Kate's nod she exclaimed. "That is so cool! Isn't that cool, Anthony?!"

"The coolest," Anthony gave her an admiring look before taking Miles back into his lap when Miles reached for him. And then Miles wanted down. And once he was down on the ground he took off. "Son of a," Anthony cursed and took off after his son causing Simon to burst into laughter.

Daphne giggled until she saw a little girl trailing them. "Simon, there goes Bella!"

This time, Simon jumped up with Lina in his arms and took after his own daughter.

Kate was fascinated with watching Edmund, answering Daphne and Isla's questions as she did. When Daphne cooed at India as she held her, she asked, "she is beautiful. How old?"

"Almost three months," Kate replied, laughing quietly as Anthony caught Miles and Miles' giggles rang out across the field, and then Edmund kicked a field goal in their scrimmage! Kate jumped up. "Good job, buddy," she exclaimed, and he turned to her and waved excitedly. She waved back and sat back down. "I adore those boys," Kate said with a look of longing in her eyes.

"I can tell," Daphne said quietly, a sweet smile on her face. "Just like I can tell you adore my brother." Kate blushed. "I am glad he found someone. He has spent his whole life fighting for everybody. I am glad he now has somebody to fight for him too. What you did to my mother the other day was a master class. All the siblings are excited to meet you at Miles' party next week."

"I am nervous," Kate admitted.


"It's so fast. We literally met last weekend and now I can't imagine a day without him," Kate shook her head and looked down at her hands in her lap. "I am worried that is too good to be true."

"I understand," Daphne said quietly as she brought the baby up to her shoulder. "But can I say something?"

Kate nodded.

"Anthony is very cautious. He had dates but they never amounted to anything. If he says you are the one, then you are the one."

"Sienna -"

"I believe Anthony loved Sienna in his own way. But it was never his choice to marry her. If he had the choice to do it again, knowing what he knows now. The only reason he would is because he got Edmund and Miles out of it. That's it. That is the only reason," Daphne said. "Have you met Sienna?"

"Not officially. We went to drop the boys off last week and I saw her from the car. They didn't end up going."

"They didn't?"

"Edmund threw a fit and Sienna is," Kate paused. "She was sick."

"Ah," Daphne nodded. "Again?"

"You know?"


"I feel sorry for her," Daphne sighed. "But the boys are my priority. Oh," she exclaimed. "I almost forgot," she reached over and pulled a blue shirt from the baby's bag she had sitting at her side. "I had this made for you for the game on Saturday. I kind of guessed your size so I hope it works."

Kate took the shirt and held it up. It had the team name on the front and Edmund's name and number on the back. "Oh, thank you!" Her attention was diverted when Edmund came running up."

"Hi sweetheart," Daphne exclaimed to her nephew. He gave her a smile but went right to Kate's arms.

"It break time," he said, his face was flushed. "Can I have some water, please," he said as he sat in her lap. Kate reached into their own bag and produced his water bottle. The little boy took it gratefully. "Auntie Isla, did you see me make that goal," he turned in Kate's lap to exclaim.

"Good job, Edmund!"

"I make the goal, but Auggie didn't," he puffed out his chest, and Kate got the sense that the two cousins had a fair amount of healthy competition between them.

"But Auggie made a goal last week," Isla reminded her nephew. "Remember?"

"No," Edmund shook his head seriously. "That not counting cause that last week, and this is today," he said, and the adults laughed.

"Kate," Daphne turned to her. "We are all going out to eat after practice, do you and Anthony want to come? Ben and Sophie will be there."

"Oh yes, Kate! Come," Isla exclaimed.

"Well, I think that will be up to Anthony. Though I have no objections." Anthony and Simon had taken Bella and Miles to a park nearby assumably to wear out their energy.

In the end, Daphne and Simon took both boys and Anthony and Kate went home with India for a little date night of their own. She could see why Anthony adored DaphneandIsla. Isla was the sweetest soul.

And while she liked Daphne and Simon just fine, she was glad that Anthony made the arrangements that he did; she was a little overwhelmed. Simon and Daphne would drop the boys off after they ate, and Kate and Anthony could have some time to themselves.

"I like them," she said quietly as he turned on the kitchen light and sat India's carrier on the counter.

"They like you," he smiled. He watched her for a few moments and then opened his arms. "Come here sweetheart." He gave the best hugs. She walked into them and wrapped her own around his body. "I know it's overwhelming. My family for the most part, there are so many of them. Sometimes it's overwhelming for me. But I am not asking anything of you other than to just be yourself. As if you could be anyone else." He chuckled and then his gaze grew serious as he stared down into her eyes.

"What," she asked quietly.

"I think I'm falling in love with you," he said, his voice almost a whisper and he looked terrified. She smiled and leaned up to press a kiss to her lips.

"I wouldn't be here right now if I did not feel the same."

"Really," his eyes sparkled, and a smile spread across his face that nearly took her breath away. God help her, he was the sexiest man she had ever seen. He was more than she had ever dreamed of.

"Really," she ran her fingers through his hair.

"All my life," he said. "I never thought I would ever feel like this. And one night with you changes everything."

"Lucky me," she replied, using his words against him. He chuckled. She turned in his arms to face the counter. "I should make us something to eat."

"Order in," he mumbled into her neck.

"We did that last night," she reminded him.

"So, we have money," he kissed the junction where her shoulder met her neck.

"We can't order in every night."

"Sure, we can. The boys and I almost always did."

"And that is why I am struggling to get Miles to eat anything other than chicken strips," she scolded him, and he winced.

"Yeah," he pulled away and ran a hand through his hair. "I was a bachelor raising two boys. It was all I could do sometimes."

"Oh," Kate remembered the shirt that Daphne gave her and pulled it out of the baby's bag. "Daphne made it for me to wear Saturday." She handed the shirt to him, and he smiled brilliantly.

"Look at you, soccer mom," he said, and she laughed. "That is something you could not say a week ago."

"I wouldn't dream of saying it a week ago," she raised both arms up and around his neck and kissed him again.

"And now I am so far gone that nothing else makes sense."

Lovemaking in the living room on a pile of blankets in front of the windows that overlooked the yard, and the city was always a fantasy of his, and to realize that with the most beautiful woman in the world... There was not a single adjective in the English language that could adequately describe the ecstasy.

Obviously, they couldn't stay in their safe little haven all night. The boys would be back, and they had yet to eat. And they had to begin India on her cereal. But for the first time in years, he was looking forward to making it through their nighttime routines with somebody else. In the end he got his wish and takeout was ordered. While they were waiting, they fed the baby who went a little cross eyed at the new food.

Kate giggled. "She looks like my sister when she makes that face."

"Does she?"

"Edwina has some of the funniest faces, especially when she is stressed or working out."

"Hmm," Anthony said as he started to get some plates and silverware ready for them for when the takeout arrived. "Kate."

"Hmm," she looked up from her baby.

"Since we met, we are always doing things for my family or the boys. But what about your family? I hear so much about them. I know your mom is in Colorado and your sister is in New York. But do you ever go visit? Do they come here? They can come here if you wish. I want you to feel at home."

"I do feel at home," she assured him, and he nodded. She sighed.

"Since the baby, I haven't been able to travel much. I am worried about RSV and everything," she said, and he nodded in understanding. "But my mother hates flying, and Edwina has classes. Edwina has yet to meet her in person, but she videos once a week so India can hear her voice."

"Would they ever move out here," he asked.

"Edwina would but not until after college. In fact, she planned to. Mom wouldn't leave Colorado, though."


"It's where her and dad met, lived, and he is buried there now. She finds solace that he is only a twenty-minute drive away if she ever needs to talk to him." Anthony nodded. "Mom will fly out for the important dates. Like I said, she was here for her birth. She comes for my birthdays. I guess I feel special that she does, because she is so scared of flying but she makes it a point to be here anyway."

"She loves you," he murmurs.

"I know. Despite everything," she smiled.

"I would like to meet her."

She watched India for a few moments then looked up at him slowly. She nodded. "Ok. She videos Saturday afternoon. Edwina as well."

"Edmund's game is in the morning, so that's perfect," he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "And then I texted Benedict and he is going to help me get Miles moved into Edmund's room. And also, to get India's crib over here."

Kate nodded. "I talked to Edmund about it today and he is so excited. He has started to make room in his closet. He also has a bunch of toys to donate that I bagged up and put in the garage."

Anthony's eyes widened. "How did you get him to do that?! I have been trying to do that for over a year. He throws the biggest tantrum you can imagine! I've explained that it is for all the children who can't afford toys and he still doesn't want to."

Kate giggled. "I also went through some clothes. Some I folded and put in a box for Miles, but the eighteen-months I bagged up."

He walked to her and hauled her into his arms while being mindful of the baby. "You are f*cking perfect," he leaned down and gave her another kiss. "What else did you do today?"

"Well," she laid the baby in her swing and made sure she was secure before turning it on. "When they were down for a nap I did a workout."

"Did you," he rasped before he pulled her into his arms again.

"Yeah, I love your gym, it has everything."


"Our gym," she whispered, and a breathtaking smile spread across his face. "

"Our home," he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Our kids," he kissed her cheek. "Our love," he kissed her other cheek. "Next you need to decorate our bedroom."

"It looks fine," she protested with a giggle.

"It looks like a bachelor's bedroom. I want it all. I want flowers, pictures, a rug. I want your shoes taking up all the space in our closet and your panties on the floor," he said, and she burst into laughter.


"Too much," he grinned. He looked to say more but there was a buzz at the gate. Their food was here. She lowered her legs to the floor, and he gave her one last kiss before going and allowing the delivery driver in. He met the driver at the front door, kissing India, who was still content in her swing with her pacifier in her mouth, on the way. He tipped the driver and then took the bags of food, into the kitchen as she closed the door, pinching her ass along the way. Kate shook her head and smiled at her daughter.

"He is too much, isn't he," she exclaimed, catching the baby's attention. India's face broke into a brilliant smile, causing her to drop her pacifier. She cooed. "I know! What have we gotten ourselves into?" India squealed and kicked her legs. Kate reached for the pacifier and helped her latch onto it again. "I love you, baby," she said quietly. She would always do everything in her power to protect this gift. And right now, that included allowing Anthony to remain in her life, in both of their lives.

"Was that her making all that noise," he asked, amused. "You are the quiet one!"

"She has been talking a lot today," Kate laughed. "Dr. Mondrich wanted to take her home."

"Unacceptable. She can't take her from me. I just got her," he replied, and Kate laughed again. He was in fine form tonight. He seemed younger and more carefree. He turned to Kate, "Thai food is ready," he nodded to the kitchen.

"You are trying to be alone with the baby so you can steal her from me, aren't you," Kate narrowed her eyes and his face broke out into yet another grin. "No way, Bridgerton," she took him by the waist and forced him away from the baby and into the kitchen.

"I love it when you get rough like that, -" he said and when she turned red, he burst into laughter. He turned around. "I am sorry baby. I will stop."

"Thank you."

She ended up eating supper while sitting in his lap. And the boys came home halfway through. Miles announced his presence first after Daphne called that they were here. "Hewoooo," the little boy exclaimed. "BA! Da!" He turned and looked up at Daphne and held his hands up. "At?"

"Let's check the kitchen, baby."

"They are here cause Indi is here," Edmund exclaimed. "Hi India, guess what?! I scored a goal tonight and then we had pizza for supper!" Kate chuckled and followed Anthony out of the kitchen and into the family room.

"Da," Miles came running and wrapped his arms around his father's leg.

"Were they good," Anthony asked his sister as he lifted his youngest son up.

"They were very well behaved," Daphne cooed at the baby in her swing. "Goodness. Seeing her is making me feel things."

"Ovaries exploding," Kate asked.

"Oh my gosh yes," she exclaimed and looked back at the baby. "But if I ask Simon for another baby now, he is liable to cut me off from all otherfantasticactivities."

Anthony groaned. "I didn't need to hear that."

"I have three children, Anthony. They didn't get here by some miracle. It took multiple months of trying for the last one especially." Daphne lifted the baby from her swing. "Ooh. She is much lighter than Lina. Wait until Sophie gets a hold of you on Saturday! She is going to love you up!"

"We may have to put blockades up around this baby," Anthony murmured to Kate who giggled.

"By the way. Apparently, mother has gotten ahold of the boys' soccer schedule, we can thank Penelope and her soft heart for our mother for that. She left me a voice message on my office phone, that she was going to be there."

"She can be there, but she will not be here for the barbecue afterwards."

"You know she is going to try. Especially since you haven't talked to her in days."

"You haven't talked to her since Lina was two weeks old," he reminded her.

"And look how much happier I am and how much younger I appear," Daphne smiled and then went back to cooing over the baby.

"Auntie Daphne, I want to hold her! Please. She's my baby too," Edmund exclaimed.

"Oh, alright," Daphne said fondly down to her nephew. "Go sit down, buddy." Edmund quickly found his spot on the couch and held out his arms. "I guess I better get out to the car before Simon runs the vehicle into the house anyway." She laid the baby in Edmund's arms. "There you go, buddy. Oh... Support her head."

"She loves me, I think. Cause I am nice to her and share my toys," Edmund grinned.

"I am sure she does, buddy," Daphne kissed his forehead and then the baby's. And then walked over to say goodbye to Miles who turned into Anthony's neck shyly causing the adults to laugh. "Oh, don't you start. You sat in my lap all night," she tickled him, causing him to giggle. And then Daphne turned to Kate. "Get my number from Anthony, and text me tomorrow. Please?"

"Ok, I will," Kate promised with a nod and Daphne gave her a hug and then turned to her brother.

"Well done, big brother," she said before giving him a hug and walking out the door, closing it behind her.

"I feel like I am in a hurricane when I am around her."

"Get used to it," he laughed. "Because I'm not letting you go, ever. And Daphne is a walking hurricane twenty-four/seven. How Simon is not exhausted every single day of his life, I will never know."

"We have Isla's recital tomorrow night?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "You don't mind, do you? With a large family like mine, there is almost never a night free."

"I like that," she held out her arms to Miles who happily complied and flew into them. "Hello, baby," she wrapped him in a hug and kissed his cheek. "Did you eat well?"

"No," he shook his head.

"Do you want to eat some rice."


"Close enough," she laughed and carried the boy on her hip into the kitchen to share some of her food with him. Anthony made sure Edmund was set with India before turning on the tv for his hour.

"Call for us if you need help with her, buddy."

"Ok, daddy!"

Heartbreaking news ladies-

It appears that one of America's most eligible bachelors, (And England's for that matter if we go by the way of paternity." Anthony Bridgerton is off the market. And who might be the lucky lady? A scientist and single mother to whom he was supposedly set up on a blind date with. Sources say the couple is unbelievablyhappy. But his mother... less than.

And we all know that when it comes to the Bridgerton family, specifically the heir of the Bridgerton family, Violet Bridgerton dominates the roost.

I, of course, will keep you posted on all the juicy details.

Long may they continue to be scandalous!

Yours always,

Lady Whistledown

"I hate how she makes it seem like Kate is just a woman and Anthony's a prize. I spoke to her last night and -"

"You spoke to her," Penelope exclaimed. "How?! Colin has been trying to get Anthony to pick up his phone for a day now."

"Well, perhaps Colin should not be in cohorts with our mother," Eloise flipped her hair. "As I was saying. I spoke to her yesterday, and she is very smart, and kind. Does that not count for something. She had just as much of a choice in pursuing a relationship with Anthony as he did her."

"Well, you know Lady Whistledown. Anthony Bridgerton sells magazines. If she can paint a scandal than she will."

"My mother can pretend to control Anthony all she wants, but I don't think it's going to work this time."

"You think?"

"Yeah. He seems ready to burn it all to the ground. And if Anthony goes, Gregory and Hyacinth will go too. Daphne and Benedict are already gone. Do you know that she pretended that Kate was Benedict's friend to get Anthony to go on a date? And then when he found everything out it was too late, and he didn't want to be rude. And then when she found out Kate had a child all of a sudden Kate wasn't good enough. You know why, don't you."

"Cause your father," Penelope said quietly.

"Yeah. And also, her independence. Apparently, Kate had her baby via sperm donor. How f*cking cool is that? She set her mind to something, and she didn't even need a man to do it? She is like the exact opposite of our mother. She didn't care what anybody else thought. She didn't care. She wanted a baby. No guy was worth it. So, she had a baby."

"So cool," Penelope whispered.

"I can't wait to meet her Saturday."


"Edmund's and Auggie's soccer game. And then we are having a barbecue and setting up the baby's room at the house."

"They are moving in?!"

Eloise looked at her searchingly before turning back to her phone. "Like I said. Mother doesn't have a chance in hell this time."

"This f*cking woman," Anthony said the next morning as he tossed his phone onto Simon's desk. "I bet it is that Cowper girl. Only she would stoop so low to write a gossip column and berate women for doing exactly what she herself would do."

"Yeah. Daphne was upset this morning too. She has a plan to scorch the earth," Simon chuckled. "And if I know my wife, she just might do it. How is Kate doing with it?"

"Well, she hadn't told her mother or sister that she has started to see me. She was wanting to wait until their video calls Saturday so I could talk to them. But her sister called her this morning, demanding answers. I barely got a kiss on the way out the door because she was trying to appease her sister."

"Poor you," Simon teased.

"When you get used to getting a kiss on the way out the door, you expect a kiss on the way out the door," Anthony said seriously before he and Simon burst into laughter.

"They aren't being too hard on her, are they?"

"No, she texted me. They are being perfectly lovely. They are just in shock. She gave them my number and they have been texting me, getting to know me. It's been nice. I simply told them that if any press call, it's "no comment." "

"Good. Perhaps get them some security set up. Especially for these first months. We are used to the crazy, but nothing can prepare someone for this madness. Even me. And I only married Daphne. And she isn't the heir. Have you heard from your father?"

"Not since I yelled at him. You?"

"No. He knows Isla is staying with us this week, so I figured he would be over more. But he has called a couple times. He will be at the recital tonight. As will Colin, so... Be prepared."

"I didn't even invite him to the barbecue Saturday. He and Ben aren't talking. I feel guilty. I feel like I'm choosing a side."

"Bridgerton, as long as they are sympathetic to your mother, how can you trust them with anything to do with your home? Or Kate? Penelope will always have a soft spot for your mother because she forced the marriage between her and Colin, when she found out they were pregnant. At least Pen came from a prominent family. Your Kate can claim no such honor."

"She stands on her own," Anthony growled.

"I am not saying she does not. She is a great girl. Beautiful, kind, funny. And besides her taste in you, she is smart as hell. But you know that with your mother, you can be the stupidest person on earth, but if you have the right name, it doesn't matter."

"Cressida Cowper."


Anthony sighed. "I am just trying to protect her from all of this. After Sienna -" he sighed. "I want her to know that I am all in on her. And I am doing everything I can to make sure she is ok. That she is safe. That she is content and happy."

"I have only met her once, but Anthony. She looks at you with stars in her eyes. She is practical. And it seems you have shared a lot of family history with her, and she is still staying. Apparently, she is meeting up with Daphne and Isla and the children for lunch."

"Is she," Anthony perked up.

"She is. And they made plans to work out tomorrow before Auggie and Edmund's game tomorrow morning. They are going to a spin class."

Anthony sighed in relief.

"Daphne is not going to allow you to lose her Anthony. She is not perfect. And she is as meddlesome as her mother, in a much nicer way, of course, -"

"Of course," Anthony echoed.

"But I know from experience that it is impossible once you are in it to give up on you Bridgertons. AndI only had one at that time. Kate has three.Three whole Bridgerton men to deal with. You are the starter, Edmund the relief, and Miles is the closer. She didn't have a chance."

Anthony chuckled and pressed the green button on his phone when it started to ring. It was Kate.

"We are going out to eat with Daphne. She got us into Nobu tonight after the reciatal! Nobu, Anthony! I have never, ever been there!"

"That is great, baby!"

"We are also working out tomorrow morning," she continued.

"I heard!"

"And she is helping me pick some things out for our bedroom. And order another one of those chairs!"

"Tell her to get the larger one this time," Anthony took his phone out the door. "I want to be able to hold you while you are nursing our baby," he said, and Simon burst into hysterics.

"Whipped is an adjective," Simon exclaimed and Anthony glared at him before flipping him off.


Kate is just getting swept away in the Bridgerton love fest! And good for her!

The response to this story has been so great! I love all your comments and analysis! Some of you are spot on and I'm glad that I can convey that so you can tell what is going on!

Chapter 7


It has been the best week of Anthony's life.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Friday it had been a whole seven days since they first met, and it had been the best week of his life. After Kate had lunch with Daphne, to which Daphne had convinced her to leave India for the first time with Olivia. The two had lunch and after Kate had brought him some lunch to his work, which led to sex on the couch in his office. Needless to say, he was much more relaxed during his knee replacement with Fife. He was even able to brush off Fife's lewd comments about Kate's long legs and what he would like to do with them wrapped around him.

In knowing her just a day, Daphne had gotten Kate to loosen up and to feel less guilty about accepting help with her daughter. And that was progress. Kate had admitted that she didn't make friends with girls easily, she was always afraid of judgement. She was too tall, to smart, to brown, to skinny. Her boobs weren't big enough and her hair too shiny. She made friends with men much easier. She was athletic, loved sports, and found them easier to get along with.

Daphne on the other hand got along with other women great, but she had a hard time making close friends. Simon had suggested that perhaps Kate and Daphne would be beneficial to each other. They were certainly on their way to being fast friends.

Saturday morning, Kate had gotten up at six in the morning to go to the neighborhood Soul Cycle with Daphne for a class. Kate had confessed that getting up and moving was helping her out a lot. Apparently, the other day after India's appointment she had broken down into tears in the parking lot. He encouraged her that anytime she felt sad, even for no reason at all, to please tell him. That they could talk and communicate through it. When she confessed that that wasn't the first time that she had a break down, he encouraged her to make an appointment with her doctor.

He knew as a doctor, and from Sienna that post-partum depression presented in a variety of forms. And if you didn't get a handle on it quickly it could spiral out of control. And he refused to let Kate be a victim. She was hesitant but when he offered her research and statistics, she was strong enough to call her doctor and make an appointment. She admitted that she wanted to be the best mother she could be for India, and she included Edmund and Miles in that too, which warmed his heart. Though they never talked about it, it had literally been a week, they were definitely parenting each other's children, and they were okay with that. He even picked out India's outfit and dressed her before he left for work this morning.

Kate even asked if he would go to her appointment with her, she had it set up with the Obgyn who kept an office upstairs in his building, and also downtown. He agreed immediately. He wanted to show her that he supported her.

Friday night they made tacos and had game night. They played Uno and Candyland with Edmund, who was actually quite good at both when he paid attention. Miles was more animated than he had ever been, running back and fourth from the family table to the living room, bringing him and Kate toys and waiting for them to exclaim or be excited for him before running back. They even got him to use the potty before getting him ready for bed!

And then the baby literally had a blow out in her diaper. With the cereal being added to her diet Thursday, it was hardly a surprise. They cleaned her up, and then Kate drew a bath and got into the tub with her. The baby fell asleep against her mother's chest in the water and slept through the entire process to get her ready for bed.

He and Kate spent the night watching The Big Bang Theory. He asked her if she had friends like Sheldon.

She giggled, "You would be surprised how accurate this is, even in pharmaceuticals. Some people are just so book smart that they have a hard time communicating when it revolves around anything other than science or math. I actually went to college with a girl like Sheldon. She works at Harvard now. Most of my friends are more like Raj. Socially awkward, but they try so hard."

When Kate was in class Saturday, he showered and dressed. He fed the baby and dressed her, proud with what he selected for her. A little blue denim dress with gold hearts and a blue headband, and blue shoes that were almost too large for her because her feet were so small. She did very well being handled for her age; much better than the two boys ever did. With Miles it was sleepers or nothing, and with Edmund, he preferred being naked. By the time he was done dressing India, Kate had gotten home and went directly into the shower. He was back in the room when she stepped out with a towel wrapped around her.

"How are you feeling, baby," he asked quietly. India had gone back to sleep.

"Sore," she admitted.

Well, they couldn't have that.

He dropped her towel.

Dropped to his knees and lifted a leg over his shoulder.

Everything was incoherent after that.

Getting the boys ready was a rush. Edmund was so excited that he was running around and forgetting everything that he needed, and Miles just wasn't having it. When they were finally able to get down for breakfast; Kate made scrambled eggs and sausage and bacon so Edmund would have extra energy. By the time breakfast was over, Sophie and Ben were arriving with the food for the barbecue tonight, and Miles had lost his shoes that they hadjustput on him not twenty minutes ago.

"Miles," Kate exclaimed as Sophie was coming through the door.

"Knock-Knock," she exclaimed.

"Auntie Sophie," Edmund exclaimed, forgetting his breakfast and sliding down from the stool.

"And Uncle Ben," Ben grumbled. "But whatever," he laughed as Edmund wrapped his arms around Ben's legs. Anthony rose to greet his brother and sister-in-law.

"Miles," Kate continued. "Where are your shoes?"

The little boy looked up at her and held up his hands. "I no no." He put his hands over his head and ear and walked into the living room.

"Anthony are his shoes over there," she asked.

"No baby," he said as he wrapped Sophie in a hug and kissed her cheek.

Kate sighed and followed the boy into the living room.

"That is Kate, huh," Ben grinned as Sophie elbowed him. "She's hot." Sophie elbowed him again. "Ow," he rubbed his chest.

"Help me put this away," Sophie said. "The vegetables can stay out and," she examined the islands and saw the baby asleep in her bouncer on the second island. It had become a permanent fixture there for when the family was all gathered in the kitchen. "Oh," she breathed. "Oh. She is adorable," Sophie squealed.

"You wake her up, you will put her back to sleep," Anthony warned.

"Gladly," Sophie cooed as she made her way over to the baby and looked at her. "Oh, she looks like a little doll! Ben, we need one!"

"Dolls don't poop or pee or spit up. And we have one, remember."

"But I can't put a bow on him!"

"Where Charlie at," Edmund asked.

"He is at home with Eloise," Ben said. "She is going to bring him to the game." Eloise stayed at Ben and Sophie's when she was in town.

"You coming to my game?"

"We wouldn't miss it, buddy," Ben ruffled his nephew's hair and took some meet to the refrigerator and stopped. "Soph," he said. His voice stunned.

"What Ben?"

"There are pictures and drawings on Ant's refrigerator."

"NO," Sophie exclaimed and turned her attention from the baby to take a look.

"I am not that bad," Anthony mumbled.

"I drawed dat one. And Miles colored dat one. And I draw dat one of me and Kate. And Papa put dat one there cause I do one of Indi," Edmund pointed to each picture. "And daddy order me magnets so I can practice my alpa-bet."

"Alphabet," Anthony corrected gently.

"Alright," Benedict turned to his brother. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother."

Anthony rolled his eyes. "I amnotthat bad!"

"Anthony, I tried to get you to frame pictures of the family and you refused," Benedict exclaimed and Anthony blushed more profusely. "NO! You have framed pictures now?!"

"Where," Sophie exclaimed excitedly.

"Our pictures in the hallway now! There me and Miles and Indi!"

"I have to see," Sophie squealed and went towards the hallway when they heard a squeal.

"Well, I'm sorry," Kate was saying. "You have to wear shoes."

"Nooooooooo," the little boy cried as he was being carried into the kitchen by Kate. Miles on one hip, his shoes in the other.

"Where did you find them," Anthony asked.

"In his toy box," Kate said, an air of frustration in her voice. When he even got to his toy box I will never know." She hoisted him onto the counter and proceeded to put on his shoes and double tie them so he could not get them off. Benedict sidled up to her.

"Benedict Bridgerton," he held out his hand. "The creative Bridgerton brother," he said, and she giggled when she shook his hand. "I am told that you are solely responsible for my brother loosening up, so you are already my favorite in-law." Kate laughed and Anthony nearly choked.

"And I am Sophie," Sophie sidled up next to Ben. "I have been so excited to meet you! I am so happy that Anthony found you! And your baby is beautiful! I hope I get to give her a lot of cuddles this afternoon." Kate pulled Miles off of the counter who immediately pouted into her neck, and she went to shake both of their hands, but when she shook Ben's, he pulled her in for a hug.

"It is nice to meet you both. I look forward to getting to know you today," she smiled and then turned to Edmund. "Finish your breakfast."

"Oh," Edmund's eyes widened and he raced to his seat. "I forgotted," he said sheepishly. Ben burst into laughter.

"Oh, she is perfect for you," he wiped at his eyes. "Already taming the Bridgerton men."

"Yeah, you are going to have to tell me how you did that," Sophie laughed. "I have been trying for a couple years now. To no avail. And do not let him fool you. Anthony is much easier to get along with than Ben."

"Hey," Ben exclaimed and Anthony smirked. Kate laughed.

Kate tried to pass Miles to Anthony so she could get Edmund's leg guards on while he finished eating but he refused to leave her arms. He was still upset. She nodded to the leg guards, and he understood. Sophie was directing Ben from their car in the garage to the kitchen, bringing in the rest of the food. Sophie was a chef, and in her marriage to Ben with the Bridgerton name behind her, she had cooked for many celebrities. To this day, Taylor Swift was her favorite.

The diaper bag was packed with sunscreen, diapers and wipes, another outfit for the baby, a baby carrier so he could carry Indi and not her car seat, and three water bottles for the boys. And then it was time to load up. Edmund was buckled in and then Miles and the baby were. And they took off, leaving Sophie and Ben to lock up the house and meet them at the sports complex.

When they arrived, they buckled Miles in the single stroller and put India in the carrier on Anthony's chest. It gulfed her small body, but she was safe and secure. Kate helped Edmund out of the vehicle and adjusted his guards. "Remember to have fun and..." she looked into his eyes and waited for him to finish.

"Be myself. Dat enough," he nodded matter-of-factly. "Cause I am special."

"You are special," Kate agreed. "Now give me a kiss and go have fun." Edmund kissed her lips, and then jumped out of the SUV. Kate took control of the stroller, while Anthony threw one arm around her shoulder, and he held Edmund's hand with the other one as they walked. They could always count on Daphne to get here early to reserve seats. Or most likely it was Simon. Only this time his parents were in his normal spot. Isla was on their father's lap and Violet was wearing a stormy expression. She brightened a little when she saw Edmund walk up but dimmed again when she saw him and Kate.

"Hello darling," she exclaimed to Edmund.

"Hi nana. What you doing here," he asked innocently causing his mother to chuckle nervously and look at Kate and Edmund to roll his eyes. Violet Bridgerton would attend many an indoor event for her grandchildren, but it was near impossible to get her to attend any event to which she might have to wear tennis shoes or something not Gucci or Chanel.

"I came here to cheer you on," she exclaimed.

"And Auggie," Edmund stood in front of her.

"And Auggie," she looked to her eldest grandson, who was talking to his little sister Bella. Chances are she probably hadn't seen Auggie in months. Catching Simon's glare, she turned and looked back at Edmund. "Remember to do your best so Miles can see what it's like and be just like you," she pressed a finger gently in his chest. Her husband sighed, but his son shook his head.

"No nana, I only have fun, be myself, and dat enough," he nodded seriously. "Cause I am special. Huh daddy," he looked up at him and Anthony could feel his face beam down at him. Kate f*cking changed everything for these boys. He was never letting her go.

"That's right, buddy," he ruffled his hair. He got into the diaper bag on his shoulder and pulled out one of the water bottles, the one that had his name on it. "Take this and go with Auggie to the field, alright. Auggie," he got his nephews attention. "Edmund's going down." Auggie nodded eagerly and got his own water bottle and together the boys made it down to the field. At that time, Kate had found a seat in front of his mother and father and Daphne who was steadily ignoring her mother beside her. Kate was effortlessly ignoring Violet's coldness. Kate had Miles out of the stroller and cradled in her lap, he was half asleep when Violet tried to get him to go to her, though Miles objected vehemently.

"You know he doesn't like to be held by anyone not of his choosing, so why do you bother," his father snapped and sat Isla at his side.

"He is my grandson," she exclaimed. "I have just as much of a right to hold him as she does!"

"She is offering him maternal care and not petty jealously," Simon said sarcastically.

"She isnothis mother."

"She is more his mother than you are his grandmother," Daphne said and continued to look at the field.

Anthony sighed and sat down. Daphne, getting a better look at the baby in the carrier on his chest cooed down at her. She was awake now thanks to the commotion.

"Goodness," she cooed. "You look so cute today. Your mama got you all dressed up."

"That wasn't me," Kate quipped and Daphne's eyes widened, and she shoved her brother gently.

"Youdid this?!"

"Why does everybody think I am so inept?!

"Because we take what we are given, Bridgerton," Simon grinned as Anthony flicked his hand, a sign of flipping him off without flipping him off in front of the children.

Kate chuckled and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. She leaned into whisper into his ear, "Sienna is here," she nodded to the other side of the bleachers. He sighed.

"I am going to go talk to her."

She nodded. "Ask her to come sit with us." She was okay with his relationship with Sienna. She didn't feel threatened at all. She had no need to be. He stood and made his way over to his ex-wife and took a seat beside her. The teams were going through warm up drills. Edmund had the ball, and he was dribbling it up the field. She was the first to speak quietly.

"He has gotten so much better," he could barely hear her. She was dressed in her shirt that represented Edmund, much like Kate's, though Sienna was wearing a black windbreaker over hers. The shirt that fit her perfectly the year before, swam on her now. And while the sun was high in the sky, they had to put sunscreen on each of the kids, including the baby on his chest, they had substituted the bow for a little blue hat to keep the sun off her face as she lounged against him contently. Sienna however, had lost a lot of weight, and was probably struggling. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Si," he sighed. "You are their mother. I never wanted to take them from you. I still want them in your life, of course I do."

"And her," she motioned to Kate who was now in a deep conversation with Eloise and Sophie who were sitting on the other side of her, leaving the spot he just left open. "I noticed Miles is comfortable with her."

He smiled. "He loves her. Edmund does too. And it's been so fast Si, but I do too. She has good intentions. She encouraged me to invite you here. She is good for them Sienna," he said quietly. There was no need for the people around them to hear of their problems and give the gossip to the tabloids, or worse, Lady Whisledown. They were already hounded by cameras on their way in and out of Nobu last night. Last night they had to put a jacket over Isla so they couldn't get her picture. Tabloids in America would never blur children's faces, and Isla did not deserve that. They were lucky Edmund, Miles, and India were back home with Olivia. They had brought Olivia home sushi for staying so late, though she never minded.

"Is she good for them?"

"She adores them. She has taken to them like bees to honey."

"Good," she nodded. "At least they have some maternal figure."

"They have you too Si," he nudged her gently. God she was thin.

"They never want to come over."

"Because everything is so dark over there. There is nothing for them to do. I'm finding out that Edmund really doesn't like television that much, he just needs someone to tell him how to channel his energy elsewhere. He loves reading, and he adores dancing. He and Kate had a dance party yesterday afternoon," he said, and Sienna giggled.

"He probably got that from me."

"Probably," Anthony agreed.

"And Miles?"

"He joined along in the dance party. And he used the potty for the first-time last night. He did this morning too."

"Oh," she brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh." Sienna loved her boys, he never doubted that. But she needed help. And he could tell her over and over again, but until she believed it herself, anything he offered would never be accepted.

Anthony stood and offered Sienna his hand. "Come," he said, and she looked at him wearily. "Come. I will introduce you. I promise she doesn't bite. And it is best for the boys if we all get along." She continued to stare for a few more seconds and then took his hand and allowed him to lead her over to the family. His mother was the first to greet her.

"Sienna," Violet said excitedly, though anybody in her immediate family were not fooled by her tone. To the casual observer, Violet Bridgerton was happy to see her ex-daughter-in-law, but to her family, and even to Sienna, Violet was embarrassed to be seen by someone who had fallen so far from grace. Sienna stiffened by his side, and he could feel her turning to walk away but Kate stood, Miles in her arms still.

"Sienna," Kate said gently. "I'm Kate. It's so nice to meet you." Kate could calm a hurricane; he was sure of it. Sienna shook her hand gratefully and when Kate asked her to sit down next to her, on the other side, away from Violet, she accepted gratefully. Eloise and Sophie scooted down. Miles looked at his mother for around half a minute and then laid his head on Kate's shoulder, still facing his mother.

"Hi sweet boy," Sienna said quietly, and Kate encouraged him to go to her. He tentatively opened his arms to her as Anthony sat down, they completely ignored his mother sarcastically mentioning something about offering no encouragement when it came to her. Miles sat in his mother's arms while facing Kate, and he knew they considered that a win.

"Stop it," his father hissed to his mother. "Just stop it. Not in front of my daughter."

"You never care about my feelings," Violet hissed back.

"Or maybe I am tired of fighting a losing battle," he argued quietly.

Edmund came running up, pregame warmups were done, and the game would start in about five minutes. "Kate," he exclaimed. "Can you put more sunscreen on my face. Oh," he stopped when he noticed his mother. "Hi mommy."

Sienna smiled. "Hi baby."

"Mommy, I don't want to go to your house," he shook his head as Kate put a thin layer of sunscreen on his face.

"I know baby," she said. "I am going to work really hard on to make it fun again, ok?"

"Ok," he nodded and looked at Kate when she took his hands.

"Remember," she said, and he nodded.

"Have fun. Be myself. Dat enough," he kissed her cheek and then ran back down to the field. Sienna looked at him in awe behind Kate who was checking to make sure India's hat was protecting her enough against the carrier. He nodded.

She too wanted Edmund to be himself and not some processed eldest son, some heir in an overused and outdated system. He could feel the joy radiating off of her following Edmund's mantra, the same way he could feel his own mother's coldness.

"Anthony, I have been trying to talk to you all week," his mother said.

"I know. And I've been ignoring you all week and what luck! I have not had to take anything for heartburn all week. I wonder if there is a correlation," he said and Kate nearly giggled. Daphne had no such luck in hiding her laughter. Simon too laughed as he helped Bella with her own water bottle. Benedict and Sophie did nothing, but he could see them smiling at each other.

"Where are Pen and Colin," Eloise looked around and asked.

"I don't know," Daphne said. "I invited them."

"Are they not coming to the barbecue, Anthony?"

"No," he said simply. "But they'll be at Miles' party next week."

"Speaking of," Violet interjected. "We don't have your new access code anymore, Anthony. How are we to get in."

"Oh, that's easy," he said as he looked down at the baby in his arms who was looking around. "You are not invited. And anybody who is invited, there will be security there to let them in WITHOUT the access code," he shot a look at his father who nodded. His mother's face turned red.

"He is my grandson!"

"You are exactly right. Heisyour grandson. But his party is not for your society pages. He is my son. He is neither the heir nor the spare. He is Miles."

"Anthony," Isla said excitedly. "I am really excited about the cookout today."

"She'sinvited to the cookout after," Violet exclaimed and Edmund shushed her.

"She is staying with Daphne and Simon this week who are going to the cookout. Now hush. Edmund and Auggie are taking the field."

"Let's go, baby," Kate cheered and Edmund waved at her excitedly. Bridgertons loved sporting events, but they rarely yelled or screamed. They preferred to watch and clap and stand when required. ButKate,Kate would yell for Edmund, and stand when he did something good, and whistle. Edmund confessed after practice the other day that he felt more encouraged during practice when Kate was there, and he hoped that she would be there always.

"Let's go, buddy," Anthony took Kate's lead, followed by Simon who cheered for Auggie, and Benedict whistled for both of them. "Let's go boys!" It was easy to ignore his mother's comment about being undignified because the boys each lit up on the field.

It was Daphne who stood up and screamed the loudest when Auggie made the first goal. "Go Auggie! Yeah baby," while the rest of the family yelled and whistled and clapped for him.

And when Edmund made the second goal, making the score two to zero for the home team,theirteam, it was their turn. He, Kate, and Sienna all stood up and cheered for him.

"Yeah baby!"

"Go buddy!"

"Just like that, baby boy," Kate exclaimed.

Even the kids and Isla got into the action... and truthfully, it was the most exciting sporting event he had been to in years.

Sienna accepted Kate's gracious offer to the barbecue after. The men got started on moving the large furniture needed from Kate's townhome, while the woman started to cook. They made sure to put the electric cover over the pool just in case any kids decided to run outside. Edmund sat with Sienna for about thirty minutes telling her about his week, and Miles sat on the counter, as he was wanting to do now since Kate that first night and proceeded to supervise the women cooking.

Sophie had truly outdone herself. She had ribs, burgers for the children, pulled pork, shrimp, and crab. There was potato salad, pasta salad, corn on the cob, smashed potatoes, baked beans, coleslaw, regular salad and cheddar biscuits that would melt in your mouth, along with various dips. Really it was too much for the amount of people they had but she was pulling out all stops and trying some new recipes for Miles' party next week and they were her test subjects. There was homemade ice cream and a welcome to the family cake for dessert.

And Kate fit in sowell.Eloise adored her almost as much as Daphne, and that was a hard to do thing. And India, who was passed around the family, from Ben to Simon, to Sophie, Eloise, and Daphne, held up well to the very end, when she desperately wanted her mama to nurse.

At the end of the day, the Bridgertons gathered around to have some board games around the family table, but Sienna decided it was time to go. She made sure she said goodbye to Edmund and Miles and then pulled Kate aside. Anthony was surprised when he went to check on them to catch Sienna giving Kate a warm embrace. She pulled away with a quiet "thank you," and then made her way out the door. At Anthony's questioning look, Kate held out her hand and he made her way to him.

"She is happy that her boys are taken care of," Kate said.

"Ah," he nodded and wrapped her in a hug.

"Anthony, Kate," Benedict called. "You two better not be playing tonsil hockey in there! Monopoly is set up!"

"We're coming," Anthony yelled, and then rolled his eyes fondly causing Kate to giggle. "How are you at Monopoly?"

"Ruthless," she smiled.

"Be on my team then?"

"Always on your team, Ant," she said and pulled him in for another kiss, before pulling back and wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked. Together they checked on the children who were in the adjoining living room watching a movie. Isla was holding India while Edmund was checking on her every so often.

"Hold her head," he said.

"Do you like my baby," he asked.

And when Anthony and Kate claimed victory over every single one of his siblings, he could quite simply say for a fact that this was indeed the best week of his life.


Thank you again for all the comments! I'll be responding to them this chapter! So if you have any questions put them in there, and if they are not spoiler-y I will answer them!

You will notice that Pen and Colin rarely attend family events, especially out in public to cover her Lady Whistledown sheet. Colin knows... The family does not. Colin does not say anything because, well... MONEY.

Chapter 8


The next week.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kate had spent the better part of last week convincing Anthony to get a playground installed in the backyard for the boys. Honestly, it didn't take a whole lot of convincing, he was an utter fool for this woman. Friday at work he spent time rearranging his schedule so he could be at home this week of Miles' party. He could finish up last minute arrangements that Daphne was throwing his way. Daphne had completely hijacked his son's birthday party. He ordered some rubber playground flooring to be installed Monday, he was a doctor after all and safety was of the utmost importance, so he could help Benedict direct the contractors as to where he wanted it, and he could spend the week with Kate and the children as a family. He hadn't taken a vacation in a long time. He had one coming up in a couple months, he, Benedict, and Daphne were all planning a family trip to Spain, he had already rearranged his tickets so he could get Kate and the baby on the same flight, though he hadn't spoken to her about it yet, but there was no way in hell he was going without Kate and India now. But this week would be good as well.

Monday he and Kate got up early and did a workout in the gym off of the garage where his girl proved how strong she was by keeping up with him doing a HIIT workout. After, instead of showering they fell back to bed and stripped each other naked. Their craving for each other hadn't diminished even when living together, and after when she found rest with her head on his chest, they talked of their desires for the day.

Sunday was a hard day for her.

Multiple tabloids were setting up close to his work, her old townhome, and at the entry to their neighborhood hoping to get a picture of her, or even the first picture of India to be sold to the highest bidder. And sorry, that wasn't happening.

In Style magazine had two pictures taken this weekend of Kate, one at Nobu and the other at Edmund's game this weekend, where they rated her weekend style as an "A+."

People had a picture of the two of them holding hands outside of Isla's recital where he had learned in to kiss her cheek, claiming a "source" had called it a "true love match."

Star had a quote from an ex-boyfriend calling Kate a "social climber." And that she wasn't the commitment type.

Every single article had hurt her.

After the children had gone to bed Sunday night, they had spent the evening talk about it. One of Anthony's biggest fears was that the spotlight would be too bright for Kate, and she would decide that she didn't want the struggle. Never mind that her spotlight shined brighter than anything that could ever be put into print. But the Bridgerton family was famous. They were rich, successful, and scandalous. Hyacinth was an actress, currently in Georgia filming a movie. Gregory was a pro-soccer player. And Francecsa went on the Bachelor and fell in love with Michael. The rest of the family were in relatively normal occupations. Eloise was a woman's rights lawyer and had her own podcast and Ben was a contractor. Fran was in college for music, and Daphne was a therapist. And Edmund Bridgerton managed it all at the helm of one of the world's largest marketing empires.

And nobody knew what Colin really did.

When the Bridgerton family all gathered together it all felt normal though. The kids were present and happy and involved in a way that they never had growing up. Anthony was thirteen when he was forced to attend his first shareholder's meeting for Bridgerton Inc. as the heir, though he had no interest in it. He had to miss a school dance in order to attend. He was eighteen when he missed his senior prom for a charity gala. And while his parents left him alone while he was in college and medical school, when he finished up his residency, they were all in again. Sienna, and then the need for another heir.

He should have been stronger and pushed back.

He and Sienna got along well together. They were practically the same person in two different, very influential families. And when they were in their bubble at the beginning it was easy to fall in love with the other. But when outside influences came, specifically when she was pregnant with Edmund, it was the beginning of the end.

Edmund's birth was planned to a T. The room at Cedar-Sanai was booked months ahead in advance by Bridgerton Inc. because the heir of the heir had to have the best doctors and the best potential care. It was never about Sienna. Sienna was more into holistic medicine, she loved yoga and anything to do with spiritual karma. She had a birth plan with a doula planned out and he had been supportive of that. And then Violet Bridgerton came in like a hurricane and dismantled everything.

An epidural was required.

Post-Birth pictures was required.

Violet Bridgerton as a representative of the company was required to be present in the room for the birth.

And it was required for them to name the baby Edmund Bridgerton.

He hadn't protected Sienna.

Hewouldprotect Kate. And India for that matter.

His mother was still texting him asking for lunch with Kate, but he knew better. She wanted to drive her off, and he was not going to allow it. He had all the confidence in the world that Kate could stand up against his meddling mother, but why even make her have to?

His mother had also said that if they were to have any children, they would have could not bear the last name of Bridgerton.

His mother used the Bridgerton name, which she had not been born with and only entitled to by marriage, like a weapon. Bridgerton was a powerful name to hide behind in the U.S. and in England. It was why she got away with such terrible behavior all of the damn time.

If there was one thing that all of the Bridgerton children could agree on about Violet Bridgerton, it was that she loved her grandchildren, though she had never met Fran or Ben's sons. And she treated Edmund as the favorite. But she loved them. But with that kind of love sometimes it was better to be without.

So now they were here on a Monday, ten days since he first met her, waiting for their racing hearts to calm, and talking about the day to come. She lifted her head from his chest and looked up into his eyes. He leaned down to give her a kiss.

"I am way too happy," Kate whispered. "I'm waiting for it all to come crashing down."

"Why are you so sure that it will?"

"Why are you so sure that it won't," she countered, and he raised his eyes to look to the ceiling.

"I am hopeful, but never sure. I am hopeful that even with all the chaos I bring, that I will be enough for you to stay," he shrugged. "I hope that I am enough of a reason to give you to stay." She bit her lip and laid her head back on his chest but said nothing.

"I hope I am strong enough to stand up to the test." They had seen the media break apart couples before. It was nothing to say that it could be a possibility. But Anthony was convinced that if they could stand the test together against Violet Bridgerton, they could stand against any tabloid. And with that, her safety, India's safety, and the safety of her family was of the utmost concern. He had gone above Violet Bridgerton, he was theheir and held way more clout in the company than she did, and ordered security detail to Colorado and New York to take care of Mary and Edwina, courtesy of Bridgerton Inc. He'd received a nasty text message Sunday from his mother stating that they need to cover their own costs, but the only person in the company that could overrule him was his father, and his father had signed off on it.

Edwina had thought all the attention a riot. Mary was a little shook up. He had just told her that for her safety, and for Kate's piece of mind, and his own, that it had to be done. Paparazzi could be devastating, and he didn't want a tragedy to occur. She had finally agreed to his terms if she agreed to her own. They couldn't wear those terrifying black suits.

He had laughed, but immediately accepted.

Edwina was treating life like it was a red carpet now, and good for her. He was growing fond of the young woman who was about Fran's age. She was actually really funny.

"I think if you just trust me," he began. "Trust that I will do what's best for you and India and know that if you have any concerns that you can come to me. I think that we will be fine. We can do this," he took the hand that was laying on his chest and brought it to his lips.

"All I know is that I love you," she said quietly, watching their hands intertwine. "And those boys."

"I love you too. And that baby," he said and made a funny face and she laughed. India had him hooked around her little finger. That little girl was slowly becoming spoiled by the three Bridgerton men in the home. Every little whimper was taken care of with the utmost haste. Every spit up, diaper, feeding, burping, cry, coo. Everything she did was documented with a picture and sent to the Bridgerton group chat, that Kate was officially a part of, and immediately all the reactions came in.

She literally just looked over at Edmund when he called to her, and Anthony had it on video, and it was treated as the greatest accomplishment ever.

She was also now the youngest in the Bridgerton family so there was that.

His siblings, minus Colin, who was suspiciously quiet as he usually liked to tease and make fun of him anytime a new lady entered his life, though it had been a while, were all trying to make it impossible for Kate to leave as well. Especially Daphne and Sophie.

"We could get married," he said quietly after a long while and she shifted to look at him. "I could protect you better. And I know that marriage is not an end all, but it does solidify you in the family. And I could adopt India. Set up her trust fund as a Bridgerton. We could do it in Spain, with my siblings, we could get your mother and sister out there. I know that your mother hates to travel but, it's Spain. I am sure we can convince her."

"You want to marry me," she breathed.

"With every beat of my heart," he said. "I would marry you today if it were possible," he said, and she laughed sitting up and holding the sheet across her body to protect her modesty. He didn't know why. He had had her in almost any possible position last Tuesday alone. He was about to reach out and tuck it down when they heard Edmund.

"Daaaaadyyyy. Why the door locked?"

He sighed and Kate giggled. She reached over onto her nightstand to grab the robe they discarded in their frenzy last night and he stood to pull on some boxers. When Kate was ready, he went over to open the door. Miles was the first one to burst through, immediately targeting Kate and making his way over to her side of the bed. He was just an afterthought in Miles' eyes now. She groaned as she lifted him up onto the bed beside her. He had his pacifier in his mouth that Anthony though they had discarded months ago.

"Where did you find that," Anthon exclaimed as he lifted Edmund on the bed.

Miles took his paci out of his mouth and held it out as if to show him, "Ba!"

"We founded it in his toys," Edmund said proudly. "Daddy, I watch cartoons until breakfast?"

"Well buddy, you have preschool today."

"Noooo," he whined.

Kate was rocking Miles, and it looked like he was about to go back to sleep when India made her presence known through the baby monitor. She was doing well back in her crib and had slept through the night, the cereal doing its job and keeping her full. "I'll get her."

India was all smiles when she saw him, he undid her swaddle and her legs and arms popped free and she stretched. She was almost to the stage where she wouldn't need to swaddle anymore, and of course her mama was prepared and had her weighted sleep sack at the ready when the time came. He lifted her out of the crib and quickly changed her diaper. She was much easier to change than either of his boys ever were. After zipping up her sleeper he lifted her again and carried her to their room.

"What is that," Kate asked and pointed to Miles' foot.

"Feef," he exclaimed around his paci.

"Very good, angel," she kissed the top of his head.

"And that," she pointed to his hand.

"Han," he exclaimed, and she chuckled.

"Close enough. Who is that?" She pointed to him, and Miles looked up, his eyes brightening. At least Miles still felt some love for him, he thought amused.

"Da-DEE!" Both his arms raised in excitement and then laid on top of his head.

"Who is that," she pointed to Edmund.

"Nene," Miles said and Edmund burst into hysterics, his earlier tears already forgotten.

"That isn't my name," Edmund exclaimed and Anthony chuckled.

"Well, he probably can't say your name yet," Anthony informed him gently. "Miles, who is that?" Anthony pointed to Kate.

"Amamama," he covered his face and then burst into giggles when Kate tickled him. India at that point decided that her mother was taking too long to take her breast out and the moment was lost, but nothing could wipe the beaming smile off of his face as he traded India for Miles even when Kate rolled her eyes at him.

But she never corrected the little boy.

Preschool drop off was longer than normal because he wanted to add Kate's name to the list and when he got home, Benedict and Sophie were already there with Charlie and Kate was smirking at Benedict over a cup of coffee while he grumbled about the ladies always bruising his ego. He wrapped an arm around her waist from behind and pressed a kiss into her neck causing her head to fall backward onto his shoulder and she turned and kissed his cheek.

"You guys are so cute," Sophie sighed as she looked up from India.

"We're getting married," Anthony said and Sophie gasped. Kate slapped his arm.

"We are not," she laughed. "Stop."

"I am wearing her down."

"We literally discussed it for the first time this morning!"

"In Spain," Anthony winked at Sophie who squealed.

"Anthony," Kate sighed. "Your mother already despises me. I am not sure that, that is the best idea."

"Our mother hates everyone," Benedict said as he tossed back the rest of his coffee. "To be fair. And we like you better," Ben winked at her and Anthony smacked him in the back of the head. "Hey, you get a hot woman you have to expect some flirting."

"You couldn't handle me," Kate laughed. "I would break you. I can go all night," she teased, and Ben's eyes widened before blushing. He turned and cleared his throat, looking at his wife. Sophie burst into laughter.

"Nobody has ever been able to get him to shut up, Kate. Maybe I need to take lessons."

Kate shrugged and winked at Anthony as he refilled her coffee cup before making his own. Miles was on the floor coloring a page and talking to Charlie who was in his portable highchair eating some snacks.

Wednesday, they attended their first event together. It was a gala and Kate had risen to the occasion. Lady Whistledown had questioned her ability to hang with the elite, and Kate had seen that as a challenge. Her black halter long evening gown with a slit that ran up her leg, she was a smoke show, and if they christened his father's office a couple of times throughout the night, not one man in the room could blame him. It was even worth the disapproving stares from his mother shot at him from across the table all night long.

The event was for record high earnings, which he had to roll his eyes at. Nothing like the super-rich to have a whole party to celebrate becoming richer. He did inherit quarterly earnings from the company, which he mainly put into Edmund and Miles' college funds, and the rest he donated to charity. He was vastly aware that he was privileged. His medical school was all paid out of pocket, and Kate had admitted that she was still paying off student loans though the contract she signed at company that she worked for was helping to pay for it as well and would pay off a good chunk if she worked there for five years. He brought up that he could pay them off for her, but she vehemently rejected that offer.

He would allow her her pride.

And with that he would set something up for India. She didn't have a choice in that.

When they had arrived back home the children were already in bed except for the baby who was in a rare temperament. Olivia had been walking the floor with her for an hour. Kate immediately kicked off her heels and took her baby in her arms and soothed her as only a mother could. And Anthony thought there was nothing sexier.

Thursday the rubber playground flooring was finished setting, and the benefit of having a brother that was good at building things was that he was able to start building the children's play set. He got the biggest one he could fine. It had two swings, and a swinging disk swing. A long tunnel slide and a double slide. And a fort. Edmund was going to be in hysterics when he was finally able to see it.

And Friday, Fran and Michael were introduced to Kate when they arrived for Miles' party. Fran and Michael were probably the most easy-going people that he knew. It was easy to see why they fell in love with one another. And Kate took to Fran on almost a maternal level. Kate LOVED Fran. And little Johnny was pulling himself up on everything. Daphne was also at the home all day Friday directing the party organizers here and there, the house literally looked like a pirate's paradise, perfect for a little boy.

Also, on Friday Anthony allowed the boys to finally see their backyard surprise. Edmund squealed so loud he startled India when he saw his new play area, though he didn't care. He was already halfway there before Anthony could even speak. And Miles was not far behind him, running as fast as his little legs could carry him across the yard. They played on the thing until dusk as Anthony decided to grill outside since Fran and Michael were there and Daphne had taken up all the kitchen space.

For Miles' gifts, Anthony had asked people to make a charity donation in Miles' names and they did. But his aunts and uncles also spoiled him as well. The birthday boy woke up in a great mood. He had texted Sienna multiple times this week to ensure she was coming, though he only received one text back to give the boys a hug for her. Though the boys didn't seem to know she was missing. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad about that, but he left it alone.

If Anthony tended to close himself away during chaotic moments, Kate thrived in them. Kate managed the boys from morning to night. Daphne had gone overboard, as she did for every niece or nephew's birthday except Colin's because Portia Featherington had that in hand. And Kate had met Colin, Penelope, Gregory, Hyacinth, and Garrett. Kate felt super comfortable within his family until that point. He couldn't accuse Kate of hysteria because she was the most practical woman he knew, but Colin was definitely being stand-offish with her. And while Penelope was as sweet as she usually was, she was doing nothing to temper her husband.

But the biggest surprise of the day was for Kate, and that was when Mary showed up. They had planned it together in secret, and Mary could sense that there were some big changes in her daughter's life, and she wanted to be there. So, he's bought her tickets, and she was on the plane Saturday morning. Kate hadn't let her mother go for ten minutes when she arrived that morning, and then after reacquainting with her granddaughter, she met and immediately fell in love with Edmund and Miles. And Edmund and Miles fell in love with her. Mary was calm in a way that his mother never was. She was serene when she sat and listened to her daughter and held her granddaughter. She showed a poise that no debutante or socialite ever could even with years of practice.

And he himself even felt calm within her presence immediately, despite the pending party. She wrapped him in a hug when they were first officially introduced and thanked him for being so kind and taking care of to her daughter and granddaughter.

Taking care of Kate and India was as natural as breathing.

His father had come and respected his decision to not bring his mother, though Violet Bridgerton called her husband and son multiple times a day to convey her displeasure. There were times when the family would bury the hatchet for the greater good, and this wasn't one of those times. While Violet Bridgerton loved her grandchildren, that didn't mean that she was good with her grandchildren. He would not make Kate feel uncomfortable, nor would he force his sister's in the presence of their mother.

His father had brought Isla though, who was just as infatuated with the new playground, and led her cousins on a merry adventure on it.

And his father and Kate had entered into multiple conversations throughout the day. Kate was weary about him, but she did find him to have a wicket sense of humor. It was a trait that his father rarely showed, and he was glad that Kate got to see it.

By the time that most of the family had left, Fran was going to stay with Daphne and Simon that night as they were closer to the airport for their Sunday morning flight. Mary was staying with them naturally. Colin was the only one left as he and Kate were about ready to wrangle two very excited boys and one very overwhelmed and overstimulated baby to bed.

"I think you are making a mistake," Colin said quietly when Kate and Mary shuffled the boys upstairs. "You barely know this woman, and now she is acting like she's the children's mother. And you aren't talking to mother now. Look at what she has done to your relationship in a week."

"If you paid any attention at all this last year, I rarely talked to mother," he said angrily, and Colin objected.

"That is not true!"

"You can search my phone. I am closest to Daphne and Benedict. Mother hasn't even met Charlie."

"She said she had!"

"She lied," Anthony shrugged. "She saw him at the game last week, but Sophie and Ben kept him far away from her."

"I just don't understand how you can treat our mother like this. She has always wanted the best for us."

"The best for me and the best for you are two different things in our mother's eyes."

"That isn't fair," he said.

"How is it not? I am the heir. I know very well why she is trying to be so controlling over me. It's because she gains nothing when dad passes away. And how else is she going to keep her lifestyle if I do not keep her in it. That is why she sought to control Sienna. She can't control me, but she can through my wife. Thatis why mother does not like Kate. Because Kate is not a woman she can control. Kate took life into her own hands. She is not some meek socialite looking for a handout."

"Mother says that I have a trust set up within the company!"

"Mother lied. The only person that has any stock within the company is me," Anthony shrugged. "And now my son. Ancient rules if you ask me. Everything your family owns is passed on to the eldest child. I guess back then it was the son and now it doesn't matter if it's a son or daughter, but still. Everything father owns will be passed on to me because the company owns anything that father owns. I may not be the world's best heir. I took a completely different career path, and I am glad. But mother is only focused on survival, not what is best for me," Anthony spat. "So do not come here, into my home and talk about things you know nothing about. What do you do except kiss her ass?"

"I do not -"

"That's hardly fair," Penelope said quietly.

"She won't survive this," Colin said.

"Here is the thing, Colin. I love you. You are my brother. But I have no empathy for you. You are standoffish, and judgmental. You came here and treated Kate coldly even though she took such great care of your own children today as well. I'm not father, I don't forget easily. And when the time comes, I can give you something, or I cannot," he shrugged again. "I would say it's your choice but it's not. I might just give your part to Isla."

"Colin," Penelope tugged her husband's arm. "We should go."

"Oh, and Colin. If you ever come to my house and do our mother's bidding again, I will personally throw you out and lock the door."

"Have you thought about it," he asked Kate quietly as he held her that night. They were watching tv as they talked about the day. Milesthrivedas the center of attention which normally was centered around Edmund.

"A wedding," she asked.

"A marriage," he chuckled softly. "Beginning with a wedding in Spain."

"I don't want an unequal marriage Anthony," she sighed and sat up.

"Who said anything about an unequal marriage."

"That is exactly what it would be. You have unlimited funds and no debt. You are able to pick up and leave for Spain and change it to a destination wedding because of it. I am a person who had to put four months' salary into IVF to have a baby. You go to gala's because your earnings skyrocketed and those extra earnings you receive you donate because you don't need them."

"Kate that's not -"

"I am not judging you for it," she said, and he sat up. "I just feel like there is nothing that I can bring to the table if this were to proceed."

"Yourself,"he said. "How can you not believe that is all I need?"

"Because your family lives like it.Youlive like it."

"I don't -"

"You do. And that's ok. You deserve to."

He swallowed and looked away. "These last two weeks have been the best of -"

"I know."

"I love you."

"I do too."

"I just want to show the world that I -"

"The world thinks I am with you for your money. How can this help?"

"By ignoring them and focusing on me, on us," he implored her to just listen. To realize that what he was asking was not too great of a sacrifice. That all she offered him, and his boys, was more than any amount of money in her bank account.

"I don't want to be the reason why you are fighting with your family."

"Youare my family. You and India and Edmund and Miles. The only family members that have an issue are my mother and Colin. Even my father f*cking adores you and thinks you are perfect to me. Think of everything you could do! You want to change the world and wecan!We can together. We can raise our children. We can have more children. We can travel, and work, and love. We can have it all."

"Colin -"

"Colin's issue is money. And right now, because he isn't working, my mother pays for his home and all of his expenses from her monthly allowance. He is in for a rude awakening when that stops. I would never live my mother destitute. But sometimes when money is the root of all the issues you are and you project them onto your eldest son, your eldest son snaps back," he shrugged, and Kate giggled, and he felt himself relax. He smiled. He opened his arms. "Come here, baby."

She acquiesced quickly. "My dad wouldn't be there to walk me down the aisle."

"I have no doubt Edmund and Miles will,amama,"he teased her, and she giggled.

"He had such a good day today," she said quietly. "I always love it when he smiles. It takes so much to coax a smile out of him but when you do, his smile, it just lights up the room. He looks like you." It was true. Edmund was a perfect blend of him and Sienna. Miles looked like him.

"Your mother coaxed plenty out of him tonight."

"She loves him. Edmund too. And she loves you."

"Well, the feeling is mutual," he kissed her gently.

She was quiet for a few moments, and he thought she had fallen asleep but then she sat up. "I want a proposal."

"Of course," he smiled.

"On your knees and everything. I want to feel worshiped."

"Easily done."

"And I want a ring."

"Done," he said.

"Big enough to shove it down every single bitch that looked at me at that gala like I didn't belong," she said, and he chuckled. "But not a diamond."

"And what stone would be preferable to the shoving?"

"A sapphire. Ruby maybe."


"And you have to adopt my baby," she continued.

"I will have documents drawn up Monday. India Maree Bridgerton has nice ring to it."

"And I don't want to marry in Spain. I want to marry in Colorado. In the mountains."

"Easily arranged."

"You are being very accommodating," she eyed him suspiciously.

"The sooner I get my last name attached to your name the sooner we can start making another one of those three beautiful children. It is a win-win situation for me."

"Hmm," she narrowed her eyes and he burst into laughter, pulling her down to him he began to undress her slowly.

"Worshiped huh?"

"Yes," she breathed as he moved lower down her body.

"Well then. At least we are finally seeing eye to eye on something," he grinned as he placed his mouth on her between her legs causing her moan loudly.

Kate's Dress

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (1)

Anthony's Home (and now Kate's)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (2)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (3)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (4)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (5)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (6)

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (7)


Thank you guys for all the support! It really encourages me to write!

Chapter 9


Colin has a revelation at the heart of his parent's marriage.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As soon as Anthony opened the door after picking Edmund up from school Tuesday, the little boy raced to find Kate. "Kaaaateeee! Guess what?!" He stopped and turned to look at him. "Daddy where is she?" Edmund had the same little wrinkle in-between his eyes that he and Miles shared as well, it was more noticeable when he was confused. And then Miles raced into the kitchen. "Dadadadadada," he exclaimed as he raced into his arms.

"Goodness, you are in a good mood," Anthony chuckled as he lifted his son up and into his arms.

"I have a problem," Kate said as she came into the kitchen.

"KATE," Edmund exclaimed and jumped into her arms. She caught him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Oh my gosh," she laughed. "I take it you had a good day then?" Edmund was in a very bad mood when he had to walk out the door this morning to go to school. Anthony had to pry his arms off from around Kate's legs. He wanted to stay home with her, not that he blamed his son. He himself had gone back to work after having a week off and he missed his little family terribly. Not being there when Miles woke up from his nap or when Indi nursed when Kate sat down for lunch was harder than he imagined. Work used to be his solstice, but now he was finding it hard to leave his home.

"Kate, guess what?!"

"What, angel boy," Kate matched his tone as she sat him down.

"I am in a play! And I singing," he jumped up and down. "Like mommy sings!"

"Oh! That is so exciting, sweetie! I can't wait to see it," she exclaimed and wrapped him in another hug and Anthony chuckled. He sat Miles down who raced over to Edmund and started to jump with him as the boys raced out of the room to go play with their toys. Kate walked up to greet him with a kiss.

That would never get old.

"Where is the baby," he asked as he released her and shuffled through some mail that she left him on the counter.

"She is in her swing waiting for her favorite man to go and spoil her. She hasn't been getting spoiled by amma today," she said, and he laughed. "I figured you and the boys will spoil her enough for all of us."

"It's not spoiling. It's loving extra," he defended.

"Mmhmm," she laughed. "I will remember that when I buy things for the boys on Amazon."

"You bought more things for the boys on Amazon didn't you," he looked at her with suspicion. She looked affronted.

"What," she exclaimed. "No! I can't believe you would actually think-" she stopped when he narrowed his eyes. "Yes. Yes, I did." He sighed. "I couldn't help it! The clothes were so cute. And they need new clothes for Spain!"

"Kate, I don't mind you shopping for them, but you refuse to use my cards!"

"I could say the same thing about you and India."

"That is different," he said.

"How," she demanded with her hands on her hips.

"I am the man. It is my duty to take care of -" he trailed off when he noticed her glare. "You're right. It's not different. Baby... You just have to allow me to get used to this, okay?"

"I will remind you daily."

"I am sure you will, love," he kissed her gently. "Now let me go see my littlest angel."

Edmund was sitting by India's swing telling her about her day when he and Kate walked into the living room. And she was listening. She cooed at him excitedly as she always did when Edmund or Miles' attention was on her.

"Daddy, I telling her about my play! And she happy for me!"

"I am sure," he chuckled and went to go unbuckle her and lift her into his arms. Her head bobbed as she looked around a big smile lighting up her face when she saw Kate. Anthony gently shook her to get her attention. "Hey... You get to see her all day! It's my turn now!"

"She like her amma, huh Daddy."

"She does," he agreed as he sat down, propping her up against his legs.

"Amamamama," Miles exclaimed as he came running up to the group as they sat on the sectional. Kate had been talking to India as she changed her one evening, referring to herself asamma,and it had stuck with Miles. Whenever he needed something from Kate it was nowAmama.

Anthony looked to Kate. "I talked to my lawyers. And the attorneys at BI."

"And," she asked and bit her lip.

"My mother was wrong, which I knew she was. But it's good to get confirmation. If I do adopt her, which I would very much like to but it is your decision, she would have to be updated on the BI website as an heir. Her picture would have to go up there as well."

Kate bit her lip. She was very protective of her baby, and that protectiveness was now spilling over onto his boys as well. The level of public intrusion was difficult on her. Just today theNational Inquirer,posted an interview from an ex-boyfriend who said that she was keeping his daughter from him. BI had to put out a statement with Kate's permission that the man in question was a boyfriend from five years ago, and that Kate conceived via IVF, which led to another batch of articles and social media posts slamming her for being selfish and not giving her baby a father and praising her for going about it her way and being strong enough to be a mother and father.

"I want to protect her just as much as you do baby," he reminded her.

"Daddy," Edmund interjected. "What adop mean," he asked.

"It means that daddy will be India's daddy, officially," he said gently, and Edmund's eyes widened.

"Really," he exclaimed and looked between Kate and himself. "And then Indi be my sister?!"

"That would be the case, yes," he chuckled as Edmund exploded with excitement.

"And Kate be my mommy because Indi my sister, and she Indi mommy."

"Well," he said and looked at Kate who shook her head.

"Edmund," she said gently and pulled him to her. "Well, it's a little different. You already have a mommy."

"But then I have two mommy," he nodded matter-of-factly as he sat down and opened his arms. Clearly it was his time to hold the baby. Anthony gently placed her in his arms.

"Well, I would have to marry your daddy to become your mommy."

"Ok," he shrugged.

"Daddy has to ask Kate to marry him," he told Edmund gently.

"What that mean," he asked confused as he looked up from the baby.

"Well," Anthony stood. "First daddy has to stand in front of Kate and tell her that he loves her. And that she is the best thing that ever happened to him."

"Oh, me too," Edmund exclaimed. "Cause she loves me!" Kate chuckled and Anthony looked down at his son fondly.

"Exactly so, my son. And then he would tell her that he wants to spend the rest of his days with her. How he wants to build a family with her. How he wants to build a life with her."

"And Legos," he asked, his eyes wide. "Kate builds good Legos, daddy."

Anthony chuckled this time. "And Legos too. And then daddy would tell her how he hopes that she will take him as he is. How he isn't worthy of her but that he will humble himself before her because he cannot imagine his life without her. That he wants to build a life to suit us both. That he hopes that she will be a mother to his boys and that he wants to be a father to India."

"Yeah daddy!"

"And then he would kneel in front of her," Anthony knelt in front of Kate who had Miles in her lap. She gasped.

"Oh my God."

"And then he would pull out a ring and hold it in front of her as a token of his love," Anthony pulled a ring out of his white medical coat, thankful he hadn't changed yet. This was as good of an opportunity as any.

"Oh my God," Kate's eyes widened and Miles looked up at her and then back at his father.

"And he would say... Kate," Anthony looked up at her with a crooked smile. "Will you make me the luckiest man on earth and be my wife?"

Kate looked down at him speechless.

Edmund watched silently with wide eyes. He didn't understand what was happening, but he understood that this was a big moment.

"Kate," he whispered up at her.

"Oh my God," she said just as quietly as she sat Miles gently aside. "Yes," whispered, and then threw herself into his arms, kissing her deeply. He grinned against her lips feeling lighter than he ever had.

Tuesday evening Colin Bridgerton marched into his mother's home office. His conversation with his eldest brother had weighed on him heavily, and per Penelope's suggestion, he waited until he calmed down before he would confront his mother on her lies. He knew immediately that Anthony was telling the truth. Why would he have a reason to lie? Out of all of his siblings, Anthony was the most honest, the most brutal, especially when it came to his lifestyle choices.

He travelled too much and worked not at all. All on his family's wallet.

He was well aware that Anthony was his mother's favorite. He also knew that out of all the children, Violet Bridgerton was the hardest on Anthony. A few years ago, he and his childhood best friend had found themselves in a tough situation, namely...she was pregnant. And while sure, he loved Penelope, it wasn't a romantic sort of love. But his mother planned a wedding all the same.

Penelope was an heiress to her father's fortune, though the Featherington fortune was not as vast as Sienna Russo's or Simon Basset's, to whom his siblings Anthony and Daphne married into. Penelope's fortune was still enough to gain approval from his mother. He had seen what happened when Benedict decided to marry a "commoner," as their mother called Sophie. And while he disagreed with the sentiment, Sophie was a great lady, it was what it was. And Colin was a people pleaser, he knew it. It was one of his biggest faults. And because his father rarely paid attention to him, he made sure to keep his mother's attention by doing whatever she wanted.

And he and Pen had built a great life. He didn't regret marrying her at all. If he had a choice, he can't say that he wouldn't choose the same way.

"Colin," his mother looked up in surprise from a bunch of tabloid magazines. It looked like Kate's picture was plastered on every single one of them. He had to admit she was a very pretty woman. She held up a magazine and sighed. "Your brother is going to ruin this poor girl's life."

"My brother, oryou,mother?"

"What do you mean," she gasped.

"You could manage all of this if you wanted to, but you don't want the relationship any more than any of the socialites at your little club. So, you allow it in the hopes that it will push her away from him."

"I only want what is best for him."

"Him... Oryou,"he spit. "Anthony told me about the situation you would find yourself in, that we all would find ourselves in, when he takes over the company."

"Colin," she put down the magazine with a sigh.

"So, it's true, you don't deny it."

"How can I deny it? The company bylaws were rewritten before your father took over. They were very specific."

"They were rewritten after you married father," he assumed with a nod.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"I wonder if it had anything to do withyou."


"And then when Grandpa Ledger was affected because of your behavior, he lost his stock in the company, so he transferred your inheritance to Anthony," Colin summarized.

"Colin," she whispered.

"What did you do?"

"Colin," she shook her head. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Tell me, mother."


"When were the Bylaws rewritten?"

"It really doesn't matter, what matters is that they were," she said.

"It matters to me! You know what shocks me? That father would allow any of his children to be left out," he said and turned away from his mother before turning back. She was staring down at a magazine in her hand now. Mother," he said, and she looked up. "Is father my father?"

"COLIN," she exclaimed. "How can you say such a thing?!"

"Because, for the life of me, I can't help but wonder why you stayed with father after his affair, when I know you have a prenup, it's public domain."

"Colin," she whispered.

"Oh my God," he whispered. "I'm not really a Bridgerton. Am I?"

"Colin," she inhaled shakily.

"Tell me!"

"Colin," she exclaimed and then went to shut the door.

"You had the affair first, didn't you," he asked, and she sighed. And then she nodded slowly. "How could you not tell me?"

"Your father," she started to tear up. Her voice grew shaky. "After Anthony. After Benedict. I had a really tough time. I was doing my best to be a mother and keep up with everything thrown my way."

"We were raised by nannies more so than you," he spat. "Try again."

"The demands placed on me as the mother of the heir. You would never understand, Colin! I was new in the country. I was still trying to learn it's ways. America is so different. And I had two little boys to raise in a culture that was so completely different than what I expected. And Anthony. The demands placed on Anthony. You would never know. It was a lot, and he was ababy."

"But those same demands you place on Anthony's Edmund. You do the same thing now to your own grandson."

"That comes with the privilege of being the heir to the Bridgerton family."

"My God," he hissed. "No wonder Anthony wants you so far away from your grandchildren. This is why Simon and Daphne keep you away. Simon knows because his mother knew, didn't she?" Violet looked away. "Oh my God," he whispered. "Daphne too."


"Who else? Eloise? Fran?"

"No," she sighed and sat down. "Just you and Daphne. Your father and I were in a bad place. We were never home. Sometimes we were out together, most of the time we were not. It got so bad that we were living separate lives. We had grown to love one another. Our marriage was arranged, you knew that much. We knew each other in passing. But after Anthony, we had grown to love each other. And then, when you grandfather decided to pass the company to your father, earlier than we expected, it all just fell apart. We barely had any time to be married before we were thrust into everything. We were living in the same house but staying in separate rooms. There were rumors in the tabloids that your father was seeing some actress and I believed them," she said quietly. "I will admit fault that I went outside of our marriage first. But I had you," she implored him with her eyes. "And your father and I, we couldn't divorce. So, we just went with it. But it wasn't a marriage. And then I had Daphne. And your father claimed her as well. But your grandfather found out before he signed anything over completely. He passed everything to Anthony and only Anthony. Anthony was the only one he could be sure of at the time was truly your father, despite my protestations that Benedict too was your father's. After Daphne, your father and I were exhausted, and we just tried to make it work. It was all we could do to survive."

"It is ironic that father claimed your children, but you will have nothing to do with Isla," Colin spat. "Despite that little girl doing nothing to you, yet you are so cold and mean to her."

"You have to understand," she began.

"I understand perfectly. You want to control the narrative you and father rewrote all those years ago. And if you can't control Anthony, you will not keep the lifestyle you have become accustomed to. Not only the lifestyle... But once Anthony takes over...All those secrets and lies, Anthony your most honest child, he will not let them rest. Thatis why you seek to control him. Sienna was an easy target. She was dazzled by the spotlight. But Kate is not..." Colin said thoughtfully. "You're disliking her has nothing to do with Kate's child, does it. It has to do with Kate. Because she is not dazzled by the life. Because she stands up to you and she stands up for Anthony and those boys. She encourages him to be strong against you. There was a time before his divorce that Anthony would do anything for you. If you called at two in the morning, he would be there in ten minutes. And now he doesn't answer your calls. But that didn't start with Kate. That was happening beforeKate. That was the reason for setting up the blind date with Lady Danbury. He was pulling away and you needed a lady, but all of those socialites you have thrown at him in the past, you knew it wouldn't work this time. This time it worked. It worked too well."

"Colin," she said quietly. He had never seen his mother look so defeated.

"Do not worry mother," he spat. "I will keep your secrets. You keep Pen's. Apparently, it's the only way that we will be able to afford the lifestyle that we do."

"Colin, I never meant, -"

"Save it mother," he said before he turned and walked out the door.

Anthony stopped by Sienna's after work on Wednesday. Kate had agreed to pick up Edmund from preschool. While she waited, she was texting him hilarious observations from the preschool pickup line.

-From Kate- It's like Noah's Ark. These children are lined up 2 by 2.

-From Kate- This woman seemed disappointedthat it wasn't you picking up E today.

-From Kate- There is a preschooler that just walked out with a cell phone. The world has gone to hell.

-From Kate- Preschool pickup = hell on earth.

Chuckling he turned off the engine to his car after he parked in front of Sienna's. It looked like Tom's truck was there. He knocked on the door and Tom opened the door. "Bridgerton," he said.

"Dorset," he said. "Is she here."

"In the living room. With Ava," he opened the door to allow him to pass. Anthony nodded and stepped into the house. Sienna lived in her mother's house. It wasn't as large as the one he grew up in, the one his parents still shared, but it was close. He plotted the familiar course to the living room.

"Anthony," Sienna stood up when she saw him. Ava was a cute little girl, blonde, just like Miles. Though he was biased, and no baby girl could surpass India's cuteness in his eyes.

"Si," he nodded as he stepped into the living room.

"Are the boys, -" she asked and looked behind him. Disappointment showed in her eyes when she realized that he was alone.

"We missed you at Miles' party this weekend."

"I figured it was best not to come," she bit her lip. "And I was sick," she said quietly. He nodded. Sick was Sienna's code word that meant she used. He sat down.

"What are we going to do, Si? I am trying to foster a relationship between you and them. But if they don't see you? Miles is at that age where he doesn't remember you in-between visits."

"I am aware."

"You are aware but do not want to try and fix this," he said.

"I don't know how," she admitted.

"I have offered help."

"I have gotten help before, Anthony. And still we ended up divorced. I can't stop."

Sienna was an addict. He had so much sympathy for her but even then, he couldn't put their boys in that situation. "Kate and I are getting married."

"You proposed," she asked.

"Yesterday. Edmund is excited. Miles too, though he doesn't understand," Anthony said and she chuckled. "I am adopting her baby."

"She is a beautiful girl. She will be lucky to have you as her father."

"Thank you. I feel like I will be the lucky one."

"And the boys are lucky to have Kate," she said quietly. "I watched her with them. They light up. Edmund hangs on her every word."

"She said you thanked her."

"How could I not? They needed a woman that was not your mother. A woman who lets them know how special they are and not just because they are Anthony Bridgerton's sons," she sniffed. "I tried. I tried to stand up to Violet Bridgerton."

"I know, Si. And I am sorry I couldn't do more."

"What more could you do," she asked, and then they sat there for a few minutes in silent. They watched Ava crawl back and forth between her play mat and play kitchen. By his math, she was about thirteen months now, and seemed healthy enough. "I think she should adopt the boys," Sienna said so quietly that he had to ask her to repeat herself. "She should adopt the boys. Be there mother legally."

"Sienna," he sighed. "Kate will be their mother in every way, but youare their mother. We can't just-"

"If something were to happen to me, Anthony, you know what would happen? My father would step in and appeal to the court to share custody of those boys with you. And you know who my father is beholden to? Your mother. It would be her way into the little safety net you have built around them. And you built that safety net withKate. I like Kate. She is a good woman. She has the biggest heart. And she is good for our boys. I may not be able to take care of them, but I can love them from afar. I am well aware that I fall short of motherly expectations. But this I can do."

"Sienna, it would require you to sign your rights over."

"I can do that easily, if it means they are protected. I am doing the same thing to Ava. To Tom's mother. I will still be involved. I will still get to see her. But Ava will be protected. I want the same for my boys." He had never seen Sienna look so serious in recent history.

"Is there something you aren't telling me, Si?"

"No," she shook her head. "I am just being honest. Protect our boys, Anthony."

"I will talk to Kate. I don't know if she will feel comfortable with -"

"Tell her that I want her to do it. From the bottom of my heart. If she wants to call me then have her call me and I will tell her myself."

"I will give you a few days to think about it, Si. You might change - "

"I will not. I have been thinking about this for a week," she shook her head. She was already resolved. "And it's not like I'm going anywhere. I will still be there when I can. But this way, if something were to happen to me, or God forbid you. Anthony, I want those boys so far away from our parents."

"I understand," he said quietly.

"So, you will do it?"

"I will speak to Kate. She deserves a choice."

"I understand that," Sienna nodded and then reached for his hand. "I know I'm a handful. And I'm mean as hell when I am mad. But you are much kinder to me than I am to myself. And believe me when i say that I do love you. You are the father of my boys, how can I not? And I appreciate your friendship."

"Of course, Si."

"And know that, I know you feel guilty because of your mother's role in all this. But I don't blame you. This is not your fault. How far I have fallen? I have nobody to blame but myself. And know that I wish you all the happiness in the world. Kate makes you so happy. You could not stop smiling at her last week. I never did that for you. We were thrown together in such an odd way. I would like to think we had some good times together. But we weren't each other's soul mate."

He nodded. "Tom?"

She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. "He gave me Ava. But I honestly feel like he's with me just because it's easy. We have known each other for so long."

"We were nevereasy,"he said.

"No, we weren't," she laid her head on his shoulder with a sigh. "But Edmund and Miles are the easiest things we have ever done together."

"Yeah, they are. They are perfect."

"They are," she smiled as she removed her head from his shoulder and they both watched Ava crawl back to her play mat again where she had left a block the last time. That would be India in a few months. He prayed that God would slow down time.

He wanted to live in this time period of his life forever.

When Miles was a baby, he had tubes placed in his ears for constant ear infections. When Miles started pulling on his ears at breakfast that morning, he knew it was time to get them checked out again. Tubes could fall out. But Miles' ears infections were almost chronic. He pulled out his otoscope, and while he was not an ENT, he could tell what an infected ear looked like, and Miles' ear was definitely infected. Probably from all the swimming that they were doing now that the weather was warmer. Miles' fussed when he looked into them, and Kate cooed at him. "Daddy is just looking baby," she soothed.

"I'm going to set him up an appointment with Doctor Malone. I will try to get it today but who knows how busy he is." Pediatric ENTs could be super busy this time of the year, or they could be vacationing in their office. It was really hit and miss.

"Well, Edmund is out of school today. So, if you do, let me know so I can call Olivia." Kate was already such a mother.

"What did I do to deserve you," he lifted her left hand and placed a kiss to the ring laying there.

They were planning a fall wedding at Estes Park. Rather, Daphne was planning a fall wedding for them at Estes Park. They had let her know Wednesday through text message, and she had the venue booked by Thursday, and the caterer booked by Thursday night. She was so excited. Estes Park was a beautiful place, and many weddings took place there annually. They were lucky enough to book a weekend there this year. Though Kate had vehemently disagreed that he was going to pay for the entire wedding, he had listened to her frustrations, acknowledged them, and then overruled them.

Which in turn turned into their first fight.

And then their first make-up sex which was pretty f*cking spectacular.

He had compromised by saying that he wouldn't pay for the entire wedding if she would stop paying for everything on Amazon, because truthfully, the woman was an addict and the amount of stuff she had bought this week alone was probably enough to equal what their wedding would cost. She had even started putting snacks and drinks out for the delivery drivers.

She was redoing their home, so he couldn't blame her, but still.

And they had also discussed her adopting the boys at Sienna's request. And as expected, she was hesitant. She had called Sienna, and Sienna expressed herself just as she had to Anthony. After another call was placed to their BI attorneys, and then his father called demanding to know what the hell was going on. India's adoption would be easy to go by. It could happen by the end of the month due to his money and influence. Her picture was up on BI's company homepage under family within a few days of filing the paperwork. Which caused quite a stir. India Maree Bridgerton, named for her two maternal grandparents; Kate's mother India and her father Mareechi, was plastered over every gossip magazine's website. If a first picture had to be released, better to do it where no paparazzo could take in a $100,000 paycheck for snapping a picture of her out in public and selling it.

And now Kate's picture was posted right beside his own in the family biography section of the BI website. He had told his father that it was a non-negotiable and his father had compared him to a ruthless CEO... Coming from him it was a compliment, so Anthony took it.


Edmund Bridgerton, Owner, CEO Violet Ledger Bridgerton

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Doctor Anthony Edmund Bridgerton, M.D. Doctor Kathani Sharma, M.D, Ph.D.

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Edmund Anthony Bridgerton II

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Miles Benedict Bridgerton

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India Maree Bridgerton

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Benedict Ledger Bridgerton Sophia Beckett Bridgerton

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Charlie Anthony Bridgerton

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"What does amma mean," Edmund asked him when they met for lunch that day. "I spoke to Kate over the phone, and it was all Miles was saying over and over and over again."

"It means mother," Anthony chuckled as he took a bite of his sandwich. He was surprised his mother hadn't shown up, though she had been suspiciously MIA since Tuesday. No calls, voicemails, or break in attempts were had. "He has an ear infection. Dr. Malone is opening up his schedule this afternoon to see him. Hopefully get some antibiotics."

"I thought he had tubes?"

"They do fall out after a time, dad."

"Oh," Edmund wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a sip of his iced tea. "Sometimes I wonder where you get your brains."

"Grandfather always said it was grandmother," he remarked, and his father laughed.

"Yeah, that was probably it. Mother is very smart. She probably could have been a doctor if she was given the chance. Speaking of. She wants to meet your Kate. According to her, "Anybody who can knock Violet Bridgerton off of her game is somebody shehasto meet." Edmund's impersonation of his mother, right down to the British accent was haunting. Anthony laughed. "And she also saw a picture of India's picture on the website and is affronted that her favorite grandson has not brought her over for a visit."

"It has been busy," Anthony said. "But I will this weekend. But that's not why I asked you to lunch."

"I am aware," his father chuckled.

"You do know that Daphne, Benedict, and I are planning a trip to Spain this summer."

"Yes. To Barcelona, right?"

"Yes," Anthony nodded. "And then to Tenerife. Daphne and Sophie need some beach time on their holiday," he said, and Edmund laughed. He was well aware of Daphne and Sophie's quirks. "But we want to take Isla. She doesn't get to do many of these family trips, so we are trying to involve her."

Edmund sat his glass down and then nodded slowly. "That is nice of you."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Well, her STEM introduction program is done by then, so I don't see an issue with it."

"But what about Avery," Anthony asked and Edmund winced. He and Avery had a very contentious relationship, and Anthony tried to stay far away from her. "Can you talk to her?" It was one thing for Daphne to take her across town for a week, it was another for them to take her out of the country for a month.

"I will talk to her. I am sure it's fine. Avery and I have our differences, and mostly they are my fault. But she is a good mother, and she does want Isla to know this side of the family."

Anthony nodded. "Does Isla have a passport."

"Yeah. She has traveled with me before and Avery's parents are in Argentina, remember?" Avery was a model. She met Edmund Bridgerton at a fundraiser, they shared a desire to help people, and they fell in love. But Edmund Bridgerton couldn't leave Violet or else he would lose everything, including affording Isla the same lifestyle that all of the Bridgerton children grew up knowing. And while Avery resented it, she too wanted what was best for her daughter. If Edmund had divorced Violet, they would have been shunned. Though everyone knew that Isla was Edmund's child, and how she came to be, it was as if it was a secret. The media left it alone so they never spoke of it. "Take care of her," Edmund implored his son. He truly cared for all of his children, but the closest relationships he shared were with Anthony himself, and Isla, if that said anything.

"That will not be an issue," Anthony promised with a nod. "And you know that that willneverbe an issue," he told his father and his father nodded.

Isla would always be taken care of.

"Have fun, be myself, dat enough," Edmund was repeating to himself on the way to his play on the last day of school, two weeks later. He shared an amused look with Kate as they drove. Kate no longer had to remind him to have fun and be himself. He automatically started using his mantra when he became nervous now. Whether it was soccer, or the play in which he had a singing part, it helped him to calm down.

Anthony couldn't believe that this was the end of his first preschool year. Edmund would go to school all week next year. He was growing far too fast. Miles had another year before he would be enrolled, but even then, it was way too soon. Soon it would be India. The time was flying.

The school parking lot was packed with parents trying to get their children to their correct sections. Kate took control of Miles and India so he could get Edmund to his class. For his own nerves, he lifted his son and carried him in. He soon found Simon doing the same wo they walked in together.

"How do you do it?"

"Alcohol and crying," Simon quipped. "Truthfully nothing helps. Daphne just replaced his school picture from last year with the one taken this year and I didn't handle it well."

"What did you do?"

"I cried for two hours," Simon admitted and Anthony chuckled. He felt sympathy for his brother-in-law. He had a feeling he would do the same thing next year. And Auggie would be going to kindergarten next year. Holy God.

The play was cute. It was about showing kindness to strangers and respect for those who were different from you. They even sang a song while using sign language. After the play they passed out awards. Edmund and Auggie both received awards for exemplary work and kindness, apparently Edmund helped a boy all year that had a hard time fitting in. Anthony and Daphne both chuckled when neither of their children received the sportsmanship award. Bridgerton's were notoriously competitive. Edmund received a book lover award which shocked him to no end. That was definitely due to Kate's influence. And while Auggie received the class leader award, Edmund received the hardest worker and problem solver award.

They would celebrate the boys tomorrow after Auggie's preschool graduation in the morning with a trip to the indoor trampoline park.

Sienna hadn't shown up, but she sent all of her love, and Edmund seemed okay with that. He had Kate.

Kate showered him with so much praise as they all walked to the car that evening after the ceremony, and Edmund soaked it up with a beaming smile, carrying all of his certificates.

And of course, Kate had the Amazon app open on her phone, and bought frames for all of them.

"You do have a problem," he joked, and she slapped his hand gently before reaching over to hold it.

"He's my son," she shrugged as if that was the only explanation needed. And for her it was.

Kate's Ring

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Isla Montgomery Alonso-Bridgerton

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Avery Alonso-Perez

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (20)


This chapter took me SO LONG so I hope you enjoy... Also... I realize that mixed race babies, which India is, there are certain expectations about skin tone. But we can't speculate... I imagine India to be a little darker than the baby posted as her, but those eyes, I couldn't find anybody to match those eyes which have Anthony absolutely enchanted. But aren't the kids all so freaking cute?! And Isla! Love her! I hope this chapter provides more clarity! And I hope you are all buckled in and ready for the ride!

Chapter 10


Agatha returns with not so good news.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kate, as organized as she was, had gone online and researched a whole bunch of tips on how to travel with children. She had never done so before, obviously India was her first, and he had never traveled with Edmund or Miles on a trip of this scale. Most of their trips could be done by a two-hour plane ride to Aspen, or a car ride down to San Diego, not a twenty-hour plane ride to Barcelona. They would be lucky if by the time they got to airport security there wasn't a tantrum, specifically by their four-year-old.

Anthony walked into the kitchen Friday after work, three days before their trip. He felt proud of himself as he had gotten a lot done that day. Three surgeries, and guardianship papers were signed by his father and Avery to Anthony and Kate just in case Isla needed any medical attention while they were away. The first person he saw was Edmund sitting at a stool at the island counter, his brow was furrowed as he mindlessly ate some cheese crackers and drank from his sippy cup of milk. Anthony assumed it was most likely chocolate milk. Edmund's chin was in his hand as he looked down at his tablet.

"Buddy. What's wrong?"

Edmund looked up, startled. He definitely was spaced out. Anthony walked around to the stool which Edmund was on and lifted him off of it, wrapping his eldest in a hug. Edmund's legs hung down for a moment before he responded and wrapped his arms and legs around him. God if only he could stay this little forever.

"Hi daddy," he mumbled into his neck.

"What's wrong, buddy?"

"Amma say I can only take five whole toys in my Spiderman backpack on the plane. And I don't know which ones."

"Oh no," Anthony understood. Five toys at Edmund's age never seemed to be enough. But Anthony agreed with Kate when she brought it up last night over supper. They didn't need a mess of toys scattered around an already crowded plane. "Well, think about which five toys you would really, really miss." He shifted Edmund over to his hip.

"My tablet, -"

"Amma and I will take that with us for you in our bag, so it doesn't get lost. So, you get a tablet plus five."

"OOOOOOHHHHH," his eyes widened, and he automatically looked like he was feeling better. He held up five fingers. "So my tablet and this many?"


"Oh," he put his hands over his eyes. "I dinit knowed that."

"Did you ask amma?"

"No," he giggled and shook his head.

"Well, you should have asked her! Then you could have saved yourself all of this," he gestured around.

"Next time, I ask all the time!"

"Very good," Anthony kissed his son's cheek and sat him back down on the stool.

Miles came running in after, probably up from his nap followed by Kate with a crying India. Immediately he took the baby from her arms as Miles had run to his snack door in the refrigerator to grab a cheese.

He was fine being ignored by his two-year-old.

It was fine. It was all good.

Really it was...

"My goodness," he exclaimed as he took India from her amma. "What is going on?"

"She hasn't taken a nap," Kate said wearily as she bent to catch Miles who was now racing past her with his cheese into the living room. "And he took an extra-long one." She sighed as she sat him in his booster seat the island. She buckled him up and checked it twice before unwrapping his cheese for him, and she also got him a sippy cup of milk and placed some cheerios on his tray.

"Amma," Edmund looked up. "Can I take my colors," he asked sweetly, and Kate's demeanor immediately shifted from frazzled to calm as she gazed at their eldest child.

"As long as you let me color with you," she lifted his chin with her hand and placed a gentle kiss there on his cheek. He grinned. It was July now. He and Kate had been together since early May. These last couple of months had been good for all of them, but especially Edmund. Hethrived under her direction and guidance. And Kate had resisted at first, but after a conversation with Sienna, it was easy for her to say yes. Plus, she loved their boys like she loved India. She was always thinking about them even when she wasn't thinking about them.

And what Kate had done for him? There was no word in the English language to describe how much joy and meaning she had brought into his life. She offered more than just a partnership. She was his friend, lover, and his wife (though that would be official this fall).

She was also working a lot with his sister's Daphne and Eloise setting up a non-profit for BI helping under privileged students with scholarships and paying off student loans. Education was important in the Bridgerton family. Every single child had gone to college, even Colin who was history major which would explain his love of travel. Greg was a student athlete and a Sport's Medicine major. Hyacinth was a Theatre and Film Major. Fran was a Music History and Theory major. Daphne of course got her Medical Degree in Mental Health. And Ben had a major in design and engineering. And Eloise of course was a lawyer.

His father had been impressed with Kate's work ethic and had asked her to join him at multiple day conferences, and he knew Kate was itching to get back to work so he wasn't surprised to see her accept. And leaving the kids those days had beenreallygood for her. Understanding that she could be a good mother and still work and do things for herself was super important to help her overcome those days when she felt that nothing, she did was ever good enough.

He hadn't heard from his mother in a month, which honestly wasn't that surprising. She was probably waiting for him to come and apologize to her, which most of the time he did. But this time, he was standing firm. She absolutely had to stop trying to control him and run his life. That was non-negotiable.

Back to reality though because India was not calming down.

"I have tried everything Anthony. I have tried nursing, walking the house with her, her swing,everything.She hates me," Kate sat down next to Edmund with a sigh.

"She does not," he chuckled. "I think she is being difficult because she loves you and knows you will love her through anything she puts you through."

"Sheis starting to sound likeyou,"Kate said and Anthony burst into laughter causing the baby to startle and stop crying.

"Now," Anthony turned the five-month-old to face him in his arms. "Let's see," he laid her down on the island and lifted her legs to her stomach. "No gas and she's not hungry," he asked, and Kate shook her head no. "Hmm. No diaper issues. What about teeth," he pulled her back up and into his arms. "Let daddy see your teeth," he pushed a finger into the infant's mouth and ran it along her gums and sure enough she started to gnaw on it on the side.

"She's teething," Kate's eyes widened as she stood? "Well, why couldn't she just say that" she exclaimed, and Anthony laughed.

"Well, she did amma. In her own way," he moved around to the counter where they kept all the children's medicine, up high and locked so Edmund and Miles couldn't get into it. Edmund knew that the cabinet was off limits unless there was an adult present. He got some Orajel that he picked up last month, as he had a feeling this day was coming soon and better to be prepared than unprepared. Kate looked at him fascinated. She was still learning, having thrown all her books away after learning that her baby didn't need a parent who was so clinical or by the book. It was the hardest thing she had to do.

"What do you do with that," she asked.

"Well..." He cut the tip off of the applicator and squeezed a small drop onto his finger. "We use this, and we rub it over her gums."

"Oh really," Kate took the box. "It was just that easy?! When did we get this anyway," she exclaimed, and he chuckled as he rubbed the gel over her gums. The baby tried to suck on his finger, but he forced the issue gently.

"There, see," he said gently as he removed his finger from India's mouth. Her lips were puckered up as she got used to the new taste, and her eyes went a little cross, but other than that she looked ok. And she wasn't crying anymore so that was a plus.

"I didn't know," Kate said quietly, there were a few tears that leaked from her eyes, so he wiped them away and handed them back to her.

"That's why I am here, baby. Always. Give it ten minutes, and then you can nurse her, ok," he put his hand under her chin and raised her face to meet his gaze. "I love you. You are the best amma," he kissed her gently. "Isn't she boys," he looked at the two little ones at the island and Edmund automatically agreed.

"The best amma in the whole wide world!" Miles just stared at them fascinated as he mangled his cheese.

"We have a long way to go with that one," he said, and she giggled.

Miles held up his sippy cup. "Chocate! Chocate peese!"

"At least he said please," Anthony said, amused but Kate was back to looking at the Oraljel box.

"Do they sell this in bulk," she wondered as she flipped the box over, India content on her mother's shoulder probably for the first time that day.

Edmund dragged his laundry hamper down to the laundry room with plenty of gusto. It was hilarious that a month ago the boys of the house had no idea how to even use the washer. Not even Anthony. "Here my clothes, amma!"

"Good job, buddy," Kate exclaimed as she took the hamper from him and put it in the laundry room before handing Edmund his breakfast. They had come a long way from not one of the men of the house knowing how to do a single load of laundry.


"Anthony," Kate called from the laundry room off of the kitchen. "Where is your fabric softener?"

"Our what," he asked as he leaned against the door, Miles on his hip. He looked sexy as hell when he was taking care of the kids. But there was more pressing matters. Like a sh*tload of laundry and baby clothes that needed to be washed, dried, and folded. Who knew that India would go through so many clothes in a week. And Miles as well.

"Your fabric softener. I'm trying to get the clothes cleaned."

Anthony stared at her blankly.

"Well, where is it babe," she asked as she stood from sorting.

"I am not sure," he mumbled as he sat Miles down. "Maybe in one of the cabinets," he said as he started to look through every cabinet in the laundry room, most of which were empty. This was still very much a bachelor's house.

"Have you never used fabric softener to wash your clothes?"

"I umm..," he looked into another cabinet.

"Anthony," she said,and he turned to look at her. "Have you ever washed your clothes before?" He blushed and she could see her eyes widen in surprise. "You haven't," she exclaimed. "Anthony, who washes your clothes?!"

"Aurora," he mumbled as he looked into another cabinet. "What the hell is a fabric softener anyway and why isn't it needed? Aren't fabrics already soft," he demanded, and Kate burst into giggles. Aurora was the housekeeper that came once a week to clean the house, Kate had met her once. As she wasn't here last week due to a family emergency. It was probably why the boy's laundry wasn't an issue until then.

"Baby," she pulled on his arm. "Stop. I will put it on the grocery order. But you and I are going to talk. I was putting clothes away at four years old after my mother folded them for me."

He sighed and sat down with a nod. "Sometimes I feel like I'm failing them."

"You aren't. But it can never hurt to start them on some chores," she said, and he nodded. "We can talk about it."

And so, they had. Aurora would still come once a week. She was damn good at her job and sanitized everything, but she would no longer have done laundry or pick up toys or put-up food or do the dishes. Anthony promised her the same pay, and she was in agreement.

They immediately started to work on the boys. They started with their toys. Every night they were to be put up before bedtime. Edmund was very easy to implement the change on. Miles was not. He didn't understand, but he was only two. He would get used to it in time. Even today he put up his truck after he was done using it.

Edmund also loved to help load the dishwasher and put the soap in. So did Miles. Kate or Anthony would hand them a dish, and they would put it in one by one. It took time and later they would have to go back and rearrange everything, but Edmund and Miles were learning something and that was all that was important to them. Laundry was also well received. Edmund would make sure all of his dirty clothes were picked up in his room and in the boys' bathroom, and he would bring the basket down every Saturday morning before breakfast, at Kate's gentle reminder. Kate would wash and fold the clothes, and bring them to his room, and Edmund would put them away. Helovedthat. Anthony said he was like Benedict in that way. Benedict loved a good, organized closet, and it seemed Edmund was the same way.

One of the first rules of traveling was making sure the house was clean before you left, and that included all of the laundry. So in-between packing and organizing their bags, Kate and Anthony were making sure everything was organized so they could come home to a clean house. Coming home to a clean house would diminish the chaos. They would be coming home with more than they left, and if they had to come home, unpack,andclean, well... Kate couldn't imagine.

Anthony too gathered their laundry and brought it down. There was a lot between the two of them and the two littles. That evening was bound to be a folding party.

Kate was frying up some more bacon when Anthony came up behind her and kissed her neck, moaning softly. It was as if no time had passed since they fell into bed last night. She let her head fall back briefly against his shoulder. Anthony was unlike any man that she had ever been with. He treated her with respect. He respected her opinions and decisions. He accepted her for who she was. Tall, proud, an aggravating. When it came to the children, both his and hers. Now theirs. He accepted her ideas with an openness that made her want to have a million more with him (there wouldn't be a million, maybe one or two tops.) But still. These last couple of months, despite a nearly exhausting schedule with the Bridgerton family and a newborn.

"Daddy. How come you kiss a lot of the time?"

"Hmm," Anthony pressed another kiss into her neck and she giggled, before lifting her head and looking at Edmund. "Eat your sausage. MiMi you want more bacon," she asked their two-year-old.

"Ya peese," he held up his hands and put them in his hair and laughed at something Edmund said, Anthony winced. He was going to need a bath before Benedict came and got them to take them to the park with Isla. Anthony was Isla's guardian for the trip, but they all agreed that since Benedict had less children to contend with than Daphne or Anthony, that he would be the one responsible to get their baby sister to Spain safely. Benedict and Sophie were also already packed, which Daphne and Anthony's family were not so Benedict had agreed to get all the kids and keep them so they could all finish packing. The only one not going from their household was India.

India was sitting on the floor buckled into her new bumbo seat, gnawing on her new teething ring.

"Baby," she said quietly. "Bacon, eggs, and sausage?"

"Are you an option," he asked, and she rolled her eyes fondly before handing him a plate. "What all do we have to do today?"

"Ours is almost done," she said as she finally sat down with a bowl of fruit. She handed Miles a piece of cantaloupe when he reached for one. "I mean everything is almost done; I just want to double check so we aren't running around all day tomorrow. I want to relax."

"Daddy, can I have more sausage, please," Edmund asked and Anthony reached forward to pull the plate of sausage in Edmund's direction, allowing him to take a piece for himself. It was a picture of tranquility, if only for a few minutes, that Kate within the depths of her soul always wanted. This was how she was raised. Her appa and amma cooking breakfast for her and Edwina and preparing them for the day. When she was dating, nobody seemed to add up, so she took matters into her own hands. She had a baby. She could be mother and father to that baby. And shecould.But then the hurricane that was Anthony Bridgerton blew into her life and in one weekend flipped her entire life upside down, and now she could never look back.

India disrupted their piece by making baby noises as she chewed on her toy. Edmund slid down off of his stool and went to the baby girl to talk to her. "Daddy says that helps make your teeths feel better. Does it feel better, Indi?"

Before turning back to her bowl of fruit she caught Anthony's eyes. He winked at her before turning back to his own plate.

Grinning she did the same.

The boys were gone, the house was quiet, and Anthony found Kate in their room, making sure their suitcases were all organized. There was nothing sexier than seeing her clothes mixed in there with his own. Why hadn't he found her sooner? He wrapped his arms around her from behind for what was probably the fiftieth time that day.

"You know, India is asleep."


"The boys are gone."

"I can hear that," she laughed as did he. He flipped her around in his arms.

"You know. I could take you right here and now, and we could be as loud as we want. She's a pretty sound sleeper," he murmured against her ear.

"I really wish you wouldn't," a voice rang from the door and both of them looked up. Kate in surprise as she recognized the voice and Anthony with a groan. He recognized the voice as well.

"How did you get in here," he demanded, and the lady raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow.

"Your brother let me in all the while he was laughing gleefully. I would say that he has your card, Mr. Dr. Bridgerton," Agatha Danbury said sarcastically. "You know for two people who were so against being set up on blind date, you sure are proving me right."

"Never," he shook his head, and a smile overtook Agatha's face.

"I have known you since you were a boy, Anthony Bridgerton. You cannot fool me."

"Alright so you got one thing right in the million years you have been alive," he said, and Kate guffawed. "That's hardly something to brag about." He actually liked Agatha Danbury, and he liked her even more now that she had brought Kate into his life. Agatha laughed.

"You watch yourself, young man. You step into the dragon's lair, and you are liable to get burned," she told him, and Kate laughed.

"Why are you here, Agatha," Kate stepped in.

"I actually had some news," Agatha started but then said nothing. Anthony sighed and let Kate go.

"I guess it's time that I take a cold shower," he sighed and moved towards the master bathroom.

"Close the door. I don't want to hear anything," Agatha called and Anthony flipped her off as he walked away.

"What news," Kate asked the moment the bathroom door shut. "From work? Lucas said something was going on, but nobody was being specific with him. He was worried."

"I'm just going to put it blankly with you. They are trying to break you contract because of your association with BI."

"What," Kate exclaimed and Agatha nodded. "Can they do that?"

"Typically, yeah. BI is mainly into marketing, but they do own several other holdings that are competitors. But with yours, no. I promised your appa that I would take care of you. I didn't acquire my reputation for being one of the most ruthless attorneys in America and England by cowering down to men who think that they are better than us simply because they have something that most of them don't even know how to use dangling between their legs," she shook her head and Kate nearly choked.

"Then what is the issue?"

"The issue is, do you want to return to work after maternity leave to a company that doesn't want you because of who you are in a relationship with? They essentially took all of that hard work you did on that drug, and said, we don't care because she is seeing him."

"But I did do all the hard work. I discovered it! It works!"

"Your appa would be so proud of you, Kathani. And he too would tell you there is no shame in walking away."

"Isn't there," she asked quietly and slumped down onto the bed.

"There is some good news though," Agatha's eyes glittered.

"I'm afraid to ask."

"You can have them buy out your contract because they were the ones that initiated you wanting to leave. And because of that drug you created for them, you are worth a whole lot."

"How much," she whispered.

"To buy you out of that drug patent alone, it would be upwards of five million dollars."

"Five million dol-"Kate trailed off.

"And of course, because they are misogynistic pigs, we can negotiate that your name will be connected if you lower your asking price," Agatha was positively beaming now. "And that's only the asking price for the drug. We negotiated you to a six-year contract initially and you have only done two."

"I don't even know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Go on your vacation and enjoy your little family. And when you come back, we can take this fight to them with a vengeance. Plus, I know one man that doesn't like when his family is messed with, and he is actually quite ruthless. You, me, and Anthony Bridgerton? I don't think they know what's coming for them."

Kate found Anthony in the shower, and after stripping quietly, she climbed in behind him. He noticed; he always did. She allowed him to take her up against the wall under the rainfall showerhead spray before she broke down into tears. After, when he got the whole story out of her, he was single minded in revenge and was on the phone with one of his attorneys ten minutes later, after ensuring she was ok.

Everyone got to the airport Monday morning very early. Their flight was at six, but with an abundance of caution they got there at four. They got through security with relative ease, with only Bella throwing a fit because she was tired and didn't want to leave her father's arms. They thanked God that Lina, Charlie, and India made it through security asleep.

Kids were magical. Despite any lack of sleep, they were always up and ready to go when there were new things to explore. And it just so happened that one of his kids, Miles, was more alert than ever. Anthony put his children's leash on him and wore him out on the moving sidewalk. And finally, they were allowed to board.

The kids were amazing boarding. Getting them into their car seat and booster seats and their first-class seats were all grouped together in their little pods, with Eloise who was a last-minute addition sitting with Isla.

The issues started after takeoff when a very tired and pissed off Miles threw his muffin at Edmund, who was so tired that he burst into tears and only wanted Kate who was nursing India at the time. And then on cue, Bella started crying, which woke up Lina, which woke up Charlie. And there for a while... the only children not crying were Isla, Auggie, and India.

"I would like a mulligan on having a child," Benedict announced and the entire cabin laughed and went back to taking care of their screaming children.


You guys are so nice! I read every one of your comments and it encourages me to come up with even more ideas! Thank you so much!

FYI a Mulligan is a do over in Golf... Because we know Ben and Anthony play golf lol.

And Anthony is just a hot, horny bastard. And Kate gives into his every whim... Adorable.

Chapter 11


Anthony explains some of his past...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As plane rides went, it wasn't the worst that Anthony had ever been on.

After the drama with Miles and Edmund was finish, Edmund having fallen asleep in Kate's arms, the entire plane seemed to calm down simultaneously. Kate had just fallen into a much-neededrest when they heard another muffled cry. Looking around, he couldn't pinpointwhere it was coming from.

"Daphne, is that Auggie," he asked his sister who was also looking around. So he knew it wasn't his eldest nephew.

"Anthony," Eloise's eyes were big as she rose from her seat. "Isla."

"Where is she," he demanded as he stood up.

"She went to the rest room about ten minutes ago."

Sighing he made his way to the first-class restrooms;the crying grew louder as he approached. He knocked on the door. "Isla?"

"Anthony," she sobbed. "I'm stuck."

"Stuck how, sweetheart?"

"The door won't open," she broke down. "I can't get the door to open."

"Try twisting the lock, baby." he said gently, trying to calm her down. She was scared, he was too. He didn't want it to show.

"What is going on," Benedict came up behind him whispering.

"Can't get the door unlocked."

"Isla, try twisting it left and then right," Benedict instructed their baby sister.

"Ben, it's stuck," she cried. "I can't move it! I'm stuck in here! Anthony, I'm scared!"

"It's going to be alright, sweetheart," Anthony reassured her. "Just give us a few minutes, ok?" Anthony caught the attention of a flight attendant. "Do you have any way we can pick this lock."

"Oh! We have a key for when this happens," she smiled and went to go retrieve it.

"Thank God," Benedict murmured.

A couple of minutes later Isla was out and crying in his arms. She wouldn't let him go. He was used to this. Fran, Hyacinth, Eloise, and Daphne, they had all needed his comfort at one point or another, and while Ben would do in a pinch, it was always up to him as the eldest. Daphne rubbed their sister's back as he held her while she cried. "Anthony gives the best hugs in the world, doesn't he," Daphne said quietly and Isla nodded through her sobs. "I am sorry bean," she said. Daphne and Isla too shared a special relationship. Isla was at Daphne's more often than not.

"I'm sorry Ant," Eloise said quietly.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault. Accidents happen."

"Plus,she is probably very tired," Ben said and Anthony concurred. Everything seemed so much more dramatic when one was tired.

"Come," he told Isla. "We'll go cuddle up with Kate and Edmund, ok?" Isla nodded while wiping her eyes. Isla loved Kate.

The boys were relatively well behaved for the rest of the flight, honestly, they spent more time minding Bella and Lina, than their own children.

Daphne looked exhausted. "Wanna trade babies? I will take India, you take Lina. No one will notice," she said,and he laughed and looked over at Kate who was nursing while she had headphones on as she watched a movie with Edmund and Miles.

"Kate would notice. I would notice. She ismy baby."

"Look at you finally becoming a girl dad," Simon joked as he nudged his shoulder. "Welcome to the club."

"It's a pretty cool club," Anthony agreed.

"What club? I wanna join," Benedict popped up.

"The girl dad club," Simon said and laughed as Ben's eyes were wide with horror.

"No. Absolutely not. If God blesses me with all boys, I'll be just fine with that. Little girls are fine, but eventually they start dating. And there isn't enough antacid in the world for that pain," he said,and the men started laughing. Daphne was staring at Kate who was still oblivious.

"How did she have such a calm baby," Daphne whined. "I'm jealous!"

"Well, I wonder not having any Bridgerton DNA is a part of it," Simon joked and held up his hands as three angry Bridgerton glares were directed his way. "Just a thought!"

"You know, he's probably right," Benedict nudged him and Anthony nodded in agreement.

But he wouldn't tell Kate that. He wanted a million more with her.

They rented a Villa in Barcelona where they could spend time as a family. What was the point of a family vacation if you spent it in different hotel rooms. The children had their own rooms based on ages, Edmund and Auggie, Miles and Bella, and Lina and Charlie. Isla would be in with Eloise. And India would be in their room. They didn't know how she would sleep, and Lina was already temperamental enough.

Sophie and Daphne and Simon had gone to the local market to stock the pantry for the family. They got snacks for the littles, food, alcohol (much needed), and other beverages. Kate was hoping to take some lessons from Sophie this whole month. While Kate was a consummate cook, she was always trying to be creative for their little ones. Trying to make healthier food more entertaining for Edmund was the one way she got him to eat. And he too was starting to cook with her. He loved that.

The first thing the children wanted to do was play in the pool, and he couldn't blame them. He wanted too as well. Spending nineteen hours in the air, and then another three on travel, it was intense, and he had a lot of built-up energy. And since he could not channel that energy into sex with Kate at the moment, the pool seemed to be a fine consolation prize. But Daphne wanted pictures.

So, when they were all ready for the pool, Daphne gathered each of the families into groups. His of course was Kate, Edmund, Miles, India, and Isla. While Eloise was with Ben and Sophie and Charlie. Daphne's family rounded out the third group. And the kids remained good long enough, butjustlong enough. After it was pandemonium in getting to the pool.

"Don't run, Edmund," Kate shouted after their son.

"Sorry, Amma," he exclaimed and slowed down, Miles immediately slowing behind him. Kate put Miles' life vest on while he made sure Miles was secure.

"Is she going in," Anthony nodded to India in Kate's arms. She looked between her daughter and him with a smile. "We can try it, here," she gently pushed their daughter into his arms. She looked adorable in her owl rash guard. The boys were already splashing in the pool with Isla. Simon had Bella, and Lina was screaming bloody murder in Daphne's arms as they waded around the shallow water. Sophie had Charlie, who was much more fascinated with her sunglasses.

"Is she going in," Ben asked. "Can I help with Miles?"

Miles was currently clinging to Kate's legs with a hand in his mouth as she crouched down and was encouraging him to get into the pool with her. "I don't know if he will allow it," he chuckled, and Ben laughed. Ben went and got into the pool and waded over to where Miles was standing with Kate.

"Come here, buddy," Ben exclaimed. "Jump!" Benedict held his arms out. Miles turned into Kate's shoulder, peaking out curiously. She whispered something into his ear, and he nodded. She said something else, and he giggled. He then turned and jumped right into Ben's arms with a squeal, the air ringing with his laughter. Kate turned and nodded to him, and they both made their way to the steps.

"He would not do that if it were me. He listens to you."

"I should hope so," she laughed as she removed her cover up. This was not the time to pull her from the water and have his way with her, especially when he had their little girl in his arms. She waded in and he cleared his throat and followed.

"First time," Daphne grinned at them, despite Lina's furious cries.

"We will see," Kate laughed. India still hated baths on her own. Perhaps if she had him or her mama, she would be okay with this. He turned India around as he walked further in and handed her to Kate, allowing her feet to skim against the water. India startled, her eyes wide as Kate took her into her arms. "Oh goodness," Kate exclaimed. "Was that cold?!" Kate held her close and slowly lowered her into the water, allowing her bottom to touch the water this time. The only sign that India was not exactly comfortable with it was the death grip she had on Kate's wrist.

"She ok," he asked quietly as he walked up to his two girls. Kate looked at India on her hip. "I think so," she said gently, and dipped India again.

"She is doing really well," Daphne commented. "Lina screamed from the moment her feet touched the water."

Anthony reached for her, and India responded.

Colin looked up from his laptop as his wife came into the kitchen. She reached for the cutting board, onion, and garlic. "Tacos okay tonight," she asked as she reached into the refrigerator for the meat.

"Fine," he grumbled as he looked back down to his laptop.

"What is it now," she sighed as she pulled a pan out. In all fairness to her, he had been pretty moody this last month.

"My siblings are in Spain," he motioned to Daphne's open Facebook page where she posted a few pictures of the family. One was of Anthony and his girlfriend and their children and Isla. "Even Isla was invited, and they didn't think to invite me." Pen looked over his shoulder. Anthony rarely posted pictures of his children online. In fact, he rarely posted online at all. He had to admit that they all looked like a family with Kate holding Miles and Anthony holding Kate's baby. He couldn't remember her name.

"Well," Pen said softly. "Kate fits right in, it looks like. Tall, pretty. The perfect Bridgerton."

"She is not the perfect Bridgerton," Colin snapped but the immediately regretted it. This was why, he knew. He hadn't seen his brother since Miles' party, despite Colin reaching out multiple times. Anthony hadn't even opened his messages.

"Colin," Penelope sighed as she started to chop up the onion. "Kate was perfectly sweet when we met her. You're just upset that Anthony has decided to pull the chord. Which you were happy for him when you discovered he had a girlfriend."

"If having a girlfriend means ignoring his whole family -"

"But he's not ignoring his whole family, obviously. He is there with Daphne, Ben, and Isla is there too. Obviously, he had to get permission from your father and Avery to take her."

"NOT my father," Colin hissed.

"He raised you. He is your father whether you like it or not. And -" she put her hand on her hip and looked up at him. "Have you talked to him like I told you to?"

"Talking doesn't always help!"

"Do not yell at me," she exclaimed. "And just to point out your hypocrisy, if he is not your father than you arenota Bridgerton either. So, you and Kate are equal, and you have no reason to be so rude to her." She smiled when Abby walked in asking for a juice box.

"Mommy, when eat? Tommy take all my snacks," she complained.

"Why do you have snacks so close to dinner," she looked down at their daughter and Colin winced. He had done it to get them out of his hair when he saw Daphne's Facebook update.

"Daddy," Abby pointed at him and Penelope threw the hand towel down, glaring at him as she marched out of the kitchen to take the snacks away from Tommy. He was failing at more than one area of his life. This time Benedict had posted a picture of him and Sophie, Anthony, and Kate by the pool and that feeling of rejection tightened in his chest. Rejection and neglect.

Violet threw a letter and manila envelope down on her husband's desk in his home office. "You promised me this would be taken care of." He took the letter and read it; he looked so much like Anthony when he concentrated on something. Never mind that she hadn't seen her eldest son in two months. "Well?"

"Our original deal was that exact amount for twenty-five years. We never renegotiated another amount. He wants more money, and I'm not willing to spend my son's money on a coverup."

"Anthony can never know about this!"

"Colin already does," he snapped. "It's only a matter of time before Anthony does too."

"You have to give him more money. This can't get out to the media! This willruinus."

"No... It will ruinyou.And honestly, I'm getting tired of hiding everything. I'm tired of not being able to spend time with my daughter because it brings too much attention to the fact that I had an affair! She is mydaughterfor God's sake. And Daphne and Anthony are compensating for the fact that she will never have a normal Bridgerton upbringing! How is that fair when Daphne and Colin did?! I love Daphne and Colin like they are my very own. But Islais my very own and I'm tired of hiding her or pretending that she is someone that she is not. Isla does not deserve that," he stood. "So, no. Your former lover will not be receiving another cent from me. Perhaps it's time for the Bridgerton family to bear its bruises and show that we are normal!"

"You only say that because you will not come under scrutiny."

"In case you haven't notice, I am already under scrutiny. And all I went to do is spend my autumn years of my life being happy. That can happen with or without you."

Since Kate and Anthony were nice enough to watch their children for a date night at one of Barcelona's best restaurants, Anthony decided that he had yet to take Kate on a proper date night. Having met at a nice restaurant, most of their date nights involved their children. They loved their children of course but spending one on one time with each other sounded like a dream.

She looked beautiful in her purple cut out dress that highlighted her legs. He gave a slow whistle when she came out of the adjoining bathroom, and she did a little twirl before bending down and puling on her heels. He was already ready and lounging on the bed waiting for her. "You like it," she asked.

"Love it."

"Good. Because you bought it for me. I used your credit card."

"Good girl," he teased as he rose from the bed and made his way over to her.

"I saw your last quarter financials statement and nearly croaked."

"I kept telling you," Anthony said quietly. "Does it bother you?"

"No," she shook her head and gently pressed a kiss onto his lips. "In fact, the very fact that you do so much for charities with it makes you that much sexier to me."

"Not my handsome good looks and pleasing smile," he teased, and she pushed his shoulder gently and then reached for her shoulder bag on the bed.

"Let's go say goodbye to the kids."

The kids were for the most part distracted. Edmund was having fun with Indi who was on her tummy on her play mat. He had put his Spiderman sunglasses on her. "Daddy," he said when he noticed them. "Daddy come look! She is wearing my glasses! It's so funny," he exclaimed as he rolled onto his back in laughter. Sophie who was sitting on the other side of India was giggling as well.

"She looks adorable," she grinned. "I got pictures."

The baby was cooing and kicking her legs, in a couple months she would be crawling, and the glasses swallowed her face, but she didn't seem to mind. Auggie came up and sat beside Edmund. "Lina wouldn't let me put my glasses on her," he said. "She is grumpy all the time." He shook his head. At that moment as they stood there watching the children, Miles found his way over to Kate. He was only in a diaper, which meant he had made a mess or refused to put his clothes on after a diaper change. Potty training had gone out the window on this trip. Kate lifted him onto her hip.

"You be good for Auntie Daphne," she told him.

"No amama," he shook his head seriously.

"Uncle Simon then."


"Uncle Ben," she tried.

"No," he giggled when she tickled him.

"Will you be good for me, MiMi," Sophie asked her nephew sweetly.

"No," he exclaimed and threw himself back that Kate had to quickly react to catch him.

Edmund stood and came over to them. "Are you coming back?"

"We will be back tonight, buddy."

"Ok," he nodded seriously. He wrapped his arms around Anthony's legs and Anthony bent down to reciprocate. Edmund then went to hug Kate who had to kneel all the way down which was nearly impossible with Miles wiggling in her arms, but she managed it beautifully. The boys would be in bed when they got home tonight, but India would be up at least one more time tonight to nurse. After saying goodbye to Miles, Kate turned to hand him off to Daphne and then all hell broke loose.

It wasn't that Miles disliked Daphne. He was just a very particular child. He had gone to several specialists thinking perhaps that he may be autistic, even just a little bit, but all of them had denied it. Miles just knew what he liked and what he wanted at any given time, and the family just had to work around it. Kate was one of the few people who came in immediately and pierced through his armor. Right away that first weekend he had been glued to her side. He asked Dr. Mondrich about it when they had taken him to his two-year exam, and the doctor just explained that he found his person and if he was comfortable with her than that was a good thing, it meant he felt safe. So, if it wasn't going to be Kate holding him, then it was daddy, which is who he reached for when Kate had managed to get free. It broke his heart that his little boy was crying but he reassured Miles that they would be back and kissed his cheek. He would be ok in a couple minutes when the distractions outweighed any memory of them departing, he was sure of it.

He led Kate out of the house by the hand gently, she was sniffling. "Baby. He will be fine."

"I know," she sniffed. "I adore him."

"I know you do. I do too. But it is good for him and for us to be apart for a moment. Plus," he pulled her into his side. "I have a candlelight dinner cruise planned for us."

"Oh," her eyes widened, and he grinned.

"Come on, let's go."

The food was delicious. The view was spectacular. And the rule was no talk of children. So, as they sat there in their booth wrapped in each other's arms, her head against his shoulder as they dined, they talked of their pasts and their hope for their future.

"You know... I never even proposed to Sienna," he admitted at one point. "I remember my mother at dinner one night saying that a wedding announcement would be made at BI the following week, so I had a week to get a ring. Sienna and I were terrified. But we were in it together. And it was easier at that point. She was a friend, and I had been developing a reputation during my residency. It was just easier."

"Was it easier though," she asked softly.

"When we had Edmund, I thought that was when we were at our best. I thought that it was us against the world. His birth was so controlled, but nobody could walk in and tell us how to raise him, believe me, they tried. But then Miles... And Sienna was so depressed, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what my mother was doing behind the scenes until I saw that pill bottle. I recognized the doctor's name and when I asked Sienna, she admitted to everything. I knew Sienna had not ever seen that doctor. He is notorious for writing prescriptions without questions. I despise him, most in the medical field do. He's been reported so many times. I'm astounded he still has his license. That is what money from rich clientele does, I suppose."

"It's unfathomable," Kate said.

"My first concern was that Sienna was using when she was pregnant with Miles, but she adamantly denies it, and I believe her. She loves her children. I don't know."

"You were up against a force that you had no idea you were up against. Your own mother. And now you do know. You know her playbook. Speaking of... Have you heard from her?"

"No. Though I'm not expecting to. She definitely is waiting for me to reach out."

"Do you want to?"

"Absolutely not."

They spoke of her mother and sister. He had met Edwina a couple weeks ago and instantly liked her. She was a firecracker and she reminded him so much of Isla. "I'm tired of being their mediator."

"Then tell them that, baby."

"I have! I just have a hard time following up on my threats and they don't believe me." He offered to speak to them, but she declined. "I really should do it myself."

Their wedding was something that neither were involved in as Daphne and now Sophie and Fran had hijacked all the plans. Kate didn't mind, but she did hope that they would listen to her about the Haldi ceremony. That was something that Kate wanted above all, and he promised to talk to Daphne about it. This was Kate's first wedding, and if he had it his way it would be her only wedding. And she was already going out of her comfort zone by having a wedding and not eloping at the courthouse. If she wanted to add a little of her tradition in their wedding festivities, they would.

Barcelona was beautiful at sunset and when they ran out of words, the sky could paint a thousand stories for them to read. He had never been one to analyze a sunset before but here he was. Benedict was heavily into watercolors. One of his guest bedrooms contained over a hundred paintings that he refused to sell. He had a fear of judgement. He and Sienna had commissioned a couple of paintings for the boys' nursery when each were born. One was of a lake with a sailboat, and the other was a mountain view. Both were currently still hung in the room they shared now. And Ben also had over a dozen sunset pictures, though Anthony never knew why.

Though now he did. When the sun came down and the stars came alive, it was as if anything could happen.

"Anthony," Kate whispered as she continued to lay her head on his shoulder. "I am scared." His heart dropped.

"What about?"

"All of this. Like we are moving too fast."

"I know exactly what you mean. But I'm choosing to be an optimist," he smiled down at her, and she giggled.


"Because if moving fast with you means that I am as happy as I am now then how can I not be?"

"I never imagined, -"

"I know. Marrying for love. Marrying the love of my life. Who would have thought?" She giggled again.

"So, we just throw all our cards in and just go with it. I sucked in improv in college."

"Me too," he shuddered. "Like seriously? What is wrong with having everything planned out?"

"Exactly. That way there are no surprises!"

"I don't know," he said thoughtfully. "Miles was a surprise. A precious surprise, but a surprise none the less."

She turned and looked at him, her eyes told a thousand stories and shone with mischief. "I know we said no talk of the children but tell me about them. About the pregnancies. Their births."

He nodded. "First tell me about our little girls'."

"Oh," her eyes widened. "Oh, I was sick, so sick that I had to be hospitalized. I could not keep anything down."


"Yeah. I was in a hospital bed doing last minute research with an IV and nurses encouraging me to eat as much as I could. But the third trimester went so fast. My mother came and helped me prepare. We did her nursery. We had a baby shower. I have never been the center of attention in my family before, so it was nice. I've kind of been the center since I became pregnant."

"How does that make you feel?"

"Honestly? It feels good, and I feel selfish for saying that. But it does. I thought that after India was born it would change, but it hasn't. Though I suppose it's because I am her mother, I have to be there," she laughed. "Her delivery was easy. And when she was placed in my arms, I knew I made the right decision." He nodded.

"That's how I felt with both of my boys."

"I always imagined I would have a boy first. In fact, they asked me if I wanted them to make it so that I would be guaranteed that I would have a boy, and I am surprised that I said no. I guess that since I was going about getting pregnant in such an untraditional way, that I would let fate decide."

"Fate gave you the exact child that you needed."

"I can imagine that it was the same with you and Edmund?"

"Absolutely. I wanted a boy so I could show him how to be a man. But now it's become so much more than that. Edmund there for a while was my best buddy. We, Sienna and I didn't really know what to do with him when he was born," he said, and she giggled. "We, the both of us, we were raised by nannies. I guess I experienced more parental contact than my siblings, being the eldest, but that was mainly for the business. My childhood nanny, we adored her, she came and lived with us for a month to help us."

"Oh, Anthony," she covered her mouth with her hand.

"My mother, she is much more involved with her grandchildren than any of her children, though we may be lucky for that. I don't know why. But even then, it's usually for a montage of pictures, she never changed a diaper."

"I'd throw it at her," Kate looked off and mumbled causing him to laugh and her to blush. She clearly hadn't meant for him to hear her.

"You know that I am going to protect you from anything she throws our way."

"I don't need protection from her, but you are so sweet. Believe me when I say, I know how to stand up to a mean girl that has never heard the word "no" before. Your mother is no different than a high school bully. But we aren't in high school anymore. And I swear to God Anthony, she can come after me all she wants. But if she starts coming after my child, we are going to have a serious problem. I know it was her that planted that story about India being a love-child last month. The internet is forever, and I will be damned if I let my child live in a world where the world thinks she is inadequate because her biological DNA does not contain any Bridgerton. Do I make myself clear?"

His face broke into a grin. "As clear as the body of water we are on right now. And I will be behind you one hundred percent. You know I love that girl. I never imagined I would have another child. A few months ago, two was enough for me. I was even going to go get a vasectomy."

"You will do no such a thing. At least not for a couple more years."

"Oh yeah?"

"I want a couple more, I think."

"You think."

"Well, I want one more, and then I will decide after that," she said, and he laughed.

"We can have as many or as few as you want. And then, when you decide, I will go and get the snip," he said, and she winced. "I'm a doctor, baby. I know it is less invasive for the man to go and do it. You would be out for a couple weeks. Mine would be a few days."

"Look at you, protecting your girl," she said, and they both laughed.

"I will always protect my girl," he kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you," she whispered and kissed him gently. "Now tell me about my boys," she said, and he laughed.

"Edmund was planned. Literally, we did the ovulation thing, it was very clinical. But wehadto have an heir."

"If Edmund had been a girl -"

"She would be the heiress. I wouldn't have allowed anything else." She nodded. "Our marriage, the entirety of it was very clinical. I suppose I loved her. I still love her for giving me my boys. It's complicated."

"I understand."

"Edmund came out crying and loud. He was as blonde as Miles when he was born. We didn't have a choice as to what to name him. He was either going to be Edmund Anthony or Charlotte Elizabeth."

"I like them both," she said, and he grinned.

"Maybe one day we will have our own Charlotte Elizabeth."

"Charlotte is Edwina's middle name. For her grandmother. Mary's mother. Edwina Charlotte Maree," she said.

"Well then we don't have a choice, do we," he said, and she giggled. He continued. "I remember, Fran made Edmund a little quilt, so we wrapped him in it. Mother was there, and then she left, I'm not sure if she actually held him at that point. I know she had to inform the company shareholders. It was all very clinical and managed. I think that if I had the opportunity to go back, I would have fought harder to change that. Miles' was much calmer and more peaceful. Bringing Edmund in to meet his little brother was the icing on the cake. The way his eyes go wide when he sees India in the morning," she nodded. "That was his face when he first met Miles. And for every time he saw Miles until Miles spit up on him," he said, and she chuckled. "He was much younger and much less patient."

"He is such a good boy with India. And with Miles too."

"He didn't return fire with that muffin on the plane which is progress," Anthony mused.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Everyone is saying that your mother was the catalyst to Sienna using. What do they mean?"

He sighed. "I was traveling and there was an event for BI. Black tie, the whole nine yards. Ridiculous." He shook his head. "I wasn't expecting her to go. In fact, I told mother she wasnotgoing to go. She hadn't been feeling well. And we had actually started to make plans to go see a therapist. I flew in to LAX and went straight to the event from the airport. I changed on the plane. I was shocked to see Sienna there. And she washappy.I didn't question it. So, we stopped looking for therapists. And then I saw the pill bottle, and it was too late. She was hooked already on those damn pills and then. Only now it wasn't just that, my mother was having that doctor write prescriptions for whatever she wanted. Weightless, pain reliever, depression. Sienna had it all. I tried to stay. We had just moved into the house, we had built. By then we were sleeping in separate rooms. I told her two weeks before I filed. The absolute chaos that ensued in BI when I made the announcement. So many people tried to interfere saying that I was required to stay with her. I told them it was either me leaving, or Benedict would take over. I would never do that to Benedict. I mean, I don't want it, but I would never put that on Benedict. And I had tried to get her help, for months and months. I didn't give up on my marriage, it just wasn't a marriage anymore. Even mother tried to stop it. She tried to accuse me of infidelity and everything," he said, and Kate's eyes widened. "I know. My own mother accused me of being just like my father. But at that point, we had already moved so far past my father's infidelity it didn't have the effect on me that I think she thought it would. Isla was six and perfect. We allloveIsla."

"She is the most beautiful little human," Kate nodded in agreement.

"I remember there being press everywhere. And I can say a lot about Avery, like she looks at me funny, but she had my back during that time. My father never made her sign an NDA, what would have been the point? She could have sold the story and she didn't. It was Lady Whistledown who broke the story first, though I don't know how. I'm sure one of the shareholders broke it."

"Are you sure Lady Whistledown isn't Avery?"

"Oh, Lady Whistledown was nastyto Avery when she was pregnant with Isla. It was terrible. We had to keep her away from all social media, she was thatdepressed. She moved in with Daph and Simon during the middle part of her pregnancy."

"That is terrible," she whispered.

"Yeah. So, I was expecting much worse when the news broke of me and Sienna, but it was mild in comparison. It was still pretty hard on Sienna. Going back, I should have done more. But I got primary custody and had the records sealed. It would have ruined her life, and I couldn't have that."

"I had no idea," she ran a hand through his hair as he talked. It feltgoodto talk. He had tried so many times. He had felt so guilty for so long.

"I remember seeing you for the first time that night, and you were straightforward and right to the point. You didn't know who I was, and you didn't care. I guess I liked that. You had everything organized and at that point I was living day to day. Edmund's school and soccer. Miles had daddy and me time at Tumble Tots. And my mother," he shook his head. "When I saw you, everything just clicked. There in front of me was a woman who knew what she was about. She didn't take sh*t from me, and if I served her a pile of crap, she threw it right back at me." Kate giggled. "And then she stood up to my mother and kicked her from my home. That was sexier than the dress you wore that first night. Daphne says that I've gotten stronger since I met you, and I think she's right. And I don't think my mother likes that."

"She wanted to control you through your wife, you have to know that" Kate summarized.

"Yeah. But I don't know why. I was never not there for her. Well, not until recently," he said.

"So, something must be going on. Something we don't know about."

"You think," he asked, and she nodded.

"Your father is perfectly pleasant. But he clams up when it comes to your mother. Like it's voodoo to talk about her."

"I guess I have never noticed. He just refuses to talk to me about anything regarding her at times."

"If you are going to inherit the company, why all the secrecy," Kate asked and he paused. "Why are there demands being met at times and at times not. And more than that, why is it just you who are inheriting the entire thing? Why not Benedict, Colin, Daphne? Eloise? Eloise would make a hell of a CEO. Daphne has built her practice from the ground up! Not only are they not inheriting anything from the company each quarter, but they also don't get any input at all. I suppose with your demand, they do defer to Benedict at times. But I think I have gotten to know Benedict pretty well these last few months. I adore him but he is not at all interested in running a company as vast as BI. He loves his company. He loves designing and building. And he is goodat it."

"You observed all of that just within a couple of months," he asked. This woman was smart. And he admired her for it.

"It wasn't hard. I may be a microbiologist, but I also have minors in mathematics and criminal justice. My whole job is about observing reactions and compiling data. And I don't like to brag, but I am damn good at what I do," she said defensively.

"I agree," he smiled.

"Well," Kate looked off guard. Like she was expecting him to rebut her. "Well. Good."

"You know what else you would be damn good at," he brought her hand up to his mouth for a kiss.



Miles was crying when Kate and Anthony came home from their date feeling much lighter than they had ever felt. More connected as well. But immediately their date night was cut short. Miles was still just in a diaper, Daphne explaining he was refusing to wear his pajamas. "Oooh," Kate said as she took the boy into her arms. "Oh baby. Has he been crying all night," she asked as she looked at Daphne.

"Yeah," she nodded and rubbed a hand over the back of his blonde head. "He felt a little warm, so I gave him some children's pain reliever about two hours ago," she said, and Anthony nodded. Anthony was very clinical when it came to giving his children medicine. He was by the book and by the book only. Miles was still crying, but his head was laying on Kate's shoulder. Simon passed India to him.

"Anytime you need us to babysit her, you let us know. She was the most well behaved of the night," he joked, though they knew it wasn't a joke. India was a very,verygood baby. Anthony turned India to face him, she looked at him with her paci in her mouth and those wide, brown eyes of hers that always had him hypnotized.

Kate looked at him over Miles head. This was definitely a night where the kids were sleeping with them. He nodded. "Is Edmund asleep?"

"No, he was watching a movie with Auggie in the living room. They really are into Iron Man now," Simon said. He chuckled and made his way to the living room. The boys were up and doing their Iron Man poses with their hands out in front of them pretending there was a repulsor blast coming out of them.

"Edmund," he got his son's attention.

"Daddy," Edmund exclaimed and ran to him. "Daddy we are Iron Man!"

"I see that! Very good! Do you want to sleep with amma and me?"

"Really," his eyes widened with excitement.

"Really," he nodded, and Edmund jumped up and down. Anthony turned and wished his nephew good night as Simon came to gather him up.

"Can I sleep with you and mommy," Auggie was asking, and Simon chuckled.

"Well, you can if you are okay with Lina being up all night," he ruffled his son's hair as he shuffled them up the stairs. Kate smiled at Edmund as she reached for his hand.

"Hi sweet boy," she said as she walked them up the stairs, Anthony followed with India. "Did you have a good night?"

"Mmhmm. We ate spas-ghetti. But Auntie Sophie don't make it good like you," Edmund shook his head seriously and Kate burst into laughter. Sophie was a professional chef and even she could not please Edmund when it came to spaghetti.

"What was in Auntie Sophie's spaghetti?"

"It had chunks in it," Edmund wrinkled his nose. "In the sauce. And Auntie Sophie doesn't let me help cook!"

"Oh no," Kate exclaimed and looked over her shoulder back at him and India with a smile.

"I tolded her that I am really good at stirring, but she dinit want me to getted burned."

"Well, that is very nice of her. Especially when we are all here and the kitchen is so busy. When we are at home you can help as much as you want."

"Cause there not that many people?"


"Just me and you, and daddy, and Miles, and Indi, huh?"

"Just us."

"Hmm. I like it when it is just us."

"Me too," Kate nodded as she helped Edmund climb onto the bed. His Spiderman pajamas were already a little too short for him, he was growing like a weed. Anthony laid India beside Edmund once he laid down. He turned to his sister and started talking to her, and she looked up at him, her eyes wide and unblinking. She really looked like she understood everything he was saying to her. Anthony helped pry Miles from Kate's arms, though Miles was okay with it. Kate went into the bathroom to change, and he had the unenviable task of putting Miles in pajamas. The boy was pretty strong when he wanted to be. But he got it done.

They were on vacation, but it felt like they were at home. And they had worked hard on making home a home these last few months that that wasn't an issue with them, in fact, it was almost comforting. That they could find home with each other even thousands of miles away made him take stock. They took comfort in each other's presence in a way that him and his siblings never had growing up. And Kate had done that.

Kate had come in and flipped their world upside down. And there was no turning back.

Not that he would ever want to go back.

India cooed up at Edmund and broke into his revery. Her mouth smiling around her paci as she reached for and grabbed her feet.

"I think she likes me," Edmund smiled as Miles curled up on his other side. "Miles likes me too."

"They do," Kate smiled, coming out of the bathroom and pulling her hair up. She wore one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. Even without makeup, she glowed.

When he crawled into bed that night beside India, who would fall asleep on his chest after she nursed, he felt a million times lighter.

He was just so damn happy.

Edwina loved all the family pictures on Anthony's Facebook, especially the ones containing her sister and little niece. Though she supposed that in a few months, the two little boys would be her nephews, so she loved them too. Her sister was finally,finally living her life with a man who was worthy of her and who saw her worth as well.

Anthony Bridgerton allowed Kate to be Kate and loved everything good and bad about Kate. Though you would be hard pressed to find something bad about Kate. Though perhaps sometimes her sister was a little too exacting, and she was usually right about things. It was annoying how often Kate was right about things. But she owed everything she was and was becoming to her elder sister. Including preparing for this weekend in Colorado with their mother.

She would be the first to admit that she was extremely hard on their mother. But their mother hadn't been around for a long time. It was Kate at Edwina's high school graduation. Kate who paid for her college tuition. It was Kate who took her to her final years of dance, and dance competitions, as she worked two jobs through college and earned straight As. It was Kate that ensured that their mother actuallysurvivedthe death of their father.

It shouldn't have been Kate. It shouldneverhave been Kate. Kate too had been a child and it was not fair.

She knew that Kate forgave their mother anything she had put her through, but Edwina wasnotKate, and not as forgiving as Kate.

But now Kate was getting married, and she wanted a few Indian traditions incorporated into her wedding. The wedding that would lead her to become Mrs. Anthony Bridgerton. She had been shocked that Kate was planning on taking Anthony's last name, but when Kate explained how important it was to her to not only share a last name with Anthony, just as their mama, and her amma had with their own father, she wanted to share a name with those boys she had fallen in love with. So, the decision for her was easy. Edwina would for sure be hyphenating her name when she got married. She had already decided, but she also knew she wasn't marrying into the dynasty that Kate was.

She sent another call to voice mail with a sigh.

So many news organizations called her daily for a comment or an interview. And while she was tempted to answer every single call and tell them what to go shove and where, she heeded her future brother-in-law's advice and sent them straight to voice mail, and then blocked their number for the future. Not that it mattered. They could change their number or change the "journalist" wanting the interview.

A good thing had come out of her newfound "fame" though. Anthony had sent a couple of bodyguards, which she soon realized were necessary because paparazzi were insane. Matthew Bagwell was a delicious consolation prize, for sure. She used to be into looking and laughing at all the celebrity photos that the paps took and sold to all of these magazines, but now she felt sorry for them. They caught you at your best and worst. She felt sorry for her sister now.

Her sister was on vacation so many miles away and there were still paparazzi photos being shopped around from Spain. One of her holding Anthony's hand as she frowned into the sun headlinedIn TouchasTrouble in Paradise?Another onRadar'swebsite was of her carrying Miles titledSocial Climbing Nanny.There was another of her and Anthony's sisters shopping and calling Kate a gold-digger. Lady Whistledown was the worse, though her headlines were not so misogynistic. Her articles did seem to question the legitimacy of their relationship.

Each article made her want to scream. They had the read on her sister all wrong. Kate was not any of those things and she didn't deserve such criticism. But she trusted Anthony Bridgerton and she trusted him when he said that he was protecting her with everything that he had. He also had said that things would calm down once they were married. She hoped so.

Spanish Vacation Rental

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (21)


BI is kind of set up like the Royal Family, which is all sorts of messed up and chaotic, so it's easy to model the Bridgertons after them. The scandals, the chaos, the cover ups, the media coverage, it's absolutely insane.

Love reading all of your reviews!

Chapter 12


Simon tells a secret.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When Kate had entered their lives and became more of a maternal figure towards the boys, there was a sense of instant gratification...for her.The boys responded to her immediately, and very well. Edmund was half in love with her the first night he met her, and Miles had simply found his missing puzzle piece and had not let go. For him taking over a paternal role with India was easy, but she was an infant, and a very calm one at that. She reacted to him the same way he reacted to Daphne, Sophie, Ben, or Simon. The need for her mother was obvious. There was no sense of that instant connection.

Until today...

Her teeth were bothering her this morning, and while Kate was busy with Miles, who was not feeling well, it seemed he had a tummy ache, India would only calm for him. It was when Daphne, after he had come down the stairs of the house, they were renting to search for some toddler medicine for Miles, forced the infant into his arms that India immediately calmed down and buried her head into his chest. He had a daughter. He had adaughter. The elation her felt in that exact moment was indescribable. And immediately he understood Kate's trepidation with his boys.

He wanted to do everything in the world to not mess this up.

He took her into his arms and immediately set out to make her more comfortable. The teeth were really knocking her out, the poor thing. He checked the cabinet that Kate kept all of the medicine they brought with them to keep it out of reach of little hands, he searched for Miles' medicine, he couldn't forget his littles man, and handed it to Daphne. "Can you run this up to Kate? She is wrestling a diaper on Miles." Daphne chuckled.

"He has turned into a complete monster this trip."

"This trip," Anthony exclaimed as he reached for India's pain reliever. "He has become a monster since he turned two!"

"Just like Edmund, huh."

"They warn us, but I never believe it until it happens," he shifted India to his other arm so he could give her the medicine. "But you won't be like that, will you? No, you won't," he talked to India as he filled the dropper with her pain reliever and pushed it into her mouth.

"You know, you are really good at putting children at ease when giving them medicine," Benedict said as he entered the kitchen with Charlie. Charlie's blonde hair was sticking up at all ends and he was still in his sleeper. He looked adorable. He looked at Daphne. "We had to bring Charlie to him in the middle of the night when he started to teethe a couple months ago."

"Auggie too," Daphne chuckled. "And Bella. Not Lina though, but I'm not convinced she's human," she said with a toss of her head as she headed out of the kitchen to deliver the medicine to Miles. It was true though. Anytime a new medicine was introduced to the children, including Isla when she was a baby, they came to Anthony. He was constantly offering reassurance to very scared patients who were terrified to go under anesthesia. It was something he was quite good at, and he took it into consideration when determining a specialty when he was in medical school. Not to mention that he was a man all about control, and he was essentially in controlof every operating room he had ever been in. It was up to him to make sure that not only the patient remained sedated, but that the patient's vitals and entire physiology remained in alright throughout the procedure. If there was a code, he would run it. If something didn't seem right, he would be the one to tell the surgeons to stop what they were doing until they could put things to right again.

It was highly addicting.

Simonwishesthat he was an anesthesiologist.

He looked over at India who was now sucking desperately on her pacifier that was attached to her cute little outfit that Daphne had bought for her, but her big brown eyes were watery. "I know baby," he said quietly and kissed the top of her dark head gently. Just then Edmund, Auggie, and Isla came bounding in for breakfast.

"Edmund, you should build that fort higher next time," Isla exclaimed as she climbed into her seat.

"I know," Edmund nodded excitedly.

"Yeah so we can have more fun knocking it down," Auggie said, laughing.

"Oh yeah, like Iron Man," Edmund exclaimed.

"But I'm not a man, I'm a girl."

"You can be Iron Girl instead, Auntie Isla," Auggie nodded seriously, and Edmund followed his lead.

"Mmhmm, like India will be when she get bigger!" Anthony's heart grew tenfold. Edmund loved Miles, he was always doing something to try and make him laugh. The other day he even attempted to say that he was the one to knock a plate off the table to get Miles out of trouble. But his love for India was something that Anthony had never seen. HelovedIndia with a passion. He got a kick out of the faces and noises she made. And he was unbelievably protective over her in a way that he wasn't with Miles. If India made a noise and it wasn't something that he was familiar with, he was automatically calling for a parent.

Sophie put the children's breakfast in front of them. "Mmm," Isla said as she dove into her eggs and sausage and fruit. "I like this, Sophie," she said with a mouthful of food and Sophie giggled while placing a kiss to the girl's forehead. Isla was having so much fun with them. Anthony had done the right thing when asking for permission to take her. Today all the Bridgerton siblings were going to go out and do something, and Isla was included. Sophie, it seemed, already had her dressed for the day, but Isla loved Kate braiding her hair. The braided hairstyle definitely came from Kate.

Kate came in just then with a very grumpy Miles and plopped him in his seat. It seems she was victorious with getting his diaper on him but not when getting clothes on him. Anthony felt bad for leaving her with two grumpy children today, but Kate was sure that she could handle them. He moved to her side and the baby immediately went to her. He gave his fiancé a kiss. "You ok?" She nodded into his shoulder.

"I am glad we decided to wait on more children though," she joked quietly, and he laughed. They had talked last night about having more children, and they had mutually decided to wait a few years until India was at least two. She was going to make an appointment to set up an IUD as condoms were just not going to be feasible for them. He had finally found a woman that enjoyed sex as much as he did, and she was goodat it. And going by how unbelievably satisfied he left Kate in the shower this morning, he was quite good at it too.

Kate had expressed relief at him being ok with her decision. She had been with far too many boys and not one man, he decided. Kate was mum about her past dating history, and he never pushed. She had admitted that she tended to put them out of her mind when they were gone. And he was the only man that had her second guess everything she ever told herself.

She didn't have to mother him. She could rely on him for everything, including org*sms (where there truly men who could not give women this, at least?)

Theirs was a partnership, and he was grateful. Decisions were made together, whether it was for them or the children, or the home. When Kate had started to take over more of the financial side of their home, it was like a burden was lifted from his shoulders. The woman could math the sh*t out of a budget.

"Are you excited about your day out with your brother and sisters," she nodded at Isla who was now talking to Miles. Miles was still grumpy but begrudgingly eating his sausage that his aunt placed in front of him.

"I'm not excited about leaving you with our miniature tornado over there," he said, and she chuckled.

"Oh, he will be fine," she said as she adjusted the baby and filled up a plate for herself. "I can be quite forceful." Kate walked back to the table, and he wasn't ashamed to say that he watched her the whole way. Perhaps if they could eat breakfast quickly, he could convince her for a one off before they left. Those condoms after all weren't going to use themselves.

"Are you sure that leaving the three of them together is a good idea," Benedict asked as they were in their driver's car heading to the museum. Isla loved museums and as it was her first big trip with them, they wanted her to have fun. "Last time Sophie and Simon had a night out we nearly had to post bail."

"I have not heard this story," Anthony said as he looked up from the game Isla was playing on his phone.

"There were drinks, and a blackout caused at a fire station that they to this day still have no clue how they got to," Daphne said.

"Well, they have the children now. And Kate. Kate will kick their a-," he paused when Isla looked up at him curiously. "Butts if they get out of line."

"She does seem to be firmly in control of most things," Benedict nodded. "And besides. Nothing was as crazy as the night of my twenty-first birthday. Remember the stri-," he stopped. "Dancers." Daphne shoved him.

"Oh yes. The reason for three paternity tests occurred that night," Daphne gave Benedict a look who had the decency to look sheepish.

"I passed all three of those tests," he huffed. "Though what kind of freak event was that that three of them were pregnant at the time."

"You got very lucky," Anthony said.

"You're telling me."

Kate loved Simon and Sophie. They were funny and Kate could tell that they had been through a lot with each other. "The poor man had to take three paternity tests," Simon said while laughing through his drink. "People say Anthony was the problematic one, but he was not. It was Benedict," he was doubled over in laughter. "I have never seen Benedict so terrified, and guess who had to bail him out?"

"Who else," Sophie giggled. "When he first told me that story, he was more embarrassed to tell Anthony than he was Edmund."

"Was Anthony wild as a child," Kate laughed.

"He was," Simon looked as he was searching for the right word. "Responsibly wild? The man had basically bought stock in condoms." Kate giggled. "Seems like he is still that way as I had to steal from his stash since we have been here," he raised his glass to her in salute and she blushed.

"Steal is the correct word. The man is very protective of his condoms. Benedict too forgot his and Anthony gave him a lecture of a lifetime," Sophie said.

"Enjoy them while you can. We have talked and I'm getting an IUD," Kate tossed her head as she looked at the children who were all enthralled in their movie.

"You cannot do that to us," Simon said.

"Absolutely not," Sophie shook her head. "If you do that then hewins."

"Or I win by not having to worry about pregnancy during the best sex of my life," she said seriously and giggled when Simon groaned.

"She does have a point," Sophie said to Simon. "Bridgerton's are remarkably fertile."

"Just means I'm going to have to be more responsible for my sex life when it comes to these trips."

"What did you do last year," Kate exclaimed. She knew they took a trip like this last year to Japan and Anthony had only traveled with the children.

"Yes, well last year Daphne was pregnant, and I didn't need to use anything, now did I," Simon said and Kate laughed again. It was such a relief to get along with the Bridgertons since Anthony's mother didn't seem to want to get to know her at all. Always in the back of her mind she was searching for a way out when everything came crashing down. There was only so much animosity from a parent one could take, wasn't there? She fully believed that Anthony had the best of intentions, but it was still there. The thoughts of abandonment were still there. It was why she hadn't signed the boys' adoption papers yet.

"Can I ask you something," Kate said seriously.

"Anything," Sophie reached across the table for a piece of fruit. Simon nodded.

"How close were Anthony and his mother? Seriously," the other two at the table immediately sobered. "He tries to play it off. And I love him. But I keep thinking that this is too good to be true." She watched as Sophie and Simon had a full conversation with their eyes before turning to her.

"You are right to wonder," Simon started and Sophie nodded. "He doesn't have a proven track record with saying no to Violet Bridgerton, so we don't have any frame of reference for what he could do in the future." Sophie shook her head in agreement. "And I hate that I am sitting here saying that about my best friend, but there it is. I figured he would interfere more when he found out about when she did to Sienna, but I suppose not. And maybe Sienna didn't inspire that in him. They were friends but I can't say that they loved each other. I can't say that he loved her when I see how he is with you."

"He loves you so much Kate. I have never seen him so happy."

"But Violet Bridgerton has her ways. Daphne and I have spoken about how we are worried that she has left him alone this last month. That isn't like her. I guess the good thing is, is that he is fighting for you and your little girl. Has he signed her adoption papers?"

"He hasn't yet. We were going to do it together and have a party," Kate admitted.

"But he has claimed her. The shareholders, everybody in the company knows that. Which isgood, Kate," Simon said. 'You know why Violet is so upset that you have a child?" Simon looked at Sophie who nodded. "Daphne does not know this. Neither does Anthony or Benedict so you can't tell them. Colin and Daphne are not Edmund Bridgerton's children." Kate's eyes widened and Simon nodded. "I haven't told her. I feel like sh*t for not telling her. She loves her father, Edmund has always treated her the exact same way as all of his children. Colin too. But Violet strayed. That is the reason for all the bylaws being changed. The inheritance going only to Anthony."

"Why would India affect that?"

"Because of the way Anthony treats his siblings, including Isla. Isla didn't get any of the Ledger inheritance, why would she though? She isn't a Ledger. But Anthony did give Isla a payment from the company at that time. How he did it, I will never know. But it's all there. Very above board and by the book. It's in her college fund. That is who Anthony is at his core. He is very fair, especially when it comes to money. But you know who he couldn't pass any money to from that inheritance?"

"Violet," Kate summarized.

"Exactly. And he didn't even question it. He didn't look for her like he did Isla."

"But Violet is Edmund's wife, she has plenty of money," Sophie said.

"She does. But what happens when Edmund is gone, and Anthony takes over? All of those secrets are buried because Edmund keeps them buried. But Anthony? He reads every single thing before he signs. What happens when he finds out what Violet did? Especially with how Violet treats Isla? And how she treats his father for having Isla? Anthony adores Isla. He adores all of his siblings really. You know why Sienna was in the picture? Because Sienna is from old money, same as the Bridgertons. Her parents, at the time, had just as much control over her as Violet did over him. And in most marriages, who is the head of the household?"

"The wife," Sophie said proudly with a smirk behind her glass. Kate had to laugh. "Not a penny is spent without my acknowledgement."

"Exactly. Daphne controls our finances as well. If there is a cleaning lady that needs hired, or a chef, or a nanny, it all runs through Daphne. But the thing about Sienna is that moneywasimportant to her. Like any other heiress. And Violet and her father are really good friends. One controlled her inheritance. One controlled her husband, and in all things her. Violet could control her. Sienna was a puppet right down to the clothes she wore, and I hate to say that. I like Sienna. She was very kind. She was a great aunt. She was a perfect girl, and she would have made the perfect man a very good wife. But Anthony was not her perfect man. I don't know if you have seen all of the Bridgerton family financials," he said, and Kate shook her head. She had seen some, but definitely not all. "That much power can cause corruption. Money causes corruption. If Violet cannot control, you when Anthony takes over the company, he is going to find all of this out. All of this is going to go public. And he would put her out to the curb. Of course, he wouldn't do that to Colin and Daph. He would never. But look at what he did for India already? She is already considered a direct heiress. Nobody will change that, it's already there. All the financials are there. All that will change is India's last name. And as long as India is a part of the family,youare. And you are much less easy to control than Sienna was because money does not phase you. Someone who comes from money can always spot a person who will not bend to their will for all of the money in the world. India blows up Violet's perfect world. The first daughter of Anthony Bridgerton who isnotnamed Charlotte, as the company requires. She's finding out exactly how much power she wields at BI, which is exactly less than none."

Anthony had explained the bylaws to her, but she wondered what naming their children had to do with anything.

"Who put the naming thing in the bylaws?"

"Who else," Simon smirked. "It's all about control."

"So, India blows that up because there is nothing there that is saying he cannot adopt."

"Exactly. BI is relatively new as an empire. But the Bridgerton money is not. Not by a long shot. They are descended by royals, and dukes, and viscounts. Edmund's father is a titled Earl in England. He took his inheritance when he was just a viscount and moved to America. Pissed his father off to no end. Built up BI and made billions. Retired early which was a shock when his young son, Anthony's father, had to take over the company. When he found out about Violet, he was wrathful."

She had met the Earl Bridgerton exactly one time, but he seemed the most normal among any of the Bridgertons. He loved traveling andlovedhis grandchildren. He held India for two hours straight until it was naptime. He never once made her feel uncomfortable or unwanted. Anthony's grandmother, Alexandra was the same way. She was lovely and honestly; she too was so refreshing. She helped put India to sleep by singing her a lullaby, not that India couldn't just be laid down in her crib and she would fall asleep automatically. According to Alexandra Bridgerton, a good lullaby would chase the bad dreams away.

They both seemed to be as far removed from the drama going on at BI as possible.

But watching them with Isla Bridgerton made everything that Simon said about the bylaws being imposed because of Violet's infidelity not make sense. He must have read it on her face.

"They loveallof their grandchildren. Colin and Daphne included. That was a long time ago, Colin is what? Twenty-eight, now? A lot of bygones and all of that. I tell you all of this, so you better understand as to what Anthony is contending with. Old rules in a new world. Do I believe Anthony loves you beyond all reason? Oh, absolutely. I have never seen him like this, and it makes me happy that he has finally found his person. The way he is with you and India. How he treats you with such softness. I can't say what he is going to do with his mother, but I can tell you that if you were to ever go, he would go with you. I can say that with all of the same certainty I have that my youngest child is not human, but a rage machine," he said, and Sophie laughed.

"Don't you talk about my little Carolina like that," she pushed his arm.

"She's a demon," he groaned. "A fourteen-year-old trapped in a one-year-old's body." He looked at Kate. "I meant what I said about switching."

"I love my daughter too much, thank you," Kate giggled. "And I don't think Anthony would like me very much if I did that."

"Oh, he would hunt Simon down, and kill him," Sophie said seriously. "He loves that baby so much."

"You realize I can't keep this from him," Kate said quietly after a moment. "That is too big a secret. And I'm not sure keeping it from Daphne, or Colin is the best thing either. If what you are saying is true and it all gets out in the open, and they find out we knew. It will be a betrayal."

"I hadn't thought of it like that," Sophie said quietly and Simon shook his head.

"After the trip. We will get them together and tell them," Simon said. "I don't want this to ruin their fun. Especially since Isla is here as well."

"I'll have a dinner party."

"Sounds good," Kate nodded before turning to the children when India started crying as if she was hurt. She saw Miles running away from the scene of the crime. Sighing she got up.

"Did he hit her," Sophie got up too. She had never heard India cry like that before.

"He doesn't hit, he throws things," Simon said as he stood as well.

Kate pinpointed the problem right away. Miles had a pink pacifier in his mouth that did not belong to him, and that India was insanely attached to, especially now that she was cutting teeth. She stood in front of her son, hands on her hips as he tried to look the other way, his blond hair was shining in the sun as it streamed through the window. Edmund looked like Alexandra Bridgerton, his great-grandmother. Miles, with his dimples and everything did resemble Anthony, but also Lord Bridgerton. "Is that your paci?"

"Yes," the boy said.

"I don't think so," she shook her head and he whined.

"That's India's paci, Miles," Edmund said to his brother next to him and Miles got mad.

"No Ne-y," he pointed at his brother. Kate removed the pacifier from his mouth and Miles squealed. She handed the paci to Sophie so she could work on calming India down while she took care of Miles.

"Do we need to face the wall?"

"Nooooooooooooo," Miles cried. "Nooooo!"

Kate lifted him onto her hip and took him into the dining room so his crying wouldn't affect the children's movie any longer. She took a chair from the dining table and put it facing the wall and then plopped Miles on it. He cried but didn't move. He hated to be in trouble, but knew if he moved, he would have to be there even longer. "Two minutes." Briefly she wondered how Anthony was doing. She missed him when he was away, and she wondered if he was missing her just as much. As if on cue her cell phone vibrated, and it was a text from him.

Museum was fascinating. Isla had a blast. Miss you terribly. We should bring Edmund here before we leave.

She chuckled. They had planned on just having a day here for them and the children in Barcelona before they left for Tenerife. Edmund especially loved the architecture when they were out and about. She typed out a quick reply and took a picture of Miles.

Warrant out for stolen pink pacifier. Two minutes to life.

Lol. Daddy is running out of bail money for this crime spree his on.

India was so upset.

:( My baby. Tell her that daddy will spoil her later.

Maybe I want daddy to spoil me later.

Oh, believe me, that is definitely happening. Counting the hours until I can see what is under those shorts you had on today.

You already know. Lol.

Believe me when I say that you are the gift that keeps giving.

Laughing she put her phone down and lifted a now sniffling Miles from his chair. It was probably naptime, but he needed to eat. She handed him his own pacifier from the countertop, and he took it and immediately clung to her leg as she moved around getting some lunch put together. She knew he wouldn't leave her side until he was done being upset, and that was alright.

"It's quiet in here," Sophie came in carrying India, who was now halfway asleep. "This angel is almost out, I'm going to go lay her in your room," she said, and Kate thanked her. She would feed her after she woke up.

"Mi Mi, do you want leftover tacos?" She took his nod into her legs as an affirmative and went about warming up the ingredients and chopping the fresh ones. By the time she was done the remainder of the children had followed the smell, Sophie was an insanely talented chef after all, her leftovers smelled as good on the second day as they did on the first.

Anthony spent the majority of the day with Isla on his back or shoulders as they walked around Barcelona. Lucky for him that she was so light. They had gone on a Sagrada Familia tour, the museum, a Flamenco show that Daphne really wanted to see. The food was so good, and the people friendly. They would definitely be coming back.

"Where are you and Kate going on your honeymoon," Benedict asked as they waited for their driver who would be taking them back to the villa.

"I think we are just hanging around Denver, the children will be with Mary after. I think we will take a bigger trip over the holiday."

"Oh, mother is going to be mad that you're not going to be at her annual Christmas party."

"What is this about mother signing a contract for a reality tv show," Daphne held up her phone.

"I have no idea," Anthony said.

"It's money," Benedict said.

"I'm not going to be on it," Anthony said. "Not that she has asked."

"Well, if the golden boy isn't going to be on it," Benedict said and Anthony nudged him.

"What is reality tv," Isla asked as she took a sip of her drink that they got for her to go.

"It means they bring cameras into the house and film us and put it on television."

"Oh no," Isla's eyes grew wide and Anthony chuckled. "Isla was probably the only child in the world that hated her picture being taken. This would seem like her worst nightmare come true.

"You don't have to worry, bean," Anthony reassured her. "It's probably just Violet and Colin and Pen."

"Ok," she nodded and turned back to her drink.

"I can't imagine father being ok with this. Bringing cameras into the home," Benedict said.

"Just gives me more motivation to avoid said home," Anthony said and Daphne nodded in agreement.

When they arrived home, the only children up were Edmund and Auggie and Kate and Sophie were upstairs. "Kate got Lina to go to sleep without having to rock her for two hours before," Simon said, his eyes were filled with amazement, and he looked at him. "If you don't work out, we are keeping her. You can find yourself another family. Kate is staying," he said, and Daphne giggled. Anthony rolled his eyes and looked up the stairs. "She is nursing India." Anthony nodded and went to give Edmund a kiss goodnight. When Edmund spotted him, he raised his arms to be lifted up.


"Hi buddy," he kissed his cheek. It felt so good to hold his son in his arms. "Were you good today?"

"Mmhmm. But Miles was not."

"I heard."

"We watching Iron Man."

"Again," Anthony exclaimed and Edmund laughed. "When Uncle Simon says it's bedtime, it's bedtime, alright?"

"Ok daddy."

"Did you kiss amma goodnight?"

"Mmhmm. She tolded me she loved me with her whole life," Edmund exclaimed. "That's a whole lotta love, I think."

"It is."

"And I tolded her that I love her as much as Iron Man."

"That is A LOT of love, buddy!"

"Mmhmm. I love amma a whole lot."

"I am glad, buddy," he sat Edmund down. "See you in the morning," he kissed Edmund's cheek again and then ruffled his nephew's hair, and kissed Isla's cheek who had joined the boys.

"I think Iron Man is so powerful," Isla was telling Edmund while Anthony walked out. "He can fly and shoot things. But I think Thor is more powerful with the lighting. 'Member that, Auggie? He had a hammer. I think that is cool!"

Anthony found Kate laying India in her bed, the infant was limp and probably milk logged. "Miles?"

"In with Bella," she said quietly as he leaned down to kiss India goodnight.

"I'm going to go kiss him goodnight," he kissed her quickly before leaving the room. Miles was such a good boy when he was asleep. He had his moments when he was awake, but for the most part he was the sweetest little man. It was easy to be in awe of Miles because of the surprise of his existence. He kissed his son's plump cheek gently and pushed some hair from his face. Bella, Daphne's eldest girl, was sitting up watching him. "Shh," he held a finger to his mouth, and she copied him and with a giggle she laid back down. He gave her a kiss as well and tucked her back in. Her curly hair was like a halo around her. "Go to sleep," he whispered, and she put her finger to her mouth again. She was younger than Miles and much quieter than her younger sister. Bella reminded him of Fran. "Love you, Bells," he kissed her again, made sure both monitors were working for him and Daphne, and then closed the door gently so the noise from the hallway wouldn't keep them up all night.

Kate was already in bed when he got back to their room. He locked the door behind him and immediately began to undress.

"We should talk," Kate said quietly and Anthony paused.

"Those words are never good," he walked over to the bed. She laughed.

"Nothing like that. I just need to clear my head and my heart."

"Then let's hear it, baby," he climbed in beside her. "Anything pertaining to your heart is my real estate, and if I'm failing at it, -"

"You're not," she said adamantly. "I just need reassurance, I guess. We are getting married in a few months."

"I am well aware."

"I'll be changing my last name and taking on a whole new role."

"I can't wait."

"I just need to be sure that you aren't going to change your mind," she said quickly, and he paused and looked her in confusion. "I can't in good conscience be between you and your mother forever."

"You aren't."

"And I don't want there to be a divide. As you say, she is good with the children."

"You aren't," he said again.

"I know how close you were, and I can't help feeling guilty, -" he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Kate. Stop. If you don't think that I would choose you each and every time, -"

"I don't want you to have to choose. That is the whole point, Anthony. And I just want to be prepared for if you have to."

"You think if I had to, I wouldn't choose you," he said quietly.

"You didn't choose Sienna."

"You are not Sienna," he said, and she shook her head. "I am well aware. But she was the mother of your children."

"Kate," he said quietly while shaking his head. "I don't -"

"I am not judging you, Anthony."

"This is why you won't sell your town home," he said just as quietly as before. "And why you are taking so long in signing the documents for the boys."

"I couldn't bear to have them taken from me."

"You think I don't feel the same about India? About you," he protested. "I love you both with every fiber of my being," he stood up. "Am I doing something wrong? Is there something wrong with me," he demanded, and she shook her head.

"Of course not."

"Then why?"

"Because I need to protect myself and my daughter."

"I need you to listen to me and listen closely," his voice got low and slow. "It's you. I will always choose you. My children are yours. India is mine.Youare mine. Everything that I have is yours. All of it. And if something were to happen with my mother, she is going to have to accept that you are mine. We are a package deal. There are no other options."

"Are you sure?"

"I have no doubts. And I'm almost convinced to move the wedding up so you can't back out before then. After this conversation, and the children conversation yesterday.

"I won't."

"Promise?" He asked and she nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered as he began to climb over her. "You better check the condoms before we get too far in. Simon told me a story," she said, and he swore causing her to laugh.

"I had those hidden," he said angrily as he rolled over to the nightstand and checked his collection.

"He has your number."


Hello, it's me! I'm alive! I hope you enjoy this!

Chapter 13


The secret is out...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The day before they were to leave Barcelona, they took the children on a boat trip and then they all went hiking. The adults were impressed with the children's fortitude. Even the littlest walkers, Miles and Bella held up extremely well until it was nap time. There were times in his life, mostly recently, where there were moments that could be depicted in a story book, and Kate rocking two of their children to sleep at the same time on the boat was one of them. She looked ethereal, there was no other word for it. She was quite taken with him, especially after what he had done a couple days ago. He had gone with Benedict and Simon to a tattoo shop. Simon had set a tradition when Auggie was born when he had gone to get a tattoo of Auggie's name on his ribs. Anthony had followed when Edmund followed last year, despite his mother's nagging. Then came Miles, and Bella. But Simon had yet to get one for Lina. And Benedict too wanted to get one for his Charlie.

And of course, he had to honor his own perfect little girl.

So, the three of them, when the ladies were distracted with the children in the many shops around the square, had snuck off to get them done.

India Mareewas written in feminine cursive script on the side of his rib cage right under Miles Benedict and Edmund Anthony.

When Kate had seen it that night, she could not leave it alone. She could not stop staring at or stop crying. She had been so touched that she had to gather herself before she went and read Edmund and Auggie their bedtime story.

But throughout the last day, Simon and Sophie had started to whisper when they thought no one was looking. And he thought nothing of it. Benedict and Daphne hadn't seemed to notice, so he just let it go. But then they started to whisper to Kate. Kate was feeding India peas when they both sidled up to her. He wanted to interject, Kate had enough on her hands making sure the baby didn't make a mess. India was the sweetest infant but could be quite a mess when she was eating cereal or veggies. Simon was serious on one side of Kate as she fed a India a spoon full, and wiped the excess that India spit out of her mouth with the spoon so she could feed that to her next. Sophie was animated, and somewhat frazzled on her left. And Kate seemed serene, despite the two bothering her, all the while making animated faces at her baby to keep India's attention on her.

It was later that day when Sophie said that night that the children and adults would have two separate dinners. They had planned for the children to be in bed early tonight anyway due to early flight out of Barcelona to Tenerife tomorrow. The only issue they might have was India, who actually was used to nursing around nine or so, but she was a good baby, he was sure that she wouldn't be an issue.

So Kate made the children their dinner, which was spaghetti, as it was easy, and the kids lovedKate's spaghetti. He had insured that everything was packed, and only their necessities were out, including toothbrushes, the children's outfits for the next day, and their pajamas were out. Miles would need a bath tonight, as would Bella, so they had to contend with that. But he was sure if they all worked together, they could get it done to have the adult supper that Sophie insisted upon.

And Sophie had made some really, really good smelling paella that had his mouth watering from the inception.

The text to Simon from Agatha stated thatColin knew.And apparently the reality show he had agreed upon meant that he was going scorched earth. Everything would be revealed. That is what Colin and Violet had pitched to producers at Hulu, and as Hulu was the network that had seen amazing ratings with the Kardashian's reality show, of course they wanted a family that was just as rich, and cold be just as scandalous.

Bridgertons had a history of taking everything by the nose and keeping everything hush hush. It was a very British thing to do, despite it obviously taking a toll on them. The only Bridgertons who were tabloid magnets were Anthony and Benedict, solely because of their playboy youths. Edmund too with his affair, but even that was heavily covered up.

Kate had not been prepared to face this kind of drama when she agreed to marry Anthony Bridgerton, but the man had buried himself so far deep within her being that there was nowhere else for her to go but to walk through the fire with him. And tonight, was the first step. And she was terrified.

They all sat, most of the children were asleep, Auggie and Edmund refused to go to bed early so they were in the family room watching a movie with India. Edmund was already such a good big brother to Miles, and since India had entered his life, he had accepted her under his umbrella, as probably only he could. There were many layers to their little Neddy, as Miles was prone to call him, and she and Anthony were enjoying peeling them back one by one. He was such a good boy. Kate had made sure that Edmund would have everything that India would need, including her much loved pacifier, and a toy that she could shake as she sat by Edmund on the sofa.

"Soph, this smells delicious," Simon said as he sat down at the table next to Daphne, appearing much calmer than Kate felt inside. Anthony pulled her out a seat but stole a kiss before he allowed her to sit.

"Only the best for my family," Sophie smiled. "I do hope to come back here and study."

"You don't need it," Daphne assured her.

"A good chef is always willing to learn," Sophie tossed her head and Kate giggled into her cloth napkin as Anthony filled her plate up with Sophie's amazing paella.

"That enough, baby," he asked quietly, and she nodded. "For now. I will definitely be wanting more," she said, and he chuckled.

"That's my girl," he proceeded to fill up his own plate.

The whole time, with every single conversation, her anxiety grew. Anthony at one point but a hand on her thigh to stop her from bouncing it. He leaned over, "are you ok?"

"Fine," she said with a grin and hid a wince behind her wine.

They didn't lie to each other. And this whole four days since she had been made aware of it, she had found it nearly impossible not to blurt it out. And then finally....

Simon cleared his throat and thankfully only glanced at Sophie who nodded as he pushed his plate away. When Simon cleared his throat, much in the same way as the family did with Anthony, everyone listened. Just as they did now.

"I received an interesting text from Agatha Danbury this morning, and I figured we had better talk about it now rather than later. We all know about this tv deal with Hulu, but I am aware of something else, that I need to tell you all now." He turned to Daphne, his eyes softening.

"What," Daphne's eyes twinkled with amusem*nt. She found the whole situation highly amusing and ridiculous. They all did really. Who would watch their show without Anthony Bridgerton; he would barely post his children's pictures on the BI website.

Simon smiled but then looked away. His eyes took a far-off look before focusing on Anthony, then Benedict, and then Daphne again. He took her hand. "I found out before we were wed, from my mother, a secret."

"What secret," Anthony demanded. Kate could feel him growing stiff, so she took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Let him speak, baby," she whispered.

"About your mother," Simon continued. "And well... You."

"What about me," Daphne still looked amused. Kate envied her ability to find humor even in tense situations.

"You and Colin," Simon looked at Sophie, and then at her, before returning his eyes to his wife. "Your mother had an affair."

"No," Anthony said.

"Many years ago."

"NO." Anthony knew what was coming, she could tell.

"You and Colin are the products of that affair."

"SIMON," Anthony stood and banged his hands on the table. "ENOUGH."

"You have to know," Simon continued. "Edmund, your father. Signed the birth certificates. He claimed you as his own. He is still your father."

"Simon," Daphne was tearing up, "What are you saying?"

"He is saying nothing," Anthony was in protection mode. This was his little sister, and she quite understood.

"Anthony," she said quietly as she reached for his hand, but he shook it away.

"No Kate," he all but shouted. Even in anger, he was aware of the children in the next room. "She is my sister! I will not just stand here let him tell lies."

"Anthony," Daphne whimpered. "Anthony did you know?" Benedict had reached out to Daphne now, wrapping her in his embrace.

"Daph," he whispered soothingly. "Daph this changes nothing."

"Of course, I didn't know," Anthony hissed. "Because it's not true."

"Why would I bring such pain upon my wife, Bridgerton? I would not lie about something like this. Colin has already found out, and that's what the pitch was for this show. They are planning on revealing it."

"No," Anthony shook his head.

"You may not want to hear it, Bridgerton, but you know it is true," Simon said.

"Anthony," Benedict implored. "Think of Daphne."

"Anthony," Kate murmured soothingly.

"NO." Anthony shook his head and turned to move from the room. "NO. Absolutely not!"

"Anthony," Kate stood to follow.

"Be careful Kate. He is meaner than a bull when he is angry," Benedict said quietly.

Finding Anthony wasn't hard. His favorite place in the whole villa as the veranda. They had made love there in the middle of the night several times these last two weeks. And it was where she found him now. "Anthony," she said softly.

"NOT NOW, KATE," he shouted.

"Yes now," her voice was a little firmer. "How can you do this? React like this, when you know it changes nothing!"

"It changes, EVERYTHING! My mother, the lies, the deceit. My father and grandfather covering it up this whole time. Like I was a fool!"

"It doesn't have to change everything, baby," she approached him slowly. "Think about it! Colin is still that annoying little brother and Daphne your little sister. What does this information change? Your father did for them what you did for our India! Anthony! And you are out here when Daphne's whole world has just been shattered."

"So now I'm a horrible older brother, is that it?"

"God no, you stupid man," she took his face angrily into her hands and forced him to look at her. "Look at me!" His eyes told a million stories just then. Anger. Denial. Grief. But nothing overcame the passion she saw just before he captured her lips with his own.

There was no more talking after that.

Colin had never seen so many cameras in his life. The were cameras all over his and his mother's house. He always had a mic pack on. And Penelope was barely speaking to him, but she had one on as well. The children were with the nanny, they would not be on camera much.

"This is foolish. You think this is going to buy you any goodwill in the family? You are going to isolate us," Penelope hissed at him as she angrily chopped vegetables for tonight's supper. The cameras were rolling.

"I hope you realize that I am doing this for us!"

"You are doing this foryou!Because you can't stand the thought of being an outcast. Because you have nothing going for you career wise, and you are stuck being a mommy's boy."

"PENELOPE," Colin implored directing his eyes to the camera nearby.

"What, you want privacy now," she scoffed. "Seems a bit hypocritical at this point, considering each and every one of your siblings will have to sign waivers to be on camera for a simple family dinner now. This is your life now! You better get the f*ck used to it."

Anthony rolled over and pulled Kate into his arms the next morning. She was still sleeping but she sighed as she tucked in closer to him, if possible. They had to be up in an hour, but he supposed now was as any good time as ever. He started to press kisses to her neck, it was her favorite way to wake up. They could sleep on the plane for all he cared. Though Miles most likely wouldn't allow that with his propensity to throw everything he could get his hands on.

Kate moaned again as she stirred. He grinned. "Wake up, sleeping beauty."

"I feel as if I just got to sleep," she groaned. He looked at the clock. "Maybe," he grinned, and she groaned again, this time pushing him away. He fell in the bed beside her.

"I owe Daphne an apology."

"She understands, baby," she said softly.

"I'm her big brother. I should have reacted differently. If that had been Isla or Hyacinth..." she shook her head. "Daphne has always been there when I needed her. She is like my twin soul. I couldn't imagine doing anything without her. Parenthood. Anything. I love her more than anything."

"She knows that. She knows you do. You wouldn't have reacted so volatile if you didn't. She understands. This is such a hard pill to swallow. When I first heard, I was stunned."

"Why didn't you tell me when he told you?" They had discussed this at some point in the night, but he had been too distracted by a naked Kate to be able to concentrate on anything but making the two of them feel good.

"Because if I had you would have wanted to protect her. And that is noble. But you wouldn't have told her to spare her. And when she found out, she would have filled that much more betrayed by the brother she cares for most of all. Our agreement was to wait until we arrived home. We didn't want to ruin the vacation."

"I understand," he said softly. They turned when they heard India stirring in her portable bassinet. "Ah... my girl is up," he shook off the sheets, and quickly put on his boxers before racing to get to their girl.

Generally, India was bright and happy and shiny when she woke up, and today was no exception. They played with her as she sat against Anthony's propped up legs. Her feet, her fingers, her hands, and toes were all accounted for. She took their fawning with amazing patience, until it was absolutely the time for her to nurse, which was all good because it was time to get up the boys. He heard Simon in the hall commanding Bella to stop running and to let him get her diaper on. Then Miles sweet, "amama?"

"Sophie, can I wear my sandals," Isla asked.

"Daddy, I want to wear Iron Man," Edmund cried. Sighing Anthony got out of bed and quickly pulled on the clothes he laid out. "I didn't lay out his Iron Man clothes. How could I have been so stupid. Now they are buried in the bottom of the cases.

"See if he will wear his new Iron Man sandals instead and when we get there he can change."

"You are f*cking brilliant woman," Anthony whispered as he pulled her face to his for another kiss and she giggled. He closed the door behind him as she was still only wrapped in a sheet.

They would be in the Canary Islands tonight.

Edmund Bridgerton sat next to Avery as they attended a parent's night that was set to discuss the student's next year of school. Uniforms were being implemented. A new school lunch program was coming. And of course, she was in STEM now which came with a whole new set of responsibilities. There were times like this, with Avery, where it almost felt normal. Raising their daughter, attending school functions, discussing grades. There was a time when Avery was the best thing that ever happened to him besides his children, and now, they only spoke when it concerned Isla. He supposed that was good, at least they were co-parenting.

"How is Isla," Avery said as they waited for the principal to speak. "Anthony Face Timed me a few days ago, they had just gotten to Tenerife, and Isla had been practicing her Spanish." Edmund smiled proudly.

"I spoke to Kate this morning and they have been spending most of their time at the beach."

"Kate seems like a good woman."

"She is. She will do this family proud," he nodded.

She leaned in. "Oh?" Avery knew. She always knew.

"I am hoping to convince her to be the next CEO of BI as we work to take the company into a new direction."

"Science and tech," she asked.


"Isla will love that," she said softly.

"Exactly," he smiled as he looked forward as the principal began to speak, not protesting when she reached over to lace her fingers through his own. He squeezed her hand back before bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. She smiled and shifted and laid her head on his shoulder as they listened.


Dun Dun Dun...

Chapter 14


Anthony and Colin speak. Daphne learns from Kate that adoption could be a good thing.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Eloise Bridgerton got off the call with her eldest brother, Anthony, just as she pulled up in front of Colin and Penelope's home in Calabasas. To say that she was in shock was an understatement. And truthfully, she didn't know what she was feeling. She supposes she would have reacted far differently to the news had it been revealed ten years ago. And she was definitely following Anthony and Benedict's lead. Daphne and Colin were definitely as much their siblings as much as little Isla was. And theyallloved Isla. She was definitely the little princess of their family as the rest of them were much, much older than her.

Eloise was also a lawyer. With deductive reasoning, she assumed that their father would have signed the birth certificate for both Colin and Daphne. So in the eyes of the law, they were Bridgerton's, regardless.

What she wasn't so sure of was Colin's reaction. If the reality show was indeed something to expose the trauma, then so be it. But she was with the consensus of all of her siblings. He was allowed to express the way he felt in whatever way he needed. But they were also in agreement that Daphne too had the right to express herself in whatever way she needed, and Daphne's choice was to have an all-night conversation with their father. Apparently, Edmund Bridgerton spent the night reassuring Daphne of his fatherly devotion to her, and that he loved her just like he loved Eloise, Fran, Hyacinth, and Isla. He loved her just as much, and that he was so proud of her and who she was and what she has become.

Eloise had to leave Spain before they left for the Canary Islands, and now she wishes she hadn't. She and Daphne were not the best of friends, but they supported each other regardless of their difference of opinions, which honestly, they weren't very different. Daphne was simply more of a stay-at-home mother type, and Eloise preferred the fast life, though she had to say; she was more like her brother's new fiancé than anybody realized.

Eloise was going to be a mother in a matter of months, though nobody knew. She had flown home early to be there for her surrogate's six-month checkup.

She looked up at the large house from her car in the driveway. She had second thoughts about going in right now. She had agreed to be mic'd up when she was around Pen and Colin. She loved her brother, and would do anything for Penelope, though Penelope was not liking the cameras being in her home apparently. And truthfully, she was only there to pick up Penelope. They had a couple of appointments at a couple of different houses in Calabasas. It was probably too late to look for houses, but she needed one. Her son needed one. And the surrogate would be staying with her for the entirety of her last month.

Anthony had given her the name of a reliable realtor, and so she called.

She checked her emails, there were a couple from a woman she was interviewing for her podcast next week, but nothing much. Technically she was still in vacation mode. Turning off her ignition, she grabbed her sunglasses. If she was going to be a reality tv star, she might as well look it.

Isla carried India as they walked down the beach to the blanket where Sophie was setting up their picnic. Kate carried Miles and Anthony held Edmund's head as he skipped beside him. If anything came from this trip other than dramatic realizations, it was the children were having the time of their lives. Kate smiled at them over Miles' head, the two-year-old had his pacifier, though they were desperately trying to break him from it. It was becoming problematic as he was always trying to take India's when he couldn't find his. And India very much was a baby who loved her pacifier.

Sophie had set up quite a feast, as if they could expect anything less. Anthony was due for a Facetime with Colin in about thirty minutes, so he would help Kate get the children set up and take it down the beach. Kate had been so supportive, and such a great friend to Daphne this last week. He supposed that Kate as an outsider wouldn't have much of an opinion the whole issue, and that was accurate. It didn't change anything for her. She loved his siblings, and she had gotten really close to Benedict and Isla this trip as well. Kate and Benedict almost seemed kindred souls. They had gone to a couple of galleries in Barcelona and come back beaming. And she and Eloise were also charting the path to friendship.

Benedict took India from Isla so she could sit down to eat, and India cooed her approval. They baby definitely had a little crush on Uncle Benedict. After making sure that Kate and the children didn't need anything he walked further down the beach to a more secluded area, and right on time, Colin called. Anthony took a deep breath before he answered. It would not do for him to explode at his little brother at the first hello.

"Hey Col," he said after he pressed the answer key. "Anthony, hi," Colin greeted. "Hey, you are on camera, I have to let you know."

"Alright," he nodded.

"So... You know."

"I do."

"Did you always know?"

"No. I just found out."

"How? Mother is going to flip when she finds out that you know. You were the one child that she did not want to know."

"Isn't that how you got the show?"

"Yeah, but I pitched that when she wasn't there. She doesn't know."

"Oh, wow. Ok." Anthony looked down the beach to his family and then back at the phone. "Colin. We have all discussed it. You have to know this information changes nothing."

"How can it not?"

"Because, in the same way that Isla is our sister, and we love her. You and Daphne are just the same. Daphne is a mess. I think you should respond to her text messages. Nobody can understand what she is going through more than you at the moment. We have been trying, but she needs you as well. And you need to know that we will support you in whatever way you need to handle this. We love you and if this show is what you need to do to grieve and to make a life for yourself outside of just being a Bridgerton, we will support you. But do it for the right reasons. Do it foryou.Alright. Speaking as your big brother, you're a pretty great guy. A great father and uncle. We miss you and Pen. We love you both."

"Will you be on the show," he asked quietly. "At least for a few episodes a season?"

"How many seasons are you contracted for?"

"Two, initially."

"How much are they paying you?"

"Two-Hundred thousand sign on, and then like fifteen thousand an episode for season one."

"If the show is successful, you can get good royalties," Anthony mused.


"I won't rule it out. You know I hate everything related to this. The public prying and everything, especially with my children. But if I am with you and you are filming, depending on what it is, I won't rule it out."

"Thanks, Ant."

"And do not tell mother. I have questions and I am going to demand answers."

"Is it true that dad wants Kate as CEO? Apparently, he and Avery have been hanging out again, and somebody saw them conversating."


Colin nodded. "Yeah."

"Oh," Anthony said. "Well, that is something then."

"Are you happy for them?"

"I want everybody in the family happy. That includes mother and father in whatever way they find happiness."

"Mother's happiness stems from money."

"And look where that has landed her," Anthony deadpanned and Colin chuckled.

"Look," Anthony smiled. "The situation with Kate. We don't know. There is something going on at her job, and she isn't sure what she wants right now. Plus raising an infant is hard work, even one as easy as India. And we are planning the wedding, and getting the adoptions finalized. If she decides to accept father's offer, it's going to be her choice. She would make a damn good CEO, I think. She is smart as hell. But it's up to her."

"You really love her, don't you?"

"She is the air I breathe. I didn't even know it was possible to have that in a woman."

"I feel that way about Penelope," Colin said quietly.

"Perhaps you should show her then."

Daphne took a moment to look away from the absolute cuteness India was presenting to the group from her mother's lap as she munched on a dissolvable vegetable treat. The little girl had her rash guard on that had a bunch of flowers on it, with a sun hat, and sunglasses. She hadn't met Hyacinth yet, but she was definitely challenging Hyacinth Bridgerton at a whole six months old.

Anthony was still down the beach talking to Colin, he had his legs bent as he sat in the sand. He looked calmer than what she figured he would be. In fact, his whole reaction to this bombshell news was vastly different than she thought it would be, especially a few months ago. It was Colin whose reaction was the greatest surprise. Colin didn't really do anything; it was Penelope who worked at a magazine company as she worked so hard to get recognized as good enough to work for Vogue. For the most part, Colin was just kind of there.

But it didn't give him the right to treat Kate like crap at Miles' birthday party, and it didn't give him the right to not tell them about this tv deal himself. The issue with the show wasn't that he signed the deal, it was that they had to find out through a third-party source, and Bridgerton's hated finding things out through a third-party source. Daphne's ears were still ringing from the meltdown that came from visiting her OB when she just found out she was pregnant with Lina. A paparazzi took pictures and of course sold it to the highest bidder, and she received a call from her mother the very next day.

Not that she was close to her mother by any means. In this situation she kind of had the sense to realize that Violet's back was against the wall at the time. But it still didn't explain the fact as to why she treated any of them the way that she did. Of course, Anthony would be responsible for her upkeep when he took over the company,ifhe took over the company, but they had to assume that she had money saved as well. She turned and looked at Kate, who was munching on a cucumber, her daughter still in her lap, as she stared peacefully out towards the ocean.

She really was a gorgeous woman. And more importantly she wasnice.She was nice in a way that the Bridgerton family was not. Sure, she was competitive to a fault, which was also a very Bridgerton trait. But since Sophie entered the family, they had always deemed her as the "nice one," and really that award would have to be passed over to Kate. Kate was one of those people that reallylookedat you when you spoke. She was analytical in a way that could make their heads spin, taking Simon on a ride when they discussed nuclear astrophysics, astronomy being a beloved past time of Simon's. And she loved children. From Isla, all the way down to little India, she made sure they were all taken care of this whole trip while the elder Bridgerton's dealt with their drama. She glanced back at her brother again. Sophie, Ben, and Simon were all playing Frisbee on down the beach. "Can I ask you a question, Kate?"

Kate looked up from feeding her baby, almost startled as if she forgot where she was for a moment. Daphne understood, India was such a joyful baby, and it was easy to get lost in her enthusiasm. Definitely not a Bridgerton baby. Lina and Charlie were definitely far moodier than their counterpart. Kate studied her for a few moments, and Daphne had to admit, at least to herself, Kate's discernment was far more uncomfortable than any of her elder siblings. "Sure."

"I have been wondering," Daphne began. If anybody would know how Edmund Bridgerton felt about adopting two children that were not technically his own, it would be Kate. She had come into little Ned and Miles lives like a whirlwind and had changed them for the better. Ned had always been a beautifully behaved child, if a little bit rambunctious, and Miles, was painfully shy and selective, and showing quite the naughty streak. And Kate had come in, and normalized their lives in a way that wouldn't have been possible with the rate Anthony was going. Anthony dated, but it never amounted to much. And Sienna, bless her soul, Daphne could sympathize with everything she went through. Addiction was a serious burden, and for Sienna to sign her rights over for theirprotection and interest, her respect for Sienna only grew as well as her sympathy. She doesn't know that if she had been in the same situation, that she would have the strength to give Auggie, Bella, and Carolina away like that.

Even to someone as wonderful as Kate.

"I've been wondering how you feel about taking on the boys. Signing those papers," Daphne rushed out. "I mean. I know you haven't signed yet. I guess I am wondering how you are feeling about the whole thing. Is it hard?"

Kate studied her for a moment before looking down to feed India another bite of green beans. The baby didn't seem to appreciate that it was green beans today and not peas. The girl loved peas. Kate and Anthony had read something about how introducing the baby to vegetables before fruit would help her appreciate vegetables better, and so far, India's favorite was definitely potatoes, but peas were a close second. And green beans she seemed to eat with a feeling of disdain. "I haven't really been able to wrap my head around it, if I'm honest. I guess I'm still thinking about how I feel about it. I feel like Anthony took to India in a way that I haven't been able to take to Edmund and Miles. Don't get me wrong, Ilovethose boys just the same as I love India. But with Sienna. I feel like I am taking them away from her. And I never want to do that. She already has a complicated relationship with them, and I don't want to add to that."

"You aren't," Daphne said quickly. "It was always going to be complicated."

"Logically, I know that. I was there that first weekend when Edmund refused to get out of the car. I knew something needed to change. I never believed that parents are entitled to visitation simply because they are parents. They need to actually parent and be present. But I also believe that the connection needed to be nurtured and I have tried to do that. But at the same time, I see them when they get back from a visit with her, and I ask myself what am I doing? Edmund is the most joyful boy, and when he gets back, it takes me hours to get him to laugh again. Miles won't let go of me until the next morning."

"You are doing everything you can," Daphne soothed. "And look at them," she nodded to Edmund and Miles who were stealing fries off of each other's plates, Miles blonde hair shining in the sun. "They are thriving. They are hardly the same boys they were months ago, and that is because of you. If I'm honest, Anthony spoiled those boys. When I saw Miles pick up his clothes in the house the other day and put them with the dirty clothes so we could do laundry, I nearly thought we misplaced a child! Edmund too! I can't even get Auggie to do that! Anthony wanted to buy them fifteen things on our sibling outing the other day, and each time he was like "No. Kate will kill me if I do. They have enough toys." He doesn't have to overcompensate anymore."

"I suppose. We are working on keeping them grounded through their privileges."

"It is definitely working."

"I guess back to your question," Kate studied her intently before continuing. "I have a daughter. I gave birth to her. I feel responsible to her because of that. Also, I chose to have her, so there is that. With the boys though, it is much different. I feel more of a responsibility to them because they are technically not my own. I am choosing to be their mother, and in doing that, because they already have a mother, I feel more responsibility to do right by them. And I work hard every day to raise them to the best of my ability because I chose them." She looked at Daphne again. "I know you are struggling with this whole situation. But in this, I understand your father very clearly. There is no doubt in my mind that he worked twice as hard to do right by you and Colin then any of the other Bridgerton children."

"You think so," Daphne said quietly.

"I know so," she nodded to Edmund who had stood and was walking over to her. Kate looked up at her son who was asking her if he could go swim.

"We need to finish eating, angel boy."

"But I am finished!"

"Not all of us are though. And you have to have an adult with you," she reminded him gently though he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. It was a look Daphne had seen Edmund give Anthony time and time again, and usually it succeeded in getting the little boy what he wanted. But not so with his new amma. "Don't do that," Kate corrected him gently. "You know better," Edmund huffed and planted himself on Kate's lap by India and turned his head into her neck, avoiding looking at anybody else because he was so upset. Kate ignored the tiny fit of temper and continued to feed her little girl.

"I want to be you when I grow up," Daphne commented and Kate laughed.

The daddy-daughter day was Simon's idea, though if Anthony were honest, he had been itching for a day out with India, he had never gotten one before. So, while Kate took Edmund and Miles out with Daphne and Sophie and their sons, he and Simon took Bella, Lina, India, and Isla out for their own day of fun. They didn't have the heart to leave Isla out of the girl's fun. They would spend the day doing touristy things and then end the day at a restaurant on the beach. All the girls, except Lina, loved the water, so it was a perfect way to spend the day.

Simon watched him closely as he helped India use her unsteady legs to stand in the surf. Simon was holding Lina well above and out of the water, though his niece was looking at her father with suspicion in her eyes. India was quite the little fish, they had packed several rash guards for her for her for this trip, and they have definitely gotten their use from them.

Though India still hated baths. They couldn't quite figure that out.

She was as complicated as her amma.

"Sometimes I can't believe that you have a daughter," Simon said as he took hold of Bella's hand as she stood and jumped in the surf.

"Me either," Anthony chuckled as he splashed some water on India's head and the baby squealed joyfully. "I was done having children. Now I want ten more."

"I don't think Kate will appreciate that."

"No, we agreed to two more, at most."

"Well, let's get you through your wedding first. I have to say that I'm really excited to welcome her to the family. Both of them," he smiled down at India who was now sitting in the surf slapping her hands on the wet sand. Anthony knelt down beside her.

"We are doing a commitment ceremony," Anthony said when he looked back up at him.

"What is that?"

"Mary brought it up. Apparently, Mary had one with Kate when she married her father. It is just a ceremony for Kate and I to make our commitment to each other's children known. Usually, it's done at the wedding ceremony, but we want them to have their own day, so we are doing it before."

"So, like a wedding ceremony but for the parents to the other parent's children?"

"Exactly," Anthony nodded. "Edmund is really excited about it. We got him sized for his very first tux." Edmund and Miles were actually going to be his best men at the wedding. They would be standing by Simon and Benedict, while Edwina would be holding India next to Kate. Miles standing up beside his uncles was actually proving to be necessary as he became quite the naughty little man.

"Edmund has changed in these last few months."

"He has," Anthony sniffed as he carefully lifted India out of the sand and surf and brought her against his chest. Her little sunglasses were falling off her face, so he helped push them back up. She smelled like sunscreen and the sea. He kissed the top of her head. "Love you," he murmured against her head and then he called Isla so they could make their way back up the beach. He looked at Simon. "All of us have. Our home is so much brighter."

"There is definitely far more decoration than there used to be. Kids color pages on the fridge, a playground in your back yard, pictures on the wall, plants and flowers, and there are things on the counter spaces now. It doesn't look so clinically clean now."

"I was not that bad!"

"Auggie was always afraid to spill when he went over there!"

"He can spill!"

"Yeah, now he can," Simon said and Anthony huffed. "But seriously. How are you doing with this? With Daphne and Colin?"

"I told Colin that it changes nothing for me, and I meant that. What it does change for me is how I'm going to react to our mother. Even since Kate entered our lives, though I have brushed mother off, I still felt overly protective of her, simply because of father's affair. But no longer. I have questions and she is going to answer them. I have actually already had my assistant put out a memo that things are about to change, and I've bought two shareholder's stocks. I am not going to run this company based on what other people want. I want a company that is going to thrive and take care of a whole new generation, and generations to come."

"You're buying back stocks," Simon looked shocked. "I kind of want in on that action."

"By all means. I'm f*cking sick of everything being taboo, of having to live life by a set of rules that was established back in the eighteen hundreds."

"Anthony," Isla said quietly as she took his hand. "Can I have some ice cream?"

He looked down at his baby sister then back at Simon. "Shall we?"

"Ice cream sounds like a great way to end the day. Good suggestion, Isla," he exclaimed and high fived the girl.

Anthony found Kate on a patio after all of the children were asleep, enjoying a glass of wine. He leaned against the doorway and stared; it wasn't hard. "Well, aren't you the most beautiful woman in the world," he said as he pushed off of the door frame and walked in her direction. She snorted and shook her head but accepted a kiss from him.

"You need to brush up on your poetry skills."

"Roses are red-" he teased, and she groaned. "I can be romantic!"

"Sex doesn't count," she reminded him. "Though, I have to say, you are quite good."

"Please," he laughed. "That first time, you nearly blacked out."

"So did you!"

"Well," he shook his head. "Well, you are also quite good at sex," he said, and she laughed. He gently pulled her from the chair, took her seat, and then pulled her down onto his lap, while wrapping his arms around her waist. He placed his chin on her shoulder and inhaled. She smelled like lilies and sunscreen. "Have you heard from Agatha?"

"No," she sighed. "And every time I text her, she tells me to focus on my vacation. She can be quite annoying," she grumbled, and Anthony laughed.

"Or she wants you to take a break. You have spent your entire life taking care of everybody else. She wants you to focus on enjoying yourself and being taken care of. And understand that me and my attorneys will have it all taken care of."

"I am not used to this Anthony."

"I know. It's hard to give up control. I am the same way. And since I met you, it's like my whole life is spiraling out of control and I'm just in the free fall. There is no parachute or anything. I'm just falling and waiting for you to catch me." She looked at him knowingly.

"So, you are a poet," she said, and he laughed.

"No. I'm not a poet. That's my truth. I keep thinking of everything we have built these last months and everything we are going to build in our future, and it terrifies me how much of my happiness is centered on one person."

"Are you afraid that I'll leave?"

"No," he whispered. "Not anymore. I know you wouldn't do that to the boys."

"I wouldn't do that to you," she said.

"I know that too."

"We're getting married in a couple months," she smiled. "And I'll be a Bridgerton."

"So, you decided to take my last name, finally hmm?"

"I figured my children will be Bridgerton's, I might as well be one too."

"You can hyphenate," he reminded her.

"The only reason I would is because of my father. But I keep thinking that if he were alive, he would be encouraging me to do the opposite. I remember it was a big deal when Mary took his last name. Even Mary mentioned it last month. It was important to him because he loved her so much. And while I'm largely feminist, I also love you beyond reason. You aren't requiring that I stay home, though I wouldn't be with you if you were. You allow me my freedoms. I know how much your name means to you Bridgerton's. This vacation has been an eye opener in a good way. It has taught me how you click. And I know how much me marrying you means to you." She played with her engagement ring. "And it means a lot to me as well. I never thought I would."

"I know," he whispered. It was rare that Kate wasthisvulnerable. He still remembers that conversation about more children in the kitchen of her town home. How vulnerable she was when she felt all of her plans were changing. It was eye opening. Kate was someone who could look at you without saying anything and make you feel stupid. But when you actually pulled back the layers to her, and got to the deepest, darkest depths of her existence, you were in for a treat. Vulnerability wasn't something that Kate Sharma allowed just anybody to see. She didn't even let her mother or sister see her in that way, he realized. But when Kate fully opened up, it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Seeing Kate Sharma at her most vulnerable was the greatest privilege of his life.

"It's just a name, I know," she continued. "But I also know that there are two people that are going to be in this marriage. And I want to do something for you. So I'm going to do it," she inhaled shakily, and he tightened his hold on her. "It's just a name," she shook her head.

"It was your father's name, love," he whispered. "And don't forget everything that you have already done for me. For my boys."

"I will always be my father's daughter. India will always have my father's smile. I want to do this for you. I will be fine. It will just be hard," she laid her head down on his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I wish he could be there," she sniffed.

"Me too."

"I wish he could see India. See the boys. See you."

"I think he does," he squeezed her gently. "I think he is all around us. I think he was there when you said yes to continuing our date that night. I think he has been around all this time. And his family will continue to live on for generations. He would be proud. He would be proud of you."

"You think so," she whispered.

"I know so. He loved you with every fiber of his being. Mary has said as much. He was your first love. He taught you to be selective. He taught you to be smart. He taught you how to live, and walk, and breathe. He taught you to be a parent and you emulate that with our children every single day. He taught you to be kind. And he taught you to stand up for those that are bullied and to stand up for yourself. I think he looks down on you with a smile every single day."

"I know you're right. It's just hard. And Mary and Edwina, everything still just feels so fractured with them."

"You need to know that you are not a band aid or superglue, or duct tape. You can't fix everything. they have to put in the work to fix their relationship, and your father would tell you the same thing. Give yourself some grace. Edwina is an adult now. Let her figure this out on her own, ok?"

"Ok," she said quietly.

"Now," he patted her bottom and she stood from his lap. "I desperately would love to make love to you at this moment, but Benedict found a Monopoly board, and Sophie made mango margaritas, which actually smell pretty damn good. And I need my partner."She smiled at him and took his hand. "I want the car," she said as they walked back into the house.

"Too late, Kate," Ben exclaimed. "I beat you to it!"

"Then I shall feel no shame beating you to a pulp in this game," she shot back, and Ben's eyes widened as he stuttered.

"On second thought -"

"No, no. Take the car! I want you to have some sort of joy when I take all your money," she smiled and grabbed the thimble before sitting down and taking a sip of the margarita Sophie placed in front of her.

"All of a sudden I've lost my will to live," Ben whispered to him as he too took his seat next to Kate. He laughed.


Anybody still reading?! I'm here. Just so busy! I hope you enjoy! I'm really enjoying this fic!

Chapter 15


The family is back home.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was bittersweet dropping Isla off at their father's house. Officially their vacation was over, and it was the first big one Isla had ever been on. She would definitely be going on more. He left Kate and the children in the car while he walked her up the walk with her suitcase, she was chatting a mile a minute. "Are you excited to see daddy again," he asked his littlest sister and she nodded excitedly.

"And mommy, but she's at our house," Isla bounced excitedly when they got to the door. Anthony took his key and entered the mansion. His parent's house was what you would expect for a southern California mansion. It was very white, marble floors, high ceilings, and pristine.

"Daddy, I'm here," Isla called out as she raced in. The television clicked off in the living room and footsteps made their way into the foyer. His father looked ten years younger than when he last saw him. And surprisingly Avery was close behind him. Isla didn't care though, she ran and tackled both of her parents. She immediately began to tell her parents all about what she had done. He slowly backed up towards the door. Kate wasn't feeling well, and India was being surprisingly vocal about her disdain for being back in her car seat for all those hours. He would question his father as to Avery's presence later, but right now he just wanted to get home. "India is in a mood. I should get going."

"Is she alright," his father voiced concerned. He seemed surprisingly attached to her after only seeing and holding her a handful of times. "Did she do well on the flight at least."

"Oh, she did," Anthony joked. "My blonde son, however."

"Miles was a terror," Avery looked up with a smile.

"The worst. I'm thinking a sport with a ball he can throw will be best for him," he said, and his father laughed.

"Baseball it is. Well, thank you for taking her," their father looked down at Isla. "Did you tell Anthony, thank you?"

Isla nodded and ran back to him, throwing her arms around his waist. "Thank you, Ant," she said quietly. He lifted her easily; she was still a slip of a girl. He kissed her cheek. "Rest up. We'll be in Colorado in a couple of months."

"All of us," she asked surprised.

"Yes, for Kate and I's wedding," he said, and she squealed. "I love Kate," she said. "She is my best friend."

"I am glad, now," he set her down carefully. "We will see you this weekend at family dinner, alright?" She nodded and raced back to her mother. His father walked him to the door.

"Thank you for taking such good care of her. And inviting her. Sometimes she feels left out because she is the baby," his father admitted.

"We are going to try and do better, father. I promise. She is a great kid, and she really had a lot of fun. I'll send you her pictures," his father stopped him by wrapping him in strong embrace. Anthony wrapped his arms around his father. It was nice to be held by one's father. He supposed this is why Edmund, Miles, and India calmed in his arms. "It's going to be alright dad," he said quietly.

"I know."

"I'll call you later when Kate and I have the children settled," Anthony said.

His father let him go and ushered him to the door. The window to their car was down and Miles and India were taking turns seeing who could scream the loudest. "Anesthesia is illegal to perform on one's children, Dr. Bridgerton," his father joked, but Anthony had seriously been contemplating it for a moment. He gave his father a tight smile and quickly walked down the steps and down the walk to the car in the large winding driveway.

"Oh, thank God," Kate breathed when she let Miles out of his car seat, and he immediately ran after Edmund for their playground. Once India was released her crying had stopped as well. It didn't matter that they had a car to unpack, the children were quiet and leaving them alone, and that was enough. He ushered Kate into the home, and opened the glass doors from the living room to the back yard so they could keep an eye on the boys while they relaxed. India happily went into her swing that she hadn't seen for a month with a squeal of delight. He set the swing to motion and gave India a teething ring before turning to take care of his fiancé.

Kate looked greener than she had when they finally landed in LAX. He knelt in front of her. "Can I get you anything," he ran a hand over her cheek as she rested her head on a sofa pillow. "Do we have any ginger ale," she asked quietly.

"I will check, baby," he kissed her cheek gently and walked into the kitchen. A pile of mail was left on the counter, left there by Aurora their housekeeper. Appointment reminders, mainly. Both boys had sixth month dental appointments due, and India would be going with them. It would be easier in the long run if they kept that specific appointment with all of the children all together. A piece of mail for Kate from her OBGYN gave him pause, but then he remembered, after their conversation, she had made an appointment through the doctor's app for her IUD insertion.

He went to the refrigerator. They never kept ginger ale in the house before Kate. Kate swore by the stuff especially for an upset stomach. He filled a glass with ice and poured the soda over it. He paused again and looked back at the piece of mail.

Since he had been with Kate, her cycles landed on the middle of the month, like clockwork. And they were being extremely careful with protection, so there was no need to question it.

Exceptnow,it was the middle of the month and Kate clearly was not on her cycle. He would know as he had encouraged her to join the mile high club with him just a few hours ago.

The Veranda.

The night they found out about Colin and Daphne's paternity three weeks ago, just before they had flown to Tenerife the next day. Kate had followed him, in his anger. And he had taken her without any second thoughts, twice. He supposed it was easy to forget when everything around you seemed like it was falling apart. And after, he and Kate had made their way to their room, the only thoughts in his head were as to why his family kept such terrible secrets. And Kate's first thoughts were to comfort him.

They'd never given any thoughts as to birth control that night.

He took a sip from the glass of ginger ale; his stomach was now in knots. He had promised to protect her always, and now this.

He walked quickly back into the living room. The boys' happy voices were entertainment enough. He helped Kate sit up quietly. "Here. Let me help, slowly," he whispered soothingly. She moaned.

"Anthony," she cried.

"I know."

"No," she shook her head as she took a sip of her drink. "I think I'm pregnant."

"I know baby."

"The Vernada. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. I never thought -"

"Me either. It's ok. It's alright, baby," he looked at her directly in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry for what? A baby? I want nothing more than to expand my family with you, Kate! I'm only upset that I didn't protect you! We had agreed that you weren't ready for another child, and that's why we agreed that you would go on an IUD. I should have been more careful. AndI'msorry. You did nothing wrong, sweetheart."

"We both can take the blame then?"

"Agreed," he nodded.

"I suppose I should take a test."

"It might be too early."

"Three weeks," she said with a nod. "I suppose so. I don't know. You're the doctor."

"So are you."

"Yes, but I study microorganisms," he put his hand on her stomach, cupping it gently. "I suppose a baby still doesn't count as a microorganism when it's this small," he joked and finally got a laugh out of her. He stood. Kate was organized to a fault, right down to their medicine cabinet. He knew she always kept a couple of pregnancy tests in the medicine cabinet in their master bathroom, just in case there was ever an oops.

He supposed this was as much of anoopsmoment as it got.

He grabbed one of the boxes and after changing out of his travel clothes, he took it downstairs and handed it to her. "Do you need help getting up?" He remembered what she had said about being sick so much during India's first trimester that she had ended up in the hospital a couple of times to help with dehydration. He made a mental note that when he made his grocery order later to stock up on Gatorade and crackers to help.

Kate shook her head and stood up on her own slowly, shaking her head as if to clear the fog, and after he gave her a gentle, worshipful kiss, she took the test from his hand and meandered into the half bath off of the foyer. He stood in the open doorway watching the boys run and play. Miles already had his shoes and pants off. He was only wearing shirt and diaper. Edmund was climbing up the slide while Miles stood at the wheel making racecar noises. Kate was right about installing that playground for them, especially now. They could burn off all of the energy they couldn't burn on the plane right in their own backyard. India was still cooing from her swing. They probably wouldn't even need to pack it away, if Kate indeed was pregnant.

He knelt in front of the baby immediately catching her attention, she flashed him a wide smile. Her bottom incisors were finally just poking through her gums. She was the cutest, drooly mess he had ever seen. He ran a hand over her curls and kissed her head. "Are you doing ok now?" She responded with the brightest smile he had ever seen. "Daddy is going to be a mess when you get older and start dating, I just know it." He kissed her again and stood when he heard Kate walk in from the kitchen holding the test.

He questioned her with his eyes.

She nodded.

He fell to his knees in front of her and placing his hands on her hips, he kissed her belly. After he looked up at her. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. That it's you. That we are here," she helped him stand. "That you trust me enough to build a life with me. I love you so f*cking much, Kate Sharma."

"I love you too," she whispered quietly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "This feels different than when I found out I was pregnant with India."


"It's the excitement of sharing it with you, I guess," she said. And a few moments later she broke into tears again. "I don't regret India one bit," she sobbed.

"Never," he soothed.

"She's my baby. She's beautiful."

"She is. She is perfect."

"I wish she was yours," whimpered.

"She is mine! In every way possible, India is mine! She is a Bridgerton. She is my firstborn daughter. I love her with every fiber of my being. I love her just as much as I love Edmund and Miles. Just as much as I will love this baby, Kate! She will never know a day that I wasn't her father. All of her memories that she retains from her infancy, I will be there. I know what you are thinking, and you didn't fail her baby. This is life! India was meant to exist, look at her," he directed her gaze to their infant daughter who was staring up at them with wide eyes as she gnawed on her teething ring. "Look at your baby, Kate. How can you possibly even think that what you did to have her was wrong? She is perfect. She is a light."

"I wish -"

"Me too," he nodded. "If we had met while you were pregnant, we would have already been married by now," he joked and she giggled, finally. At that moment, Edmund ran to the door panting. "Daddy! Miles and I want a popsicle," he said just as Miles made his presence known, only now he had shirked his shirt.

"Where are your clothes, Miles Benedict," he demanded of his youngest son who looked up and held his hands up. "I no no."

"They are on the playground, daddy," Edmund bounced. He felt Kate wipe her eyes, making herself presentable for their children. And then she started to giggle. Miles was very efficient at disrobing. "Mi Mi," she said gently. "Go get your clothes, and amma will get you a treat ready," she turned to the kitchen, as if she just knew that he was going to listen. He turned and watched his two-year-old, who stood their contemplating for a moment. He was about to reach for Miles' hand and lead him back outside to grab his clothes, but then the boy turned around, proceeded to run back to the playground, and collect his clothes. Anthony watched his son in wide eye and open-mouthed shock.

Miles ran back when he had his shirt and shorts and shoes in his arms, and he handed them up to him. "A go," he said before racing in the kitchen where Kate and Edmund were now. He looked between the clothes and India who also seemed to be in some sort of trance while she chewed on the cold ring. Shaking his head to clear the remaining fog, he sat the clothes on the ground and shut the doors, so no critters could run in. He lifted the baby from her swing, so she too could enjoy some treats, and carried her into the kitchen.

Kate was getting the ingredients ready for ice cream sundaes. There were three types of ice cream, whip cream, caramel sauce (the boys hated chocolate sauce), cherries, and gummy candies. Edmund was already piling all of his into a bowl. And Kate still looked a little green, so she definitely wasn't having any. She handed him a bowl. "Want some?"

"Are you?"

"No, my stomach."

"Then I won't either."

"Anthony, you can. I won't be upset."

"No," he took the bowl from her hands and kissed her gently. "We are in this together. If you can't then I won't."

"You're so sweet," she whispered. "I love you."

"I love you more," he kissed her again.

"And I love you most than daddy does, amma! I am your baby," Edmund yelled and they broke apart with a laugh.

"You are my baby," she tickled Edmund's side causing him to giggle. "Did you know that daddy and amma officially sign those papers this week?"

"So, you will be my mommy for real," his eyes widened. "But what about my other for real mommy?"

"She will still be your mommy," Kate assured him.

"Yes," Anthony lifted Miles into his seat. "She will always be your mommy."

"But I don't want to go to her house," Edmund shook his head seriously. "She come here to see me."

"Ok, angel boy," Kate grinned and shot him a look over Edmund's head.

"While they are eating," he motioned to the two of them and India who was eating her favorite veggie dissolvable treats. "I'm going to unpack the car."

"Are you sure? I can help."

"You are helping me by taking care of yourself," he kissed her again. "It should only take a few minutes" They hadn't really spent money buying things on this vacation, and he was grateful. Simon had to buy another suitcase in Barcelona because of how much Daphne had spent. Benedict did as well. Kate might have an obsession with Amazon, but a least those bought items were delivered directly to their door. The only big item they really bought, and it wasn't big, but it was necessary was a pair of sunglasses for India at a local market booth. They were about fifty dollars, and hand crafted, but Edmund insisted that his little sister needed sunglasses like him and Miles.

And she was insanely cute in them.

The children were on a FaceTime call with Mary when he finally got all of their luggage settled.

"Nani," Edmund said excitedly. "We are home! Are you going to come see us now?!" He took a big bite of his ice cream. It really looked like a disgusting mess of vanilla and caramel and gummy worms, but Edmund didn't seem to mind the combination. Miles was slapping the counter in his excitement. "Na-ee!"

"My goodness," Mary was laughing. "I wasn't expecting such a big greeting!"

"India is eating her veggie crackers," Edmund said and pointed the tablet at India who was unbothered as she directed another piece to her mouth.

"She's gotten so big," Mary said in shock. "And so tan!"

Anthony stood in the frame behind his daughter and greeted his soon to be mother-in-law who greeted him with equal enthusiasm. "I am so glad you are home safe. How was the vacation?" He smiled at her. There was something about Mary that made him feel longing that she lived closer. He would definitely be working to convince her to make more trips to California. "We had a lot of fun, Mary. You'll have to come with us next year."

"Yeah please, Nani! Come with us," Edmund directed the video back to him and Miles while Kate listened with a smile as she wiped down some of Miles' sticky handprints from the counter. Mary had made such an impact on Edmund that week she had been here for Miles' birthday in a way his own mother had not. He hadn't asked for Violet Bridgerton once on the trip. Mary was at the forefront of many conversations, however, especially when they talked about wedding plans.

"Well, where are you going," she asked, and Kate shared a look with him. By his count, they would have a two-month-old when they went on summer vacation next year.

"I think we will stay in the country next year, Mary," he said. "Maybe Lake Tahoe?" Kate nodded sweetly and Mary actually squealed. She really didn't like to fly. "I have always wanted to go there."

"Well, then we will go there. For a month. And don't even think about talking about money, it's on us," he warned Mary who closed her mouth quickly and smiled sheepishly. Mary still worked, and she had her late husband's life insurance settlement. But she was very frugal. "I will look forward to it all year."

"Yaaaay," Edmund cheered and Miles echoed. "Yaaaaaaaaay," and clapped. Mary laughed. "They are far too easy to please."

"You missed a muffin massacre just as we took off," Anthony said and Mary gasped. "NO."

"Yeah. It was like World War III with muffins," Kate deadpanned, and glared playfully at Miles. "With Miles as the general."

"Not that sweet boy," Mary said.

"You haven't seen him in a few months," Kate reminded her mother.

"Terrible twos?"

"Oh yes," Kate and Anthony both said simultaneously, before bursting into laughter.

"I didn't know Kate until she was five, but her father said she was actually a very calm toddler. Now Edwina," they laughed. "I was hoping that Edwina would be the same. We will pray that India doesn't take after her Auntie."

"I heard that," they heard Edwina in the background. She must have been home for a break. He knew that Mary and Edwina were working hard on their own relationship for Kate's sake.

"Is Edwina there," Kate exclaimed. "I have been texting her these last two weeks!"

"She is distracted by her new boyfriend," Mary wiggled her eyebrows just as Edwina came on screen. "I saw that," she exclaimed. "And my phone was broke."

"Mmmhmm," he could tell that Kate wasn't impressed with her baby sister. "And who is this gentleman?"

"You will see when we see you in a few weeks."

"How does mom know who he is before I do?!"

"She doesn't know who he is, just that he exists, and only because he answered my phone when we were,-" "EDWINA," Mary and Kate interrupted simultaneously. "Playing poker. What did you think I was going to say?! You people are sick!"

"Tick," Miles yelled and pointed, breaking up the moment.

"Do they remember who I am," Edwina remembered and he took the tablet from Edmund so he could finish his ice cream. "Edmund, do you remember Aunt Eddi," Kate asked their boy.

"Mmm," he looked pensive. "From the picture on your phone?"

"Yes," Kate nodded.

"I don't member her, amma," he shook his head seriously.

"That's ok," Edwina said from the tablet. "I'm just going to have to spoil them rotten while I'm there. And where is my niece?" He pointed the tablet at India, who was still ignoring them all in her highchair when Edwina let out a squeal that startled her. The baby looked in their direction with her wide eyes.

"You scared her," he said, amused.

"Oh! Oh I didn't mean to. They are all just so cute!" Kate was now helping Edmund wash his hands so he could go back outside. She handed him his water bottle, instructing him to drink it. The day was hot, and it wouldn't do for the children to get a heat stroke while they played.

"I bet you guys have a lot of unpacking to do," came Mary's voice.

"Oh! What did you bring me," Edwina asked.

"If you had answered any of my text massages these last weeks, then I might have gotten you something, but you didn't and I didn't."

"Kate," Edwina gasped. "I am your baby sister!"

"And thankfully not my emergency contact. This is just like you! A new boyfriend enters the picture, and you forget everything else, Edwina. At some point, you have to realize that you can't live your life around some guy you just met. We are just as important."

"I told you that sweetheart," Mary told her daughter gently.

"We were just having fun!"

"This isn't about having fun. This is about not losing the people who love you while you are getting to know a new boyfriend."


"No. I'm done having this conversation. I've held this multiple times with you. I even tried to call you when we landed. The only reason I didn't panic was because mom didn't say anything. But that was uncalled for, Edwina. At some point you have to be more responsible." The call ended abruptly after that though Kate said nothing more about it as she set out getting everything unpacked and organized. It wasn't until later that night after the kids were bathed and in bed that she broke down.

It was a lot for her, and she had been strong every single step of the way.

"I am so happy," she admitted. "And scared. Are we doing right by having another baby right now?"

"I think that whether we had another baby now, or ten years down the road, we would never be ready. I don't think you can ever be prepared enough for your first child, or your seventh." He sat with her in his arms as he ran a hand soothingly over her head. The television played a late-night talk show in the background that they could barely hear. It was nice to be back home in their own bed. The children went to bed easily, even India seemed easier to put to bed now that she had her own crib and no distractions from Lina or Charlie.

"I suppose one is never prepared enough. I'm learning that now with India. All those books-"

"A complete waste," he said, and she giggled.

"It's just my job," she said, and he sighed.

"Let my attorneys handle the patent issues, and I have all the faith in the world in Agatha Danbury. You don't need to worry about it. Focus on you, baby." She sighed and laid her head back against his shoulder. "When do you go back to work?"

"Three days," he replied. "But it's only a half day. I can afford to take more half days."

"Will they be mad at you about that?"

"How can they be? There are three more anesthesiologists that can start pulling their own weight. Two of them only do one surgery a day and take the rest of the day to go golf or cheat on their wives."

"Does that happen a lot," she whispered, and he took her chin in his hand and lifted her eyes to meet his own. "You have nothing to worry about." She sat up.

"You know, I have been thinking. We should sign a prenup," she said. He knew she was being well intentioned, but the all the air left his body just the same. "Kate. No."

"We should," she insisted. "There are things you need to protect and things that I need to -"

"My things are your things."

"It's not the same," she replied. "You had one with Sienna."

"And look how that worked out! Kate. I don't want to talk about this."

"It is necessary to talk about this Anthony! You never know," she stopped abruptly when he stood up. "No. You don't realize how f*cking much I love you. How just the thought of you leaving not only breaks my heart but makes everything seem so damn bleak."

"That isn't what a prenup is about, Anthony. You of all people should know that even if you are going into a marriage well-intentioned, that things can change! This will protect all of us. You, me, our children."

"It is unfathomable to me that we would ever have to separate our children, Kate," he whispered. "Because that's what would happen, wouldn't it? India would be with you, the boys with me. There would be weekend drop offs to exchange children. And then there would be resentment. And perhaps new spouses, and new children? Is that what you want?"

"You know that isn't what I want, Anthony. Youknowme. But this not only protects us in case there is a separation. We can put clauses in there to prevent a separation in the first place. Therapy. Couple's trips. A timeline. A time limit."

"Kate," he whispered, his eyes he hoped were imploring her to stop.

"Anthony," she crawled to the edge of the bed and took each of his hands in her own. "You have to know that I don't foresee me ever wanting to leave you. But Anthony, I'm not blind to our circ*mstances. You are worth a lot of money. And sometimes the courts aren't fair. I want to be fair. I want to protect you and the children and me. And yourfamily.We are all already struggling. I don't want to bring any more of that to the family. It will be easier on everybody. Your dad, your mother. It will make it easier for me in the media if I do."

"But I don't care about the f*cking media!"

"It's easy to say that when they aren't painting you as the gold-digger, Anthony," she said quietly. "Everything I do, even if it's with my own money, is painted in that light."Of course, she went for a $500 spa day now that she is engaged to Anthony Bridgerton." "He winced and she continued. "I try not to read everything, but sometimes, it's hard. It's like anything I do that's of value is because of you. And now I'm losing my job because I'm seeing you, never mind that I put my heart and soul into that research." She started to tear up and he felt his shoulders drop in defeat. "I am well aware that I am trading all of this and to most of the world I will be forever deemed as Anthony Bridgerton's whatever. Fiancé, wife, you name it, and I will always belong to you."

"You know you are far more than that," he whispered as he gently lifted her from the bed and carried her bridal style to the overstuffed chair across the room where she loved to nurse India.

"But to the public, I am not. And I get you, so I'm ok with that. That doesn't make it less demeaning. Less hard. A prenup protects me from the narrative that I am only with you for the money."

"We could move," he said. "Away from Los Angelos. Away from the media. We could live a simple life," he said, and she laughed.

"I may not be with you for the money, but I am not giving up this house for the life of me," she quipped, and he laughed out loud. "Yes, baby," he replied tenderly. He knew that this house brought Kate an insane amount of peace, since the first moment she stepped inside. The pool, gym, kitchen, bedroom. Los Angelos was one of the most insane cities on earth, and he had chosen to build his home based on location alone. Now that they were settled, it felt even more of an oasis.

"I'll get with my attorneys and see what can be done. I still don't like the idea of a prenup. It may have worked in my favor with Sienna. But the more I think about it the more I realize that it may have hurt my boys in the long run and their relationship with her."

"We can have additional clauses put in to prevent that. Especially now that we do have to consider the children in it. When you created that with Sienna you didn't have the boys," she said, and he nodded. "I think it will be good."

"I don't know, but I trust you."

"Thank you," she kissed him forcefully, leaving no doubt in his mind that that their night was long from over.

And he was more than okay with that.

She pulled away from him with a gasp as he lifted her to carry her back to the bed. If they were going to do this, they were going to do this right. "You know. We can be as loud as we want," she panted.

"Lucky us. Because I want to make you scream."

"Lucky me," she giggled.


We all know that Kate is a realist and Anthony is living in his fantasy world, and we love him for it!

Also... This was supposed to be a miscarriage chapter. Kate was going to have some pains and end up in the Emergency Room. But I couldn't do that to them. So... A baby Kanthony is the result. I don't know if anybody picked up on that unprotected moment a few chapters ago after the dinner reveal, I was hoping that they would.

Boy or girl?

Chapter 16


An on-camera Bridgerton Family meeting.

Trigger Warning: Little Neddy shows some scars this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Anthony found himself at Colin's house the next morning, mic'd up. How people did this on a daily basis he would never know. There was a pack on his belt line, and wires taped to his abdomen and back, just so the mic's would pick up every little noise he made. Kate had agreed to come as well to offer support, which meant she was wearing one too. Olivia was watching the children and Isla, as Edmund would be here as well, as their mother. Violet had all but given Kate the cold shoulder when she saw her that morning, and he nearly ripped off his pack and threw it and said forget it, but Kate grabbed his hand to calm him down. They were all there to have a conversation.

Not to mention Daphne and Simon were there too, as well as Ben and Sophie, and there was very clearly a divide between the Bassets and the Featheringtons, and Sophie and Ben were very clearly not on the side that their mother was on. For what it was worth, Violet treated Sophie with a cold shoulder, not after asking why Sophie wasn't at home with their son, to which Sophie smarted off that she didn't feel the need to helicopter parent Charlie to get her way with everything. Kate had to turn her face into his shoulder to hide her laughter.

Penelope looked like she wished to be anywhere else but there at that moment, and he briefly wondered as to the state of his younger brother's relationship. Penelope had come from an overbearing family. By any means, from an outsider's point of view, marrying into the Bridgerton family should have been a respite. Though that was proving to no longer be the case. Bridgertons just had the means to cover up their negatives more adequately. He no longer felt like that was a good thing.

The way this show was filmed was that everything that was happening in the moment, and then when the episode was in post-production, they would call you in for confessionals, where producers would ask you questions about a particular moment that was being shown during the episode. It seemed very artificial. Except this situation was very real.

And then Avery showed up, and all hell broke loose.

"What is she doing here," Violet demanded.

"She is just as much a part of this family, and I asked her to be here," Edmund replied calmly.

"She is not a part of this family," Violet hissed. Avery ignored Violet's rants, he supposed she was used to it. He also realized that it was going to be up to him to calm their mother down, as Benedict still wanted nothing to do with her, and Daphne was ignoring her as well. Colin too still seemed quite annoyed by her.

"Mother," he snapped. "Now is not the time act like a child. My daughter acts better than you are at the moment."

"You do not have a daughter," she snapped back.

"She is more his daughter than I am yours," Daphne replied back, her eyes blazing.

"Excuse me," their mother's eyes widened. "I gave birth to you. How dare you -"

"It takes more than giving birth to someone to be a mother," Simon replied, his tone was dark and booked no argument. Their mother actually shrank back. Anthony sighed and took his mother by the arm and led them to the dining room where they were due to have the conversation. Penelope had put out refreshments, though thankfully none were alcoholic. They didn't need alcohol for this conversation despite how it might make things easier. Plus, Kate couldn't drink, and he wouldn't as long as she was pregnant. And they didn't need anybody questioning them. That wasn't something they would announce on reality television. Their appointment for the IUD was turned into an appointment for a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. It was still very early on, so they didn't expect much more than that to occur, and that was tomorrow.

"I can walk very well on my own, thank you," his mother snapped. "I don't know why you care all of the sudden. You've refused every single one of my calls these last months. You've changed all your house codes. You won't even listen to reason." He pulled out her chair so she could sit down. "Whatever you say, mother."

"I do say. You are just as ungrateful as the rest of them."

"I am grateful to you. You are the reason Kate in my life," he shot her winning smile that he knew would annoy her on purpose, before finding Kate who was sitting next to Benedict, and taking the seat next to her. The entire process felt like they were at a business meeting. "So, I would like to start," he said just as his father sat next to Avery. "And I don't want any lies. I don't want any coverups. I don't want any excuses," he shot his mother a look. "I want the truth. And I think I am due that at least. This whole show was pitched based on a cover up," he looked at Colin, "Is that true?"

"Yes," he said quietly.

"What do you mean, Colin," their mother's eyes grew wide. "What coverup?"

"Mother," Anthony warned. "Enough. We all know the truth now. Every single one of us. The truth as to Colin and Daphne's paternity-"


"Enough," his voice wasn't at a yell, but it commanded the room. "I'm tired of the lies. I want the truth. Because not only does this affect Colin and Daphne's life, but it affects all of us at this table. It affects Bridgerton holdings. It affects my children's future as well." He turned his head in Violet's direction. "You had an affair."

"Your father-"

"Youhad an affair. Yes, or no?"

"You don't understand," she said.

"Let me make myself clear," he said, and he could see the production team zoom in on him. "I don't care that you had an affair. What I do care about is how it was hidden, and how because of it, it has affected the way business is done by the company. You don't think that Eloise, Fran, Gregory, or Hyacinth, or even Isla are affected by this as well? Let me make myself even more clear. I'm coming in. I've already talked to Kate and I'm cutting my hours back at the surgical center. All of those stockholders that you have place there for your benefit, I've already bought them out of their stocks. Simon too owns a few, as well as Benedict. Anything that you were able to keep in place, any rule that benefits you, it's all getting torn down and built up from the ground."

"Anthony," she whispered.

"It's over, mother. This power play, it's over. I'm not doing this anymore. If you had seen how hurt Daphne was when she found out. It was like her world turned upside down. And because of your actions, Daphne and Colin don't get to partake in anything that that they should be entitled to. I am your son. It shouldn't be on my shoulders to provide protection. That should have been you and father. But anything you have provided has been wholly inadequate. How can you claim to be a mother when anything you have ever done has been entirely for your benefit?"

"You think it was that easy," she hissed. "I had to give up my life to be a Bridgerton. I had to marry a man who was always busy. I had to marry into a family that expected perfection. It is easy to sit here and say that I have been inadequate when youhave never had to worry about fitting into what you have been born into-" he started to chuckle which only caused his mother more anger.

"Enough mother. You have been the puppet master all of this time. Father may claim the CEO title, but we know it was you pulling the strings! You were the puppet master. You know I am not stupid. I've read reports mother. And I know of father's temperament these last few years to know that his heart has not been in BI. And you know how else I know? Because he has been talking about passing everything onto Kate until I am ready to take over." The room went quiet. Violet looked back and forth between him and his father. His father cleared his throat before speaking. "It is true. I have been. Kate would make a remarkable interim CEO." Kate shifted uncomfortably. She definitely wasn't in the position to take the position right now. And it is something they really hadn't talked about other than Edmund making a few comments in passing.

"I'm ready to let go. I have my nest egg. I don't want to be working for the rest of my life. I want to spend time with Isla and play with my grandchildren. That's the life I always pictured," he said, and Avery smiled at him. "I think it's time to pass everything on to the next generation."

"You would set fire to everything we worked so hard for," Violet demanded.

"Sometimes fires are necessary for regrowth," Edmund said. "And the closer I've been getting to retirement age, the more manipulative you've become. Because you know it's going to be over. You weren't upset that Kate had a daughter when she started seeing Anthony. You were upset because this was one woman that Anthony didn't push away. And in that sense, you realized that he wouldn't be able to be controlled anymore. It's a cycle. You push a girl in his direction, he pushes back. You know that that is exactly the type of girl that you want him to have because it's not someone he will cling to or respect. It's a girl that you will be able to control easily and in doing so you can control Anthony. But that wasn't the so with Kate. She is strong and can stand on her own two feet. You played the game and got played in return."

Kate moved next to him.

"I'm tired, Violet. I'm tired of fighting every day. I'm tired of you punishing me for my infidelity. I'm tired of not being able to be around my baby girl. I'm tired of being the mediator in all of your fights with our children. And I'm tired of pretending like I care that you're going to lose your lifestyle if we divorce. I don't care anymore."

The table was quiet.

They were potentially witnessing the end of a marriage. An almost forty-year marriage, and there was something to be said about that. It felt like the end of an era.

"I want to know what is being done for me and Daphne," Colin said. "It's hardly fair."

"Well," Edmund leaned forward. "I claimed you as my children years ago when I signed your birth certificates, and I still claim you today. You are Bridgertons and I love you just the same as I love Anthony, Benedict, Eloise, Fran, Greg, Hy, and Isla. You are my children. You are children that I chose, and therefore mine. But... When your grandfather found out about the affair, he wanted to punish your mother, and I will confess that I was young. And I should have fought harder. Currently, the only heirs to the company are Anthony and his children, which will include India once those papers are signed this week. And Benedict and his Charlie. That is not uncommon. And the company hierarchy has nothing to do with how I consider you, my children."

"So, we are entitled to nothing," Colin demanded.

"Colin," Daphne sighed. "This is about more than money. And haven't you been listening? The only people who get quarterly checks from the company are Anthony and Benedict. This isn't about you or me. That is what grandfather set up."

"Easy for them to say."

"For God's sake, Colin," Penelope exclaimed. "Get a f*cking job if you want money so badly! You are already so privileged. You have a college degree and no student loans. You have a home that's already paid for," she stood up and slammed her soda can down. "I am so tired of you demanding everything you feel your entitled to, despite not being entitled to anything. Is that how you want our children to grow up? Get off of your f*cking ass and do something!" Penelope exclaimed and walked from the dining room into the kitchen. Sophie coughed to cover up a laugh at Colin's shocked expression on his face.

Benedict wasn't so lucky, and he just burst into laughter. Colin shot him a glare. "I despise you."

"Likewise," Benedict shot back.

"Boys," Edmund warned before he too broke into laughter. Soon the whole table was laughing except Violet and Colin. Kate had her head turned into his shoulder.

"His face is so red," she said, quietly. He put a hand on her thigh and gave it a light squeeze before turning and kissing her head. Kate's phone rang just then, and she answered it quietly. It was Edmund on FaceTime. "Amma. Come home now," he demanded, and she quickly covered the video so the cameras couldn't see. She stood up and asked where she could take it. Colin motioned in the direction of the living area, and she thanked him quietly. "What is going on, angel boy? Are you on Liv's phone?!"

"I miss you, amma," he said. "And Indi and Miles do too. We want you home."

"Aww," Daphne said and Anthony smiled.

"We just want you to come home because you take care of us like a mommy does," Edmund said before Kate hit the living room.

"He really just wants to go swimming doesn't he," Simon said amused as he took a sip from his tea. Anthony chuckled. "Most likely. But he does prefer her at home."

"How are the wedding plans," Avery asked and Violet scoffed.

"Daphne has them well underway," Anthony replied, ignoring his mother. "We'll send you travel plans in a few weeks."

"She is not going," Violet said.

"No," Anthony corrected. "Youare not going. Since you can't even acknowledge Kate as my fiancé or India as my daughter. Avery has been nothing but kind to her. And since Isla is going to be there as a flower girl, of course Avery is going to be there."

"I hear Estes Park is beautiful in the fall," his father input. Probably trying to break up the tension.

"Her parents married there," he said.

"We were lucky to book it with such a quick turnaround," Daphne replied. "It's really popular. And all the pictures. I'm trying to convince Simon to redo our vowels there for our ten-year anniversary." Simon nearly spit out his tea.

"You were serious about that?!"

"Of course, I was," she turned and looked at her husband almost offended. "We will write our own vowels," she continued on, and Simon looked at him almost helpless. There was no help to give. What Daphne wanted, she almost always got.

"Amma why your hand in front of the camera," they all heard as Kate walked back in.

"Baby, I have to go, alright. We'll be there in a little while."

"Noooo," Edmund cried. "Amma. I want you here now! It's almost lunchtime! It a long day already!"

"Edmund," Anthony motioned to Kate to hand him her phone. "Son."

"Daddy! I want amma home now!"

"You know that daddy doesn't like when you talk like that."

"Amma is always here for my nap time!"

"Well, I'm sorry son. But today, she can't," Anthony soothed.

"But she tucks me in, all the time!"

"You know. I wish Auggie would get that upset about me being gone," Daphne griped.

Kate chuckled. "Edmund," Anthony said. "Edmund calm down," the little boy had tears dripping down his face. He was very distraught. "Edmund," Kate said, her voice sweet. "Edmund breathe, honey."

"I can't," he hiccupped.

"Is he alright," Sophie asked concerned.

Kate took the phone from him and raced from the room; he followed as did Daphne. Sometimes when Edmund got really upset, he presented with signs of anxiety. It was much easier to deal with when they were there. Thank goodness Olivia knew just what to do as well. "Breathe, angel," Kate said into the phone. Anthony could see that when he got into the room with Kate that Olivia had taken Edmund into her lap and was holding onto him tightly. To let him know that someone was there. Daphne sat by Kate. "Edmund, remember the exercise that auntie Daphne told you to do when you were really upset?"

"I squeeze the lemon," he said shakily. He held out both hands and squeezed very tightly. "Very good, baby," Daphne said. "Now pick another lemon, and squeeze." Edmund reached up into the air and picked an imaginary lemon and then brought it down and squeezed. And then another. And then another.

"Good baby," Kate said quietly. She hadn't seen Edmund have an anxiety attack this bad, but she knew about them. He had told her how bad they could get. It was hard because Edmund was such a normal, happy boy. And Kate's motherly instinct was to be there for her children whenever they needed her. She hugged them and made sure they were ok. He could tell that not being there right now was killing her.

"Another one Neddy," Daphne said quietly. The little boy was starting to calm down.

"And anoder lemon," he was whispering. "And squeeze the lemon." "An anoder one."

"Amama," they heard Miles in the background.

"Olivia," Anthony spoke to the nanny. "Thank you so much. We are finishing up here, and then we will be there as soon as we can."

"Thank you, Liv," Kate said softly. She turned her face into his shoulder and sniffed. "I just want to hold him."

"We will when we get home."

They all made their way back to the dining room, but everything seemed so anticlimactic following Edmund's distress. It was another sign of Anthony's failure as a parent. He had tried so damn hard to do right by them. But it seemed just as with everything else, his son's paid the price. "Stop," Kate said firmly. "Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault," she squeezed his hand.

"I should have realized," he said quietly as he allowed a production assistant to remove his mic pack.

"Anthony," Daphne said. "No. You are the best father. Those boys look at you like you hung the moon and stars." He smiled but it felt more like a grimace.

The drive home was quiet. He and Kate held hands as they hit every single stoplight possible. "Why is it always when you are in a rush?" He honked the horn at someone who cut in front of him in a turning lane at the last minute. "f*cker," he hissed, and Kate giggled.

Miles was waiting for them at the door, he had probably heard the garage door open. And Olivia was cooking lunch with Edmund on her hip. India was in her highchair making a mess of her smashed peas. Kate immediately went and took Edmund into her arms. "Hi amma," he whispered and laid his head on her shoulder. She tucked her arm under his bottom as she soothed him as best as she could. He quickly made sure the other two are ok. When he returned to the duo, their foreheads were together, and they were having a private conversation. "I pick a lot of lemons," he said quietly.

"Very good, angel," she said. "You did so good picking lemons."

"I don't like lemons very much," he wrinkled his nose.

"Well, you can pick other fruit. Grapes," she said. "You love grapes." He laid his head back down. "I'm tired, amma."

"Can you eat and then we'll take a nap?"

"I don't know," he yawned.

"Can you try really hard?"

"Ok, amma," he nodded seriously before seemingly noticing him for the first time. "Hi daddy." He held his arms out to his boy and Edmund complied. His little body felt reassuring against his own. "I sorry I naughty."

"No," he shook his head. "It's alright. You weren't naughty, alright?'

"Ok," he nodded.

Kate did end up tucking Edmund in for his nap, but he was mostly out by the time they went down. She ran a hand over his head gently. Miles was hiding behind the door when it came to be his turn to be tucked in. Anthony picked his son up and tossed him in the air gently, distracting him from the fact that they were moving to the bed. The little boy let out a series of giggles.

"No, dada," he said as he laid him down. "You know it is nap time."

He would fight for a few minutes before he realized he was actually tired. That was always the case. India was the easiest of the three. With her it was a five-minute nursing session, and then you laid her in her crib with her pacifier in her sleep sack, and she was out.

Kate held her hand out to him. She had the two monitors in her hand. He took her hand, and she led him to their room, more specifically their balcony. It was private in the back with the most amazing view. She had two very comfortable chairs set up. She allowed him to sit in one, and then she sat in his lap. "It's so peaceful here," she said quietly.

"It is."

"I missed it. I loved vacation. But I love this home."

"Our home."

"Our home," she repeated. "Sorry, it is still a little hard to believe," she turned and looked at him. "I have to say that you were very sexy today when dealing with your mother."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," she giggled. "She looked like she swallowed a lemon. And Colin," she burst into laughter, and he followed suit.

"I have never seen Penelope so pissed off," he laughed.

"She cussed so many times! She was in the kitchen still cussing, you could hear her!"

"I don't blame her. Colin has been kind of a free loader. Mother paid most of the bills, but I can understand why Penelope would like to be out from under her thumb."

"Penelope works for a magazine?"

"No. She works in publishing... I think. I don't know. I really don't pay much attention to her, honestly.

"Like fiction?"

"Well, that's good. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders."

"She does for the most part," he agreed.


"She is very sympathetic to mother."

"Ah," Kate replied. "Damn." She looked pensive for a moment. "Anthony. I think I need to be home with the children."


"No. I mean. I do want to fight whatever is going on at my job. Those bastards owe me. But after. I've been thinking about it. I thought about it last night even. With Edmund and Miles and India, and now this new little one. I think that I should be at home with them, when they are young, at least."

"Ok, baby."

"Do you mind?"

"Of course not, baby," he smiled. "You want to be there for our babies. How can I be upset about that."

"Financially -"

He laughed. "You know better than to worry about our finances, sweetheart. We will be fine. I adore you for worrying though."

"I just worry about money, I -"

"We are getting a joint account for a reason."

"I just feel dirty."

"Me too," he grinned and wiggled his brows. "We should shower."

"Not that kind of dirty," she squealed.

"I am all kinds of dirty, angel. I need your help to get clean."

"I feel like I'm helping enough," she looked down at her stomach. He immediately moved a hand to cover her belly. "Tomorrow it will be official," he said quietly.

"What do you want? Boy or girl?"

"What doyouwant?"

"Well, if you had asked me a few months ago I would have said a girl. But India is still a little angel."

"She is. I want a boy. And I want another boy."

"Miles' chaos isn't enough for you," he teased.

"Oh, he is an angel," she laughed. "Both of those boys are angels. My angels," she inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "Today really scared me, Ant," she said quietly. "To see him so inconsolable."

"He used to get that way anytime he saw Sienna. And then it stopped, so I thought it was getting better. It never got nearly that bad. He would cry and throw a temper."

"Why did he do it today," she asked.

"Maybe he thought you weren't coming back? He got used to having you there. Maybe he needed you and you weren't there."

"Same as Sienna," she whispered.

"Maybe," he said. "But we can't be there all the time, love. And he was able to self soothe which is something that he hasn't been able to do by himself. Daphne was impressed." He paused. "You know what I think? I think that he has responded so well to you. You are giving him the confidence to stand on his own. And today, he was able to do just that."

"Hmm," she gazed out into distance. "So, you really are ok with me staying at home with the children? At least when they are young?"

"I grew up with a mother outside of the home. Nannies were in and out. And mother tried to helicopter us when she was around, probably trying to make up for her lack of... well, everything. And look at us. Look how dysfunctional we are. And I am not saying we are dysfunctional because she was away, I mean, she is a large part of the dysfunction," he said, and she laughed. "What I mean to say is, you are their mother. And if you feel like it is beneficial that you stay home. Then you will stay home. Though to be honest. You'll probably be out of the house more than you think when Edmund starts flag football."

"Football, soccer, bitty basketball. We have quite the little athlete."

"I figured it was good for him. Provided a distraction," he admitted.

"He seems to like it."

"He has the best time. All of his friends are on his teams. And Auggie," he said.

"Those two are very competitive," she mused.

"Mmhmm. Much like Daphne and I."

"And every single one of you Bridgertons."


"I am not!"

"You singlehandedly destroyed my brother at Monopoly because he took the game piece you wanted."

"Well, he should have been better prepared."

"If you say so, love." They heard India coo over the baby monitor. "Well, that was a quick nap."

"Or she didn't sleep at all," she laughed as they stood. "I guess no naptime shower time today," she said, and he groaned and reached out to swat at her, but she jumped away as she laughed.

"You're a tease, you know that!"


OOOOH that was tough to write. Poor Neddy. But also... so therapeutic.

Chapter 17


Kate's first appointment and an adoption completed.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Anthony swore that he turned his head for two seconds while he was changing India's diaper that morning. It took Miles' exactly two seconds to remove the clothes he just put on them and run off.

"Anthony," he could hear Kate calling from their room. She was in the shower.

"Is Miles in there," he called back.

"The monster is drenched, head to diaper," she returned. "Miles, no!"At least he left his diaper on.He lifted India up and into his arms. "You are never going to do that, are you? No." He carried the baby into their room. Edmund was watching Paw Patrol in the middle of their bed that Kate just made. He was in a pensive mood today, just as he was the rest of the night yesterday after he woke from his nap. Pensive, and just wanting to be held. He carefully laid India next to him, and he immediately turned to wrap her up in his arms. India made some gurgling noises in response. India loved the boys.

He jogged into the master bath and Kate handed him a soaked toddler through the shower doors, and he wrapped him in a towel. "Sorry baby," he called.

"You think I don't know our son is a water monster," she laughed as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair.

"Or just a plain monster," he laughed and lifted Miles into the air. Another diaper was due, and clothes would be taped on this time.

"Edmund, you have to talk to me, baby," Kate said as she helped him from the car. They were at a Chinese buffet meeting his father and Avery and Isla. Edmund didn't want to be there; he was crying so hard. Kate was trying to calm him down as he got the other two in the shoulder. Edmund wiped at his eyes. "I don't wanna eat here." Kate pulled him from the vehicle and placed him on her hip, probably knowing if sat him down he would throw himself on the ground and not walk at all.

"Amma," he cried.

"You need to eat."

"Well, hello," his father called out when they made their way through the doors. "I am used to seeing grumpy grandchildren, but it is usually Lina or Miles," he joked. "Not Edmund." Edmund made a noise and turned his face into Kate's neck. Isla ran up to them. "Edmund, wanna sit by me? Mommy says I can have the orange chicken and the teriyaki chicken because I am really hungry from dance!" If someone could get Edmund out of a bad mood it was Isla Bridgerton. He looked down at her curiously. "I like orange chicken," he sniffed. Kate exhaled in relief and sat him down. Isla took his hand, and they ran off to the corner to sit on the bench to wait to be called back to their table.

"That child is a blessing," Kate said and the adults laughed. Avery knelt down in front of the stroller and Miles stared up at her wearily. "Still not very social, hmm," Avery laughed and Edmund chuckled.

"He is actually very social when he wants to," Anthony said and pulled India from her car seat to pass to his father.

"I know where my bread gets buttered," Edmund said as he took India into his arms. "Go for the baby. She is much nicer," he bounced India in his arms, and she cooed in response. Her hands played up against his face as she reached for his glasses. He moved his head back to avoid a poke to the eye. "You know you were much less mobile before you went to Spain."

"All that time in the pool and ocean got her motor skills going," Kate replied. "She can sit up now."

Edmund gasped. "Really?"

"Mhmm," Kate smiled at India who was now distracted by Edmund's watch. "And she is starting to scoot."

"Pretty soon she will be crawling, walking, and racing the boys," Anthony smiled.

"God help us all," Edmund said and they burst into laughter as the hostess asked them to follow her to their table. They loved this restaurant and often went as a family. It was a family restaurant in the middle of LA, and Anthony was excited for Kate to try it. She made fun of him for his love of Chinese food, but he knew he was bringing her around.

"Any news on the wedding," Avery asked as they sat down?

"Well, Daphne is insisting I go wedding dress shopping with her at some fancy, posh boutique in Beverly Hills tomorrow, but I don't see the point," Kate said as she adjusted Miles in his seat and opened his kid menu for him to color.

"Isn't the dress a distinguishing factor in a wedding," Avery asked.

"I just can't fathom spending that much on a wedding dress."

"You're about to be a Bridgerton. The dress, I'm told, is important," Edmund said.

"I know," Kate groaned and opened her menu. "So, what if I mess it up."

"Impossible," Anthony said and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "You will be beautiful in whatever you decide. You take my breath away even when you're in sweats." He could see his dad smile out of the corner of his eye as he bounced India in his arms. He cleared his throat. "Any word from mother," he asked. "Or Colin?"

"Colin called last night and we had a long conversation. I tried to alleviate his fears. There is nothing that I can do. What's done is done. He can either make peace with that and what I'm saying, or he can choose to live with the hurt. Nothing changes for him. He is still a Bridgerton. Though I think Penelope is a little done with his moodiness." Kate let out a giggle as she remembered yesterday and Penelope's ultimatum in the kitchen yesterday. She found it hilarious. Kate quickly schooled her face and turned to ask Edmund what he wanted.

They ended up ordering family style instead of individual meals. Edmund was as indecisive choosing what he wanted to eat as he was selecting his clothes this morning. And Isla wanted everything. Anthony sat back and reached for Kate's hand. "I was meaning to ask you. The Anderson's want to take Edmund on their annual camping trip. He's pretty good friends with Anabelle, their daughter. I told them I would ask you."

"Where," she looked up from Miles' coloring.

"Big Bear."


"In a couple of weeks," he responded.

"How long," she asked.

"A couple of days. I think Auggie is going," he supplied. "I told them it would be entirely up to you," he looked at Edmund. "And Edmund. I'm not sure if he's in the right frame of mind to be away right now, but maybe in a couple of weeks." Kate nodded.

"I would be worried the whole time."

"Anderson is a pediatric surgeon at Sinai. And he is extremely cautious. Anabelle was a late baby for them, they thought they were done, and then surprise," he said, and Edmund chuckled.

"I remember that" his father said. Anderson was a generous donor to the company's clean water project for children in Africa, and he travelled with representatives of the company every year. His wife had gone in for complications she thought were due to menopause, but fourteen pregnancy tests later and they were announcing Anabelle's pending arrival at work Christmas Party. Anabelle was about five months older than Edmund, but the absolute sweetest human, and the apple of her parents' eyes, and her elder siblings as well. Their eldest was about Hy's age.

"I just have a hard time letting go," Kate said as she bit her lip. He saw Avery's eyes shift in sympathy.

"It is always hard for new mothers to let their babies go for the first time. I remember having a panic attack the first time I let Isla stay over at Edmund's house. I think I called him every hour."

"Every half hour," Edmund joked.

"It is the most ridiculous thing," Avery rolled her eyes at him. "But I understand. And when the time comes, ultimately you will make the best decision for your child. And if that means not allowing him to go, for whatever reason, then that is alright," she said as she leaned across the table and placed a hand caringly over Kate's. Anthony knew that if Kate made the decision today, the answer would be a firm and resounding no. Edmund was having a hard time recovering from his anxiety attack yesterday, which was typical, and Kate was being his mother, which he had never had. He was responding in Anthony's opinion, to Kate this time in a positive way.

"We do have to sign those papers this week. Perhaps at the party this weekend we could invite them," she asked, and he nodded. "Absolutely. You have the right to meet who will be caring for your child before you make your decision," he acknowledged. "And Avery is right. Whatever decision that you make will be the right decision. The Anderson's will understand."

After lunch, his father and Avery took the children back home to Olivia, they had Kate's first appointment. His father and Avery asked no questions, they thought they were meeting with their attorney. "I feel bad. I feel like I'm lying."

"You are less than a month," he said. "You have been to medical school. You've done a dissertation. You are science minded. You know the risk is up these first twelve weeks. And when we do make an announcement, they will understand," he said, and she nodded and stared out the window. Her OB was out today so her Physician's Assistant would be filling in at the appointment today. Kate wasn't too happy about that particular fact, but she was realistic. Today there would be a blood test to confirm and physical and perhaps a transvagin*l ultrasound, which Kate was already weary about. He understood. He couldn't pretend to understand what it was like for a woman to have to have an ultrasound wand to be stuck up inside of your body to see your baby, but the baby would be too small to see on a regular ultrasound.

The doctor's office was in his building on one of the upper floors. They had a really good reputation, so he was at ease that Kate was going to be in good hands. She had gone there during her pregnancy with India. The physician's assistant was new however, and even if Kate understood the logistics of it all, namely everything the PA did was going to be reported to the OB to monitor, it was still hard.

The blood test and urine samples were both positive, as expected. Kate was still experiencing some discomfort and nausea but nothing close to morning sickness as of yet. But she was adamant that in a few weeks, around week seven and eight was when she started to feel really sick when she was pregnant with India, so it was something he was keeping an eye on closely.

The PA was new to the office, and very diligent. And throughout the appointment Anthony was struck with the fact that he thought he knew her from someplace. Kate too seemed weary as she kept looking at him and biting her lips in-between asking questions.

"I see here that you delivered a healthy child about seven months ago," the woman started. "A normal vagin*l delivery?"

"Yes," Kate replied.

"And you were hospitalized for HG when you were about eight weeks along," she stated.

"Yes. When I couldn't keep anything down, I immediately called Doctor Mendoza and she prescribed me Zofran. But that didn't work so I was hospitalized for a week. And another week at the end of my first trimester," she said, and he startled. He hadn't known about that. Now he was surer than ever that the first weeks Kate was going to look for every reason to avoid him because she could expect extreme coddling and hovering from him. HG could be serious for both mother and baby. Dehydration, weight loss, and dizziness due to not being able to keep anything down was serious. In his work, the IV was always set in the patient when it was time for him to do his job. Surgical nurses were amazing. Very rarely, since his residency, did he have to actually set an IV, but he would be damned if he didn't force one into her veins himself if she presented any trouble for him.

The sonographer was a very sweet lady and seemed to know Kate. She smiled when she walked in. "Kate," she exclaimed. Kate responded in kind.

"I wasn't expecting you back so soon! We saw the picture you sent the office of that sweet baby! How is she?" Kate beamed and pulled out her phone to show the woman, Lindsay, a recent picture of India. "Oh my God," she squealed. "Oh, she is precious! Look at those cheeks! Those eyes! You did good mama," she handed the phone back to her, and seemed to notice him. "Oh. Doctor Bridgerton," she said and looked at him in some confusion. He knew her in passing and he understood so he wasn't offended. Every clinician who worked in this building sort of knew everyone else. That was just the way it was.

"This is my fiancé," Kate said and smiled at him. "That's still weird to say," she laughed.

"Oooh," a sense of recognition made its way across her face. "Oh! We knew you were seeing someone, Doctor Bridgerton-"

"Anthony, please. Especially in this setting."

"-But we didn't know who," she said as she warmed up the machine. "Now Kate," she said as she helped Kate lift her legs into the stirrups, he moved near Kate's head to give her a bit of privacy. "I remember this isn't your favorite thing in the world, but this is the best way to see your new little baby now. Do you want to insert it, or do you want me to?"

"You can," Kate said quietly and Lindsay nodded. "Just relax," she told Kate. Lindsay set to get the wand ready, putting a plastic cover over it for Kate's protection, and lube for easier entry, Lindsay eased the wand in-between Kate's legs, and very slowly inserted it. "After pushing a baby out, this isn't so bad," she joked and Kate burst into laughter, immediately relaxing. "I suppose so," Kate agreed.

"They turned to the image on the tv screen near the top of the room on the opposite wall so they could watch what Lindsay was seeing. Immediately they saw their newest little one, and it looked farther along than he was expecting. Maybe just by a couple of weeks though he wasn't the radiologist in the family, that was Simon.

"Well, there is definitely a new little brother or sister there for precious India," Lindsay said and then turned and looked at him. "Oh! You have children too. A blended family. How sweet!"

"You wouldn't know it," Anthony quipped. "My boys have adored India from day one," he said, and Kate nodded still staring at the screen.

"She's the princess, huh," Lindsay took another picture.

"Yes," Kate agreed.

"Well, Doctor Mendoza will be happy to see that this looks very healthy and viable. Kind of looks like you're measuring at five weeks, so just prepare yourself. I'll get these scans read and sent to the PA," she removed the wand, and set help Kate clean up and she turned the lights back on. "The PA will be right in." Kate looked at him and bit her lip.

"That woman looks familiar," Kate said.

"Who? Lindsay?"

"No. The PA."

"She does," he agrees just as the PA entered the room with a bright smile. She was older, probably in her forties or fifties. "Everything looks great," she exclaimed. her eyes were bright. "Just keep an eye on that morning sickness, and the minute you know, let us know. Understand?" Kate nodded as did he.

"Alright," she said. "Other than that. We will need to see you next month. You have prenatal vitamins?"

"Yeah, I've already started taking them," Kate replied and she nodded. "Good girl. I'll let you get dressed and just make sure to schedule your appointment for next month on your way out, alright." She stated firmly and Kate nodded. It was when she was walking from the room that he figured it out.

The hair. The eyes. The confidence.

The woman looked just like Kate.

"Your mother is trying to stop the adoption for the boys. Sienna may need to speak to the judge," their lawyer, Nathan, said a few days later as they met him at the courthouse before the final meeting with the judge where they would sign the adoption papers and the judge would sign off on them. Sienna was here with Tom, and as much as he was thankful to Sienna for making a mature decision for their boys, he was grateful she didn't have to be alone. "I have Williams sitting by her. Your mother has been trying to talk her out of it all morning, but Sienna is adamant." He had gone to college with Nathan, and they had kept in touch as he went to medical school and Nathan went to law school at Yale.

"She isn't budging," Kate said quietly, as Daphne and Simon came up behind them. Daphne wanted to be there to support them. She rolled her eyes when she noticed their mother.

"Leave it to Violet Bridgerton to turn something beautiful into a show," she hissed.

"It's fine Daphne," Nate smiled. "We already have had Sienna examined for competency, and she passed with flying colors. Nothing Violet Bridgerton objects today can derail this."

"That's why I pay you the big bucks," Anthony grinned and Nate laughed.

"I don't think there is enough money in the world to deal with your mother, Bridgerton. But she does make it fun," he said, and they all laughed. A few minutes later they were all called back to the judge's chambers.

"It seems there is a contest to this adoption."

"Yes," their mother's lawyer, he couldn't remember the man's name, but Benedict called him Mr. Doucheface, and right now, it fit him perfectly. "Your Honor. The grandmother to the boys in question, Edmund Anthony Bridgerton, and Miles Benedict Bridgerton would like to call into question the sanity of the boys' mother to be making such a decision. She is well known for her drug use and has been hospitalized many times for it."

"Your response, Mr. Gomez?"

"Your Honor. Sienna Russo Bridgerton has not been hospitalized in many months. And while I call into question as to this question and the specific grandmother making the request is the mother to the children's biological father, we knew that this would be a legitimate question, and have had Ms. Bridgerton fully screened by a court appointed psychiatrist, as requested in the initial hearing," he removed several papers and approached the bench to hand them to the judge.

"Objection," Doucheface cried. "We were never given those documents."

"This is not a trial, Mr. Parker," the judge said.

"We were never made aware or given those documents."

"If I may," Nate said. "You were not involved in the preliminary hearing, nor any process until a couple days ago, and you have never asked for anything."

"You are aware aren't you Mr. Parker, that if you want information you have to ask for it," the judge said, and he could hear Nathan hold back a chuckle. His mother's attorney turned red at the reprimand and his mother looked pissed. "In reading this report from the psychiatrist, I'm inclined to deny your saying that Ms. Bridgerton is not competent to give up her parental rights, however unusual it may be. But I do want to swear her in for the record, just in case."

They swore Sienna in. It was the most surreal thing. Kate sat there quietly holding his hand as they listened to Sienna answer the judge's questions.

"Ms. Bridgerton. I must ask. Has anyone coerced you into making this decision today?"

"No, your honor," she said quietly.

"Was it your decision to set this into motion?"

"Yes. I was the one who brought it up. Anthony fought me on it."

"Can you tell me why? Explain it to me."

Sienna sighed and looked at him and then fiddled with her hands before responding. "I love my boys, your honor. And what Mr. Parker said about my drug use is true. And I am trying my best. And to have to make this decision is breaking my heart. But I am not well. And I am well aware as to how addiction works. I am going into my recovery with the best intentions, but I have said that many times before. It's a long battle. And if something were to happen to me. I want my boys to have the best possible protection. As it stands right now, my boys would go to Violet Bridgerton if something were to happen to both me and Anthony. And I cannot have that. I will always take responsibility for my downfalls, but it was Violet Bridgerton who handed me the first pill -"

"Objection," Mr. Parker cried.

"Mr. Parker. I am warning you. Nobody is on trial here. You interrupt again and I will have you removed."

"I have every right to protect my client's interest in her grandchildren and her rights to her grandchildren."

"Nobody is here removing her grandparent rights, Mr. Parker. Now zip it," he said and looked at Sienna. "Go on Ms. Bridgerton."

"My eldest baby has very bad anxiety, he has been clinically diagnosed with it and he is only four, your honor," she started to cry silently. "I could not protect him from the pressure that she has placed on his very small shoulders. But I can do this. I know that I will always be his mother. And our visits, especially lately, have been really, really good. But I think that is because of his new mama. He talks about her just as much if not more than his own daddy when we are together. Kate protects my boys as a mother should. She loves them as much as I do. And she wants to be their mama. I wasn't coerced into making this decision, in fact it was quite the opposite. I coerced Anthony into it. He didn't want it. He didn't want to feel like he was taking our boys away from me. And I love him for that. He sees the good in me, when I can't see it myself. Kate has continuously fostered a relationship between me and the boys since she entered our lives. I will always love her for what she has done for my babies. And I know that she will always allow me to be their mama."

He was stunned. That was the most coherent thing he had heard Si utter in a long while. It was not a surprise though. Before everything had happened, Si was actually very smart. The judge too seemed stunned.

"I commend you, Ms. Bridgerton, for understanding how this works. I work with families who are torn apart by addiction and drugs every day. I commend you for making a decision and being a mother. Being a parent is hard and it's full of sacrifices. And for everything you have just said, I'm almost inclined to decline your request. But I too know how addiction works, and if there are no other objections, I am inclined to grant this."

"You cannot do this," his mother jumped out of her seat. "She is not the boys' mother! She stole my son from me, and my family. I will not allow -"

"Mr. Parker, this is not the court room, but I will hold her in contempt if you do not shut your client up," he looked at his mother. "My chambers is not a place to resolve a family squabble, Mrs. Bridgerton. See that you remember that or next time, I will not hesitate to throw you in jail," he said and then looked around. "Now. I will allow this to go forward, there is no need to wait as the work has already been done, so I will be happy to sign off on this today and get it out of my docket. Now as to the adoption of the infant. India Maree Sharma. Miss Sharma, this is your child. You are the only one on the birth certificate," he held up India's birth certificate from the State of California. "The father is -"

"India Sharma was conceived via IVF, your honor," Nate interjected.

"And nobody has claimed paternity," he said looking at the birth certificate.

"No, your honor," Nate said.

"Well, then that's easy then," he snapped his pen open. "And her name will be..."

"India Maree Bridgerton, your honor," Nate replied and then looked at them to confirm.

"Two E's in Maree still," the judge asked.

"Yes, your honor."

"Mr. Bridgerton," the judge looked up. "Will you be adding this child to any and all benefits you have relating to insurance."

"Yes, your honor," Anthony said and cleared his throat.

"Very good," the judge said. "And you acknowledge that you will be the rightful father of this child."

"Yes, your honor."

"And Miss Sharma. You do wish for this to happen?"

"Yes, your honor," Kate replied.

"Very well," the judge signed a paper with a flourish, and then another one. "Let it be known to the court that with the acknowledgment of paternity by Mr. Anthony Edmund Bridgerton of the infant known as India Maree Sharma who is seven months old will here on be known as India Maree Bridgerton. The birth certificate will be amended through the State of California, and Mr. Bridgerton's name will here on be added. Furthermore, with Ms. Sienna Russo Bridgerton will be granted her wish as to the removal of her maternal rights and full maternal rights will be transferred to Miss Kate Sharma. A new birth certificate will be amended to note the change for Edmund Anthony Bridgerton, now age four, and Miles Benedict Bridgerton, age two," Sienna began to cry silently and his heart went out to her. It must have resonated with the judge as well because he looked at her in sympathy.

"Ms. Bridgerton," he said softly. "I have no skin in this game. And I know this is an impossible situation. But I commend you on this decision. It takes a lot of grace to do what you are doing. But I can acknowledge that this is going to be difficult for you. Therefore, I am demanding mandatory therapy sessions with court appointed therapist, and we will meet back here in six months. As much as I would like to make this decision a little easier for you and allow you to grieve, I will not allow this very mature decision to pull you back in. Understood," the judge said, and Sienna nodded. Tom wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Very good. Now. Are there any other issues."

"My client would like to demand visitations with her grandchildren," Mr. Parker said. "She has not been allowed to have them overnight in months."

"Your honor. To be clear. Violet Bridgerton hasneverkept her grandchildren overnight and has never been denied access to her grandchildren. She has simply been denied entry into her son's home as she was harassing Miss Sharma and the children's nanny while my client was at work. The only time she has been denied access was when the youngest refused to go into her arms at a soccer game but that is typical of this particular child. He does not allow many people to hold him, and that includes his own grandparents." He was officially glad he told his attorney everything.

"Is that true," the judge looked between him and Kate and Sienna.

"Your honor," Tom interjected. "I can verify that that is true."

"And you are?"

"Tom Dorset. I am Sienna's boyfriend."

"Alright," the judge turned back to Mr. Parker with a raised brow. "Has Mrs. Bridgerton reached out to her son or Miss Sharma concerning visiting the children?"

"Well," Parker looked at his mother.

"Then why are you wasting my time, Mr. Parker? There is nothing against the law about denying access to one's property. And while Mrs. Bridgerton may have certain rights to her grandchildren, if she isn't putting in the work, the court isn't going to reward her lack of effort."

"How is that for the good of the children," Mr. Parker demanded and the judge silenced him.

"I am well aware of how child-development works in my line of work, Mr. Parker. If Mrs. Bridgerton hasn't been trying to be involved in the children's life, I am not going to force the children into hers and cause any undo trauma. It has already been acknowledged by the court that Edmund Bridgerton, the four-year-old, has severe anxiety, and I'm not inclined to put any more stress on him. Mrs. Bridgerton can either put in the effort to see them or she cannot. She does not have the court's sympathy, so I'm overruling your request. Now. Any other questions? No? Good. Congratulations to you Mr. Bridgerton and Miss Sharma. Your adoptions are finalized," he hammered his gavel and stood.

They all stood.

The last few days had been rough on Navy Patel. First her husband was out on a business trip on the east coast for a few days. And then her teenage son crashed her car into a mailbox. And the OB was gone for a week vacation leaving her to run the clinic in one of their busiest times.

But nothing could compare to her revelation a few days ago.

She sighed when she sat next to her husband for dinner that night. Their twins were out at friends' houses for dinner that night. Their son Sebastian was at a teammate's house and daughter Seraphina was studying at her friend Cora's house.

"Why the long sigh?"

Her husband wasn't her first love. The title would always be reserved for the one she left behind and her husband knew that. He was ok with that. Shedidlove him though. They had built this beautiful life together. He was a marketing executive for Starbucks, and she was a physician's assistant.

"I think I found her. Or she found me."

He put his fork down and stared at her, waiting for her to continue. He knew. He always knew.

"I... She came to the office. She looks like me with his eyes. I would know them anywhere. She is my daughter. I know it. I know she is my daughter," she said and took a breath. "I just know it."

"Did she recognize you?"

"No," she said, her heartbreaking. But her lack of acknowledgement was hardly Kate's fault. She was the one who left after she was born. He had been finishing up medical school, and they had met at a seminar for the importance of triage in trauma her first year of PA school. They were in the same town, and everything clicked. At that time, she determined that if she was smart enough to get into PA school, she was smart enough to get into medical school, and she was lucky enough to be able to do so at Columbia while he was doing his residency in New York, well on his way to becoming a trauma surgeon. He had a knack for it, a gift truly.

The pregnancy was inconvenient, but she went through it anyway.

And then she couldn't fathom actually being a mother and finishing medical school, so she ran.

In the middle of the night, she ran.

Like a coward.

A few months later she returned to the scene of her crime, but they were already gone. Any time she questioned somebody, they had said he had transferred his residency.

That was years ago.

And he had changed her name and birth certificate making it that much more difficult.

Her precious Kaia Sheffield was now known throughout the world as Kathani Sharma. Kate. Of all the things she never imagined he might take his mother's last name.

And her eldest baby was a mother as well now and expecting a new little one.

She had grandchildren!

"What was she like," her husband asked.

"Beautiful," she breathed, her eyes far off and far away. She showed him a tabloid picture on her phone. She was desperate, and the only pictures she could find were through gossip sites. Kate's social media was locked up tight.

"Oh, a Bridgerton," he commented. "She looks like you."

She took her phone and looked down at it with a smile. "You think?"

"Absolutely. Tall. Beautiful."

"She didn't leave her daughter in the middle of the night though," she said softly, and her husband reached for her hand. "You were young. You made one mistake. It doesn't define who you are. And it looks like she was raised right. I've watched e! Everybody has nice things to say about her. Even if they harass her, but I suppose that comes with the territory."

She looked down at the picture again. Kate had inherited many things from both of her parents. But most of all it seemed she inherited her father's ability to stay.

Maybe she inherited her father's ability to forgive as well.


There is a lot of clinical talk in this chapter, especially in Kate's doctor's appointment. I get so angry sometimes when I read a pregnancy fiction, and their first ultrasound is that regular ultrasound where the gel goes on the belly and everything when that's typically not how it's done until they are nearing the end of their first trimester. And that's ok. A lot of writers have never been pregnant before.

I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 18


A Bridgerton Gotcha Party.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Look at you," Sophie squealed as she removed the baby from her swing Saturday, at the children's Gotcha Party. "Your mommy dressed you up so pretty today!" The baby looked adorable in her white lace romper and headband. "Actually, her daddy got her dressed this morning," Kate laughed as she clipped the baby's pacifier to her outfit. "Better keep this attached at all times today.

Sophie lifted the baby above her head and the baby cooed down at her. "Uncle Benedict is unloading all of the food while I spoil the princess before everyone arrives."

"You mean before Benedict gets his paws on her," Anthony corrected as he entered the room with the boys. "We haven't been holding her as much this week to prepare for this day."

"That's ok," Edmund interjected as he entered the room with Isla and Avery. He walked forward and claimed the baby from Sophie's arms. Sophie made an indignant noise. "Now that she's a real Bridgerton, she needs to be held by her papa. Papa holds all the grandbabies first."

"Auntie Sophie," Edmund tugged on her shirt. "Amma say this is our Gotcha Party, because amma gotted us like Pokémon," he said, and the adults laughed. He shrank back and looked around in hurt and confusion. "Auggie and I catch Pokémon with Uncle Simon!"

"I know sweetheart," Kate soothed as she knelt down beside their boy. "And you are right. This is exactly that. And I am so happy that I caught you."

"Except not in a Poké ball, huh. Cause I'm too big."

"Our big boy," Anthony said with a smile.

"Not too big though," Kate said. "I don't want you growing up too fast."

"I won't amma, I promise," he kissed her cheek. "Can Miles and I go play on our playground," he asked as he looked up at his grownups.

"Yes," Simon said. "Thank you for installing a playground in your large backyard Anthony and Kate. Because now I have to install one in our backyard because fresh air every day is good for them," he glared at his wife as he sat Bella down who ran over to Miles.

"You're a doctor," Kate teased. "Fresh air is good for them."

"Yeah, but we bought the house for the views," he reached down to stop Lina from striking Charlie.

"Thank you so much everyone," Benedict's voice was sarcastic from the kitchen. "For all the help carrying all of this food!"

Sophie really had outdone herself. She had made an assortment of Indian food with Mary's help. Mary too had flown in as had Edwina, who was living her best life with the boys by the pool all week. And truthfully, Edwina Sharma fit right in with the Bridgerton's chaos.

He loved his soon to be sister-in-law, though she was a little shady to Kate. They still hadn't resolved their tiff from earlier on in the week, but they were communicating; a little. Kate had her father's medical bag, it was filled with stuff to do sutures, and notes, and his stethoscope and doctor's coat. Kate took the most comfort in it, and Mary had given it to her after he passed. He had read up on Mareechi Sharma, and he was one hell of a trauma surgeon. And throughout her college tenure, it was expected that Kate would follow in his footsteps. And to a point she had. She'd gone to medical school. But after receiving her white coat and graduating at the top of her class, she hadn't taken any surgical residencies, though she matched with plenty who wanted her. And even Mary didn't know why.

But Kate took comfort in her father's medical bag. And this week she had it by her side a lot. It was there in the evenings while the family all sat down to a Disney movie. Edmund would sit beside her; he watched everything she did these days. He would sit beside her, and watch Kate do sutures on a banana. It was something she would sit down and do with her father when he was alive, and it seemed Edmund took comfort and did the same. They had ordered him a toy medical kit so after Kate did the sutures, he could listen to the banana with his stethoscope.

There would be another doctor Bridgerton in the future, they were sure of it.

She never wanted to talk about her father. And other than what she had told him their first night together, he didn't know much about the man who raised his wife. Sometimes when he asked about him, she would respond in sadness. Other times she would respond in anger.

When he had talked to Mary this week, she had little to say on the matter other than while Edwina had her challenges with her mother, Kate had unresolved challenges with her father. Daphne's best guess was perhaps a lingering resentment for leaving her.

It would make sense. Kate was expected to go into a surgical residency. Her whole family said as much. Perhaps she hadn't as a way to get back at her father for leaving her. She hadn't blamed him whenever she talked about him. She was proud of him fighting.

But still he left her.

And nobody except someone who lost a parent could know that feeling.

From what he could tell, Edwina handled her grief differently. She serial dated. Had a miscarriage. She was going to school now but wanted nothing to do with the medical profession. Sometimes scars were invisible, and Kate bore the brunt of hers from her father's death.

"Wow," another voice rang through the house as the front door opened. It was Lucas. "Is this a party," he exclaimed as he walked into the living room. Miles saw him and instantly was racing to him squealing as he ran. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that MileslovedLucas from the moment they met.

"Are you kidding," Sophie exclaimed. "He lets you hold him!"

"That's not fair, I knew him first," Benedict whined and their father chuckled as the blonde rocket boy launched himself into Lucas' arms.

"Always go for the one who can't talk," he bounced India as he passed her over to Avery. "They are much nicer."

"And they don't make you feel like an utter fool sometimes," Kate said and the adults nodded in agreement.

"Daddy! Me, Isla, and Auggie want to go play," Edmund stomped his feet. Now was not the time to correct his behavior. He had been geared up for all the excitement since this morning when he jumped into their bed with him.

"Ok, ok," he soothed and went over to pull the door open. "Freedom." The children exclaimed and ran outside. Bella followed.

"Auggie, watch out for Bel," Simon said.

"Ok dad," Auggie called back.

"Is the pool cover on," Daphne asked.

"Oh yes," Kate said with a smile.

"Can I help with set up," Mary asked Sophie sweetly.

"Oh," Sophie exclaimed. "The food! You guys I'm so excited for you to try this! I can't believe I've never done this before!"

"What did you make," Avery asked with a smile.

"Indian," Sophie said. "With Mary's help."

"I love Indian food," Colin, the newest member to the party arrived with his wife and children.

"Hi guys," Kate greeted the Abby and Tommy. "They are all playing outside on the playground." They watched as the twins' held hands and ran outside together. Penelope handed the baby over to Edmund and nodded towards the gifts in Colin's arms.

"Is there a table?"

"Oh," he said. "Yes," Anthony smiled at his sister-in-law. "You didn't have to bring them gifts."

"No party is complete without gifts," she said. "I guessed at Miles' size though."

"He's a two," Kate said as she played with Jana's hand as Edmund talked to her.

"Oh, I got him a three."

"Perfect," Anthony said. "Something to grow into."

"Leave it to Anthony to produce two boys who fit their sizes perfectly. Bella is almost a three and she's younger than Miles," Daphne said.

"They are long and athletic," Simon defended as he watched Miles, Lucas, and Sophie interact. Sophie was still upset that Miles went to Lucas and not her.

"No Hy and Greg today," Benedict asked. "Has Hy even met Kate?"

"No," Anthony said. "Gregory hasn't met her either. They've Facetimed though. Hy wants to be in the wedding party," he said, and Kate laughed."Sheisin the wedding party. The party moved to congregate outside where a team was setting up the bounce house and ball pit. "We are going to be picking up balls for weeks," Kate murmured.

"The children deserve a day of fun."

"You're going to be picking them up, I'm fragile," she said quietly, and he laughed out loud before leaning over to kiss her. "Is this what I can expect for the next eight months," he whispered into her ear. "Count on it," she said as Lucas nudged up against her.

"Where is my niece," he asked. "Miles wanted to be a pirate."

"He always wants to be a pirate," Kate said fondly as Avery passed India over to her on her way to assist in an altercation between Isla and Auggie as to who would be the captain of the ship. Lucas immediately took India from Kate's arms. India too loved Lucas. She was always a bright and shiny baby, but there were specific people she lit up with. Her amma, her papa, and her brothers. Benedict and Lucas were on that list as well. She immediately went for Lucas' glasses.

"Oh, we are grabbing things now," he said as he pulled his head back.

"Kate," Daphne said. "Those engagement pictures are gorgeous." Kate had insisted on engagement pictures because it was thenormalthing to do. And what Kate wanted to do in their household, it was done. With three besotted men and a daughter following her every lead. There were several photos of just the two of them, but also a few of them with the children as well. Edmund rose to the occasion with a beaming smile in each one, and Miles' shy smile as he stood and hugged Kate's leg and focused on the camera was one of his favorites.

"I love them," Kate beamed. She had squealed when they were delivered and the next day there were framed and hung, and one sat on their nightstand. "NO! I PIWATE," Miles yelled, and then stomped both of his feet in frustration before collapsing onto the rubber cement crying.

"That's my cue," Kate said.

"I have him, love," Anthony called.

"No, it's fine. I'll distract him." She motioned to the ball pit that was now fully set up. "Maybe he will like it better than the pool."

"We are not installing a ball pit here permanently Kate," he hollered but she was gone. Simon laughed. "Scared to obstruct more of your pretty views, Bridgerton?"

"When are you installing your own play yard, Basset," he asked, and Simon's smile was immediately replaced with a scowl at the reminder. They watched as Kate managed to coerce a crying Miles to come to her through the side and go into her arms. He immediately wrapped his arms around her neck and held tight.

"Aww," Daphne said. "Poor little man. He is really upset."

"He really likes being a pirate," Olivia remarked as she joined the group.

"Livvy," Edmund called from the top of the slide. He was probably the only child not throwing a temper at the moment! "Come catch me!"

"It's a game we play," Olivia smiled. "Duty calls."

"You aren't on duty today, Liv," he reminded her.

"Yeah, yeah," she waved him away.

"I might have to poach your nanny," Simon said. "How much are you paying her?" Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Look over here, love," Kate was saying to Miles as she walked him over to the ball pit. "Look what daddy got," she said, and he sighed out loud.

"Looks like someone is installing a ball pit," Simon said with a smirk.

"I think we should too," Daphne piped in. "It will give the children more things to do outside."

"Stop ruining my landscaping, woman," Simon exclaimed as they both walked off. Kate was now kneeling down in front of Miles who was still crying but watching her intently as she spoke. He had his hand up rubbing at his eye, probably wiping tears.

"I don't want dat," they could hear him saying.

"Why don't you try it," Kate soothed. "Look," she took his hand and they walked to the pit. She took off her sandals and lifted the hem of her dress to climb in. Miles watched her the entire time. After she was fully in, he held his arms out to her. "Amma. Help me." Kate chuckled. She leaned outside of the ball pit and helped him take off his shoes and climb in. Immediately he began running through the balls squealing. Kate's laughter rang across the yard. At that point Bella was there and Kate helped her in. Tommy and Abby followed while the elder kids were ushered to the bouncy house.

"Ok, so this is a children's party," Colin said as he too took off his shoes and headed towards the bouncy house. "I'm game."

"So, they want her back," Agatha said to him as he was rocking India before her nap. The festivities were still going strong. And Kate had announced earlier when Agatha had pulled her and Lucas aside that she didn't want to be involved and to direct any conversation to him. She was in denial. He was trying to get her to talk but she wasn't budging. Her job and her father were off limits. If her mother hadn't died when she was an infant, he was sure she would be off limits as well.

"They don't want to pay," he said.

"Nope. They are projecting the medicine to make the company two point five billion dollars in the first year alone," she said, and Lucas whistled. "Good work, Yang." It was a thing between him and Kate. In Grey's Anatomy, the character of Christina Yang reminded him so much of Kate. Smart, focused, and brutally honest. But loving in the best possible way, and dark and twisty on the inside, and beautiful. So perfectly Kate.

"Kate doesn't want to go back," he said.

"I know she doesn't," Agatha said. "Why would she? After the way the treated her. I'm trying to get everything locked up as quickly as possible, but they are making it difficult."

"The great Agatha Danbury is struggling with something," he teased, and she slapped the back of his head, as she always did when she thought him a fool. "Don't be stupid," she said. "And give me that beautiful baby," she took India from him. "Come to Aunt Aggie," she cooed to the baby surprising them all. "I haven't gotten to hold you in months and look how big you have grown!" His father came up at that moment.

"Can I -"

"You better get that hand away, Edmund Bridgerton. India and I have girl business to discuss. Oh, your grampa would be so proud of you, you have his eyes."

"Agatha, can I ask you a question," he asked, and she turned and looked at him. She stopped walking and looked at him. "I know Kate's mother died, but did her mother have a sister or anything like that?"

"Why do you ask?"

He looked around before responding. "Kate had an appointment at her OB the other day for an IUD," he began. They still weren't telling anybody yet. And while she was experiencing some nausea, she wasn't experiencing full on morning sickness as of yet. "The PA. She looked almost identical to her."

"The PA?"

"Yeah. Navy Patel," he said, and Agatha's eyes widened. "What?"

"Nothing," she said. "I don't know of anybody named Patel," she said, and she turned back to the baby.

"You're a terrible liar, Agatha."

The party went on so long that most of the kids were asleep in a pile in the middle of the floor in the boys' bedroom. "We have guest rooms," Kate said with a yawn as she burped India on her shoulder. "We can move the baby in with us, and Lina and Charles can share her crib in the nursery."

"Oh," Avery said as she stood. "Well, I thought we -"

"What is going on with you two," Benedict said out loud what they all were thinking.

"What," Edmund asked.

"Are you together, or not," Colin said. "I'm tired of the guessing games."

"Colin," Edmund sighed.

"Well, it is confusing," Penelope said with a nervous giggle.

"We are not together," Avery said sharply and the whole room grew quietly.

"We are not together," Edmund echoed though he looked like he was punched in the gut.

"Why," Kate asked sadly and the whole room waited. Kate was the newest to the situation. And shelovedAvery. She and Avery talked every single day.

"I really don't want to talk about it," Edmund said quietly.

"Well, perhaps they should know. So, they understand," Avery said.

"Avery," he said.

"No," she snapped at him and then turned to Kate with a smile. "Imagine, if you will. You have a baby with Anthony after he assures you that his marriage is over. That you can build a life. You had been building a life together. You bought a house together even. And you decided to have a baby. Your baby wasn't an accident, but everyone in the world is led to believe that your child is an accident. That she is the product of some illicit affair, not a relationship. But the man that you fell in love with, doesn't have the courage to find a way to leave because it's too hard to find a way. So, he leaves you. You and your baby. With no protection. No protection from the tabloids, or his wife. Imagine that Edmund and Miles are older. Imagine that they don't take the time to even come meet your baby until his wife becomes so overbearing that she starts push her own children away,"

Anthony shifted and looked down. Daphne looked at their family picture over the fireplace. Colin looked anywhere but at Avery. Kate wiped noticeably held India a little tighter. "You were outcasts except at holidays, and even then, it was uncomfortable, and nobody talked to you. Do you realize that Spain was the first family trip that Isla has ever been on? And yes. Daphne takes her every now and then. But imagine looking your little baby girl, the same one you are holding in your arms right now. Imagine holding her on her fifth birthday when she is crying because she can't spend it with all of her family. A gift sent does not make up for the lack of affection. Isla is special. She needs to feel wanted and cared for. She doesn't need to see her face plastered on some tabloid labeled love child. She doesn't deserve it. Nobody deserves that."

"Avery," Kate whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Lucky for your little girl that Anthony is not Edmund Bridgerton. Lucky for you," she whispered as she looked out the window. "Lucky for you." All the siblings looked at each other and their father looked down. "But lucky for me to realize that even when he is ready to make it work, that it's all just words. So, no. We aren't together. We aren't going to be together. We're just friends."

"Just friends," Edmund echoed.

"But if you wanted to, you could," Penelope began.

Avery smiled. "Penelope. You are a sweet girl. But you are also a romantic and full of wanderlust. And I genuinely hope you never have to go through what I have gone through. Because it will eat you alive."

Anthony had never felt lower. He knew there was more to his father's relationship than what was being said, but he had no idea. Looking at his siblings, he could tell that they felt the same. "Avery, I never intended -"

"I would rather just not talk about it," she said. "Today was fun. And it was fun to be here and see the children. I adore the children. All of them. So, thank you for inviting me."

"Of course," Kate said quietly.

"We should get Isla," Avery said.

"She can stay if you - " Anthony said, but Avery shook her head.

"No," she said. "I promised her we would go shopping for school clothes tomorrow."

"Avery, -"

"No," she looked at him. "No." She said, and she made her way to the stairs.

"I feel awful," Kate whispered, and stood up.

"Well, I guess the party is over," Benedict said.

"Thank you, guys, for coming, you guys," Anthony cleared his throat. "The children had fun and we appreciate you for celebrating with us."

Daphne hugged Kate and India. "Oh," Daphne said to the little girl. "Welcome to the family, little Bridgerton girl," she said softly, as India was halfway asleep. "You are so special. And we love you very much, sweetheart."

"You never told me," Kate said later that night. "All the details about your father and Avery." She was using the remote to search through the channels. "You made it seem like it was nothing. That it was just an affair."

"I didn't know," he said. Kate had been quiet all evening after everyone left. They had managed to get the kitchen and living room cleaned up in nearly complete silence. Kate had been wiping away tears. They got the boys dressed in their pajamas without waking them. It was a big day with no naps, and they were exhausted. Kate huffed. "You don't believe me."

"I don't know what to believe."

"Kate," he took off his shirt and walked to her side of the bed and knelt down. "I didn't know," she started to cry. "Oh, Kate," he whispered, and nudged her over gently to crawl in bed next to her.

"She didn't deserve that. I don't deserve this," she cried.

"I know." He held her.

"They won't leave me alone. And India," she sobbed.

"They don't matter, ok," he soothed. "India is a Bridgerton. You and me? We are going to be married. I love my father. But you're right. Avery is right. He should have protected her far better than he did. I should have been more involved with Isla. And I will be. But we can't go back. I'm mad as hell about what Avery said tonight and I'm going to call my father out on his sh*t. He's playing around with her feelings trying to push his way back into her life like it's nothing at all. But what's important is that we do not move backward, and we all go forward. That's what is important. For me and you. For our boys. For our daughter. For our newest little bean."

"Is that what we are call it?"

"Well, until we find out," he said, and she giggled.

"Do you want to find out?"

"Don't you," he asked, and she gave him a look. Of course... Kate was a planner. "Do you forgive me?"


"Not telling you about Avery."

"Well, you didn't know. So, I guess I have to."

"You guess," he laughed and sat her up, removing her night shirt. "You guess?"

"Yes," she giggled. "I'm so tired," she whined as he removed his boxers. "You're going to have to do all of the work."

"That is not a problem."

"AMMA," Miles screamed from outside their room in the middle of the night. Kate rolled over with a groan. "What time is it?"

"One," he yawned. She pulled on her robe, and he got dressed. "Amma help me," Miles yelled.

"I'm coming, baby," she called. She made sure he was dressed before opening the door. Miles was crying and grabbing his ear. "Baby," she exclaimed as she lifted him into her arms. "Are your ears hurting?"

He got his medical bag from the closet to look into his ear. "Another ear infection," she asked quietly.

"Yeah," he said. "He's going to need new tubes," he said quietly before kissing his son's forehead. "He's warm," she said, and he nodded.

"I have some antibiotics for him. Don't let him pull on his ear too hard," he said softly. Miles took the antibiotic greedily; he was not feeling well, and he knew that it would make him feel better. They gave him his pacifier which worked in comforting him further. "Do you want to sleep with daddy and amma," he asked their son softly. Miles rubbed at his eyes with a nod.

"I'm going to go check on Edmund and India, wanna get him tucked in?"

When he got back Miles was tucked in up against Kate's side. His paci was still in his mouth as he rested his head on her chest, and Bluey was on. She smiled sheepishly. "I can't help it. He's sick and -"

"It's ok." He leaned over and kissed her and then Miles. Miles looked up at Kate and pointed at the tv. "Bwuey," he said around his pacifier.

"Very good, baby," she said softly. "Very good." She smiled at him over Miles' head.


A little Avery heartbreak, but I love Avery! So, she will get her happy ending, I promise. And poor little Miles.

I'm here, and currently don't have a chapter count for the story. Which doesn't bode well for me, but I hope bodes well for you all!

Chapter 19


Edmund lays the charm on his poor amma.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Daddy," Edmund said on the Friday morning following their party as he swirled his cereal around his bowl with his spoon. It was some fruity cereal that he loved so much. Anthony was just thankful that most of the cereal was remaining in the bowl unlike Miles who had a fruity, soppy mess on his high-chair tray.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"What does "sexy" mean," Edmund asked innocently as orange juice sprayed from Anthony's mouth. He quickly grabbed a napkin and tried to save his white shirt, but he knew that nothing except a stain remover would save it now.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Amma," he said matter-of-factly. "She says, "Ananey look sexy in his suit." That you, daddy, right? That your name?"

"Anthony is my name, yes," he watched as Edmund's brow furrowed.

"But what does that mean?"

Anthony cleared his throat and took another sip of his orange juice to calm his nerves. How did one talk to a four-year-old about such things. He would have hollered for Kate except that she was feeding the baby. And he had been a single father not that long ago, when did he become so dependent on her for such things. "Well. It means good-looking, pretty."

"Ooh," Edmund wiped at his eyes and laughed. "That is a funny word, huh daddy."

"It is," he chuckled, quietly.

"Amma sexy too, huh," Edmund said and Anthony felt his eyes nearly bug out.

"Well, amma is really beautiful."

"She the mostest beautiful in the whole wide world. She prettier than all my friend ammas."

"She is," Anthony agreed. This would be the time to redirect Edmund and say something nice about Sienna, but Anthony couldn't bring himself to. Any compliment for Sienna at this moment would feel like a slight against Kate, not that it really would be. But Edmund had turned the conversation to Kate, and Anthony couldn't bring himself to switch the topic.

"Miles is a messy person, huh daddy," Edmund grinned as he looked at his little brother, who had taken to eating his cereal, milk and all, with his hands. This was why the diaper only rule was invented for Miles at breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. The littlest of the Bridgerton men was feeling a lot better this morning after having spent all day Sunday in his or Kate's arms. It worked perfectly because Kate too, was experiencing some early signs of discomfort in her pregnancy, so the family spent most of their Sunday in the living room playing games and watching television.

"Alright," Kate said as she breezed into the kitchen, India was alert on her hip, her dark hair sticking up in in all places like she'd been electrocuted. Anthony chuckled as he pushed a cup of tea towards Kate and took the baby into his arms. "Thank you," she sighed as she took her first sip.

"Amma," Edmund called to her from the table and she smiled as she when she noticed him. Edmund was light and sunshine even at eight o'clock in the morning following a very late night. And they had figured out quickly that he only had call out to her with his sweet voice and it would get Kate out of any funk she was in.


He grinned. He loved having her undivided attention. "Am I going on my camping trip?" Kate looked toward him wearily. It was a hard jump for her going from parenting an infant to parenting a kindergartener in such a short amount of time without the experience of experiencing first time sleep overs. First child-less vacations. And this camping trip had been weighing on her mind since she had first heard about it. So much so that she hadn't really wanted to talk about it. The idea of letting him go to Big Bear with someone who knew him, of course, but wasn't family.

"Do you really want to go," she sat beside him, her voice quiet as she nursed her cup of tea, playing with the string from the tea bag. Edmund nodded eagerly and Kate sighed.

"But I will miss you, amma," he said with all seriousness and Kate melted as he moved into her arms. And Anthony knew that Edmund won. He made a mental note of where he had last seen Edmund's sleeping bag as Kate wiped tears from her eyes.

"It's just a weekend, Kate. He'll be fine."

"Yeah, cause I'm strong," Edmund exclaimed and Anthony chuckled.

"And oh so humble," Anthony said as he sat down, the baby turned her head into his neck, an indication that she had nursed and was ready for her morning nap.

Kate moved Edmund's face to look her in the eyes, her face serious. And he seemed to understand. He wasn't in trouble, she needed him to listen to her. "You have to promise that you will listen to the grown-ups just like you listen to me and daddy."

"I promise," he nodded, all seriousness.

"Good boy,"

Lunch with Sienna had been Kate's idea. Sienna had gone through a really tough few days after the court date that finalized Kate's adopting the boys. And Kate, ever the empath, wanted to check in. It would be so easy to relapse. But they had talked about it, and they really wanted to make their co-parenting situation work. And he was pleasantly surprised that she was already waiting for them when they arrived.

"Edmund," Sienna asked.

"At home, packing a bag while breaking my heart," Kate muttered as she took a menu from the waitress. Sienna eyed him in confusion, and he chuckled.

"Edmund is packing for his camping trip." Nevermind that they would have to go and re-pack his bag, but it kept him busy while they went to lunch. The boy was cloud nine. "And Miles has an appointment with the ENT for his tubes in his ears."

"Did they fall out," Sienna asked.

"He's had two ear infections over the summer. I looked and they are definitely gone."

"Poor baby," Sienna sighed. "I'm afraid he might get that from my side. Ava has to get them too."

"A lot of children have to get them, Sienna."

"I guess," her voice was small as she looked down at her menu for the first time. "I am happy that you wanted to meet. I needed to bring something by you." Kate looked up and Anthony eyed here wearily. Sienna continued. "I know I need to earn your trust back. But Tom has a family reunion this winter in Cabo. It would be during Edmund's Christmas break at school. And I wanted them to come. And I know I don't have custody, but I want them there. So, he said to invite you all."

He and Kate shared a look and then she shrugged and went back to reading her menu.

"You don't have to give me an answer today. A lot can change between then and now. But I wanted to throw that out there."

He took a sip of his water and cleared his throat. Kate was clearly leaving the decision up to him. And if this were last month the decision would have been easy. But now that Kate was pregnant it was going to look a little different in December. She might not be up to it. Perhaps there would be another way to allow him to go. And Sienna really had not proven herself yet, but she was trying. He certainly could not allow them to go by themselves. Edmund was still weary around Sienna even around Kate so much that he had to remind Sienna every time he saw her that he was not going to her house that day, perhaps more for his own piece of mind.

They had talked about getting him into a therapist, Kate was all for it. It was him who had the hesitation. He should have protected his son better.

And Miles, sweet Miles. He barely recognized her when she came around. He certainly didn't call her "mom." Sienna always tried not to let the show how much it hurt her. Deep down she always wanted to be a good mom. But addiction was a terrible weight on her. On everybody really.

They ordered their food and sat in silence for the most part. The dinner was awkward without them arguing all the time. If Kate wasn't here, he was sure they would be arguing. He looked over at Kate, but she looked a thousand miles away. She was uncharacteristically quiet, and it bothered him.

Kate had admitted that she felt like she was taking over and usurping Sienn's role in the boys' lives. She had been so upset cause she couldn't imagine someone doing that to her with India. Anthony did not have the heart to tell her that she had not only usurped Sienna's role but bypassed it completely. They didn't know a world where they didn't have a loving anymore, and it benefited them both greatly.

It was Sienna who broke the silence. "Is Edmund doing flag football again this year?" Anthony grinned. Edmund was an all-around athlete, they had yet to see Miles' interests in any sports, he liked causing destruction more than kicking a ball. And some of Anthony's favorite memories during Edmund's school year last year was sitting in the stands and watching him grow and play.

"He wants to. There is a meeting at the beginning of August."

"What is flag football," Kate asked as she bit her lip.

"It's football, but no tackling," Sienna said with a smile of understanding. She too had been a first-time mother when it came to all the different sports children had access to now. "They have flags attached at the waist and the other team pulls the flag. If the flag is pulled that counts as a tackle."

"Oh," Kate inhaled and then exhaled deeply. "Oh. Good." Soccer was one thing. Tackle football would have been completely different. And Edmund was on the young side of his age group.

"Anthony said you quit your job," Sienna said.

"Yeah," Kate wiped her mouth with a napkin. "The children are just so busy, and it's only going to get busier with Miles starting preschool. And things were getting hard at work. I will miss it, for sure. I have always had a career or a job. I never envisioned being a stay-at-home mother," Kate bit her lip. She was so sure the decision was the right one for her. But she had worked so hard for her career as well. Giving it up, no matter how temporary, was easier said than done.

He reached out and took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

He would do anything for this woman. And if she didn't want to stay home, she knew because he had made it clear that she didn't have to. But she was adamant. And perhaps a little relieved that she would get a little more time home with India. And time to rest during her new pregnancy.

"I hated being at home all day," Sienna said with a short laugh. "But I also have never worked a day in my life. I can't imagine what having a career would be like. I was never one to receive orders easily."

Anthony almost spit out his drink.

That was an understatement. Sienna was unteachable and sometimes just plain unpleasant when things didn't go her way. Their relationship was a constant battle from dating, to being engaged, to being married.

He had spent the months since he proposed to Kate waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it had been bliss. He fell in love with her a little more every day. And they did argue, sometimes they got into fights that brought each other to their knees. But the making up after was always rewarding. If there was a fight, both he and Kate new they were not going to get any sleep that night.

It would be spent in much more satisfying pursuits.

Sleep could wait.

"How is Ava," Kate asked. She adored the girl. Ava had been over several times to play with the boys. Kate was the one who brought it up. Ava was their sibling, and they had a right to know and play with each other. Perhaps it was because Kate too had a half-sibling. She understood the nuances in a way that he was afraid he never would. Even if he had Isla, he was still much older than her. They were hardly playmates. He was more of a second father to her when she was around.

"She is great. Always getting into something and discovering something new," Sienna smiled. Ava was less than a year younger than Miles. She was more talkative than Miles though.

Lunch was over quickly with Kate not talking much but it went it went smoothly without arguments, so he couldn't complain. If they were all going to co-parent their boys, then they would have to get along.

He was sure that that was easier said than done.

Agatha Danbury made her way through the crowded restaurant to the back, her favorite area. The woman she was meeting, she could see, was already seated.

And angry.

"You helped him change her name so I would not find them," she accused even before Agatha had sat down.

"You left your weeks old infant in the middle of the night so you could pursue something for yourself. No note. Nothing. With an inexperienced father who was in the middle of a strenuous residency program. I am all for women getting their cake as well. But not at the expense of their children."

"My daughter would underst-"

"YOUR DAUGHTER," Agatha interrupted. "Just quit her job for the sake of her children because at this time, it is the right thing to do. Does that mean she will not eventually go back to work? I am sure she will. Does that mean that that will work for everyone? No. A lot of people do not have the resources that the Bridgertons have. But right now? That is what those children need, and she had the easier path to do so. Am I proud of what I did so many years ago to protect that baby girl from you? Absolutely. Because Kate got a mother who adored her. Kate became strong, and focused. And she is smart as hell. But more than that... Kate is caring. And she loves unconditionally. Perhaps that is something she got from her mother. Hertruemother. The one who raised her."

"I deserve the chance to explain myself."

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wonder what she will think when she finds out that you have two other children who are you raising whole-heartedly? You know Kate's eldest are not her own by birth. And she just adopted them. I am not sure that she would find it amusing that you left to find yourself."


This chapter has been in the works since July 6, 2023 and I am so sorry. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 20


Parenthood is not for the weak at heart.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kate knelt in front of Edmund on the Monday morning as Anderson waited for the boy to say goodbye to his parents. He looked adorable in his hiking boots and backpack that seemed almost too big for their little man to be carrying. His sleeping bag and other essentials were already loaded into the SUV. "Now you listen to Doctor and Mrs. Anderson. You stay close to them at all times, my angel. Alright?" Edmund nodded.

"I promise, amma."

"And you have the best time. You have so much fun. I will miss you every minute of every day."

"I'll miss you too, amma," Edmund nodded seriously and then broke into tears.

"Baby what's wrong," Kate exclaimed and looked up at him. He was just as confused. He had been camping with the Anderson's before, no fuss. "Edmund, talk to me. Are you hurt?" He shook his head. "Then talk to me," she scooped him into her arms.

"I going to miss you," he cried.

Anthony's heart swelled and broke at the same time. If there was a sign that Kate had come in and changed their lives completely, this was it. "Oh baby," she hugged him tightly. "I am going to miss you too. But it is only four days, alright. You will be back."

"That a long time," he cried and held up four fingers. "That this many fingers!"

She looked at Anthony, she didn't know what to do. He smiled an apology at Anderson, but he didn't seem to mind. He walked over to his little family and rubbed Edmund's back. "What's going on, buddy."

"Four days is a long time," he cried. "And I going to miss you and amma and Miles and Indi."

"But you are going to have so much fun with Anabelle and Auggie."

"They not amma and Indi," he hiccupped and rubbed at his eyes. "I want you to come with me too."

He sighed. "You know amma and I cannot," he replied, and it only made him cry harder.

"Then I don't wanna go," he cried and buried his face in Kate's neck. She sighed and carefully extracted his backpack off his body. His little boy hiking boots touched the top of her thighs as he clung to her miserably. Kate gave him a look and then said. "Give me a minute," he and Anderson did as well, and she carried their son into the living room.

"He wasn't like this last year," Anderson noted.

"He did not have a Kate last year either," Anthony replied. "Excuse me. I'm going to go see if I can help." He followed Kate into the living room. She was sat down on the large sectional sofa with Edmund curled up into her lap. She was rocking him gently and he was playing with her necklace. The one she got from him for Mother's Day with pendants that had all three of the children's name on it.

"That one is my name, cause it has an E, huh amma," he said through his tears. She nodded gently and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you so much Edmund," she said, and Anthony made himself at home in the doorway. "You know that right?"

He nodded. "More than the whole world."

"More than the whole world. And you know that amma was not happy about you going on this trip. But you know, I think it will be really fun for you. Auggie will be there. And you get to sleep in your tent. And you'll get to make s'mores."

He perked up at that. "I like s'mores."

"Amma does too," she smiled.

"But I miss you, amma."

"Oh baby, I will miss you too. But you know what?"


"Your daddy and I have a surprise, and you have to keep it a secret."

"What does that mean," he looked confused.

"It means," Anthony stepped in. "That you cannot tell anyone what amma is going to tell you. You can't tell anyone about your surprise."

"Oh," he said and looked back at Kate. "Is it a best surprise?"

"The best surprise," he said, and Kate nodded.

"Amma, is going to have another baby," she said quietly, and Edmund gasped, and his eyes went so wide that you could nearly see all white.

"A baby like Indi," he asked, his tears nearly forgotten.

"Well, smaller," Kate chuckled. "But yeah."

"A baby sister? Another one," he asked as he looked back and forth between them.

"Or a baby brother," he said.

"I don't want a baby brother surprise. I want a baby sister surprise. I already have Miles."

"Well," Kate chuckled. "You have India as well."

"Yeah, but she is nicer to me. She don't steal my toys," he shook his head and Kate burst into laughter. "Well, we don't know what your baby surprise is yet, that's going to be a few more weeks, but I will try my best to make it a sister, alright? But you may have to suffer through having another brother."

"A secret sister," Edmund said.

"You cannot tell anybody right now, alright buddy," Anthony said and Edmund nodded. "Are you happy?" Another nod. "Are you ready for your trip?" Another nod and then... the boy burst into tears again and shook his head. Kate sighed.

"Anthony he is not going to go. At least not this year."

"I am afraid you're right," he said softly.

"And with his anxiety. And his crying. Anthony, I am not forcing him."

"No. I would not want you to," he stood and shook his head, placing a hand on his son's back as it shook with his sobs. "I'll tell Anderson. He will understand."

"I want to go camping," Edmund cried. "I want s'mores!" Anthony sighed.

"Son. We can't take Miles and Indi into the woods, they don't have any correct clothes, and Miles has his preschool orientation tomorrow."

"But amma can go," he wept.

"Amma cannot go. She has to go to Miles' school with us, son. You can either go with Doctor Anderson, and Auggie and Annabelle. Or you can stay with us here, as a family. Maybe we can make s'mores in the firepit tonight." Edmund sat up in Kate's lap, all of a sudden alert.

"We can?"

He chuckled. Edmund wasn't going on this trip. Not with his anxiety acting as it was. He had only had a few therapy sessions under his belt with a child psychologist that Daphne had recommended. They were proud of him because he was actually very open with his talking to her. He talked about their family, and school, and his sports. But most importantly he talked about Sienna. The boy remembered so much, even that fateful day that Anthony took custody rights from Sienna for good.

But mostly he loved to talk about Kate, and how his new mommy loved him and took care of him, even when he was naughty. He sat in in his therapy sessions. The doctor thought it would be important for him to be there and not Kate because Kate had come in so late in the situation with Sienna. And it washard.Sometimes Edmund would draw or color as he would talk. Sometimes he would put together a puzzle with the doctor. Sometimes it was just playing with toys. But Edmund would get so distracted that he would just lay it all out in his brutally innocent way that only a child could do. The doctor did say that Kate had been right that fateful day. Not making Edmund stay with Sienna for his weekend day visit was the right thing to do because Edmund didn't feel safe.

But Edmund did have issues with his birth mother. Feelings of abandonment for sure. And neglect, that was easily recognizable by how clingy he could be to Kate. A lot of his anxiety came from saying goodbye toKate.Whenever he felt like he was not going to see her for a while, just as he did this morning, he panicked. Kate had filled that void in him that Sienna had snuffed out. He needed a mother. Someone that cared for him, adored him even.

And they were working on it together as a family.

Edmund's breathing exercises were a necessary part of him being able to bring himself out of an attack. And while he no longer picked lemons, he didn't like lemons, he and Kate picked alotof grapes.

Miles joined in at times too, running around the room picking imaginary grapes and bringing them to his amma and Edmund. Anthony had wanted to remove Miles from the situation, but the therapist had said it might be beneficial for him to see, just in case he one day had the same sort of anxiety as his elder brother. Because while Miles was still a toddler really and did talk for the most part, that didn't mean that he hadn't seen things.

Anderson was very understanding in the sudden change of plans for Edmund. "Maybe next year," he had smiled. And together they brought in Edmund's things from the SUV. Auggie had cried that Edmund wasn't coming, but soon was comforted when Mrs. Anderson put on a movie for the children in the back of the SUV. Anthony promised Auggie that he would bring Edmund over to play on Saturday when he was back. All was well.

Anytime Edmund had a panic attack it took a lot out of Kate. He was only four years old. No parent wanted to see their child in pain.

When Anthony came back in, she had Edmund on the counter eating a piece of banana bread. She looked up at him and smiled and then went about setting out breakfast for Miles and India. He went up to his son and kissed the top of his head. "Are you feeling better?"

Edmund nodded. "This is good, daddy," he held up a piece of bread to him.

"It is good, isn't it." Another nod. "Daddy has a surgery today at noon. Are you going to be alright with amma today?"

"Mmhmm. Amma love me and she take care of me."

"She does love you," he said. "I love you too."

"I know daddy," he giggled. Anthony chuckled and then went over to help Kate get their youngest monsters into their chairs. India was quite strong when she didn't want to be restrained. Miles got eggs and sausage while India got her baby cereal and smashed bananas.

"Oh, you are cute. Your aunt Eloise told me to watch out for you," Miss Thompson knelt down in front of Miles the next morning. They were at a preschool preparatory school in Calabasas. They had spoken Daphne and had expressed concerns about Miles and his lack of socialization skills. Edmund could socialize when needed at this age, not great because of course he didn't have the extensive vocabulary at two years old, but he was comfortable with other people being around him and talking to him. Miles was not.

He preferred his mother, father, and immediate family that lived in the home. And Olivia, their nanny. At times it was hard to even get him to be around family like Daphne and Benedict and his cousins. Though he knew them, he just preferred who he preferred and refused to be social, instead turning into whatever parent was holding him at the time. They had noticed it a lot over their vacation in Spain. When Anthony and Kate had gone on dates, Miles had acted out because he was not with the people he wanted to be with.

And when school began, it was going to be hard for him if they didn't do something about it now.

Miles was all of two years old, almost three. And preschool would start in earnest for him next year. But this prep school would help children such as him overcome his anxiety of being social with others.

Miles stared at Miss Thompson and turned his face into Kate's leg. She chuckled and rose to her full height and stretched out her hand in introduction. "I am Marina Thompson. A teacher here. We are so glad to have you here."

"What is this other than a glorified daycare," Anthony asked and Kate smacked his side. Anthony had been irritable this morning because his mother was up to her old tricks. He had rushed to the hospital at three in the morning after a call from Violet stating she was in a really bad car accident for it all to amount to a sprained ankle. They had sent her home with a prescription for over-the-counter pain medication and told her to alternate between ice and heat and to keep it elevated.

And of course, the cameras were there the whole time, which to Anthony would show the whole world how he jumped to his mother's every whim. No matter what Kate said to dissuade Anthony berating himself, it didn't matter.

And now here they were.

Thankfully, Miss Thompson didn't seem to mind.

"We've talked about this, and we agreed that it is best to get him some socialization outside of the home with children that are not his family," Kate hissed and then smiled at Miss Thompson. "I am sorry. It was a long night."

"I completely understand," as she ushered them in. "We are accredited. We are all early childhood educators with a vast knowledge of experience who believe that these early years of development in children are hugely important to the success that a child has later in life. We have teachers who speak Spanish and Mandarin, as well as English, because we know how important it is and how much easier it is for children to developed secondary language skills at an early age."

Kate nodded. "Our eldest son is actually learning Spanish in his preschool."

"That is so good," Marina exclaimed. "There are a lot of students who will be enrolled here that only speak Spanish who will be learning English. Other than language skills we also focus on fostering friendships and communication, as well as art and writing. Our goal is to have them prepared for preschool when they have to go."

"How long have you been here," Anthony asked.

"This particular school has been here for ten years. But we have them popping up all over California now."

Kate lifted Miles onto her hip. "What will his schedule look like?"

"Well," Miss Thompson walked behind a desk and pulled out a blue folder that hadMiles Bridgertonwritten on it. She opened and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Drop begins at eight in the morning and everything will begin at 8:30. There will be music, reading, art, writing, and recess. The classes will alternate every day, of course he is here three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And pickup is at noon. It is so hard for little children focus for long periods of time as I am sure you know. The half days work best for them."

Kate looked to Anthony who was reading the schedule and calendar with interest. Thank God, because she was about to smack the mood right out of him. "There are sports," Anthony asked with unbridled glee and Kate nearly rolled her eyes. One thing that she had learned when moving into a home full of men? Sports were as important as breathing. Didn't matter the sport. Soccer, football, basketball, rugby, even volleyball as Daphne and Eloise both played in college was watched.

"We do," she said sweetly. "And they are very popular. The biggest one is soccer, and it is co-ed. But it helps them develop skills for rec play and little league when they are older." Anthony all but beamed as he looked over at her and Kate sighed. "I will get him signed up for that," Marina giggled and Kate nodded. "Their little jerseys are adorable, I must say." Anthony's smile nearly swallowed his face.

"Our niece Bella will be coming as well, and they get along very, very well. Our concern is that he is not a very social child."

"Oh, do not worry. We have a lot of children that are the same way. It is perfectly natural for two-year-olds to not have the social skills that you would expect them to have. I think society puts a lot of pressure on children. They should be a certain way. They should be polite. They should respond when talked to. And the thing is, some children, just... do not. But we do provide these children a safe haven to learn these skills and to become comfortable in situations such as those, so it is not so overwhelming when it is forced upon them in preschool and elementary school."

"Which is all we want," Kate said and Anthony nodded.

"Perfect," she smiled. "We follow the school year calendar so it's easier for parents to manage. But of course, there are days where they will have off that the schools don't and that's just so they don't become too overwhelmed. We will be mailing out all of the student's orientation packets in a few weeks. You will get weekly schedules in his backpack so you can see what he will be doing for the week. There is an app to download as well so you can follow along daily if you wish. We are very diligent about keeping parents updated because it is very important for parents and family to be involved. There are days where he may come home so overwhelmed that all he wants to do is zone out and there will be days that he goes home, and he is hyped and wants to talk about his day to great extent. And as he continues on and continues to develop his communication skills, he will have more to say."

"You had me at backpack," Kate teared up and smiled while Anthony snorted. Miles was so small that the thought of him carrying a backpack was both adorable and upsetting.

"How do we get involved," Anthony asked.

"There will be communications. We will have parent's nights. But for the most part, it is just recognizing what we are doing with them at school and continuing that at home. If he learns a new word for the day, maybe continue it by asking him about it in the evening. If he creates a piece of art, maybe extend the invitation for him to talk about it at home."

Kate looked at Anthony and Anthony looked back while reaching over and running a hand over Miles' blonde head. He looked at his father in distrust. "Are there ways to prepare him in advance so the first drop off is easier," Kate asked.

"Good question," she smiled. "Honestly, it's hard to emulate. But I might start by bringing him here to the school and walking around. Obviously, we are private, so you will have to be let in. Walk the halls with him. Let him play on the playground. Let him get used to the school. That way it won't be so overwhelming because he won't be being dropped off at a strange place. If he has happy memories here before he won't be as upset."

"Do other parents do this," Anthony asked.

"Absolutely. So, he may see some of his classmates before he even has his first day of class."

She nodded. Anthony did as well. "Do you have any more questions, baby," she asked him softly.

"Do they have a uniform?"

"We do," she nodded. "It is khaki pants and a navy-blue polo. Tennis shoes are alright because children tend to run through shoes anyway."

Kate shifted Miles to look at her. "We have to go shopping," she exclaimed, and he laughed.

"Yay," he exclaimed.

"Yay," she echoed back with a laugh.

"He will fit in perfectly," Miss Thompson chuckled. "I heard from Eloise that he is quite charming when he wants to be."

"Oh yes," Anthony said. "He will have you giving him an extra snack at snack time in no time."

"It's the Bridgerton genes," Kate said as she stood up with Miles still in her arms. "The Bridgerton men are all quite charming. But that is a problem for another day, isn't it," she tapped Miles' nose who looked affronted. "Amama no!" She laughed. "Thank you so much for taking the time to meet us and for answering our questions."

"If we were to have any more," Anthony also stood.

"Feel free to call or email," Miss Thompson said. "We are open every weekday as we prepare for the start of the year."

Anthoy had Miles buckled into his car seat quicker than she ever could even with the waving limbs and the abnormal strength he seemed to have when being buckled into his seat. She turned to him when he got into the car. "We still doing lunch," he asked as he started the car.

"Are you going to stop being a douche," she asked, and his eyes snapped up to hers. "I love you, Anthony Bridgerton. But you are not going to take your issues with your mother out on me. I will listen to you. I will help you through it. But I won't be your punching bag. If you wanted a punching bag for your verbal barbs than you should have picked a woman a lot less strong than I am. Because I have no issue being by myself. I have done it before, and I will do it again." Only now the children were legally hers now and they would have to share custody, and that was a whole other set of new facts. "Your mother doesn't like me. And I have to live with that. I am living with that. She is always putting my name out in the media as some sort of gold-digging tramp. And I put up with it because number one, I know it's not true. But number two, you and the children are the loves of my life. And she is just some tag-along that comes with the territory of loving and being with you. I even understand why it is so hard for you to stand up to your mother. But this," she motioned between the two of them. "I am not alright with this."

"Kate," he sighed.

"No, Anthony," she said. "It's not fair."

He stared ahead for a few moments his eyes unfocused. And then he sighed. "You're right, baby. I'm sorry. I just hate it when I feel like I have made so much process, and then she can still so easily manipulate me. But that's not your fault. And I apologize. I should not take this out on you."

"No, you shouldn't."

"Forgive me," he offered her his best smile, his dimples deep and his forehead creased. She sighed. It was a helpless cause to try and stay angry at Anthony Bridgerton when he smiled at you like that.

"Already forgiven. As long as you take me out to lunch."

"Chinese or Mongolian?"

"I miss sushi," she sighed, and his eyes looked at her in sorrow.

"I know baby. After you deliver, I will be sure that the best sushi in town is delivered for you within the hour. I promise." He leaned over and kissed her gently.

"I don't know," she looked back at Miles. "Do you want to make your own bowl, baby?"

"Yeah peese," he clapped, and Anthony chuckled.

"Mongolian it is then," he smiled as he put the car into gear and drove out of the school parking lot. "We will have to bring something home for Edmund as well."

"Oh, he will never let us hear the end of it if we do not."

"And Miles is a tattletale," Anthony said and she laughed.

"He is terrible at secrets, that's for sure."


Just some filler so you can see what is going on with this precious family. Also looking for names for baby Kanthony. Currently I have Aja and Alexander. Or if you like those names. Let me know!

Of Meddling Mamas - dreamchaser31 (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.